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18 minutes is an absolutely brutal time limit,
翻訳: Tairo Moriyama 校正: Lily Yichen Shi
so I'm going to dive straight in, right at the point
where I get this thing to work.
率直に ポイントを絞ってお話しします
Here we go. I'm going to talk about five different things.
I'm going to talk about why defeating aging is desirable.
ご覧下さい 私が伝えたいポイントは
I'm going to talk about why we have to get our shit together,
5つです まず なぜ老化を阻止すべきか
and actually talk about this a bit more than we do.
なぜ 老化阻止を上手に進めねばならないのか
I'm going to talk about feasibility as well, of course.
今より積極的な行動が必要になる その理由も
I'm going to talk about why we are so fatalistic
次に 老化を阻止できる可能生についてお話します
about doing anything about aging.
また「老化」について 我々はなぜか
And then I'm going spend perhaps the second half of the talk
talking about, you know, how we might actually be able to prove that fatalism is wrong,
その問題点について 全体の半分を割いてお話します
namely, by actually doing something about it.
運命論的な見方が いかにバカげているか 実際に
I'm going to do that in two steps.
The first one I'm going to talk about is
how to get from a relatively modest amount of life extension --
最初にお話しするのは まず
which I'm going to define as 30 years, applied to people
ささやかな寿命延長について まずは これをいかに実現するか
who are already in middle-age when you start --
仮に延長できる寿命が30年だとして 適用できるのは
to a point which can genuinely be called defeating aging.
Namely, essentially an elimination of the relationship between
まさに 老化を阻止できる方々です
how old you are and how likely you are to die in the next year --
本質的に 切り離そうとする試みです
or indeed, to get sick in the first place.
And of course, the last thing I'm going to talk about
あるいは より本質的に年齢と病気との関係を
is how to reach that intermediate step,
そしてもちろん 前半の最後にお話するのは
that point of maybe 30 years life extension.
30年 寿命を延ばすための
So I'm going to start with why we should.
Now, I want to ask a question.
では始めましょう 「なぜ老化を阻止すべきか」
Hands up: anyone in the audience who is in favor of malaria?
まず 皆さんにお尋ねしたいのですが
That was easy. OK.
手を挙げて 誰かマラリアが好きな人?
OK. Hands up: anyone in the audience
ああ 良かった ありがとう
who's not sure whether malaria is a good thing or a bad thing?
また手を挙げて この中で
OK. So we all think malaria is a bad thing.
マラリアが良い事か悪い事か わからない人は?
That's very good news, because I thought that was what the answer would be.
全員 マラリアが悪いものだと考えている
Now the thing is, I would like to put it to you
よかった それこそ 私の答えです
that the main reason why we think that malaria is a bad thing
is because of a characteristic of malaria that it shares with aging.
マラリアを悪いものだと思う その理由
And here is that characteristic.
The only real difference is that aging kills considerably more people than malaria does.
老化の特徴なんですよ ただ一つ 違うのは
Now, I like in an audience, in Britain especially,
to talk about the comparison with foxhunting,
今日は特別に イギリスの方向けに
which is something that was banned after a long struggle,
by the government not very many months ago.
キツネ刈りは議論の末 禁止されました
I mean, I know I'm with a sympathetic audience here,
政府の手でね さほど昔の話じゃない
but, as we know, a lot of people are not entirely persuaded by this logic.
今日 ここに居る皆さんは共感してくれるでしょうが
And this is actually a rather good comparison, it seems to me.
You know, a lot of people said, "Well, you know,
これは わかりやすい比較だと思います
city boys have no business telling us rural types what to do with our time.
It's a traditional part of the way of life,
and we should be allowed to carry on doing it.
地方にとっては 生活の一部であり伝統だ
It's ecologically sound; it stops the population explosion of foxes."
But ultimately, the government prevailed in the end,
環境保護的に聞こえるし キツネの繁殖も防いでる
because the majority of the British public,
しかし 最終的には政府によって潰されました
and certainly the majority of members of Parliament,
came to the conclusion that it was really something
that should not be tolerated in a civilized society.
And I think that human aging shares
洗練された社会では受け入れられない と
all of these characteristics in spades.
私から見れば 老化とこの問題は
What part of this do people not understand?
It's not just about life, of course --
では 何が理解を妨げているのか?
(Laughter) --
もちろん 生活と関係ないからですよ
it's about healthy life, you know --
getting frail and miserable and dependent is no fun,
ただ 健康的な生活という意味で言えば
whether or not dying may be fun.
