字幕表 動画を再生する
Wengie: Hey guys, it's Wengie, welcome back, and........ Happy New Year hug!
Wengie: So this week, we're going to do some cool food hacks, we're gonna test them out. I found these on the Internet
ウェンギー:では今週はクールなフードハックをやってみようと思います 試してみようと思いますインターネットで見つけました。
and hopefully they work, but we don't know.
And right now, I'm running a MacBook Air giveaway,
そして今、私はMacBook Airの景品をやっています。
so if you guys wanna enter don't forget to subscribe to this channel, and my second channel Reacticorns, which is linked down below.
Alright guys, let's get to testing these hacks and see if they work.
Lettttt's go!
Okay, so if it's dark outside and you just randomly (conveniently) have an orange with you,
and a bottle of olive oil you can make a candle!
*giggles* So let's see if this hack actually works!
*giggles* だから、このハックが実際に機能するかどうか見てみましょう!
So we're gonna do the first part, which is cutting the orange PERFECTLY in half.
00:01:53,140 --> 00:01:54,480 *Music playing*
00:01:53,140 --> 00:01:54,480 *音楽を演奏しています*。
Wengie: Okay, we're gonna go, with that, is that bit!
Wengie: よし、それで行こう、そのビットは!?
*Music playing*
Wengie: Come on, it's not lighting, this is strange, err, hello, aahhh, when you least expect it, it lit up, it's lit, this hack is lit, okay, alright!
*Music playing*
Wengie: You're maybe asking what this is, I never used one of these before, it is actually an apple corer, this hack said, that we can make potato wedges with an apple corer, but, I'm gonna try, and, actually cut an apple with this first, oohh, okay, this requires a bit of strength, guys, I'm not gonna, un, leaving it, uh!
Wengie: これが何なのかと聞いているかもしれませんが、私はこれを使ったことがありません、実はリンゴの芯入れなんです、このハックによると、リンゴの芯入れでジャガイモのくさびを作ることができると書いてありましたが、でも、私はやってみようと思います、そして、実際に最初にこれでリンゴを切ってみます、ああ、わかった、これは少し力が必要です、みんな、私は、それを残すつもりはありません、それは、あー!これを使って、リンゴを切ることができます。
*Music playing*
Wengie: Kind of like hasn't cut all the way to the bottom, but, it's most of the way there, ah, hmm, thanks for the apple, like an apple flower, oh wow, look at that, wah, so, now, we're gonna make some wedges, which way should we go, now, it looks kind of dangerous, ahh, stop, these fat wedges, though!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Oohhhhhh!
*Music playing*
Wengie: That is cool, ah, I'm not reversing very well, oh, look at that, the potato claws of death, you know what I'm looking forward to eating, a weird, cylindrical wedge, but, yeah, these are perfect-looking wedges, made by Wengie, I'm gonna have some wedgies tonight!
Wengie: This is an egg yolk, separating hack, usually like when I try, and, separate egg yolk, I like doing, this see-saw thing, trying to get the yolk to like slide into one of the shells, apparently, you can use a water bottle, I've seen this done, so many times, let's see if someone is unco - ordinated as me, can do this hack easily, oh my gosh, guys, look at the size difference of these two eggs, a mini egg, and, giant egg!
(Help me!)
Wengie: Oops, one - handed egg crack!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Oh yeah, this is the moment, where we see whether this hack sucks, or not, hhh, get it!
(Silence & noise)
Wengie: I feel like I picked a very, giant egg yolk, let's do this, aaaaaahhhhh, oh my god, uh, aaaahh, wa ca bok, come back, egg yolk, oh yeah, so, we do a little scoop, scoop, how do you do this, oh my god, this is, oh, ohh, ahhhhh!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Oh, I just go, to let go more in the bottle, how's this guys, going in the other bowl, oh, oh, I broke it, oh yeah, I got too excited, what do you do now, it's broken, oh not, that teaches me to get too confident at something, maybe, I shouldn't have done it, again, maybe, I should have gone with one, alright guys, you didn't see anything, we're just gonna pretend, we just did the one egg yolk, and, this hack works, so, let's move to the next one!
