字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hi, this is Emily from MinuteEarth. こんにちは、Minute Earthのエミリーです Sometimes, a hamster mom looks at her adorable little babies and is like, 'I just want to ハムスターのお母さんはときどき かわいいわが子を「食べちゃいたい」と思うようです gobble you up'—except not in a cute way...more in an “I'M ACTUALLY ABOUT TO EAT YOU” ただし比喩ではなく、文字通りの意味で way. 00:00:14,900 --> 00:00:21,120 ハムスターだけではありません ブタ、昆虫、鳥、ヘビ、サル、魚も Hamster moms are not alone—pigs, bugs, birds, snakes, primates, and fish all occasionally 時にわが子を食べることが知られています nom on the next generation. これは理屈にあいません Which is weird. わが子を食べるなんて極悪非道! というのではなく Not just because we humans consider it deeply wrong to eat our own babies, but also because 子を残すことは ほぼすべての生物の究極目標なのですから making babies is the primary goal of virtually all life, so eating them, and the genes they わが子を食べ、自分の遺伝子を絶やすのは 完全に自殺行為のはずです carry, seems like the ultimate act of self defeat. でも、自滅的衝動に駆られては すぐに死に絶えるだけですから But self-defeating impulses have a pretty straightforward way of dying out, so the fact さまざまな動物が時に わが子を食らうことには that species across the animal kingdom occasionally cannibalize their young suggests that it can 何か戦略的利点があるはずです sometimes be a successful strategy. たとえばハムスターは 子食いで個体数を抑制しています For instance, hamsters appear to use baby-eating as a form of crowd control: females with litters 8〜9頭の子を産んだ母親は 平均で2匹の子を食べます of 8 or 9 pups eat two of them, on average. そこに研究者がさらに2匹足すと 母親は4匹の子を食べます And when scientists have tried adding a couple pups to the litter, the hamster moms eat four. 逆に2匹減らすと 母親は子食いをしなくなります But removing a few pups the day they're born pretty much stops the cannibalism before つまりハムスターは 世話が十分行き届くよう、子の数を抑制して it starts—suggesting that a hamster mom eats her young to keep her litter small enough 遺伝子が次世代に 引き継がれる可能性を上げるのです that she can provide for the survivors and ensure they grow up to pass on their genes. ある種のトカゲは緊急事態にだけ わが子を食べます Other critters, like the Long-tailed Sun Skink, chow down on their babies only in emergencies. 卵を狙う天敵が何度もやってくると 母親は先手を打ち When predators repeatedly threaten to eat the mother's eggs, she beats them to it 自分で自分の卵を食べるのです and eats them all herself. これは理にかなっています 卵がどうせ食べられてしまうなら Which actually makes sense: if the eggs are doomed to become someone's lunch, making them 自分で食べてしまえば 次の繁殖のための栄養にできるからです HER lunch helps prepare the mama skink for another round of reproduction. 時に子供は邪魔になります だから消えてもらう、という種も And sometimes, kids, you know, get in the way, so they just have to go. ある種のハゼのオスは 短期間にひとつの巣のなかで The male sand goby fertilizes eggs from multiple females over a short period of time and cares 複数のメスの卵に放精し、世話をします for them all together in one nest. すべての卵が孵化するまで 次の繁殖はおあずけ In order to mate again, he has to wait for all his eggs to hatch, so he sacrifices the だからぐずぐずしている卵は片付けて 次のお相手探しに向かうのです slowpokes to free himself up for more baby-making. このように、動物界では 資源、エネルギー、機会を最大限に活かして In short, for critters across the animal kingdom to maximize the resources, energy and opportunities 次世代に遺伝子を残すためには 「お子様ランチ」を食べるのが they need to pass on their genes, sometimes it does make sense to order off of the kid's 有利になることもあるのです menu. 00:02:22,320 --> 00:02:23,920 This video was sponsored by Audible.com, the leading provider of audiobooks, with over 00:02:23,920 --> 00:02:28,690 250,000 downloadable titles. 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:34,230 Annnd, on the topic of eating one's own kind, maybe you'll want to check out Audible's 00:02:34,230 --> 00:02:38,850 audiobook version of “Miracle in the Andes,” the harrowing first-person account of a high-altitude 00:02:38,850 --> 00:02:40,099 plane crash in the mountains of Peru, and the 72-day-long struggle for survival that 00:02:40,099 --> 00:02:43,900 followed. 00:02:43,900 --> 00:02:47,710 Download “Miracle in the Andes,” or another book of your choice for free, by going to 00:02:47,710 --> 00:02:49,430 audible.com/minuteearth and signing up for a 30-day trial membership. And thanks for watching!
B1 中級 日本語 米 ハムスター 食べ 母親 食べる 遺伝 繁殖 なぜ動物は赤ちゃんを食べるのか? (Why Do Animals Eat Their Babies?) 157 10 薛明璟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語