衰え みじめで 孤独では楽しくないですよね
So really, this is how I would like to describe it.
It's a global trance.
だから 本当の所こう言ってやりたい
These are the sorts of unbelievable excuses
that people give for aging.
And, I mean, OK, I'm not actually saying
実に 信じがたいものもありますが
that these excuses are completely valueless.
私が言いたいのは それらの言い訳が
There are some good points to be made here,
things that we ought to be thinking about, forward planning
so that nothing goes too -- well, so that we minimize
事前に 色々と考えているわけです
the turbulence when we actually figure out how to fix aging.
地獄行きにならないため 混乱を最小限に食いとめるため
But these are completely crazy, when you actually
実際 老化防止法が理解できた時に備えてね
remember your sense of proportion.
しかし これはやはり変なんですよ
You know, these are arguments; these are things that
would be legitimate to be concerned about.
いいですか? これは問題提起であり
But the question is, are they so dangerous --
these risks of doing something about aging --
この問題提起は そんなに危険ですか?
that they outweigh the downside of doing the opposite,
namely, leaving aging as it is?
その逆 すなわち老化に対処しないことのリスクを
Are these so bad that they outweigh
上回ってしまう それは危険でしょうか?
condemning 100,000 people a day to an unnecessarily early death?
そうなることで かえってマズいのは
You know, if you haven't got an argument that's that strong,
1日10万人が猛スピードで死ぬという状況を 克服してしまうからですか
then just don't waste my time, is what I say.
Now, there is one argument
that some people do think really is that strong, and here it is.
現在 議論はされていますが
People worry about overpopulation; they say,
"Well, if we fix aging, no one's going to die to speak of,
皆さん人口増加問題を懸念しつつ こう仰る
or at least the death toll is going to be much lower,
「老化を止めたりしたら 誰も死ななくなるし
only from crossing St. Giles carelessly.
少なくとも 死者は激減する
And therefore, we're not going to be able to have many kids,
and kids are really important to most people."
And that's true.
And you know, a lot of people try to fudge this question,
ええ そう その通りです
and give answers like this.
I don't agree with those answers. I think they basically don't work.
I think it's true, that we will face a dilemma in this respect.
同意できません 質問の答えになってない
We will have to decide whether to have a low birth rate,
or a high death rate.
選ばなければならない 低い出生率か
A high death rate will, of course, arise from simply rejecting these therapies,
高い死亡率 そのどちらかを
in favor of carrying on having a lot of kids.
高い死亡率は これらの老化治療を拒絶することで高まるでしょう
And, I say that that's fine --
その場合は引き続き 多く子供を持つことが奨励されます
the future of humanity is entitled to make that choice.
そして 明らかなのは
What's not fine is for us to make that choice on behalf of the future.
人類の未来が この選択にかかっているという事です
If we vacillate, hesitate,
and do not actually develop these therapies,
とまどったり 迷ったり
then we are condemning a whole cohort of people --
who would have been young enough and healthy enough
to benefit from those therapies, but will not be,
because we haven't developed them as quickly as we could --
健康的な人々だったとしても 救えない
we'll be denying those people an indefinite life span,
and I consider that that is immoral.
That's my answer to the overpopulation question.
Right. So the next thing is,
これが 人口増加問題に対する私の答えです
now why should we get a little bit more active on this?
では 次にいきましょう
And the fundamental answer is that
なぜ 老化問題にもっと積極的になるべきか?
the pro-aging trance is not as dumb as it looks.
なぜなら 侮ってはならないからです
It's actually a sensible way of coping with the inevitability of aging.
Aging is ghastly, but it's inevitable, so, you know,
積極性こそ 避けがたい老化に対処する賢明な道なのです
we've got to find some way to put it out of our minds,
老化はいやだ でも老化は避けられない だからこそ
and it's rational to do anything that we might want to do, to do that.
Like, for example, making up these ridiculous reasons
我々がやろうとしている方法は 極めて合理的です
why aging is actually a good thing after all.
例えば バカげた理由をこさえて
But of course, that only works when we have both of these components.
老化は良いことだ という意見もありますが
And as soon as the inevitability bit becomes a little bit unclear --
しかし そういった事も既に織り込み済みです
and we might be in range of doing something about aging --
すぐには避けがたく 不透明なままだとしたら
this becomes part of the problem.
老化に対して 出来る範囲のことをするしかない
This pro-aging trance is what stops us from agitating about these things.
