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Homeopathy may be the most controversial but also the most popular alternative medicine.
ホメオパシーは、最も議論の的となる、 しかし最もポピュラーな代替医療であろう。
While some argue against it, others swear by its great power and effectiveness.
反対する者もいれば、 その素晴らしい力と効果を断言する者もいる
How does homeopathy work?
How did it become what it is today, and what can modern medicine learn from it?
今日のホメオパシーはどのように形作られ、 現代医療が学ぶべきものは何だろうか
The first principle of homeopathy is "like cures like."
ホメオパシー第1の原則は 「似たものが似たものを治す」である。
Remedies use ingredients that cause the symptoms you want to cure.
「治療(レメディ)」には、治療したい症状を 引き起こす物質が使われる
In practice, that means that remedies against fever could, for example, be made from belladonna, which also causes fever.
例えば、発熱の治療に 同じく熱症を引き起こすベラドンナを用いる
A mixture based from bee venom is used to treat itchy swellings, and so on.
The second principle is the special method of preparation called potentization.
第2の原則が「ポテンタゼーション(希釈+振盪)」 という特別な法則
The idea is that diluting and agitating the ingredients activates their curative powers and enhances their effect.
物質を溶かしてかき混ぜることで 治療効果を生み、高めることができるというものだ
To do this, the ingredient is dissolved in alcohol or distilled water.
Homeopaths take one part of the solution and mix it with nine parts of water,
diluting it down to one tenth of its original concentration, and shaking it.
What you have now is a 1X potency:
one-part ingredient and nine parts solvent,
named after the Roman numeral X, for 10.
ローマ数字の10を意味するXから 名づけられている
Now, this process is repeated.
Take one part, mix it with nine parts of pure water and shake it vigorously. Now you have 2X.
1をとり、9の純水と混ぜ、勢いよく振る これで2Xができる
You do this again and again until you reach the desired grade of potency.
The finished remedy is then taken orally, or sometimes
こうしてできた「レメディ」は、 経口摂取するか
it's applied as little sugar pellets that are sold as globuli.
グロ-ビュリと呼ばれる砂糖と混ぜた 丸薬にして飲む
A 20X potency, for example, is like dissolving one aspirin pill in the water volume of the whole Atlantic.
20Ⅹの場合、頭痛薬一粒を 大西洋に溶かすほどの希釈率になる
But many are much more extreme, like 30C, for example.
しかし、30Ⅽと呼ばれるものは、 もっと極端な希釈率となる
C means that the mixture has one part ingredient and 99 parts water.
So the commonly sold 30C mixture means one part ingredient and
one million billion billion billion billion billion BILLION parts of water.
If we wanted a globuli pill with a single atom of the original ingredient,
もし、原子一粒の大きさの材料から 30Cの丸薬を作ろうとするなら
then our pill would be the diameter of the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
150,000,000 kilometers
A pill so massive, that it would collapse into a black hole under its own mass.
あまりに巨大すぎて、自らブラックホール化し 崩壊してしまうだろう
Because of this, potentization is one of the biggest criticisms of homeopathy.
このため、ポテンタリゼ-ションは ホメオパシーに対する最も大きな批判の一つとなる
The extreme dilution is supposed to make the ingredients more potent,
but on a physical level, this doesn't really make sense.
Most homeopathic remedies are diluted so much
多くのホメオパシーのレメディは あまりに薄められており
that not a single atom of the active ingredient is left in them.
The explanation of why the mixtures still work is that shaking the mixture after every dilution leaves behind a
なぜ、この混合液が効果を発揮するかというと 希釈されるたびに、原料の魂のようなエッセンスが
spirit-like essence of the ingredient.
Basically, the idea is that water remembers what was put into it.
水の中に入ったものを 水は記憶するという考え方だ
But if this were true, then every substance that ever met a drop of water would leave an essence behind
しかし、もしこれが本当なら 水の中に落ちたすべてのエッセンスの記憶が
and lead to unpredictable effects when it was accidentally ingested.
