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Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here
どうも、皆さん調子はどうですか? Dave2Dです
And this is the Asus ZenBook Pro for 2017
そして、これがAsus ZenBook Pro、2017
This is the UX550, and this thing was announced quite a few months ago
型式はUX550、 このモデルは何か月も前に発表されました
I think was like March at Computex when this thing was revealed
3月に行われたComputex Taipeiでの 発表だったと思います
and I finally been able to spend some time with it
It's a very powerful machine
It's one of those thin-and-light work-oriented machines that also has a GTX 1050 Ti
薄く、軽い、ビジネス向きモデルのマシンで、 さらにGTX1050Tiが搭載されています
So if you want to play some games, you can...
And this is the type of stuff that gets me excited. These are the type
of laptops that I'm most interested in because I mean,
they're kind of stealth like, they don't look like, they're not designed for
つまり、ステルスっぽいというか、 ゲーミングらしくない見た目やデザインをしています
gaming, but because of the video card,
you'd think they'd be able to bang if you really want them to
This one...
Errrgh, you'll see the end of the video as to why it's not so much of a gaming laptop
but it is a very good laptop for what it was meant for.
I want to talk with the design first. First thing, black.
This is the first Asus laptop that I've used that is black, so fully black finish, black top, black bottom
There is a silver chamfer as you go around the edges
これは僕が今まで使ってきたAsusノートで、 初めての黒モデルで、完全な黒となっています 黒い天板、黒い裏面
But the whole idea of this thing is black. The build quality on this thing is...
そしてフチはシルバーで、本体を囲みますが、 全体的にはブラックとなっています。
Good, better than expected and let me explain. The UX501 from last year and the year before had...
okay build quality, not amazing, as the panels were a little softer
「Good」です。 一部を除いては。説明します。
when you press down on them. This thing is...
昨年からのUX501とその前の製品は 「OK」の製造品質でした。 素晴らしいとは言えません
definitely more rigid. It's definitely better build quality than the UX501 but, it's still not perfect
There's still a little bit of flex on all the panels, the top, the bottom, the keyboard deck. The screen itself
今回は確実に硬くなっています。 UX501よりも確実に良い品質となっていますが、 まだ完璧ではありません。
If you try to torque that, it's super solid. I couldn't get it twisted very much.
この製品はまだ少し湾曲します。 パネル、天板、裏面、キーボード面、
The hinges are also well-made. The laptop on a whole
スクリーンにトルクをかけると、非常に硬いです。 そんなによじれません。
I would consider to have good build quality, not excellent
I wish it was better but, it is good.
そして全体として、良い品質だと考えていますが 「Excellent」ではないです。
The port selection on this thing is good. There's actually two Thunderbolt 3 ports
より良くはなったと思いますが でも「Good」です。
and those run on all four lanes of PCIe so
ポートの選択は良いです。 なんと二口のThunderbolt 3ポートがあります
If you plug up an external GPU, you're gonna get max bandwidth
The thing that I don't love is the inclusion of a microSD slot. Now, it's cool that they have an SD
つまり、外部GPUを接続すれば、 最大の帯域幅がつかえます。
slot at all, but it's microSD and this is a pro laptop, right?
気に入らないところとしては microSDスロットの組み入れです。
This is the ZenBook Pro and working professionals
通常のSDスロットならクールなのに、 これはmicroSDだ。 これってプロ向けノートPCだよね?
Very few of them are using microSD's as their main like, form of data transfer
こいつはZenBookPro そして専門職のプロ向けだ。
It just doesn't make sense that they put that there. It seems almost useless because
その中でmicroSDを メインのデータ転送で使う人は少ない
You're not gonna use that. I would much prefer to see a regular SD slot, but you're stuck with that
つまりこのポートを加えても意味を成さない。 非常に役に立たないと思います。
And that kind of bugs me.
だって...使わないんだもの 僕は通常のSDスロットのほうが好きですね。 でもおまえはmicroSDだ
There's a lot of good stuff about this laptop. I like the screen
I like the speakers. The speakers are actually very very impressive
It has the Harman Kardon branding and usually when you have that kind of branding on a laptop
It means nothing. This time,
スクリーンも好きです。 スピーカーも好きです。 スピーカーは実際とても印象的です。
There's four speakers, two on the top, two on the bottom. The ones on the bottom are down-firing
スピーカーはHarman Kardonのブランドで ノートPCでこういったブランドが使われるのは普通ですね。
And they sound really good. I was quite impressed with it
特に意味はないです。 今回は。
They don't sound super loud, but the audio quality is there. The mids, the lows, the highs
4つのスピーカーがついてます。 2つは上に、2つは底に。 底についているものはダウンファイアリングです。
They're all present, and they sound good. Back to the screen up top, this one's running a 1080p panel
そして本当にいい音を出します。 とても感激しました。
They do make a 4K panel if I'm not mistaken
But this one's 1080p. Touchscreen. The color accuracy is there. It's not super bright...