これも 問題の一部分なのです
And that's why we have to really talk about this a lot --
老化への誤った妄想は 問題に対処する力を奪います
evangelize, I will go so far as to say, quite a lot --
in order to get people's attention, and make people realize
ですから わざとこういった言い方をしてます
that they are in a trance in this regard.
人々の注意をひき 気が付いてもらうため
So that's all I'm going to say about that.
彼らは 未だ妄想の中にいるのだと
I'm now going to talk about feasibility.
それが 私がお伝えしたい事です
And the fundamental reason, I think, why we feel that aging is inevitable
私は今 可能性について話をしているのです
is summed up in a definition of aging that I'm giving here.
なぜ 老いは避けられないと考えるのか?
A very simple definition.
Aging is a side effect of being alive in the first place,
which is to say, metabolism.
老化は この世に生を受けことの副産物
This is not a completely tautological statement;
別名 メタボリズムとも言いますが
it's a reasonable statement.
Aging is basically a process that happens to inanimate objects like cars,
まあ 便利な説明ではあります
and it also happens to us,
老化は 無生物にも訪れます 例えば車
despite the fact that we have a lot of clever self-repair mechanisms,
そして 我々のような生物にも
because those self-repair mechanisms are not perfect.
So basically, metabolism, which is defined as
basically everything that keeps us alive from one day to the next,
基本的に 新陳代謝の定義は
has side effects.
Those side effects accumulate and eventually cause pathology.
That's a fine definition. So we can put it this way:
副産物は蓄積し ついに病気を引き起こす
we can say that, you know, we have this chain of events.
明確な定義です だから それを取り除く
And there are really two games in town,
according to most people, with regard to postponing aging.
今 巷では2つ戦いが繰り広げられています
They're what I'm calling here the "gerontology approach" and the "geriatrics approach."
The geriatrician will intervene late in the day,
when pathology is becoming evident,
老年医学では 介入が遅れてしまうでしょう
and the geriatrician will try and hold back the sands of time,
and stop the accumulation of side effects
老年医学者はまるで 砂時計を逆さまにして
from causing the pathology quite so soon.
Of course, it's a very short-term-ist strategy; it's a losing battle,
because the things that are causing the pathology
ただ これは極めて短期的な手法です
are becoming more abundant as time goes on.
なぜなら 病気の原因となるものは
The gerontology approach looks much more promising on the surface,
時間と共に どんどん増えていくからです
because, you know, prevention is better than cure.
But unfortunately the thing is that we don't understand metabolism very well.
なぜなら常に 予防は治療に勝るからです
In fact, we have a pitifully poor understanding of how organisms work --
しかし残念ながら この手法では代謝に関する理解が限られます
even cells we're not really too good on yet.
事実 我々は組織の働きについて理解に乏しいのです
We've discovered things like, for example,
まして 細胞の機能不全については全く解明できてない
RNA interference only a few years ago,
例えば 数年前に我々が発見した
and this is a really fundamental component of how cells work.
Basically, gerontology is a fine approach in the end,
細胞の活動において 非常に重要なものです
but it is not an approach whose time has come
老年学は 基本的には良いアプローチなのですが
when we're talking about intervention.
老化に介入する しないの議論となると
So then, what do we do about that?
I mean, that's a fine logic, that sounds pretty convincing,
では一体 どうしたらいいのでしょうか?
pretty ironclad, doesn't it?
ロジックは明確 説得力もある
But it isn't.
Before I tell you why it isn't, I'm going to go a little bit
いや そんな事はありえません
into what I'm calling step two.
その理由をお話する前に 少し横道に逸れますが
Just suppose, as I said, that we do acquire --
let's say we do it today for the sake of argument --
すでに 我々は手に入れているんです
the ability to confer 30 extra years of healthy life
on people who are already in middle age, let's say 55.
今日はその議論のために 申し上げます
I'm going to call that "robust human rejuvenation." OK.
中年の方 55歳前後の方が対象です
What would that actually mean
for how long people of various ages today --
これが一体 何を意味しているのか?
or equivalently, of various ages at the time that these therapies arrive --
様々な年齢の人々にとって どんな意味が?
would actually live?
この老化治療法が行き着く先には 何がある?
In order to answer that question -- you might think it's simple,
実際 本当に生きられるのか?
but it's not simple.
We can't just say, "Well, if they're young enough to benefit from these therapies,
ことは そう単純ではありません
then they'll live 30 years longer."
That's the wrong answer.
