字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello. Welcome to my bedroom. It's not my bedroom. It's a whiteboard with words on it,
but I'm going to teach you about bedroom -- vocabulary that is. Stay tuned. Maybe I'll teach you
some other bedroom vocabulary if you know what I mean. We're going to go on the innocent
side today, and I'm going to teach you about basic things in bedrooms. I know. I know.
Okay. This is a bed. Do you sleep on a bed, or do
you sleep on a futon? Did I speak Japanese? Hi, Japanese people in the house. Konnichiwa.
O-genki desu ka? When you sleep, you usually sleep on a "futon". We have stolen your word.
おげんきですか? 寝るときは普通に「布団」の上で寝ますよね。あなたの言葉を盗んできました。
We're so nice. And we use it for our own. "Futon" -- if you know or don't know -- is,
私たちはとても素敵です。自分たちで使うんだ"布団 "って・・・知ってるか知らないかは別として・・・。
basically, a mattress that you put on the floor. It sounds kind of uncomfortable, but
it's really, really good if you're really drunk, and there's never a fear of falling
out of the bed. You just kind of roll over and, boom, you're awake. It has some advantages
ベッドから出て寝返りを打つだけで 目が覚めますそれはいくつかの利点があります
and some disadvantages. So this is a picture of a bed. I am an artist. Remember this as
we go through this. The first very common thing that you will
find in a bedroom is a pillow. "Pillow". A lot of people -- I don't know why -- have
寝室で見つけるのは「枕」です。"枕"多くの人が -- なぜかはわかりませんが --
never learned this word in English. I know it's not in a lot of textbooks. You don't
open your textbook and go, "Wow, this is a pillow." You're more like, "This is a pen."
教科書を開いて "これは枕だ "と思ったら"これはペンだ "って言うんだよ
Thanks. I know that. So the first one is a pillow. A "pillow" is a soft or hard, squishy
thing that you put your head on -- not that head; this head. And to keep your pillow clean,
頭を乗せるもの -- その頭ではなく この頭を乗せるものです枕を清潔に保つために
you're going to put a pillow case on it. A "pillow case" is like a cover for the pillow.
You can take the pillow case off, and please wash it. You can have different kinds of pillows.
There're feather pillows. So what we do is we take a duck or a goose; we kill it; we
take all its feathers off; and we stick them in a pillow. Yeah. I don't think that's really
羽根を全部外して 枕の中に突っ込むんだそうだな、それは本当に
cool. Or you can just have a fluffy cotton pillow or another microfibre pillow. You have
a pillow case. The next thing that is essential for a bed
-- please -- are sheets. Now be careful with your pronunciation. You don't want to say
-- お願いだから...はシートだ発音に気をつけてこう言ってはいけません
"shits". That's the stuff that comes out of your bum. You want to say "sheets". When you
"クソ"お尻から出てくるものです。"シーツ "と言いたいのですね。あなたが
say this, the "e's" are very long. So you're going to say "sheets". Usually, we have a
top sheet and a fitted sheet. The fitted sheet just means it's the bottom sheet. They like
to use fancy words like fitted sheet, top sheet -- just two sheets. And you know what?
ぴったりとしたシートやトップシートのような 洒落た言葉を使うのは... 二枚だけだ。それで?
You can use just two of these. Don't worry about it. The top sheet -- it goes on top.
And the fitted sheet goes on the bottom. It covers -- the main part of your bed here is
a mattress. The "mattress" is, like, a big fluffy thing that you get to relax on. And
マットレスのこと。"マットレス "とは大きなフワフワしたものの上でくつろぐことですそして
the black part of my picture would be a bed frame. Let's write that down. It's important.
So a "bed frame" is the support of the mattress. Pillow, pillow case, sheets, top and bottom
or fitted sheets. Next: In Canada, or maybe in your country,
in the winter, it's cold. You want something to cover you. Sheets are very thin. They're
usually made of cotton. A "cover" or a "blanket", a "duvet" -- du-what? This word is a French
通常は綿でできています。カバー」や「毛布」、「デュベット」 -- du-what?この言葉はフランス語の
word. So the way that we say it looks very different from the spelling. It looks like
"duvette". I think that maybe some people -- especially people in America -- would say,
"I got a new duvette cover. It's got some 'dubyas' on it." It's actually very important
"新しい羽毛布団カバーを手に入れた。"デュビアス "と書いてあるわ"実はとても重要なことなんです
that you say this properly and you say "duvet". So it's like "du-vay".
The next one is a comforter. "Comforter", "duvet", "blanket", "cover", and the last
次は「掛け布団」です。"掛け布団"、"掛け布団"、"毛布"、"カバー "で、最後は
one, a "quilt" -- they're all the same. Don't tell people who like to design beds and fabrics
that it's just something that keeps you warm. There are slight differences between a quilt,
a comforter, and a duvet, but you can discover that for yourself. You've got homework. Go
to a store. Ask the people that work there to show you a quilt, a comforter, a duvet,
a blanket, and a cover. You're practicing your English.