水の中に残ることになり 思いがけない影響を引き起こしかねない
Think of all the stuff that lives and floats in the oceans.
水に住むものや浮かんでいるものを 考えてみると
Every sip of water would be a supercharged homeopathic cocktail.
水を一口飲むことは超高濃度の ホメオパシーカクテルを飲むことになる
So how did homeopathy become the most successful alternative medicine?
では、ホメオパシーはどうやって最も成功した 代替医療になったのだろうか
In the 18th century, medicine was very different from today.
18世紀において、医療は現代とは 全く違っていた
Treatments like bloodletting left the patient worse off than before.
血を抜くような治療がおこなわれ 患者は治療前より悪化することがあった
So German physician Samuel Hahnemann wanted a non-invasive, natural way of healing and developed homeopathy.
そこで、ドイツの医者、ハーマネンは非侵略性の 自然治療を行いたいと思いホメオパシーを発展させた
And, in fact, homeopathic hospitals were soon successful because doing no harm beats doing harm.
そして、事実ホメオパシー病院はすぐに繁盛した 危害を与えなかったからだ
Hahnemann imposed very strict rules on his patients.
First you had to avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, spicy food, sweet food. No old cheese, no onions, no meat.
まず、コーヒー、紅茶、アルコール、刺激物、お菓子 古いチーズ、玉ねぎ、肉を禁止
No clothes made from sheep's wool, but also no sedentary work, no sitting inside in stuffy air, no warm rooms, no riding horses,
羊毛の服、座ってする仕事、風通しの悪い部屋、 暖かい部屋、乗馬
no napping, no playing games,
no masturbation, and of course, no reading pornographic texts, and many more.
自慰行為、ポルノ小説等々 他にも多くを禁じた
Then, and only then, would his remedies work, according to the inventor of homeopathy.
こうした条件下でのみ、彼の発明したホメオパシーは 効果を発揮したのだろう
Of course, all of these instructions are ignored and not talked about today.
もちろん、現在ではこうした彼の指導は 無視され、語られることもない
Medicine has changed a lot in the last 150 years.
Never before in human history have we enjoyed a comparable level of health.
人類はかつてない高いレベルでの健康を 享受してる
Never have we lived as long, and this is largely due to the new tools we've developed.
かつてないほど長寿であるが これは我々が発展させたツールによるところが大きい
Modern diagnostics, double-blinded studies, and scientific evaluation to check and prove which stuff works.
近代的な診断、二重盲検法、 医療関係者の科学的評価
Thanks to these tools, after countless studies and reviews,
we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that homeopathy does not have any effect beyond placebo.
ホメオパシーはプラシーボ効果以上のものではないと はっきりと分かった
But even so, who cares why it works if it helps people?
しかし、そうだとしても もし効果があるならばそれでよいではないか
Maybe you tried it and felt better,
or you know someone that got over a horrible disease while using homeopathic remedies,
あるいは、ホメオパシーのレメディーを使って 大病を治した人を知っているだろう
and there are plenty of reports of it working for children and animals.
そして、子供や動物にも効果があったという 多くの報告もある
What do we make of these experiences?
The Placebo Effect is very real and not imaginary.
プラシーボ効果は厳然たる事実であり 想像上のものではない
No matter how smart you are, you're not immune to it.
If people believe that something will help them feel better, their trust alone has the desired effect.
もし、何かのおかげで気分が良くなると信じると そう信じることだけで望む効果を生む
And it's been proven that the Placebo Effect can be transferred.
そしてプラシーボ効果は伝染することも わかっている
Children and animals rely on their parents or keepers and are in tune to their emotions.
子供や動物は両親や飼い主に依存し 彼らの感情に左右される
If a parent has a lot of trust in a treatment and eases up, this can help a child relax and help relieve symptoms.