And the reason it's the wrong answer is because of progress.
そんな回答は イマイチですよ
There are two sorts of technological progress really,
for this purpose.
There are fundamental, major breakthroughs,
and there are incremental refinements of those breakthroughs.
Now, they differ a great deal
ブレイクスルーは 徐々に増加してる
in terms of the predictability of time frames.
今はまだ 時間間隔の視点からみて
Fundamental breakthroughs:
very hard to predict how long it's going to take
to make a fundamental breakthrough.
It was a very long time ago that we decided that flying would be fun,
and it took us until 1903 to actually work out how to do it.
遥か昔 人類は飛ぶことの楽しみを見いだし
But after that, things were pretty steady and pretty uniform.
I think this is a reasonable sequence of events that happened
しかしその後 我々はやや固定観念的になってしまった
in the progression of the technology of powered flight.
We can think, really, that each one is sort of
beyond the imagination of the inventor of the previous one, if you like.
The incremental advances have added up to something
which is not incremental anymore.
進歩の増加は 増加的ではない何かに
This is the sort of thing you see after a fundamental breakthrough.
And you see it in all sorts of technologies.
Computers: you can look at a more or less parallel time line,
こういった現象が あらゆる技術分野に見受けられます
happening of course a bit later.
コンピューターの進歩も 多かれ少なかれそういった現象が
You can look at medical care. I mean, hygiene, vaccines, antibiotics --
you know, the same sort of time frame.
メディカルケアについては 衛生からワクチン 抗生物質へ
So I think that actually step two, that I called a step a moment ago,
ご覧のように 同じ時間間隔です
isn't a step at all.
ですから 私がステップ2だと考えて そう呼んでいたものが
That in fact, the people who are young enough
過去となり ステップではなくなってしまう
to benefit from these first therapies
実際 老化治療法から恩恵を受けるほど
that give this moderate amount of life extension,
even though those people are already middle-aged when the therapies arrive,
will be at some sort of cusp.
治療を受けることになる 既に中年の方々でも
They will mostly survive long enough to receive improved treatments
that will give them a further 30 or maybe 50 years.
In other words, they will be staying ahead of the game.
そのことで 30年から50年ほど寿命が延びるでしょう
The therapies will be improving faster than
the remaining imperfections in the therapies are catching up with us.
この治療法がより早く発展し 我々の寿命より早く
This is a very important point for me to get across.
不完全な部分を克服できるか というゲーム
Because, you know, most people, when they hear
これは ご理解を頂く上で非常に重要です
that I predict that a lot of people alive today are going to live to 1,000 or more,
they think that I'm saying that we're going to invent therapies in the next few decades
that are so thoroughly eliminating aging
that those therapies will let us live to 1,000 or more.
I'm not saying that at all.
I'm saying that the rate of improvement of those therapies
私は そんなこと一言も言ってませんよ
will be enough.
They'll never be perfect, but we'll be able to fix the things
that 200-year-olds die of, before we have any 200-year-olds.
完成できるのではなく 着手できるというだけです
And the same for 300 and 400 and so on.
I decided to give this a little name,
which is "longevity escape velocity."
Well, it seems to get the point across.
So, these trajectories here are basically how we would expect people to live,
ええと ご理解頂けたようですね
in terms of remaining life expectancy,
as measured by their health,
for given ages that they were at the time that these therapies arrive.
If you're already 100, or even if you're 80 --
and an average 80-year-old,
もし すでに100歳か80歳
we probably can't do a lot for you with these therapies,
because you're too close to death's door
for the really initial, experimental therapies to be good enough for you.
そういった方々は 既に死に限りなく近いからです
You won't be able to withstand them.
But if you're only 50, then there's a chance
まあ それまで保たないでしょうね
that you might be able to pull out of the dive and, you know --
ですが 50歳前後の方にとってはチャンスです
(Laughter) --
こんな風に ギリギリで間に合うかも
eventually get through this
and start becoming biologically younger in a meaningful sense,
ついには うまく生き抜けてしまうかも
in terms of your youthfulness, both physical and mental,
and in terms of your risk of death from age-related causes.
心身共に 若々しくなるということです
And of course, if you're a bit younger than that,
老年性の死亡リスクという観点から見ても 若くなる
then you're never really even going
そして 仮にあなた方がもっと若ければ
to get near to being fragile enough to die of age-related causes.
