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Hello Children meet gumbo , freckles and chubby
They are three happy book worms who live in this library with me
They are happy because they are good
If you are good and trust in God
Then you will be happy all the time
Come children gather around it's story time
Hey! Story time, Hi Holy we just love your stories
from the bible, I know you do
But you have answer the questions at the end
Deal, yes deal, good then let me start
There was once a man called John
who had given up his life to serve god
He din't leave in a house anymore he lived in a dessert
And work camels keep
His life was simple he would eat honey, berries and insects
people will come from often near and far for him preach
He would say very simple things
he told his followers to be sorry for
their wrong doings and asked for
forgiveness for there sins
people would often tell him about there sins
and ask for forgiveness and in turn
he would bless them and pour water on
there heads from the river jordan
after this there sins thought to be washed away
John new that one day a greatman would come
and purify his followers not with water but holy spirit itself
he would be really really a great man
One day jesus came where john lived
to be purified the moment the john saw jesus
he knew at once that the great man had finaly come
he said you should purify me not the other way round
jesus replied what it be this way for now
God wanted John poured water from the
river Jordan on Jesus and the Holy
Spirit appeared as a dove and said
This my sorrow and I am very happy
oh I love the story holy glad you did
now for the question which rivers water
did John used to pour on his followers
Dragon no no gamble it was jordan
yes chubby you are right but Gumble you were
close so don't worry now off you go kids
be good bye bye
Holy, Hello Kids is in'is the nice day
I am really sad holy chubby ate my chocolate
I din't eat it I just took a small bite
now now don't fight kids we should all learn to share
don't you want to hear story from the bible yes we do
all right kids today's story is about Jesus and satan
Jesus went to a dessert to get ready for furture tasks
He fasted for forty days he didn't eat or drink anything
by the end of the forty days jesus was tired
and hungry satan was the enemy of the god
thought of tempting jesus he came next to him
and challenged him if your really of a son of god
as you said then why don't you turn this towns
into red jesus said the holy scripture said
we cannpt leave in blood alone we also need
the nourishments of god's words
satan took jesus to the high mountain
where he can see all the kindom of the world
and said "If you pray to me then all that you
see from here will be yours
jesus said holy scripture said
we must only pray to our god
and nobody else sadan then took
the jesus to Jerusalem and made him stand
on the edge of the temple and asked
why don't you serve of the fish and like
the scripture says god;s angels would come
to save you. The jesus said but the
scriptures also say not to put god to test
sadan understood no matter what it says
nothing could tempt jesus upset and embarassed
sadan left god sent his angels to feed and
take care of jesus
I Hope you like the story
I will ask the question now
who tries to tempt Jesus
I can answer this, sadan tries to tempt jesus
very good freckles now Gumbel and chubby
I hope you won't fight anymore
now we won't tell me
hello children I have been waiting for
you all to come I have already thought
about the story to tell you today
Hey another Bible story, what is the story about
the story is about four fishermen and Jesus
but the children have to answer one question
which I will ask you at the end of the story
Yes we will first answer the question, Great
then let us start with the story
well today's story is about
The four special fishermen
Long time ago Jesus needed his friends
to help him to spread God's message
As he walked down the Sea of Gallery
he saw two fishermen put their nets in the water
to catch fish, They were Brothers and
the names were Simon and Andy intended
Jesus called out to them and they came to the shore
Jesus said Holy and I will make you
specific name of Peter
the two men left
their nets at once and Joined Him
they had understood that Jesus was the promised
Savior as he went along Jesus came across
another two brothers James and john
They were sitting in a fishing boat
they were repairing their fishing nets with
help from their father
Jesus called out they left their nets
and their father
And joined Jesus they do knew that Jesus was sent by god
Jesus chose these people
because they were loyal to God
and not because they talented or gifted
he gave them new names later
Simon was named Peter
which meant Rock
John and James were called sons of thunder
because they were young man
in place of catching fish these people would get
many others to join the kingdom of God
they stayed close to Jesus
learnt from him and helped him
As he went around the world teaching and healing people
Oh I would drop every minute for Jesus too
waw That was wonderful story thankyou holy
Wow your most welcome children
Now my question for today is
what was the name of the lake along
which Jesus walked
I know this answer I will tell
go on walked it through Galoli
consequently Galoli
yes very good gumbo surprise surprise
Hi Holy we see that, what you have for today
oh just a great story from the Bible
and I am going to share it with you
Great do tell us, All right
This is about Simon Peters House
The town of capernum was very important
It had a lot of Roman Soldiers and a post office
Many people would pass throgh this town
and then stop for business
Jesus came here too to continue his work
of spreading God's message
he would often go to the local place of worship
to preach many people would come there to listen to him
They were exited by his words and wisdom
Soon jesus became well known
in the whole of the country side
In the same town a man called simon peter
Lived in a small house with his wife and mother-in-law
Jesus would often visit them
one day jesus reached the house
saw simons mother in law lying on the bed
with high fever jesus went over to the bed
and asked the fewer to go away
The fewer went away and simon's
mother-in=law went back into the kitchen
to make food like she never had a fever
Soon words spread about how jesus healed
simon''s mother law, by sun set crowd of people come to jesus
who wanted to be healed jesus did not send them away
He healed all of them by laying his hand on them
The next day jesus left simons house
and went to other place where he could
preach about the kingdom of god
The people followed him and tried to make him stay
but jesus said I must go to other places too
To spread the word of god
and he left
Such a sweet story holy thankyou for sharing with us
It's my pleasure dear, now the question
Whose high fever did jesus Heal?
