字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Clair Han Reviewer: ChangHyun Lee
翻訳: Seiko Hirofuji 校正: Akiko Hicks
The theme of my talk today is,
"Be an artist, right now."
Most people, when this subject is brought up,
こういう話をしても 多くの人は
get tense and resist it:
"Art doesn't feed me, and right now I'm busy.
「アートじゃ生活できないし 今は忙しいから」
I have to go to school, get a job,
send my kids to lessons ... "
You think, "I'm too busy. I don't have time for art."
「忙しくて アートのための時間なんてない」と思ってる
There are hundreds of reasons why we can't be artists right now.
今すぐアーティストになれない 理由はたくさんある
Don't they just pop into your head?
みなさんも すぐ思い浮かぶでしょう?
There are so many reasons why we can't be,
indeed, we're not sure why we should be.
そもそも なるべき理由もよく分からない
We don't know why we should be artists,
but we have many reasons why we can't be.
Why do people instantly resist the idea of associating themselves with art?
なぜ 自分とアートを結びつけることに抵抗を感じるのか
Perhaps you think art is for the greatly gifted
たぶん アートはすごい天才か
or for the thoroughly and professionally trained.
And some of you may think you've strayed too far from art.
アートから遠ざかっているから と思っている人もいるだろう
Well you might have, but I don't think so.
その可能性もゼロじゃないけど 僕は疑わしいと思う
This is the theme of my talk today.
We are all born artists.
If you have kids, you know what I mean.
子供がいる人は 分かるよね
Almost everything kids do is art.
子供がやることは ほとんどすべてがアートだ
They draw with crayons on the wall.
They dance to Son Dam Bi's dance on TV,
but you can't even call it Son Dam Bi's dance -- it becomes the kids' own dance.
でも真似できずに オリジナルな振付になったりする
So they dance a strange dance and inflict their singing on everyone.
変なダンスを踊ったり 人に歌を聴かせたりする
Perhaps their art is something only their parents can bear,
子供のアートに我慢できるのは その子の親だけかもしれない
and because they practice such art all day long,
people honestly get a little tired around kids.
実際 子供の相手は大変だよね
Kids will sometimes perform monodramas --
時にはお芝居をすることもある --
playing house is indeed a monodrama or a play.
ままごとは一人か数人でやる お芝居だ
And some kids, when they get a bit older,
少し大きくなると 嘘をつくことを
start to lie.
Usually parents remember the very first time their kid lies.
親は 子供が最初に嘘をついた時を覚えている
They're shocked.
なにしろ ショックだから
"Now you're showing your true colors," Mom says. She thinks, "Why does he take after his dad?"
「本性が現れて来たようね」とお母さんが言う 『どうしてお父さんに似ちゃったのから』と思いながら
She questions him, "What kind of a person are you going to be?"
それで子供に尋ねる 「どんな大人になるつもり?」
But you shouldn't worry.
The moment kids start to lie is the moment storytelling begins.
子供が嘘をつき始めた瞬間に 物語を創る才能が目覚めるんだ
They are talking about things they didn't see.
It's amazing. It's a wonderful moment.
Parents should celebrate.
"Hurray! My boy finally started to lie!"
「やった! うちの子が初めての嘘をついた!」 って
All right! It calls for celebration.
For example, a kid says, "Mom, guess what? I met an alien on my way home."
「ママ! 帰り道に誰に合ったか分かる? 宇宙人だよ」 と
Then a typical mom responds, "Stop that nonsense."
子供に言われたら 普通の親は「やめなさい!」と応える
Now, an ideal parent is someone who responds like this:
"Really? An alien, huh? What did it look like? Did it say anything?
「本当?宇宙人がいたの? どんなだった?何かしゃべった?
Where did you meet it?" "Um, in front of the supermarket."
どこで会ったの?」 「えっと...スーパーの前だよ」
When you have a conversation like this,
the kid has to come up with the next thing to say to be responsible for what he started.
子供は次の展開を ちゃんと考えなきゃいけなくなる
Soon, a story develops.
そうするうちに 物語がどんどん発展していくのです
Of course this is an infantile story,
もちろんそれは 子供のお話に過ぎないけど
but thinking up one sentence after the next
一行 また一行と 考えていく作業は
is the same thing a professional writer like me does.
In essence, they are not different.
Roland Barthes once said of Flaubert's novels,
"Flaubert did not write a novel.