So this is a genuine conclusion that I come to, that the first 150-year-old --
弱っていくことなど 決してないでしょう
we don't know how old that person is today,
正真正銘 これが結論です 最初に150歳まで生きることになる人が
because we don't know how long it's going to take
今日 何歳なのかを知ることはできません
to get these first-generation therapies.
But irrespective of that age,
この治療を受ける最初の世代は どの世代なのか
I'm claiming that the first person to live to 1,000 --
しかし 年齢に関係なく
subject of course, to, you know, global catastrophes --
私はこう主張します 最初に1000歳まで生きる人は
is actually, probably, only about 10 years younger than the first 150-year-old.
つまり 世界的な大災害まで生きる残る人は
And that's quite a thought.
現実的に見ても 初めて150歳まで生きる人より せいぜい10年若い程度だと思います
Alright, so finally I'm going to spend the rest of the talk,
本当に そう考えているんです
my last seven-and-a-half minutes, on step one;
さて ここでちょっと休憩しましょうか
namely, how do we actually get to this moderate amount of life extension
最後の7分半は ステップ1について話をします
that will allow us to get to escape velocity?
And in order to do that, I need to talk about mice a little bit.
寿命を延ばすにはどうしたらいいのか? それを説明するには
I have a corresponding milestone to robust human rejuvenation.
I'm calling it "robust mouse rejuvenation," not very imaginatively.
And this is what it is.
I say we're going to take a long-lived strain of mouse,
which basically means mice that live about three years on average.
We do exactly nothing to them until they're already two years old.
基本的に 平均寿命が3年程度なのです
And then we do a whole bunch of stuff to them,
and with those therapies, we get them to live,
その後 スタッフの総力を結集して
on average, to their fifth birthday.
So, in other words, we add two years --
2歳のマウスが 平均5歳まで生きるのです
we treble their remaining lifespan,
すなわち この2年に加えて
starting from the point that we started the therapies.
我々は この治療を開始した頃と比べて
The question then is, what would that actually mean for the time frame
until we get to the milestone I talked about earlier for humans?
1つ疑問があるとすると この成果が人類の若返りに
Which we can now, as I've explained,
適用の目処が付くほど 時間間隔を早められるか?
equivalently call either robust human rejuvenation or longevity escape velocity.
それは可能であり 既にご説明した通り
Secondly, what does it mean for the public's perception
of how long it's going to take for us to get to those things,
2つ目の疑問は 大衆の理解が得られるかということ
starting from the time we get the mice?
マウスにおける成功から初めて それで一体
And thirdly, the question is, what will it do
どの程度 時間がかかるのか?
to actually how much people want it?
そして 3つめの疑問は
And it seems to me that the first question
is entirely a biology question,
and it's extremely hard to answer.
One has to be very speculative,
and many of my colleagues would say that we should not do this speculation,
that we should simply keep our counsel until we know more.
I say that's nonsense.
もっと多くの事がわかるまで 情報公開は最小限にすべきだと
I say we absolutely are irresponsible if we stay silent on this.
しかし それはナンセンスです
We need to give our best guess as to the time frame,
我々が沈黙するのは 極めて無責任です
in order to give people a sense of proportion
限られた時間の中で ベストを尽くすべきです
so that they can assess their priorities.
人々が 本来のバランス感覚を取り戻す機会を提供したい
So, I say that we have a 50/50 chance
それが 優先順位を考え直すことにつながります
of reaching this RHR milestone,
robust human rejuvenation, within 15 years from the point
「人類の若返り」の幕開け すなわち
that we get to robust mouse rejuvenation.
「人類の若返り」は 「ねずみの若返り」の実現からおよそ
15 years from the robust mouse.
The public's perception will probably be somewhat better than that.
いいですか マウスから15年後です
The public tends to underestimate how difficult scientific things are.
その間 一般常識は良い方向へ変わって行くでしょう
So they'll probably think it's five years away.
一般大衆は 科学的難題を甘く見がちです
They'll be wrong, but that actually won't matter too much.
人類への適用も せいぜい5年と考えるかもしれません
And finally, of course, I think it's fair to say
それは間違いだし 認識が欠けているのですが
that a large part of the reason why the public is so ambivalent about aging now
最終的に 私はこう考えているのです
is the global trance I spoke about earlier, the coping strategy.
That will be history at this point,
because it will no longer be possible to believe that aging is inevitable in humans,
それすら 過去の物となっていくでしょう
since it's been postponed so very effectively in mice.
人類が老化を避けられないとは もう信じれなくなるからです
So we're likely to end up with a very strong change in people's attitudes,
and of course that has enormous implications.