Simon's mother In law fever was healed by jesus
Now that'sa good girl well done kettels
So today the story I am going to tell you
A story about paralized man
Long time ago four man came to jesus
Jesus was teaching his followers
They were carrying his friend on a strecher
The man was paralysized and cannot walk on his body
The friends believed that jesus could heal him
But the house was full of blutos and
didn't know How get close to the jesus
so they took there friend to roof of the house
They removed the blue tiles, they then load
the strecher and rested on the floor
right in front of jesus and jesus was very happy
with there faith in him he told the paralysed man
your sins are forgiven my friend
some people saw it by angry and said
only god can forgive our sins and said
Jesus said tell me which is easier to tell this man
his sins are forgiven or to ask him to walk
I am son of god and I can forgive his sins
I will ask him to get up now
When jeus said this the paralysed man got up
and walked the way and every body was surprised
They all pleased the god and we have never seen
anything like this before
Now children wasn't that a wonderful story
I will aska questions now
Who did the four friends think can heal there paralysed friend?
I know it, it is simple they though that jesus can heal it
That is right chubby you paid attention
The whole point is you have faith then miracles can happen
Today I will tell you the other story of jesus
and how we thought his people the word of god
Wow that sounds great come on holy do not waste any more time
Long time ago many people had gathered around jesus
To hear his words of wisdom, jesus told the crowd
The story about the farmer
once upon a time there was a farmer
who walked up and down the field catering seeds all around
The seed fell on different places
some fell on the path and birds came ate them off
Some feel on the rocks and grass grew in very short time
and died when the heat of the sun
some fell on throns and grew faster than the plants
choking them, but some fell rich and good soil
where they grew well and giving the farmer a good crop
After telling the story the jesus explained
Gods work are like seeds people often hear
what gods says, but devils earns there hearts
so the words are not able to enter there hearts
He compared many shallow hearts of many men
to the rocky grounds which hears the god words as joy
but just not remember them for long
he also said there are some people
who hear the words but much much interested
on the holy things around them
and they slowly over trade and forget the word of god
But there are some peoples who does leave in gods words
These people grow like the seeds on the turtle soil
Giving the strong good harvest of faith and lots of love
in there hearts, let see you have been listening
who going answer my question today
I will , I will , I will
all right , All Right no problem
you can all answer my questions
where did all seeds fall
when the farmers scatered them on the ground
some fell path, some fell on the rock
some fell the throns,
And some fell on the rich and turtle soil
execellent holy your are absulutely correct
Well well thank you gumbels
So you children like to hear a interesting story
from the bible
That's what we are here for, we can't wait
ok I won't keep you waiting anymore,
I will tell you a story but do you know
what you have do after that
Yes answer the question you ask us
well this story is about woman who got healed
Wherever jesus went there was a
crowd of people around him
some people wanted to be healed by him
while other asked him heal there loved ones
One day there was woman in the cloud
who not been for many years and was in a lot of pain
she has given a lot of money to the doctors
but they could'nt help them at all
She believed in jesus and his wonderful healing power
she wanted meet him as soon as possible
she thought by touching clothes
I know I will be healed
At last she was able to meet jesus
she was able to touch part of jesus clothes
She knew it once she has been healed
Suddenly jesus stoped and asked
who touched my clothes
The formerers said there are so many people around you
Jesus was kept looking at the crowd, finally
The woman who had been healed came out
She fell on his feet very scared
She told him she has touched his clothes
Jesus said kindly, My child it is not my clothes
But your faith in me that is healed you
You go in peace and be free of your illness
No No here comes the question
Which part of the jesus clothes the woman touched
and believed she was healed
I know I know She touched jesus's clothes
Is'nt it right holy, yes it is absolutely right
freckles well done
Let us start with today's story
But promise me that you will listen to the story
very carefully and promise not be naughty, we promise
Long time ago there lived a man called jares
He was a minister in the house of god
He had a daugter who was realy a very ill
She was only a 12yrs old and jares was scared
His one and only daughter would die
One day feeling helpless, he decided to
Go to jesus for help
When jares went to jesus, jesus was teaching deciples
and his followers, Jared went upto him and said
Mater my daughter is very ill, you must help her