ウェンギーああ、私はちょうど行く、瓶の中でもっと行かせるために、このみんなはどうだ、他のボウルに行く、ああ、ああ、ああ、それを壊した、ああ、私は興奮しすぎた、あなたは今何をしますか、それは壊れている、ああではない、それは私に何かであまりにも自信を得ることを教えてくれています。やってはいけなかったかもしれない 1つにすべきだったかもしれない 何も見てないだろうがふりをするだけだ 卵の黄身を1つにしただけだ このハックはうまくいった 次のハックに移ろう!
Wengie: I love cherries, and, what's better than cherries, get it cherries, well, you don't even have to spit out the seed, ha!
Wengie: So, apparently, you can pick cherries with a glass bottle, and, a chopstick, firstly, balance the cherry on the Coke bottle, I'm just gonna stab through it, and, see if the pit comes out the other side, ohh, I feel like I just killed a cherry, ah, this is pretty gruesome, this is not as fun as I, oh, is that the pit, we're trying to find this pit, am I doing this wrong, ohh, I'm gonna switch to a straw, because this is kind of like the shape, I was looking for in the chopstick, we're gonna see if this works better, through the stem!
Wengie: Ah, that works heaps better, ohh, that is satisfied, come on, yes, so, this hack actually work, I guess, you can say, I'm popping my cherry!
Wengie: Ah, that works heaps better, ohh, that is satisfied, come on, yes, so, this hack actually work, I guess, you can say, I'm popping my cherry!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Hmm, cherry graveyard!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Hmm, gotta spread some butter on this bread, but, is really cold guys, is pretty rock-solid, uggg-h, umm, this ain't going so well, bon appetite, so, when you have the super, cold butter, and, it's hard to spread, this hack said, instead of using a knife to spread the butter, you're gonna use a cheese grater, and, you'e gonna grate the butter onto the bread first, so that it melts quicker before you spread it, this actually looks really like cheese anyway, so, I don't feel weird about this at all, ohh, look at that, it looks like grated cheese, look at how much butter I use, this is not the amount of butter, I would normally use on one piece of bread, alright, let's see if this spreads easier, do you want some bread with your butter, this ain't gonna taste so good, you've used like a quarter block of butter, your breakfast isn't exactly that advertising, I don't thik this hack was as great as I thought it was!
Wengie: Do you know, including spaghetti, leave it on, and, if too hot, it like bubbles, and, it makes a huge mess, I've done it so many times, finally, according to this hack, I can use a wooden spoon, pop it across the top of the pot, and, it'll stop the water from bubbling over, and, making a mess, so, let's head into the kitchen, and, give it a shot, spaghetti, yess, now, we're gonna wait till it boils, okay spoon, you got this spoon!
ウェンギーあなたが知っていますか、スパゲッティを含む、それを残す、と、あまりにも熱い場合、それは泡のように、それは巨大な混乱を作る、私はそれを何度もやった、最終的には、このハックによると、私は木製のスプーンを使用することができます、鍋の上を横切ってそれをポップします。水が泡立つのを止めて 台所に行って 試してみよう スパゲッティだ 沸騰するまで待つ いいか スプーンを持ってきてくれ!
Wengie: You've got this, spoon!
Wengie & Max: Oh no, come on girl, ahhh, love it, look, it's not boiling over, do some fighting over, it's magic, as soon I lift this spoon out there, watch, yeah, well even lower!
Wengie: You see that, she see that, not really boiling over, okay, the real test is when I remove this spoon, and, see what the difference is, ready guys!
Wengie: あなたはそれを参照してください、彼女はそれを参照してください、本当に沸騰していない、大丈夫、本当のテストは、私がこのスプーンを削除したときに、そして、どのような違いがあるかを参照してください、準備ができてみんな!
Wengie: Attempt number three, we've added more spaghetti, or more water, it looks like I'm really bad at making things boil over, when I want it to boil over, it's collecting, oh, it looks more violent, but, it hasn't boiled over, I don't know guys, what, you tell me, so, apparently, I can make anything, except the water boiled over, and, this experiment, it just wouldn't boil over guys, I don't know what's wrong, I filled the water up to the top, I have no idea, this hack works or not, it didn't seem to make a huge difference, visually, it seemed to be a little, bit, more calm with the spoon on, and, the spoon kind of collected the foamy water on the top, let me know down below if you guys have tried this, and, it works for you, because I don't know guys, I really don't know!
Wengie: If you want hot water, but, you can't be bothered to wait for the kettle to boil, then, you can actually get instant, hot water with your coffee maker, apparently, as you can see, this is a well-used, and, loved machine, just gonna pop this, and, we're going to use the long, black function, or, like the big, the big cup function, let's do it!