人々の態度は 急激に変わっていくでしょう
So in order to tell you now how we're going to get these mice,
ここには 大きな意味があるんです
I'm going to add a little bit to my description of aging.
I'm going to use this word "damage"
老化の説明に一つ 用語を付け加えましょう
to denote these intermediate things that are caused by metabolism
and that eventually cause pathology.
Because the critical thing about this
いずれ 病気の引き金になるものです
is that even though the damage only eventually causes pathology,
なぜそう言えるか 決定的証拠があるんです
the damage itself is caused ongoing-ly throughout life, starting before we're born.
我々が生まれてから 一生を通じて
But it is not part of metabolism itself.
And this turns out to be useful.
ですが ダメージは新陳代謝の一部ではなく
Because we can re-draw our original diagram this way.
より 有用なものなのです
We can say that, fundamentally, the difference between gerontology and geriatrics
なぜなら このような図として表せるからです
is that gerontology tries to inhibit the rate
at which metabolism lays down this damage.
And I'm going to explain exactly what damage is
in concrete biological terms in a moment.
ご説明しておきますが ここでいう「ダメージ」とは
And geriatricians try to hold back the sands of time
厳密には 生物学用語として使っています
by stopping the damage converting into pathology.
一方 老年医学者は時間を戻そうとする
And the reason it's a losing battle
is because the damage is continuing to accumulate.
しかし これが所詮 負け戦なのは
So there's a third approach, if we look at it this way.
結果的にダメージは 蓄積し続けるからです
We can call it the "engineering approach,"
and I claim that the engineering approach is within range.
The engineering approach does not intervene in any processes.
It does not intervene in this process or this one.
工学的アプローチは 老化プロセスには介入しません
And that's good because it means that it's not a losing battle,
いいですか 老化プロセスに介入しないのです
and it's something that we are within range of being able to do,
それこそが 負け戦にならない理由です
because it doesn't involve improving on evolution.
この範囲で できることをするのです
The engineering approach simply says,
"Let's go and periodically repair all of these various types of damage --
not necessarily repair them completely, but repair them quite a lot,
「あらゆる種類のダメージを 定期的に修復しましょう
so that we keep the level of damage down below the threshold
完全に修復する必要はなく 出来る限りでい
that must exist, that causes it to be pathogenic."
存在可能 かつ病気になる臨界以下の水準まで
We know that this threshold exists,
ダメージを下げ その状態を維持します
because we don't get age-related diseases until we're in middle age,
even though the damage has been accumulating since before we were born.
Why do I say that we're in range? Well, this is basically it.
The point about this slide is actually the bottom.
なぜ 私はこの範囲でモノを語るのか
If we try to say which bits of metabolism are important for aging,
スライドのこのポイントは 最低限の項目です
we will be here all night, because basically all of metabolism
もし代謝が老化にとって重要だと もっと発信しようとすると
is important for aging in one way or another.
一晩中ここに居る事になる なぜなら代謝の全てが
This list is just for illustration; it is incomplete.
老化にとって 他の何より重要だからです
The list on the right is also incomplete.
このリストは説明用であり 未完成です
It's a list of types of pathology that are age-related,
この右側のリストも 同様に未完成です
and it's just an incomplete list.
But I would like to claim to you that this list in the middle is actually complete --
まさに 未完成のリストです
this is the list of types of thing that qualify as damage,
しかし声を大にして言います このリストはこの状態で完成してる
side effects of metabolism that cause pathology in the end,
or that might cause pathology.
代謝の副作用であり 病気の原因になるか
And there are only seven of them.
もしくは そうなりうるものです
They're categories of things, of course, but there's only seven of them.
それがなんと たった7つなのです
Cell loss, mutations in chromosomes, mutations in the mitochondria and so on.
First of all, I'd like to give you an argument for why that list is complete.
細胞喪失 核の突然変異 ミトコンドリアの突然変異 などなど
Of course one can make a biological argument.
最初に なぜこのリストで完全なのかお話しましょう
One can say, "OK, what are we made of?"
もちろん 生物学的な議論の上で
We're made of cells and stuff between cells.
我々は何からできていますか? そう
What can damage accumulate in?
細胞と 細胞との間にある物質からできています
The answer is: long-lived molecules,
because if a short-lived molecule undergoes damage, but then the molecule is destroyed --
答えは 老化した分子の中です
like by a protein being destroyed by proteolysis -- then the damage is gone, too.