or she will die, Jesus agreed
and told jares immedialtely take her to her house
While they were on there way some friends of jares stopped them
Do give him bad news, they said Your daughter has died
Now jesus does not need, to take the trouble
to go till your house
But jesus did not turn back, jesus said him not to worry
have faith in god, when they reached the house
People are very already crying, jesus looked at the girl
and said the crowd that there was no need to cry
And that she was just a sleep, they did not belive him
Then jesus held the girls hand and said softly
Child it is time to wake up
The spiri returned to the body of the girl
And she immediately opened her eyes
Her family gave food to eat, and jares thanked jesus
jesus told jared and wife not to tell anyone about
what has taken place
How did the jesus do that,
chuby have forgoten the jesus is son of god
oh yes right, I forgot
So question for today is, what was name of man
whose daughter was very ill
Jares, very good freckles, Now have to go children
be good and happy and I have surprise for you all
Gather around, Hi Holy
Do tell us what surprises is Please
There is an other interesting story from Bible
would you like to listed to it, yes of course
we do holy, if you have listen closely
I would ask the question at the end of the story
we will we will, all right then kids
Long ago Jesus left the dessert where fasted for 40 days
resisting galue and went to galoli
There he told the people all about the god
and how there leave there life in way
That god would be happyy
One day he went to nazerath
The town he had grown up and worked as carpenter
The day he went was sabath The holy day of the week
He went to the place of the juice pride
During theservice jesus stood up to speak
And he was given the writings of prophet Izia
He opened it and read a part which
spoke about the coming of the saviour
also known as a misire
then jesus said, this words have come true today
God has send me to share good things
Jesus spoke vey well and everyone heard with total attention
They were realy surprised by the things jesus said
Then they started to whisper to each other
some of them said he is carpenter to serve
who is he, how can he save the things
The crowd was not happy at all
They caught hold of jesus and behaved badly
But jesus managend to slip away he never went back
to nazareth again, why would people mean to jesus
because they din't understand them, but we should forgive them
and paeople do strange things when they are afraid
Now for the question, what did jesus work as in nazerath
oh I think I can answer this, jesus worked as carpenter in nazareth
His father was carpenter too, someone
was very attentive
Todays story about how jesus fed the crowds
And like always at the end of the story
I will be asking you one question
John was the preist of the ancient jews temple
Who had backtised the jesus when he was young boy
when he was a young boy, few years have passed since then
and jesus grown upto to a man
And he heard that john was killed so jesus was sad
and went to the seculed place in a boat
His followers follwed him on foot
Around the sea of galole
when jesus came across from the sea of galole
He saw large crowd waiting for him
The crowd was waiting for him for a long time
They were hungry, but all that the jesus
but all that jesus and deciples had
was five loves of bread and two fish
That was not enough to feed the large crowd
jesus deciple said let we send this people back
since we do not have enough food for them
Jesus did not want this people to go
He had to do something for this people
So asked his deciples bring cloves of bread and fish we already have
The deciples did what jesus told then to do
Jesus pressed the food and every one ate that food
They went back with 12 baskets of left overs
Was'nt that a wonderful story
About how jesus fed the huge crowd
with only five lovels of bread and two fish
did you all like the story, oh yes we surely did
so what is the question for today
How many louds of bread and fish did his deciples had
is this the question , No
Why did the deciples want to send the peoples away
Only because they did had enough food to feed the crowd
And they were hungry, exellent
Let me tell another story about jesus
Yes yes we are here, come on let's start
Ok one fine day, Jesus went to the mountain to pray to the God
He went alone did not take his deciples along with him
His deciples set sail on the boat and by evening the boat was foraway from land
Suddenly there came a huge storm
Jesus deciples tried realy hard, to save against high waves and strong winds
The sea kept raging, after a while his deciples were very tired
and could not row any longer, they were bigining to despair
in a drawn, jesus came to them walking on the sea
At first the deciples were very afraid seeing the man walking on the sea
They though it was a ghost and then jesus called out to them
and said don't be afraid it is me who was walking on the water
His deciples rejoiced at the sight, either one of the jesus deciples said
I want to walk on the water too, jesus called peter to him
And he started to walking on the water, peter felt wind against him