He merely connected one sentence after another.
1つずつ 文をつなぎ合わせていったに過ぎない
The eros between sentences, that is the essence of Flaubert's novel."
その行間に潜むエロスこそが 彼の小説の本質だ」
That's right -- a novel, basically, is writing one sentence,
そのとおりだ -- 小説は まず一文を書いて
then, without violating the scope of the first one,
writing the next sentence.
And you continue to make connections.
Take a look at this sentence:
"One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug."
Yes, it's the first sentence of Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis."
カフカの「変身」の 冒頭の 1 文です
Writing such an unjustifiable sentence
こんな 有り得ない出だしなのに
and continuing in order to justify it,
Kafka's work became the masterpiece of contemporary literature.
Kafka did not show his work to his father.
He was not on good terms with his father.
On his own, he wrote these sentences.
Had he shown his father, "My boy has finally lost it," he would've thought.
And that's right. Art is about going a little nuts
実はそうなんです アートは常識を外れ
and justifying the next sentence,
いかにも真実の様に 次の文を続けていくという
which is not much different from what a kid does.
子供の遊びみたいな方法で 創作したのだから
A kid who has just started to lie
is taking the first step as a storyteller.
Kids do art.
They don't get tired and they have fun doing it.
飽きることもなく 楽しみながらやっている
I was in Jeju Island a few days ago.
When kids are on the beach, most of them love playing in the water.
But some of them spend a lot of time in the sand,
making mountains and seas -- well, not seas,
山や海を作ったり -- 海じゃないか
but different things -- people and dogs, etc.
何か -- 人とか 犬とか
But parents tell them,
"It will all be washed away by the waves."
In other words, it's useless.
つまりムダだし 何の役にも立たないってことだね
There's no need.
つまりムダだし 何の役にも立たないってことだね
But kids don't mind.
They have fun in the moment
and they keep playing in the sand.
Kids don't do it because someone told them to.
They aren't told by their boss
or anyone, they just do it.
When you were little, I bet you spent time enjoying the pleasure of primitive art.
子供の頃 夢中に絵を描いたことがあるでしょ
When I ask my students to write about their happiest moment,
一番幸せだった時について書いて と学生に言うと
many write about an early artistic experience they had as a kid.
Learning to play piano for the first time and playing four hands with a friend,
or performing a ridiculous skit with friends looking like idiots -- things like that.
Or the moment you developed the first film you shot with an old camera.
They talk about these kinds of experiences.
You must have had such a moment.
あなたにも そんな時がありませんでしたか?
In that moment, art makes you happy
その時 アートはあなたを幸せにしていたはずです
because it's not work.
Work doesn't make you happy, does it? Mostly it's tough.
仕事で幸せを感じていますか? つらいことの方が多いですよね
The French writer Michel Tournier has a famous saying.
フランスの作家 ミシェル・トゥルニエの 有名な言葉があります
It's a bit mischievous, actually.
"Work is against human nature. The proof is that it makes us tired."
「仕事は人間性に反する。 仕事をすると疲れるのが その証拠だ」
Right? Why would work tire us if it's in our nature?
仕事が人間の本性なら なぜ疲れるのか
Playing doesn't tire us.
We can play all night long.
If we work overnight, we should be paid for overtime.
徹夜で働いたら 残業代を請求する
Why? Because it's tiring and we feel fatigue.
But kids, usually they do art for fun. It's playing.
でも子供は楽しみのためにアートをする それは遊びなんだ
They don't draw to sell the work to a client
or play the piano to earn money for the family.
Of course, there were kids who had to.
もちろん 昔はそういう子もいた
You know this gentleman, right?
He had to tour around Europe to support his family --
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --
モーツァルトです --
but that was centuries ago, so we can make him an exception.
でも何世紀も前のことだし モーツァルトは例外扱いでいいでしょう
Unfortunately, at some point our art -- such a joyful pastime -- ends.
残念なことに 純粋な楽しみであるはずのアートは やがて終わりを迎えます
Kids have to go to lessons, to school, do homework
子供たちは学校や習い事に通い始め 宿題も出される
and of course they take piano or ballet lessons,
but they aren't fun anymore.
You're told to do it and there's competition. How can it be fun?
命令されたり 競争させられたり そんなの楽しくないに決まってる
If you're in elementary school and you still draw on the wall,
小学校に入ったのに 壁に落書きをしていたら
you'll surely get in trouble with your mom.
if you continue to act like an artist as you get older,
you'll increasingly feel pressure --
だんだんプレッシャーをかけられるようになる --
people will question your actions and ask you to act properly.