なぜなら 若い分子はダメージを受けても それを打ち破れるからです
It's got to be long-lived molecules.
タンパク質がプロテオリシスを破壊するかのように ダメージは消え去ります
So, these seven things were all under discussion in gerontology a long time ago
老化した分子でこそ ダメージの蓄積は起こるのです
and that is pretty good news, because it means that,
この7つのポイントは水面下で 老年学者の間で議論されてきました 長い間ね
you know, we've come a long way in biology in these 20 years,
そして とても良いニュースなのですが
so the fact that we haven't extended this list
実に20年に渡る 生物学的研究の結果
is a pretty good indication that there's no extension to be done.
However, it's better than that; we actually know how to fix them all,
リストはこれ以上長くならない 良い兆しです
in mice, in principle -- and what I mean by in principle is,
しかし本当は 完成させる方法を知っているんです
we probably can actually implement these fixes within a decade.
あくまでマウスの話 原則 マウスでの話ですが
Some of them are partially implemented already, the ones at the top.
I haven't got time to go through them at all, but
my conclusion is that, if we can actually get suitable funding for this,
then we can probably develop robust mouse rejuvenation in only 10 years,
結論 適当な資金さえ得られれば 我々は
but we do need to get serious about it.
We do need to really start trying.
しかし 資金不足は深刻です
So of course, there are some biologists in the audience,
それでも 着手する必要があるのです
and I want to give some answers to some of the questions that you may have.
さて 聴衆の方々の中には生物学者の方もいるでしょう
You may have been dissatisfied with this talk,
私はその方たちに 幾つかの回答を投げかけたいのです
but fundamentally you have to go and read this stuff.
おそらく 講演内容にご不満があるでしょう
I've published a great deal on this;
しかし内心 そうすべきだと思う所もある
I cite the experimental work on which my optimism is based,
私は この本を出版しました
and there's quite a lot of detail there.
私の楽観的見解の土台となる 実験的な仕事を引用してます
The detail is what makes me confident
of my rather aggressive time frames that I'm predicting here.
So if you think that I'm wrong,
時間感覚を打ち破って 私は確信することができました
you'd better damn well go and find out why you think I'm wrong.
ですから もし私が間違っているとお考えであれば
And of course the main thing is that you shouldn't trust people
いかように疑っても 見破って頂いても結構
who call themselves gerontologists because,
あなた方は 老年学者を信用しない方がいい
as with any radical departure from previous thinking within a particular field,
なぜなら ある分野において
you know, you expect people in the mainstream to be a bit resistant
既存の考え方を乗り越えた 新展開が起こると
and not really to take it seriously.
So, you know, you've got to actually do your homework,
in order to understand whether this is true.
ですから 宿題を持ち帰って頂きたい
And we'll just end with a few things.
私の話が真実か そうでないか理解するため
One thing is, you know, you'll be hearing from a guy in the next session
いくつかの事案は いずれ決着するでしょう
who said some time ago that he could sequence the human genome in half no time,
一つは 次のセッションで話を聞く機会があると思いますが
and everyone said, "Well, it's obviously impossible."
彼は数年前 すぐにヒトゲノムを解析できると言った
And you know what happened.
当時 皆が言ったでしょう「うーん 明らかに困難だね」と
So, you know, this does happen.
あなた方は 何が起こるか知っています
We have various strategies -- there's the Methuselah Mouse Prize,
which is basically an incentive to innovate,
我々は様々な施策も打ってます 例えばメトセラマウス賞
and to do what you think is going to work,
and you get money for it if you win.
ご自分の考えを 実行に移してもらうため
There's a proposal to actually put together an institute.
そして 勝ち取った成果に十分な金額を支払うために
This is what's going to take a bit of money.
ちなみに メトセラ財団に寄付するという手もあります
But, I mean, look -- how long does it take to spend that on the war in Iraq?
ほんのわずかでいい 資金提供をお願いしたい
Not very long. OK.
しかし 見て下さい イラク戦争だってどのくらい続いたでしょうか?
It's got to be philanthropic, because profits distract biotech,
but it's basically got a 90 percent chance, I think, of succeeding in this.
And I think we know how to do it. And I'll stop there.
しかし 基本的に90%が成功するでしょう
Thank you.
我々は どうすればいいか知ってる 老化は止まるでしょう
Chris Anderson: OK. I don't know if there's going to be any questions
but I thought I would give people the chance.
(クリス)オーブリー どんな質問が飛び出すかわかりませんが
Audience: Since you've been talking about aging and trying to defeat it,
why is it that you make yourself appear like an old man?