and began to sink, he cried for help, and jesus caught him by his hand
Jesus was frightened to see, that peter had such little faith in god
By then the storm had stoped and wind stoped blowing
Jesus walking on the sea proved to his deciples once again the fact
That Jesus was truly the son of god
Wow, Jesus walked on water how cool is that
Now it's time for a question, today the question is for Gumbo
So Gumbo Tell me, What did the deciples think when jesus came walking on the sea
They thought he was a ghost, your absolutely correct
Good Bye
Oh Hello dear children, are you on unwell holy
I hope you get well soon, I sure you will feel better active if you tell of a story
That is sweet gumbo, Of Course, I will tell you all the story
Awesome, All right kids todays story is about a blind man who sees again
The story of jesus healing people was spreading for and wild
One day jesus and his followers came to the town of testa
When he was there, some people brought the blind man to him
They told jesus, Please put your hand on him and heal him
Jeus held the mans hand and took him away from all the people
Then jesus slowly closed his eyes and massaged them
And laid his hands on them, and when done
he asked the man can you see anything now
The man was very happy he said yes I can see trees
and people are walking around, so they must be people
Jesus put his on man eyes again and he was completely healed
The man was realy realy Happy, he said joyfuly
I can see, now I can see everything. Jeus told him
Go back home my child and do not tell anyone about this
The man went back home happily, greatful he got his sight back
You know kids, I actually feel so much better
After telling you kids the story, I am glad you feel better
I told you so, yes you did Gumbo Thank you
So the question for you three is
Who did the people of the testa bring to the jesus to heal
I will answer this they brought to the jesus a blind man to be healed
Right, Right too our chubby, very good
I have already thought about a story I am going to tell you today
But like always you have to answer once question at the end
Sure we will, Long Long ago jesus crossed the sea of galoli
and reached the post sezeria, philapia
There is told lot of people about the word of god
And also warned agianst the phershis and sadushis
The pherishish and Sadushis, Sadushish would often
try to destroy people faith in Jesus
Jesus once raised a question against the followers
He asked who the people think I am
After thinking for a while they said
Some people think that your one of many prophets
Some think your johnabative, some also think you're alire geramine
Hearing this answers jesus turned to simon peters and asked
Him who do you think I am, Simon peter immedialtely answered
Your christ, Son of god, The missire, Jesus was exremely pleased
That simon peter believed in him so jesus blessed him
Saying from that day onwards he would be called peter which meant rock
The Next day the jesus told his followers
Not to tell anyone that he was a promise missire
He said he would go to jeurusilm and suffer a lot
And later he would die, but later on third day after his death
He would rise to life again
hearing this peter was realy worried
He took jesus to one side and said to him lord you must not do that
Jesus understood the worry and surprise in peters voice
he explained to him that peter must not worry and stop him
from full filling his mission
Only in his death he do what he want to achieve
Woe peter realy love jesus
didn't he yes he did, I hope you all like the story
ofcourse we like, now ask the question
In how many days did jesus say he will come back from death
In theree days , yes great you're a good children
Let's start with todays story, Hey It's story time
But holy what is todays story about
Today's story is about how much jesus loved his children
Promise me that you'll all listen to the story carefuly
and answer my question at the end, yes yes we will
what about you chubby me too, story time
Long time ago when the people of jerosulem heard
That jesus was in town, they went looking for him
They bought there children with them
Because they really wanted jesus to bless them
The people found the jesus sitting under a tree
with his deciples, everyone with baby and little
chidren tried very hard to get close to jesus
to seek his blessings, jesus deciples realised what was happening
The deciples who did not want jesus to be disturbed by the children
Shood this children and people away,
stopped the children from touching jesus
Soon jesus realized what was happening
around him and was not happy at all
He called all of his deciples and said
Let the children come and told his deciples that they
should not to stop this children from coming to him
Because he said the kingdom of god belongs to the children
The deciples realized what they had done
They allowed the children come to the jesus
Jesus then held the little baby in his hand
and other children touched him and he blessed all of them
Everybody was happy, Now let's see you have been listening
To my story carefully, who does god's kindom belongs too
It belonged to little children and babies very good
I am happy you have been following my stories