もし親が治療効果と症状の緩和を強く信じていたら 子供を安心させ症状が改善するだろう
This could also be observed with animals who react strongly to the body language cues of the people caring for them.
動物に関しても、人が癒しているという ボディーランゲージへの強い反応が観察されている
But the most powerful tool of homeopathy is time.
しかし、ホメオパシーの最も強力なツールは 時間だ
Our bodies are survival machines.
Infections pass on their own after a few days.
But if you take some remedy when you already feel sick, and then start getting better,
しかし、病気になったと思ったときに レメディを摂取すると、症状が改善し始める
it feels like it did indeed cure you, when actually, it would have happened anyway.
そのおかげで治ったようにみえるが 実際はいずれそうなったことなのだ
The homeopathy industry likes to play the gentle alternative to Big Pharma.
ホメオパシー産業は巨大製薬業界に対する 穏やかな別の選択肢であるようふるまっている
But the homeopathic industry IS Big Pharma.
しかし、ホメオパシー産業は 巨大製薬業界だ
Billions of dollars are made with extreme profit margins.
The homeopathy industry has its own lobby organizations and fights its enemies as hard as it can.
ホメオパシー産業はロビー組織を持ち ライバルと激しく戦っている
A lot of money is on the line.
Globally, the market is expected to reach over 17 billion by 2024.
2024年までに、世界規模で 市場は170億ドルをこえると予想されている
Some critics even argue that the homeopathic industry is bad for public health because it creates distrust in proven medicine.
ホメオパシー産業は、科学的な裏付けのある 医療への不信を招き
The belief in homeopathy correlates with skepticism about vaccinations.
This can discourage people to seek the help they need
ホメオパシー信仰はワクチンへの懐疑と 関連性がある
when their lives or the lives of their children are on the line.
自分や子供の命が危ない時に 必要な助けを呼ぶことを躊躇しかねない
But there is actually a key to the success of homeopathy that we could, and should, copy.
しかし、我々が見習える、見習うべき ホメオパシー成功の鍵がある
The first consultation with a homeopath can take hours and is very personal.
ホメオパシーにおける最初の問診は 数時間をかけることもありとても親身だ
For a patient who's already been on a pilgrimage from doctor to doctor,
this level of attention and empathy can make a huge difference to their well-being,
even if the conversation was not the point of the therapy.
ホメオパシー治療での親身さと共感は 一般的な治療とは大きく違っている
Modern medicine is efficient. It saves millions of lives each year.
近代医療は効果的で 毎年数百万の命を救っている
But it's also a strictly organized system.
Tight budgets force doctors and nurses to deal with lots of patients.
限られた予算のため、医者や看護師は 多くの患者の相手をしなければならない
Consultations need to be time-efficient,
diagnoses made quickly, treatments fast,
which can leave patients feeling invisible, scared, and left behind.
こうして患者は透明人間のように感じ、恐れ そして置き去りにされたように感じる
This is what modern medicine can learn from homeopathy.
これこそ、近代医療がホメオパシーから 学べることだ
It meets a human need that has been left unfulfilled.
We need to make time for the individual again. See people, not numbers.
我々は再び個人を見つめなおす時間をかけるべきだ 番号ではなく、人を見つめるのだ
But as important as empathy is, it's not a substitute for actual treatment.
しかし、共感が大事といっても 実際の治療の代わりにはなれない
Faith can move mountains, but sugar water can't cure cancer.
想いがあれば山も動くが 砂糖水でガンは治らない
After a short break of a few years, Kurzgesagt is back in German.
※Faith can move moutains =ことわざ 日本語なら 一心岩をも通す
Thanks to the support of Funk, we have relaunched the German channel and are beginning to upload a video every 1-2 weeks.
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Besides redoing our favorite videos,
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there'll be a number of videos that will not exist in English for a while.
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Check out the channel here, tell us what you think, and subscribe and watch a few.
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If the channel goes well, the German videos might become a regular thing for years, and we might even do more languages.
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