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You're starting off the season on a bad foot.
These are some of my
favorite days, for sure.
You know what you're gonna do today?
You're gonna run the New York City Murrathon.
-The "Murrathon"?
Yeah. The Marathon already happened.
Today is the Murrathon.
You start here on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge
and run over to New York.
That's all right. That's it?
I can run over the Brooklyn Bridge.
I've done it before. -Okay.
All right.
Is that it?
Other things will happen.
[ Tires screech ]
[ Laughter ]
What's going on?
It's always good when a van
screeches up, isn't it?
Hey, Murr, get in the van.
[ Laughter ]
All right,
see you later.
Both: Those are your shoes.
Have fun, buddy!
Oh, come on!
Are you seri...
-Look at him.
-All right, buddy.
You ready to race?
[ Air horn blares ]
Okay, I get it. I get it.
And he's off!
Here we go.
This is so dumb.
By the way, it's, like,
30 degrees out right now.
Oh, geez!
There's no arch support in these things.
It could be worse. You could have flat feet like Sal.
Oh, gosh.
[ Cheering ]
Q: Yeah, Murr! They're cheering for you, buddy!
Keep going!
Surprise one was that he had to run.
Surprise two was the outfit.
Surprise three were the shoes.
Here comes surprise four. -Surprise four, coming right up.
Murr: Very good.
Oh, thank you.
[ Laughter ]
We didn't put warm water
in those cups, either.
Consider this payback for you sending Busey after me.
Are you serious? It's freezing out!
Run! Go, hurry up.
The clock's
ticking, Murr.
You want a good time!
-You guys are son of a --
Oh, my God.
What are you doing?
Oh! Oh, my!
Oh, my God!
He's a bobblehead!
It's so cold!
It's so cold!
Oh, my God!
Just so you know, the heat is on in this van. We all have coffee.
You son of a bitches.
[ Cheering ]
There you go, buddy. Come on!
Son of a bi--
All: Murray! Murray!
Murray! Murray!
I -- son of a --
son of a --
that's not how marathons work!
You're right, the marathons don't work that way.
This is a Murrathon.
How many -- All right!
All right!
Son of a -- Oh, my God.
She had three cups.
Three cups!
You son of a bitch!
Kelly Maxwell hit him with three cups.
That's one of our producers.
Kelly Maxwell is fired!
My crew loves Murray.
Murr: You son of a --
Oh, my God.
All right,
all right, all right!
Hit his balls! hit his balls!
She had two cups!
I'm hydrated!
Do you think today's the day he realizes
we're trying to kill him? -Yes, I think so.
This whole TV show
is just an assassination attempt
on his life.
I'm almost in Manhattan.
There's my apartment.
Thanks, dick.
[ Laughter ]
-We should get going. -Yeah.
Home stretch -- here we go.
[ Cheering ]
Q: Here he comes. Here he comes.
[ Cheering ]
Joe: Yay!
All right, pal!
-My first Murrathon!
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheering ]
Murr: What?!
This is not how you run
a marathon!
I'm not cleaning this up!