字幕表 動画を再生する
alright dude, so i asked you before. do you know kpop?
this is a kpop quiz where they use emojis and you gotta guess what it is
J: ok
PM: ok?
J: ok.
PM: you gotta guess the name of the song
J: yeah
PM: you ready for it?
J: ok
PM: you think you're good?
J: yeah
PM: you're gonna be challenging me cause i haven't seen it either
J: yeah
PM: so let's do it. ready?
J: yup
PM: know this song?
PM: clover one
[music plays]
[jackson pauses music]
[music plays]
PM: why you stopping my video, man?
[jackson shrugs]
PM: do you know this song?
J: of course
i know! i know
PM: don't need to stop it just keep going
J: i know. i don't need to guess
PM: door fist! door fist
J: nO don't play for me
PM: door fist
J: why do you- why do you-
PM: what is that?!
J: it's knock knock knock knock knock
J: see?
PM: why you–
PM: same company, right?
PM: i thought it was door fist. but i was like what's door fist?
PM: running fast!
J: run run!
PM: running fast!
J: run, run, run
PM: run! run! run! bts... run run run! run run run!
PM: running?
i thought it was running fast
ok. run run run. alright
you got this. you got this
pointing gun. gun.
PM: don't stop it
J: you have to stop it. PM:why?
J: gimme time!
why don't you give me time!?
why don't you give me time
time time time
00:01:44,620 --> 00:01:45,900 i'll give you time. i stopped it. i stopped it.
PM: pointing gun
J: ah
PM: what is it? what's this?
twice again?
J: the heck is this?
finger? thumb?
J: this is the twice dance
what dance?
the Nayeon dance. Nayeon
they got the gun in the music video
you know what? you you're showing me this video. you already saw it.
i haven't seen it
J: stop. with...
PM: i haven't seen it man! J: don't lie in front of the camera!
PM: i haven't seen it. J: oh my god
i haven't seen it.
you knew it!
PM: no no i hadn't seen it man. i hadn't seen it. come on man i won't... augh
i haven't seen it. he did it
J: he's seen it. PM: I haven't seen it. J: he's seen the video...
PM: i haven't seen it
J: showing it to me... PM: i haven't seen it J: ...recording it... thinking i don't know
you think i'm a fool
PM: quiet! J: ok
[speaks chinese]
[response ]
see? he's so awkward in this acting
PM: no man! J: in this act PM: no! J: in this act
PM: i haven't seen it! i haven't seen it man J: it's so awkward
i haven't seen it
ok ok
what is this?
J: shine like a diamond PM: angel
oh, my song?
what is it?
pretty like a butter... shine like a diamond
fine. i don't know. i didn't know it. i didn't know it.
00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:28,800 chained... rose?
unchained melody?
J: ok first of all... PM: all my love
J: did you do this video? did you make this?
PM: i didn't make it. J: did you did you make this video? PM: i did not make this video
J: who made- who made this video? PM: i don't know
but why are we watching this?
because... i said so
what song has chain in it?
00:03:52,320 --> 00:03:54,800 [sings]
00:03:58,260 --> 00:04:00,000 what does that have to do with
both: rose
look there's rose there
there's flowers in the music video
no beer
no beer
don't stop that. just keep going man
no beer
what's no beer?
no alcohol
00:04:32,940 --> 00:04:34,260 read and study?
PM: book. J: oh! get your crayon!
PM: book
Both: get your crayon!
PM: what does the book have to do with it?
J: if this is not ... if this is not... PM: no! J: i'm quitting
J: get your crayon PM: coloring book!
i got it right
00:04:54,425 --> 00:04:55,425
00:04:56,945 --> 00:04:59,915
00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:01,100
00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:03,380 ok
PM: fire. J: boom shakalaka
no. bts bomb, fire. fire.
00:05:16,760 --> 00:05:17,860 we suck at this man
boom boom. boom boom
00:05:22,720 --> 00:05:25,080 J: rainbow. rainbow. their debut song PM: there's an 'a'
PM: [sings Got7-a] J: no. no. their debut song. rainbow debut song. [sings rainbow-A]
00:05:33,020 --> 00:05:34,100 J: listen, look look look
00:05:38,805 --> 00:05:39,805
00:05:39,805 --> 00:05:40,805
00:05:40,805 --> 00:05:41,765
00:05:41,765 --> 00:05:42,760
00:05:43,880 --> 00:05:45,340 ice cream cake.
red velvet
red velvet
red velvet
i got it, right?
what is pong pong?
lipstick ping pong
lipstick ping pong. who has a song called lipstick?
Lipstick- uh. Orange Caramel
00:06:18,325 --> 00:06:19,325
00:06:19,745 --> 00:06:22,105
00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:24,280
00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:26,580 aw jeez.
inspector gadget
inspector gadget
aw. it's too hard man
ah, that's too hard
PM: run cloud devil J: I have no...
run. running devil
run devil
run. run devil run
run devil run. gg. girl's generation
you knew!
i did not know anything man!
you are the _____
i did not know anything
come over come over. come here come here come here
i know this
what's this?
[fart noise]