そして非常に良い音です。 スクリーンの話に戻りましょう このスクリーンは1080pです。
I wish it was brighter, but the overall image is nice
4Kパネルも作られてます。 僕の間違えでなければ。
And the bezels on the screen aren't too thick, it's like, I don't know
だけどこれは1080p。タッチスクリーンです。 色精度も良いですが、明度は高くないです。
It kind of looks like the newer MacBooks in terms of
もう少し明るければよかったです でも、全体で見て映像はナイスです
the bezel thickness, but it's just an improvement over their regular Asus ZenBook Pro line.
It's just a thinner, cleaner looking design up top. Okay, to get to the inside of this laptop
I've removed the screws, but it's pretty simple.
ですが、いままでのZenbook Proよりかは改善されてます。
There's ten screws. They all pop off pretty easily, T4
薄くなって、より綺麗なデザインな上面。 ではこのパソコンの内部の話をしましょう
And when you get inside, things get less awesome?
ネジを外してみました。 ネジは非常にシンプルです。
So far, it seems like a really good laptop, right? Okay. On the inside
10個のネジがあります。 全て簡単にはずせました。T4です。
We have a fast SSD which is good
では内部を見てみよう。 ダメな部分はあるかな?
We get a great Wi-Fi card, the Intel 1865, which is good
今のところ、滅茶苦茶良いノートパソコンですよね? オーケーでは見てみよう
The RAM is soldered on and this bugs me
This is not like one of those super-thin laptops, right?
素晴らしいWi-Fiカード、intel 1865、これも良い。
So, it doesn't make sense to me that the RAM is soldered on. Now, maybe it was a space issue
RAM はハンダ付けされています。 これは嫌ですね
Maybe it was an energy efficiency issue because you know
when you solder on RAM, when it's built on board
そう、ハンダ付けされていることは個人的には意味がないんですよ。 まあ多分、スペースの問題ですね。
It uses slightly less energy, and if that's the case...
Fine, but I just don't like seeing soldered-on RAM
But the thing that bugs me is the thermal design
So, we're looking at two heat pipes to cool a GTX 1050 Ti and an i7
7700HQ, so these are pretty hot components, it's not like the hottest stuff out there
but they're not cool components and
今見ているのは2本のヒーとパイプ、 i7 7700HQとGTX1050Tiの冷却用のものだ。
You'll see in the thermal performance later on that they don't do great.
これらは滅茶苦茶熱くなる部品だ。 このくらい熱い部品は他にない。
And the battery down here is a 72 watt-hour cell.
It's getting around 6 hours of battery life with the screen at 250 nits. So this is
後で排熱性能を見てもらいますが、 あまり良くないです
probably in the middle of the pack in terms of battery life. It's because it's not a huge battery
It's kind of a small chassis so the batteries, there's only so much space in here
But if you're gonna bring this thing to class or to work, and you're expecting a full day of use out of it
そう、これはバッテリー寿命からいえば中程度にあたります。 なのでこれは大容量バッテリーとはいえません。
You're probably gonna have to bring the charger with you
このパソコンは小さめの筐体です。 つまりバッテリーはそのうちの多くのスペースを占めています
Just because it's a little bit tight. Um...
でも、もしこれを教室や仕事に持って行くとき、 一日中使えることを期待しますよね。
before I get into performance because I know that's what a lot of people are interested in,
I want to talk about the keyboard and the trackpad. So
Keyboard is a very standard Asus keyboard. It's a good keyboard.
The Home, Page Up, Page Down buttons are on the side
and I like them there but not everyone does because
キーボードは非常にスタンダードなAsusキーボードです。 いいキーボードですよ。
if you're not used to them being there, if you're trying to hit Backspace or
Home,Page Up,Page Downボタンはサイドにあります。
Shift or Enter, you might hit those keys
But I like them there because if you want to, you can use them
And you will get used to their positioning, it doesn't interfere with my regular typing anymore
But for people that haven't used an Asus keyboard like this before
でも、私はここにあるのが気に入っています。 使いたい時に使えるからですね。
There's a bit of a learning curve. The keystrokes themselves are a little bit soft, but firm at the same time
It's hard to describe but basically the pressure that it takes to activate the switch is
a little more than your average keyboard, but the spring feels softer
ちょっとした学習曲線がありますね。 キーストロークは少しだけ柔らかめですが、同じ時間で押し込めます
So, it's a different type of experience than I'm used to. I just haven't used an Asus keyboard for a while
一般的なキーボードよりもちょっと力が入りますね でも、スプリングは柔らかく感じる
You'll get used to it quickly because when I use this thing for like
まあ、いままでのよりちょっと違ったタイプですね。 いままでAsusのキーボードを使ってこなかったし
three to four months before, not this one, but a keyboard very similar to this
You get used to it, and it's not a problem. Trackpad, good trackpad
Probably its best feature in terms of the inputs
It uses Windows Precision drivers, so it's got accurate tracking and
慣れてしまえば、全然問題ないです。 トラックパッド、いいトラックパッドです。
has a fingerprint sensor for quick logins and stuff in Windows Hello.
Okay, let's talk about performance because that's probably the
most important thing because if it doesn't have good performance,
指紋センサーによる素早いログインとWindows Helloが使えます
Nothing matters, right? Okay.