Wengie: It looks like gross, old coffee, mixed with hot water, as you can see by the colour of this hot water, it ain't nice, at least, it was instant, it was pretty quick, I didn't have to wait for the water to boil, to try one, more time guys, I'm gonna empty this, and now, we run it twice, we're gonna see if the water is gonna go clear, or we still got coffee in it, attempt number two!
Wengie: キモい、古いコーヒーにお湯を混ぜたようなものだ、このお湯の色でわかるように、美味しくないな、少なくとも、インスタントだ、かなり早かった、お湯が沸騰するのを待つ必要はなかった、1回目を試すために、もう1回、みんな、これを空にして、今、2回目を試す、お湯が透明になるかどうか、コーヒーがまだ入っているかどうか、2回目を試すんだよ!
Wengie: Guys, it's still brown, I guess, if you're making like tea, and, you don't mind, like, a slight remnant of coffee, or something, you could definitely use this hack!
Wengie: Guys, it's still brown, I guess, you're making like tea, and, you don't mind, like, like, a little remains of coffee, or something, you could definitely use this hack!
*Music playing*
Wengie: I'd like a lower coffee, I don't totally mind this, but, you may, depending on what drink you want to make with this, yeah, definitely taste a bit like coffee, I mean, it's okay, I don't know whether to say, this is either really, great, or, really bad, it's kind of in-the-middle!
Wengie: 私はコーヒーを控えめにして欲しいですね、全く気にしていませんが、これを使ってどんな飲み物を作るかによっては、そうですね、確かに少しコーヒーのような味がしますね、大丈夫ですよ、これが本当に素晴らしいのか、本当に悪いのか、どっちなのかは分かりませんが、中途半端な感じですね。
Wengie: I feel like an evil scientist, mwah, haha, we're gonna do, is make these lemons pretty, so, I saw this on Pinterest, apparently, if you inject lemons with food dye, and then, leave it overnight, the inside of the lemons gonna change into, like, these colours, these look pretty dangerous, I'm really scared, okay, so, to start off with, I'm gonna give these lemons, a bit of a massage!
邪悪な科学者のような気がするわ ムッ ハハハ 私たちがやることは レモンを可愛くすることよ Pinterestでこれを見たの 食用色素をレモンに注入して 一晩放置すると レモンの中が変色してしまうのよ この色はかなり危険に見えるわ 本当に怖いわ まず最初に このレモンをマッサージしてあげるわ!
*Music playing*
Wengie: I'm gonna see if I can try, and, guess, and, inject colour in each section, it's really hard, I'm gonna go with this, just slightly slow with this, ahh, oh my gosh, it's coming out, I feel like I'm doing surgery, or like, I have no idea, it's bleeding, it blit, ha, ha, it's bleeding its own blood, aaaahhh, we've almost got all the sections, I think, oh my god, it's so messy, last section, we've got this, oh, look, it's coming out of the top,ooohh, it's bleeding, can you see underneath there, it's like, literally going red, oh no, this is so brutal, there we go, last bit, this is a zombie, alien lemon, it's like, bleeding green blood, squeezy, it's like, literally coming out the other one, be like an expert, lemon injector, oohh, I spoke too soon, this, hopefully, this turns out pretty tomorrow, or, all this would have been for nothing!
ウェンギー試してみます、と、推測します、と、各セクションに色を注入します、それは本当に難しいです、私はこれで行くつもりです、これで少しだけゆっくりと、ああ、ああ、ああ、それは出てきています、私は手術をしているような気がしています。上から血が出てきてる 下が見えるか? 文字通り真っ赤になってきたぞ これは残忍だ 最後はゾンビだ エイリアンのレモンだ 緑の血が流れているスクイージー、それは、文字通り、もう一つのものが出てくるようなものだ、専門家のようなものだ、レモンインジェクター、ああ、早口で話しすぎた、これ
Wengie: Okay guys, it's been 24 hours, these lemons have marinated themselves, gonna cut these open, and, see if they're actually going to look like those Pinterest photos, you can see, that the colours kind of gone through the peel, a little bit in certain parts, it's promising, it's promising, no, it's not, it's very disappointing, blue seeds, so, it looks like the seeds have like taken the food dye, guys, but, the rest of the lemon is ah, not feeling it, hey, this red colour looks kind of promising, alright, ahhhh, I didn't even know why I bother to get excited, it looks the same, okay, we're gonna do one more test, I'm still not giving up on this hack, guys, come on, ahhhh, nah, it tricked me, it's just the skin, ohhh, nah, okay guys, so, we've tried multiple times of this hack, I've given it so, many chances, and, every time, it has disappointed me, so, this hack has left a sour taste in my mouth, ughhh!
