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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • don't be sexy

  • hey danny

  • hey whats goin on

  • great party

  • great food

  • most parties are chips and salsa and chips and salsa

  • salad

  • what's this? bread

  • hey Rachel

  • tonight was your party

  • glad you could make it

  • well you know

  • gala had to end some time , dont got anywhere . will be right back

  • ya . sure.

  • whose court's the ball in now

  • i thought there was no boll

  • he is glad i came here

  • bol's flying all over the place

  • this is my friend Tom

  • this is the girl i told you about

  • Oh come on you tell people about me

  • to really get it off

  • so you work in bloomies ha

  • my mom calls it blloomies

  • ha ha

  • Ady's soldier

  • you can just drop the acrimony

  • and it's not happening

  • again is wigman

  • you guys are best buds

  • Frat Bos

  • i would go talk to a friend

  • you go talk to your friend

  • tell him nicetry

  • and he just keeps lobbing it and i just keep knocking him right over the park

  • i think i need a drink. yeah

don't be sexy


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

FRIENDS - レイチェル・グリーン役のジェニファー・アニストンがダニーのFratBoを公園に叩きつけています :) (FRIENDS - Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green - knocking Danny's FratBo all over park :))

  • 393 43
    廖麗君 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日