なぜ博士は 老人のような外見を装うのですか?
AG: Because I am an old man. I am actually 158.
(オーブリー)結構 年なんです 158歳
Audience: Species on this planet have evolved with immune systems
to fight off all the diseases so that individuals live long enough to procreate.
However, as far as I know, all the species have evolved to actually die,
あらゆる病と戦ったり 生殖に必要な期間を生き抜いたり
so when cells divide, the telomerase get shorter, and eventually species die.
しかし 私の知る限り 全ての生物は死にます
So, why does -- evolution has -- seems to have selected against immortality,
細胞分裂も テロメラーゼが短くなり いずれ死ぬ
when it is so advantageous, or is evolution just incomplete?
だから 進化は 不死を許さないのではないか
AG: Brilliant. Thank you for asking a question
進化そのものが 不完全なのではないですか?
that I can answer with an uncontroversial answer.
(オーブリー)素晴らしい 良い質問をありがとう
I'm going to tell you the genuine mainstream answer to your question,
議論の余地がない形で お答えしましょう
which I happen to agree with,
あなたの質問に 根本的にお答えします
which is that, no, aging is not a product of selection, evolution;
図らずも 私が同意している説です
[aging] is simply a product of evolutionary neglect.
老化とは 選別ではありません
In other words, we have aging because it's hard work not to have aging;
進化は単純に 怠慢な進化の結果に過ぎません
you need more genetic pathways, more sophistication in your genes
言葉を変えれば 老化そのものではなくハードワークによって老化する
in order to age more slowly,
より多くの遺伝的な通り道を求め 多くの複雑性を遺伝の中に求めます
and that carries on being true the longer you push it out.
So, to the extent that evolution doesn't matter,
doesn't care whether genes are passed on by individuals,
従って 進化の程度は問題にならず
living a long time or by procreation,
個体として遺伝子が何を受け入れ 拒絶するかわからない
there's a certain amount of modulation of that,
長い時間をかけるか 新種を作り出すか
which is why different species have different lifespans,
but that's why there are no immortal species.
種が違うと なぜ寿命が違うのか
CA: The genes don't care but we do?
AG: That's right.
Audience: Hello. I read somewhere that in the last 20 years,
the average lifespan of basically anyone on the planet has grown by 10 years.
(質問者)私も20年 色々と調べていますが
If I project that, that would make me think
生物の平均寿命は ここ10年伸び続けている
that I would live until 120 if I don't crash on my motorbike.
ですから こう考えているんです
That means that I'm one of your subjects to become a 1,000-year-old?
たぶん120歳位まで生きるだろう バイク事故にあわない限り
AG: If you lose a bit of weight.
博士 私も1000歳まで生きられますかね?
Your numbers are a bit out.
The standard numbers are that lifespans
have been growing at between one and two years per decade.
So, it's not quite as good as you might think, you might hope.
But I intend to move it up to one year per year as soon as possible.
ですから 期待しているようにはなりません
Audience: I was told that many of the brain cells we have as adults
しかし 私はこの数字を可能な限り伸ばしたいのです
are actually in the human embryo,
(質問者)年を取るに連れ 脳細胞の大部分は
and that the brain cells last 80 years or so.
If that is indeed true,
biologically are there implications in the world of rejuvenation?
If there are cells in my body that live all 80 years,
生物学的な意味で 若返りに影響してくると思いますが?
as opposed to a typical, you know, couple of months?
AG: There are technical implications certainly.
Basically what we need to do is replace cells
in those few areas of the brain that lose cells at a respectable rate,
基本的に 細胞の入れ替えが必要です
especially neurons, but we don't want to replace them
脳細胞の一部分など 相当量を失うことになる
any faster than that -- or not much faster anyway,
特に神経細胞は なるべく入れ替えたくない
because replacing them too fast would degrade cognitive function.
早過ぎても 遅過ぎてもダメです
What I said about there being no non-aging species earlier on
早く入れ替えれば 認知機能が落ちてしまう
was a little bit of an oversimplification.
老化しない種などいない という意見は
There are species that have no aging -- Hydra for example --
少々 単純化が過ぎると思っています
but they do it by not having a nervous system --
老化しない種は 存在します 例えばヒドラ
and not having any tissues in fact that rely for their function
ですが ヒドラは神経系を持っていません
on very long-lived cells.
何らかの機能に依存した いかなる組織も持ち合わせない