みんなに変な目で見られて ちゃんとしろって言われちゃう
Here's my story: I was an eighth grader and I entered a drawing contest at school in Gyeongbokgung.
僕がそうだった -- 中学のとき 景福宮の写生大会に参加して
I was trying my best, and my teacher came around
一生懸命描いてた そしたら先生が回ってきて
and asked me, "What are you doing?"
"I'm drawing diligently," I said.
"Why are you using only black?"
Indeed, I was eagerly coloring the sketchbook in black.
And I explained,
"It's a dark night and a crow is perching on a branch."
Then my teacher said,
"Really? Well, Young-ha, you may not be good at drawing but you have a talent for storytelling."
「ヨンハ君は絵は描けないけど 物語の才能があるよね」
Or so I wished.
-- だったら良かったんですが
"Now you'll get it, you rascal!" was the response. (Laughter)
実際は 「ふざけるな!」って怒られた(笑)
"You'll get it!" he said.
You were supposed to draw the palace, the Gyeonghoeru, etc.,
but I was coloring everything in black,
so he dragged me out of the group.
There were a lot of girls there as well,
so I was utterly mortified.
None of my explanations or excuses were heard,
and I really got it big time.
If he was an ideal teacher, he would have responded like I said before,
理想的な教師なら 僕が望んだような答えが返って来ただろう
"Young-ha may not have a talent for drawing,
but he has a gift for making up stories," and he would have encouraged me.
物語の才能があるね」って 励ましてくれたはずだ
But such a teacher is seldom found.
Later, I grew up and went to Europe's galleries --
大人になってヨーロッパの美術館に行ったとき --
I was a university student -- and I thought this was really unfair.
大学生の時だ -- すごく不公平に感じたよ
Look what I found. (Laughter)
Works like this were hung in Basel while I was punished
僕が自分の絵をくわえて 景福宮の前に立たされていた頃
and stood in front of the palace with my drawing in my mouth.
Look at this. Doesn't it look just like wallpaper?
これなんか まるで壁紙じゃないか
Contemporary art, I later discovered, isn't explained by a lame story like mine.
現代美術では 言い訳なんていらないそうだ
No crows are brought up.
Most of the works have no title, Untitled.
Anyways, contemporary art in the 20th century
ともあれ 20 世紀の現代美術は
is about doing something weird and filling the void with explanation and interpretation --
何か変なことをして 説明や解釈で空白を埋めるという
essentially the same as I did.
僕がやったのと まさに同じようなものだ
Of course, my work was very amateur,
but let's turn to more famous examples.
This is Picasso's.
He stuck handlebars into a bike seat and called it "Bull's Head." Sounds convincing, right?
自転車のハンドルにサドルをくっつけて 「牡牛の頭部」という作品名を付けた
Next, a urinal was placed on its side and called "Fountain".
こちらの小便器は 「泉」という題名の作品
That was Duchamp.
So filling the gap between explanation and a weird act with stories --
つまり 何か変なことをして それをストーリーで説明するというのが
that's indeed what contemporary art is all about.
Picasso even made the statement,
"I draw not what I see but what I think."
「私は見たものを描くのではなく 感じたものを描く」
Yes, it means I didn't have to draw Gyeonghoeru.
I wish I knew what Picasso said back then. I could have argued better with my teacher.
ピカソのこの言葉をもし知っていたら あの先生に勝てたかもしれない
Unfortunately, the little artists within us
不幸なことに 僕たちの中にある創造性は
are choked to death before we get to fight against the oppressors of art.
芸術の抑圧者との戦い方を覚える前に 息の根を止められてしまう
They get locked in.
That's our tragedy.
So what happens when little artists get locked in, banished or even killed?
創造性が閉じ込められたり 踏みにじられたとき 何が起きるのか?
Our artistic desire doesn't go away.
We want to express, to reveal ourselves,
but with the artist dead, the artistic desire reveals itself in dark form.
でも創造性を否定されたら 抑圧された形でしか表現できなくなる
In karaoke bars, there are always people who sing
"She's Gone" or "Hotel California,"
miming the guitar riffs.
Usually they sound awful. Awful indeed.
大抵 すごく下手なんだよね
Some people turn into rockers like this.
Or some people dance in clubs.
