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  • Welcome back to the show.

  • I just spent seven minutes explaining how prosecutors can

  • do whatever the fuck they want.

  • I sure hope Scivance doesn't get vindictive

  • and start poking around my line of children's tanning salons.

  • So let's talk about what that lack of accountability

  • means to the people in their courts,

  • for example, in California.

  • Prosecutors, the people that we count on to put criminals

  • in jail, don't turn over evidence that

  • could help clear a defendant.

  • Or they present false evidence.

  • A massive study found that 707 cases, about one a week,

  • in which courts found prosecutorial misconduct.

  • The California State Bar publicly disciplined only 1%

  • of prosecutors in hundreds and hundreds of cases

  • of misconduct, just 1%.

  • Meanwhile, last time I was in California,

  • the bar punished my ass every day.

  • In order to get any punishment at all,

  • prosecutors have to screw up big like former Williamson County,

  • Texas, DA Ken Anderson, who pleaded guilty to withholding

  • evidence that could have exonerated Michael

  • Morton, an innocent man who served

  • 25 years in prison for murder.

  • Anderson's punishment, a $500 fine, loss of his law license,

  • community service, and a whole entire 10 days in jail.

  • Now, before we freak out about that unfair sentence, relax.

  • It was reduced to five days for good behavior.

  • When Michael Morton was released,

  • he had to reckon with a son whose

  • childhood he'd missed out on.

  • When DA Anderson was released, he

  • had to reckon with whether a carton of half and half

  • it left in his refrigerator was still OK, so pretty much even.

  • In another shocking example in Detroit,

  • 14-year-old Davontae Sanford was sentenced to 39 to 92 years

  • in prison for a quadruple murder.

  • But then a confession came from another man, specifically

  • an imprisoned hitman named Vincent Smothers, first name

  • the go-to name for movie hitmen, last name

  • an actual method of murdering.

  • Should have been an open and shut case.

  • Smothers even led police to the murder weapon.

  • The DA, Kym Worthy, refused to consider that police may

  • have arrested the wrong person.

  • Sanford remained in prison for nine years

  • while Smothers was never charged with the murder.

  • Neither was his accomplice, Stabby McIdidit.

  • Some prosecutors even find ways to get creative when

  • it comes to jailing victims.

  • DA Leon Cannizzaro is being sued

  • tonight over his old policy of sending

  • witnesses fake subpoenas.

  • I think it should be noted, however, that no one who ever

  • received a DA's notice, even if it was labeled a district

  • attorney subpoena, has ever suffered

  • any sanction or consequences by imprisonment or fine

  • by the court.

  • OK, super cool, as long as no one was imprisoned,

  • this was just like a fun subpoena

  • prank in the grand tradition of scaring the fucking shit out

  • of crime victims.

  • Oh, except here's someone who says she was imprisoned.

  • Renata Singleton called the police after a boyfriend

  • smashed her cell phone.

  • Then she decided to drop the charges

  • and just dump the boyfriend.

  • But the police weren't about to let him--

  • I mean, sorry-- her off so easily.

  • I can't believe they put me in jail.

  • And I'm in there because I called the cops

  • for getting a cell phone broke.

  • I arrived at the DA's office.

  • I remember asking, do I get a lawyer?

  • Can I speak with a lawyer?

  • And they were like, no.

  • You're not the criminal.

  • You're the witness.

  • And so the cop came in and put the handcuffs on me.

  • I found out that my bond was $100,000.

  • All of this because they wanted her to testify

  • against an ex-boyfriend.

  • If you want a woman to say something bad about her ex, all

  • you have to do is give her two margaritas

  • and put on a Beyonce song.

  • Everybody knows that.

  • Cannizzaro is now the target of two lawsuits

  • and an ethics complaint.

  • But somehow, he's still the New Orleans district attorney.

  • And the prosecutors jailing victims trend

  • has swept the nation.

  • In Washington, it was a victim of kidnapping

  • and sexual assault, in Louisiana, an alleged

  • child sex trafficking victim.

  • And in Oregon, a witness was jailed for two and a half years

  • so he could testify against his son in a murder trial.

  • [LAUGHING] And you thought Christmas with your dad

  • was awkward.

  • All of this is possible because, as you'll recall,

  • prosecutors can do whatever the fuck they want.

  • Look.

  • I know.

  • Prosecutors have a difficult job.

  • They have to fight for justice every day

  • while suppressing their burning sexual tension

  • with Mariska Hargitay.

  • We need prosecutors, but we also need them to be better.

  • The justice system is full of checks and balances,

  • but somehow these guys are unchecked

  • and sometimes unbalanced.

  • So hey, political parties, maybe consider

  • making these races competitive.

  • So sexual assault victims can get justice,

  • and people of color can get a fair shake,

  • and I don't have to write in Oprah next time

  • to vote against Cy Vance.

  • We'll be right back.





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B2 中上級

選挙で選ばれた検事。Doin' Whatever They Want|2018年03月14日 第3幕|TBSのフル・フロンタル (Elected Prosecutors: Doin' Whatever They Want | March 14, 2018 Act 3 | Full Frontal on TBS)

  • 5 0
    Sereta に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日