字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント David: *snore* Pine. David: *snore* Cedar. *snore* Gwen: Goooood morning, David! David: Goooood morning, Gwen! David: Wait- this feels backwards..? Gwen: Yep! Gwen: But today's the day! David: *gasp* You've realized your love of Camp Campbell and everything it stands for?! Gwen: HELL NO! David: "Help... Wanted?" Gwen: That's right. Gwen: Found a stash of cash Campbell hid in the quartermaster's store behind a box of grenades. David: I don't know, Gwen. Gwen: Are you sure we really need more help? *window breaks* *grenade hits the floor* Nikki: Sorry, foul ball! Gwen: YES. *furious knocking* ???: Hello, I'm here for the job listing? Gwen: OMG. Yes! This is... ???: Gooood morning! *breathes in and out* ???: Smell that fresh mountain air! ???: Gosh, now that's the kind of nature you don't just find in any ol' neck of the woods. Gwen: Oh dear lord no. David: Hello? ???: Oh, well, hello there friend! ???: Where are my manners? Daniel: My name is Daniel, Daniel: Your camp counselor applicant. Daniel: I hope I'm not too late to submit my resume. David: Too late? You're the first one! Daniel: Ha! Are you pulling my leg? David: No leg-pulling here, but we are keen on handshakes! *Eyebrow waggle* Daniel: Well, who isn't? *Eyebrows twitch* David: The name's David. Daniel: Pleasure to meet you, David. David: The pleasure's all mine, Daniel. David: So, what sort of experience do you have? Daniel: Well, sadly, my old camp was recently shut down. Daniel: And ever since, I've been searching night and day Daniel: for a new group of eager young kiddos I can help to educate and reach their full potential! David: Did ya' hear that Gwen? I think we just hit the jackpot! David: This was a great idea! Gwen: Y'know... Gwen: I think now's the perfect time for me to use my vacation days. David/Daniel: Aw, Gwen, are you sure? *Car drives off* David: Well, more fun for us! Come on, Daniel. David: I think you're gonna fit in here juuuust fine! Daniel: I think so too David! I think so too... OHHHHH~ There's a place I know That's tucked away; A place where you and I can stay Where we can go to laugh and play, And have adventures everyday! I know it sounds hard to believe But guys and gals it's true, Camp Campbell is the place for me and you! We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees; Catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees! There's endless possibilities, And no, that's not hyperbole! Our motto's "CAMPE DIEM" And that means I'm telling you We've got: Archery, Hiking, Search & Rescue, Biking, Horseback, Training that will save you from a heart attack, Scuba diving, Miming, Keeping up with Rhyming, Football, Limbo, Science, Stunting, Pre-Calc, Spaceships, Treasure hunting, Bomb defusal, No refusal, Fantasy, Circus trapeze, and Fights, and Ghosts, and Paints, and Snakes, and Knives, and Chess, and Dance, and Weights– It's Camp Camp! David: And that concludes my presentation on what is, and is not, a baseball. David: So, any questions? David: Yes, Max. Max: Who the fuck is that?! David: Why, what an excellent question! David: Campbell campers, I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to our newest co-counselor, Daniel! Daniel: Howdy kiddos! Space Kid: Howdy-do Daniel! Max: You've got to be shitting me. Daniel: Whoa, watch the language there little fella! David: Watch the language indeed! David: Just because Daniel here is new, doesn't mean you should treat him any different David: Than you treat me. Nikki: Got it! *splat* Max: He IS you, David! Save for the outfit. Max: Seriously, freakshow. What's with the cult leader getup? *ominous music* Daniel: You must be Max. I've heard aaaaall about you. Max: O..kay? David: Daniel, I am SO sorry about this TERRIBLE behavior. Daniel: Oh don't you worry, co-counselor. Daniel: They're just, "raggin' on the new guy". Daniel: I thought this might happen, and so for my first day as camp counselor, Daniel: I've prepared several exercises that are gonna help cleanse all of us Daniel: of our negative emotions! David: Well, that sounds WONDERFUL! David: You kids are definitely in good hands. David: I'll go finish up your employment paperwork. David: In the meantime, try not to have too much fun without me! David: Just kidding, have all the fun you want! *door slams* Daniel: Sooo, children... Daniel: Is there anybody here who has an interest in... SPACE? Space Kid: OOH! OOH!! Oh, me! Me!!! Daniel: Oh, really? Well, that's WONDERFUL! Space Kid: Yeah... I know all sorts of stuff about space. Daniel: Well, did you know that all negative emotions actually come FROM space? Space Kid: Uh. Well, I.... No. I-I didn't. Daniel: It's true! Daniel: Our atmosphere is under constant bombardment from negative emotions tied to dark toxins! *ominous music starts* Daniel: These toxins cling to the matter left over from the Big Bang, Daniel: meaning that even if we're all pure of heart at birth, Daniel:we're bathing in a negative-rich environment every SECOND! Space Kid: Whooooaaa. Neil: Oookay, I'mma stop you right there. Neil: Are you suggesting that the massive explosion responsible for the creation of the universe Neil: is also responsible for some sort of endless, radioactive evil? Daniel: Oh, no. Not at all! Daniel: The Big Bang didn't create the universe! It was just a side effect of the Millenia Wars, started by Zeemuug and the Galactic Confederacy! Neil: Riiiight. *violin shrieking* Daniel: You must be Neil. Daniel: David told me about you were quite the... inquisitive little fellow. *ominous music* Neil: He-hey, buddy. let's try to recognize some... personal space here. Daniel: Why do you feel the need to question everything, Neil? *neck crack* What good has it led to? Well. For one, I'm not walking around, talking about "Zeemuug". Daniel: Buuuut, are you happy with your life? Are you at peace? Or do you find yourself filled with anxiety and doubt? Doesn't the world seem awfully scary? Nerf: It DOES! Well, what if I told you it didn't have to be? I don't really know what you're selling here, Daniel... ...But I am BUYING it! Daniel: Then help me, help you. ..Help others! YEAHHH! I'M HELPING!!!! Daniel: Excellent! Now who else wants to help and reach ascension~? Max: Oh my fuck, he's ACTUALLY- Max: A CULTIST! YOU HIRED A FUCKING CULTIST, YOU IDIOT! David: Whoa, whoa! What's wrong, kids? And why aren't you with Daniel? Oh. You mean the bat-shit crazy cult leader YOU just put in charge of the camp!?! Again with these cult jokes, Max? Please. Neil: He gave everyone a "de-toxification diet", then started spouting off Latin from a book with a pentagram! He's bilingual, AND cares about nutrition? Nikki: Hey, Daviiiid~? David: Yes, Nikki? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE KOOL-AID! *smack* If you don't believe us, then come see for yourself. *BANG* Daniel: Well! What a pleasant surprise! David, kids! Welcome! *in creepy unison* Welcome! David: Wowzers Daniel! This all looks incredible! What's it for? Daniel: Why, it's to celebrate, of course! Your campers have all been SO cooperative, and by the end of the day, I know everyone here will be cleansed of their hateful ways and ready to ascend to the next level! Nikki: Heeey, where ARE the campers? Most are helping prepare for today's festivities, But a few of them are still hangin' around in the Purification Sauna! David: You built a SAUNA?! Max: THAT IS NOT THE WORD TO FOCUS ON, DAVID! Daniel: Dolph, Nerf, why don't you show your friends to the sauna? So they'll quit worryin', and start hurryin'.. ...their way to FUN! *spooky violins* Purified!Dolph: So... who vants to go first? Preston: PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME! HELP MEEEE... Neil: I would just like to point out the