People who would have enjoyed telling stories
end up trolling on the Internet all night long.
一晩中 インターネットで騒いでいる
That's how a writing talent reveals itself on the dark side.
そこでは 文章を書く才能が 暗黒の一面を見せる
Sometimes we see dads get more excited than their kids
playing with Legos or putting together plastic robots.
They go, "Don't touch it. Daddy will do it for you."
「触るな! パパがやってやるから」って
The kid has already lost interest and is doing something else,
子供は飽きて 別のことをし始めるんだけど
but the dad alone builds castles.
This shows the artistic impulses inside us are suppressed, not gone.
創造性が抑圧されても 完全になくなっていない証だ
But they can often reveal themselves negatively, in the form of jealousy.
それはしばしば嫉妬という 裏返しの形で現れる
You know the song "I would love to be on TV"? Why would we love it?
「テレビに出たい」っていう歌を知ってる? どうしてテレビに出たいのかな?
TV is full of people who do what we wished to do,
but never got to.
They dance, they act -- and the more they do, they are praised.
踊ったり 演技したり -- やればやるほど称賛される
So we start to envy them.
We become dictators with a remote and start to criticize the people on TV.
リモコンを握り テレビの人々を批判し始める
"He just can't act." "You call that singing? She can't hit the notes."
「演技が下手」 「これが歌? 音程合ってないじゃん」
We easily say these sorts of things.
We get jealous, not because we're evil,
僕らが嫉妬するのは 僕らの性格が悪いからじゃない
but because we have little artists pent up inside us.
僕らの中に 創造性が閉じ込められているからだ
That's what I think.
What should we do then?
じゃあ どうすればいいのか?
Yes, that's right.
Right now, we need to start our own art.
いますぐ 自分たちのアートを始めるべきだ
Right this minute, we can turn off TV,
いますぐに テレビを消して
log off the Internet,
get up and start to do something.
Where I teach students in drama school,
there's a course called Dramatics.
In this course, all students must put on a play.
このコースでは学生全員に 舞台を上演させる
However, acting majors are not supposed to act.
でも演技専攻の学生には 演技はさせない
They can write the play, for example,
and the writers may work on stage art.
Likewise, stage art majors may become actors, and in this way you put on a show.
美術専攻の学生に演技をさせたりして 舞台を完成させる
Students at first wonder whether they can actually do it,
最初は 学生たちは戸惑うけど
but later they have so much fun. I rarely see anyone who is miserable doing a play.
そのうち新しい役割を楽しみ始める 楽しくなさそうな学生は滅多にいない
In school, the military or even in a mental institution, once you make people do it, they enjoy it.
学校でも 軍隊でも 果ては精神病院でも 舞台をやることになれば みんなが楽しむ
I saw this happen in the army -- many people had fun doing plays.
軍隊でもそうだった -- 沢山の人が楽しそうに舞台に参加していた
I have another experience:
もう一つ 僕の経験を紹介しよう
In my writing class, I give students a special assignment.
作文の講義で 僕はちょっと変わった課題を出す
I have students like you in the class -- many who don't major in writing.
講義にはみなさんのような 作家志望でない学生も大勢いて
Some major in art or music and think they can't write.
美術や音楽を専攻している学生は 自分には書けないと思っている
So I give them blank sheets of paper and a theme.
It can be a simple theme:
Write about the most unfortunate experience in your childhood.
子供の頃に起きた 最もツイていない経験について書く とか
There's one condition: You must write like crazy. Like crazy!
ただし一つだけ条件を付ける 狂ったように書け! と
I walk around and encourage them,
"Come on, come on!" They have to write like crazy for an hour or two.
「とにかく書け!」って 1 時間か 2 時間 狂ったように書かせる
They only get to think for the first five minutes.
考える時間は最初の 5 分くらいだろう
The reason I make them write like crazy is because
狂ったように書け というのは
when you write slowly and lots of thoughts cross your mind,
the artistic devil creeps in.
This devil will tell you hundreds of reasons
why you can't write:
"People will laugh at you. This is not good writing!
What kind of sentence is this? Look at your handwriting!"
It will say a lot of things.
You have to run fast so the devil can't catch up.
この悪魔に捕まらないように 全力疾走しなきゃいけない
The really good writing I've seen in my class
was not from the assignments with a long deadline,
but from the 40- to 60-minute crazy writing students did
1 時間以下の短い時間に 僕の目の前で学生が
in front of me with a pencil.