The performance on this thing, I got to open her back up to
kind of show what I'm talking about, is...
good for certain people, and not so good for other people
このパソコンのパフォーマンス、 この子を開封するした時の話に戻ると、
so this is running, like I said earlier, the 1050 Ti and
a 7700HQ, the Kaby Lake i7.
Because the thermal output on these two chips is quite high
i7 7700HQが搭載されてる
It's difficult to cool something like this in a chassis this small
and this compact, and with the heat pipes that they have, there's only
two, maybe even one and a half heat pipes
こんな感じのコンパクトで小さめの筐体では、 冷却は難しいです
You're not gonna get the best cooling. If you're doing work stuff
If you're doing like video edits and renders and stuff
This is sufficient because
これでは最高の冷却性能は発揮しないでしょう。 もし何か仕事をしてる時、
You're not stressing the GPU at 100% all the time
and your workload because you're kind of using the GPU here and there as
you do stuff in Photoshop or Premiere. So I ran some video edits
and I ran some renders. This thing runs really well. You're getting the performance
you would expect just on the paper specs. The 1050 Ti
PhotoshopやPremiereなども使えます。 いくつかの映像編集ソフトを使って、
is a good card for video editing, but when you start playing games
レンダリングを行いました。 非常に良く動きました。
That's when issues start to rise
The temps creep up and after like 20-30 minutes of gaming, you're gonna notice
この1050Tiは動画編集には良いチップです。 が、ゲームを始めた場合
some serious thermal throttling and you could probably resolve this
If you re-paste it, or if you undervolt it
温度はじわじわ上がり、 ゲームを始めてから20〜30分後に
and I mean you can, I'm not gonna do it on this unit and
I'm positive that if you did, if you repasted this and
if you undervolt this, you would get better performance.
できます。 しかし私はそれをやっていません。
But I wouldn't pick up this laptop if your main purpose is to play games
それをすることには賛成です。 塗り直したり、低電圧化することで
It's a really nice looking laptop, and it's slim, but because of the thermal issues
I can't just openly recommend it for people who are quote, unquote, "gamers".
でも、私はメインの目的がゲームをすることであるならば、 このPCを選ばないでしょう
The fans don't come on very often. When it's idle,
これは非常に良い見た目のノートです。そして、スリムです。 でも、排熱の問題によって
it's actually very quiet, but at full load,
It's a little bit loud, not super annoying or anything, but it can get loud
ファンの回転頻度は少ないです。 アイドル状態ならとても静かです。
So this is a laptop that was designed for professional users, right? It's a ZenBook Pro
and I think because of what it's equipped with, because it has a 1050 Ti, because it has
an i7, I think a lot of people are drawn to the specs and
つまりこれは"プロフェショナル"のためのノートパソコンです、いいですか? これはZenBook Proです。
think, "Hey, I can pick this up and play games really well on it,"
but that's not what it was designed for, unfortunately. It's a really nice looking laptop. It's not super expensive
I think the base model starts at 1400-1500 dollars. This unit here with everything
I've decked it out with, $1700, but...
でもこれはそういった風にはデザインされてません、残念ながら。 滅茶苦茶いいデザインのノートPCです。滅茶苦茶高いわけじゃないです。
Yeah, if you're a gamer and you're hoping that this would be like,
the gaming laptop that didn't look like a gaming laptop,
This is not that laptop, I'm sorry.
I was disappointed, and I feel like a lot of my viewers
were really interested in this thing because it had such potential...
But, no, it's not the one.
僕は失望したよ、 そしてたくさんの視聴者の方と同じように
Okay. Hope you guys enjoyed this video!
Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it!
See you guys next time!
オーケー、 このビデオを楽しんでくれたら嬉しいよ
If you're curious like, if you're looking for other options
もし、likeなら高評価を もし、loveならチャンネル登録を!
I don't know if anyone is still sticking around to this part of the video,
but, if you're curious, I've been using...
00:08:28,500 --> 00:08:31,000
the Aero 15X so this is the upgraded model
00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:33,700
This is not that different in size from the ZenBook Pro. It's a completely different price point
00:08:33,700 --> 00:08:36,700
This is significantly more expensive, but they've designed this thing to house a GTX 1070.
00:08:36,759 --> 00:08:43,379
It's a significantly more powerful video card, but it's similar in size
00:08:43,380 --> 00:08:48,389
But the way that they're doing is that they have to crack this thing open
00:08:48,800 --> 00:08:52,300
and like, they're putting a ton of venting on this thing
00:08:52,300 --> 00:08:55,300
to make it more viable for gaming and
00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:57,300
That's not what the ZenBook does. They try to keep it clean and minimal, and just very nice looking
00:08:57,300 --> 00:09:00,700
It does look a heck a lot nicer than this. Like, look at this
00:09:00,700 --> 00:09:05,100
But this thing is where you're gonna get performance.
00:09:05,100 --> 00:09:08,269
If you want something that's built for gaming, look at other options like this
00:09:08,399 --> 00:09:10,600
Errr, the Aero 15, this is actually the Aero 15X.
00:09:10,600 --> 00:09:15,200
Okay. See you in the next video.
00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:18,400