The next thing that you would have in your bedroom is furniture. "Furniture" is an uncountable
次に寝室に置くものといえば「家具」ですよね。"家具 "というのは、数え切れないほどの
noun. "Furniture" includes a bed, a nightstand -- "Ronnie, what's a 'nightstand'?" Oh, "standing
名詞だ"家具 "にはベッドやナイトスタンドも含まれる "ロニー ナイトスタンドって何?""ナイトスタンド "って?
up", "nighttime" -- what? No. A nightstand or -- maybe this makes more sense -- a bedside
"up "とか "nighttime "とか...何?いや、ナイトスタンドか...こっちの方が理にかなっているかもしれないが、ベッドサイドの
table. Look at my picture. This thing right here is a "bedside table". It's beside your
bed, and it's a table. I know. Sometimes English makes sense. "Nightstand" or "bedside table"
ベッドの上にテーブルを置いてっていうのがあるんですよね。英語で意味が通じることもあります。"ナイトスタンド "とか "ベッドサイドテーブル "とか
-- these are the same. Some people say "nightstand"; some people say "bedside table". Some people
-- これらは同じだナイトスタンドと言う人もいれば ベッドサイドテーブルと言う人もいますある人は
just say "that thing beside the bed". But it is definitely a bedside table or nightstand.
"ベッドの横にあるアレ "と言えばいいのよでも、ベッドサイドテーブルやナイトスタンドであることは間違いありません。
Also, we have "dresser" or -- long way to say it -- "dresser drawers", or you can just
say "drawers". It's your choice. I naturally would say "dresser". I would say, "I'm going
to put my clothes into the dresser." A "dresser" is a piece of furniture that you put your
"ドレッサーに服を入れる""ドレッサー "とは、自分の服を入れる家具のことです。
clothes into -- clean clothes, people. Don't put your dirty socks in my dresser. So you're
going to put your beautifully folded up underwear and socks into a dresser. Maybe above your
綺麗に畳んだ下着と靴下を タンスの中に入れようとしていますたぶん、あなたの上の
dresser you have a mirror. A "mirror" is something that you look at and you can see yourself
-- your reflection. You see yourself in the mirror. It's most common to have a mirror
-- 自分が映っている鏡に映った自分を見るのです鏡を持っているのが一般的なのは
in a bath -- bathroom. What? In the bedroom and the bathroom as well. People like to look
at themselves, make sure everything is in the right places.
This -- this contraption made by Satan is called an "alarm clock". You might just know
サタンが作ったこの仕掛けは 「目覚まし時計」と呼ばれている知っているかもしれないが
the word "alarm". That's okay. You can just say "alarm", but please, please, please, when
警報という言葉がそれでいいんです。"アラーム "と言えばいいのですが、どうか、どうか、お願いします。
you say this word, do not say this word by mistake. "Alarm clock". You have to -- right
there. If you say "alarm cock" -- "cock" means penis. Don't say "alarm cock". You want to
そこだ"アラームコック "と言えば... "コック "はペニスを意味する"アラームコック "と言うなあなたがしたいのは
say "alarm clock". Alarm clock goes off when it's time for you to get out of bed, go to
work, go to school. We have a magic button on the alarm clock. And this is call a "snooze button"
仕事をしたり、学校に行ったり目覚まし時計には魔法のボタンがあるこれは "スヌーズボタン "と呼ばれています
or "snooze bar". A "snooze button" is magic. It gives you ten long, luscious
または「スヌーズバー」。"スヌーズボタン "は魔法だそれはあなたに10の長い、甘美な
minutes of extra sleeping time. So if your alarm clock is set for 7:02, you hit the snooze,
and it will give you ten minutes more sleep. You might hear people saying to their boss
-- the boss might say, "Why are you late?" "I hit the snooze. I -- I -- I -- I just hit
-- 上司が言うかもしれない "何で遅刻するんだ?""スヌーズを押した私は...私は...私は...私は...私は...
the snooze five times. That's an hour, so I'm late." Good excuse. If you're late, just
say, "I hit the snooze." And they're, like, "Oh, yeah!" Okay? Danger button. Ten minutes
"スヌーズに入った "と言うと"ああ、そうだ!"って言うんだよいいかな?危険ボタンだ10分後
of lovely sleep. If you watch a very popular TV show called
"Sex in the City" or any, I guess, TV show, women -- mostly, ladies in the house -- are
"セックス・イン・ザ・シティ "または任意の、私が推測するには、テレビ番組、女性 - 主に、家の中の女性 - は
going to go on about a "walk-in closet". Normally, in houses, you're going to have a closet.
A "closet" -- it's like a little room. There's a door. You open it, and inside is where we
"クローゼット" 小さな部屋のようなものだドアがあってそれを開けると中には
hang our clothes. These are clothes. If you're lucky enough to have a walk-in closet, it's
like a whole other entity or a whole other room. A "walk-in closet" is, basically, a
room. And it is really, really big, and there're lots of places to hang all of your clothes
that you never wear. So a "walk-in closet" just means a "very big closet". In my house,
I have a closet. Don't open it, though. You never know what's going to come flying out.
Another word for "closet" is "cupboard", which is very strange. The pronunciation of this
word is very strange. We say "kub burd", "cupboard". It looks like "cup board". A long, long time
ago, we would definitely have a cupboard in our kitchen. Now we have a cupboard in our
bedroom. So a "closet" and a "cupboard" are the same. It's a place to put your clothes.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson. If you have questions about your bedroom, ask me. Bye.