The students go into a kind of trance.
After 30 or 40 minutes, they write without knowing what they're writing.
30 分か 40 分もすると 自分でもよく分からないことを書き始める
And in this moment, the nagging devil disappears.
そのとき 悪魔がつけ込む隙はなくなる
So I can say this:
It's not the hundreds of reasons why one can't be an artist,
but rather, the one reason one must be that makes us artists.
沢山の否定的な理由ではなく たった一つの必然的な理由だ
Why we cannot be something is not important.
成れるはずがないという理由なんて 重要じゃない
Most artists became artists because of the one reason.
たった一つの必然的な理由こそが 多くのアーティストを生み出す
When we put the devil in our heart to sleep and start our own art,
悪魔の方を閉じ込めて 自分自身のアートを始めると
enemies appear on the outside.
Mostly, they have the faces of our parents. (Laughter)
たいていの場合は 自分の両親だ(笑)
Sometimes they look like our spouses,
but they are not your parents or spouses.
They are devils. Devils.
They came to Earth briefly transformed
to stop you from being artistic, from becoming artists.
And they have a magic question.
When we say, "I think I'll try acting. There's a drama school in the community center," or
「公民館のクラスで 演技を習ってみようかな」 とか
"I'd like to learn Italian songs," they ask, "Oh, yeah? A play? What for?"
「カンツォーネを習いたい」というと 「ふーん? 何のために?」と訊かれる
The magic question is, "What for?"
この「何のために?」というのが 悪魔の呪文なのです
But art is not for anything.
Art is the ultimate goal.
It saves our souls and makes us live happily.
人間の魂に救済を与え 生活を豊かにする
It helps us express ourselves and be happy without the help of alcohol or drugs.
お酒や薬に頼らなくても 自分を表現して楽しくなれる
So in response to such a pragmatic question,
だから この呪文を投げかけられても
we need to be bold.
"Well, just for the fun of it. Sorry for having fun without you,"
「面白そうだからだよ! 君も何か見つけたら?」 とか
is what you should say. "I'll just go ahead and do it anyway."
The ideal future I imagine is where we all have multiple identities,
僕が考える理想の未来では 誰にでも複数のアイデンティティがあって
at least one of which is an artist.
少なくともそのうち 1 つはアーティストなんだ
Once I was in New York and got in a cab. I took the backseat,
ニューヨークでタクシーに乗った時 後部座席の目の前に
and in front of me I saw something related to a play.
So I asked the driver, "What is this?"
He said it was his profile. "Then what are you?" I asked. "An actor," he said.
自分のプロフィールだと彼は答えた 「何してるの?」って訊くと「役者だよ」って答えたんだ
He was a cabby and an actor. I asked, "What roles do you usually play?"
彼は運転手兼役者ってことだ 「どういう役が多いの?」って訊くと
He proudly said he played King Lear.
King Lear.
"Who is it that can tell me who I am?" -- a great line from King Lear.
That's the world I dream of.
-- リア王の有名なセリフです これこそ 僕が夢に見る世界だ
Someone is a golfer by day and writer by night.
Or a cabby and an actor, a banker and a painter,
運転手兼 役者とか 銀行員兼 画家であるとか
secretly or publicly performing their own arts.
人に見せる見せないに関わらず 誰もがアートを実践する
In 1990, Martha Graham, the legend of modern dance, came to Korea.
1990年に モダンダンスの先駆者 マーサ・グラハムが韓国を訪れた際
The great artist, then in her 90s, arrived at Gimpo Airport
金浦空港に降り立った 90 代の偉大な芸術家に
and a reporter asked her a typical question:
"What do you have to do to become a great dancer?
「優れたダンサーになるために すべきことはありますか?
Any advice for aspiring Korean dancers?"
Now, she was the master. This photo was taken in 1948 and she was already a celebrated artist.
彼女は巨匠だった。1948 年にこの写真が 撮られた時彼女はすでにスターだった
In 1990, she was asked this question.
この質問をされたのは 1990 年だった
And here's what she answered:
"Just do it."
Wow. I was touched.
Only those three words and she left the airport. That's it.
それだけ言うと 彼女は空港を後にした
So what should we do now?
僕たちは いま何をすべきなのか?
Let's be artists, right now. Right away. How?
アーティストになろう! 今すぐに! でもどうやって?
Just do it!
Thank you.