ウェンギーレモンは24時間経っています このレモンはマリネされています これを開けてみてください 実際にピンタレストの写真のようになるかどうか 見てみてください 皮から色が透けてきている部分があります 期待できます 期待できます 期待できません 非常に残念です 青色の種です 種が食用色素を取ったように見えますがこの赤い色はなんだか期待できそうだ、よし、あーあー、なんでわざわざ盛り上がるのかもわからなかった、同じに見える、よし、もう一回テストするぞ、まだこのハックは諦めてない、みんな、さあ、あーあー、なーん
*Music playing*
Wengie: This next hack said, that you can cut cake with dental floss, like a two-in-one, because then, you can use a dental floss to clean your teeth after, because you ate too much sugar, err, yeah, I'm just trying to make this work, so, here, I have a poppy-seed cake, I'm poopy, I'm poppy, you just get some dental floss, ahh, oh yeah, this is so satisfying guys, oww, definitely cutting my finger, and, suffocating it, not working as well I thought it would, okay, it's a little messy, we're gonna open it up, in the middle, because it didn't cut all the way through, and, you've got young, messy hands, that's what you got, alright, we get it, we're gonna try, and, pick it up, I cut my cake with dental floss, and then, I got a knife to lift the cake up!
Wengie: It didn't fully, cut completely, ooohhh, ah, haha, a small cake so, imagine, if you're doing this with a big cake, it doesn't really, do the job, so, I'm gonna say that, this hack started off cool, but, then, ended up, being kind of seedy!
*Music playing*
Wengie: You're using honey, or syrup in any recipe, and, you're gonna measure it out, using like measuring cups, or, anything, you know, it's just gonna stick to it, this is what happens, you're happily in the kitchen, you're measuring your little bits of honey, waiting for the honey to come out, there's quite a lot of honey left, and, I just feel like, it's a big waste, so, this next hack said, if you use a summer, spray oil like this, and, just do like a light coating, the honey will just come right off, oooh, it's like Christmas happening, in my little measuring cup!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Do it, oh yeah, it's coming out a lot quicker, hey, this is a little bit, still in there, but, there's less in there, than the original, unsprayed measuring cup, yeah, moving up, true, let's do it, slide out, slide out, slippy, slip, okay, so, it's definitely coming out a lot quicker, okay guys, there's still like a little bit left, but, a lot less, I'm not feeling this hack, I thought, it was a lot of work, and oil, for very, little reward, but for me, this hack didn't measure up to my expectations!
Wengie: Okay guys, how cool were these hacks? Most of them work, which is really cool, let me know which one is your favourite one, down below in the comment section, let's have a look what happened on ReactiCorns, this week!
Wengie: さて、みんな、これらのハックはいかがでしたか?ほとんどのハックが機能していて、本当にクールです。どれがお気に入りか教えてください。
Wengie: When were you set for a long time ago, back when it was in?
Max: Yeah?
Wengie: Because we're still in time!
Max: We're still in like the cool kids, like with the cool kids, like yeah!
Wengie: Yeah, we are!
Max: Lit, yeah!
Wengie: Huge shout-out to my #notificationsquad of the week, and, #wengiecornsquad of the week, if you guys want to find out how to get a shout-out from me, don't forget to check the description box, down below, to see how you can end up, and, that's it, I will see you guys next week, I'll miss you guys so much, in-between, so, don't forget to follow my social medias, and, everything, they are just like somewhere on the screen, and, I'll see you guys next week, bye guys, love you, ooh, love you!
ウェンギー。今週の #notificationsquad、そして #wengiecornsquad に大声で叫んでくれました、もし皆さんが私からの声援を受ける方法を知りたいなら、下の説明欄をチェックするのを忘れないでください、どのようにして終わるのか、それだけです。来週みんなに会いましょう、合間に、みんながいなくて寂しいです、だから、私のソーシャルメディアをフォローするのを忘れないでください、そして、すべては、画面のどこかにあるようなものです、そして、私は来週みんなに会いましょう、さようなら、みんな、愛し