Now I will tell you the story
Long time ago I rich young man looking for a way
So he went to jesus, Hoping find an answer to his question
Jesus said you wanted turn on a light you should follow
all commendments, Not to break any of them
The man said and did follow all the commendments
He did follow all commendments
He did not steal, he did not take someone else wife
or lie to anyone, he respected his parents
did not kill or cheat others either
He loved others, as he loved himself
The rich wated to know is there anything else he could possibly do
Jesus said If you wanted turn your life, jUst spend all your money among poor
and join me in spreading the kingdom of god
the idea of giving up of richness
did not make young rich man very happy
He was very upset, that he could not do anything more
to get the eternal light, he so badly wanted
Jesus then saw how difficult it was
for the rich to enter god's kingdom
I love this story the richman was so selfish wasn't it holy
Well he loved his money, than the ethernal life
And that is why he could never enter the kingdom of god
Now I will ask the question what did the
rich youngman want from jesus
He wanted more money, no no silly
He wanted the ethernal life
Right, chubby is right , well done
Ok, Now sit down, Today I will tell you amazing story
about Jesus and blind begger
Long time ago there lived a blind begger in the town of jerico
His name was batinais
One day jesus and his follwers were visiting the town
As they were leaving, they were crossing the road on which Bartimius was begging
Since there was lot noise being made by all the people around jesus
Bartimius asked a man what was happening
The man told jesus and followers were passing by
Bartimius heard a lot of things about jesus and the miracles he perform
So he shouted out load, son of deeds, help this poor
blind begger,he went on shouting again and again
Till jesus heard him, people asked him keep quiet
But jesus told the people to bring the beggers to him
and bartimius was taken to jesus and jesus asked him
what you wanted me to do, the begger replied
Help me son of deed, let me get my eye sight back
Hearning this jesus said to him, go your faith have saved you
Bartimius got his eye sight back, and was very happy
So from that very movement he became devote follower of jesus
But holy why did the begger called him a son of David
I thought his father was joseph, jews people expected misire to be the famly of david
and For this reason the misire was called the son of david
oh ok, go ahead so the question what name of the town
The bartimius lived, I know this one he lived in jerico
very good freckles, thank you holy
All of you gather around, I will tell but you know
what you to do at the end
Yes Holy we have to answer to the question correctly
very good, and if you do you might get the cookies from me
Today's story is about jesus and Jerusulem
On the first day of the past over week
Jesus and followers came to Batushi on the mount of Alives
On the way to jeruselum, jesus sent two of his followers before him
He said got to the village, He also said you will find a young donkey
They are tied up with it'smother, if any one asks tell
The master needs it, I will send it back soon,
The followers did everything the jesus said
He found the donkey and bring back to jesus
They put there clothes on donkeys back,
to make a comfortable seat for jesus
No one had written young donkey before,
but it happily allowed jesus to seat on his back
Jesus travelled to jerusilem not on the royal horse
used in the war, but on the donkey
Prophets acquaraya had said long ago
that the promise saviour was king of peace
Not war, people ran from the houses to the streets
To welcome jesus, they all showed there love to him
They spread there clothes at his feet
and shouted Howazana, Howzana, Happily praising god
So did you enjoyed the story, I loved this
That's great, Now my question is
Now what animal did jesus rude into the town of jerusilum
oh, Horse, think twice before you answer jumbo dear
We know, he rode a donkey
yes that is right, All of you deserve chocolate
can you please tell us another story of jesus
We all find this story so exciting, I will only if you promise to listen carefuly
and answer the question at the end, yes we got it
Long ago jesus was invited to the house of a man called Simon
Who lived in town called main, simon was a parasy
Which Meant who lived strictly, following all of jewish laws
Simon did not believe jesus to be one of prophets of god
He took his place and sat on the table, A woman walked inside the room
She nails down before the jesus and cried softly
Her tears fall on the jesus's feet and she wiped it
with her hair, she had with her a jar of expensive oil
She covered his feet with kises and then spread perfume oil on the feet
With her own two hands, simon was surprised
The woman had bad reputation on town
Simon thought to himself that how jesus could allow this
Knowing what he is thinking jesus told simon the story
About the two man who had borrwed money from a money lender
One man borrwed 100 silver coinds and the other 50
Both of them could not pay back the money lender
The money lender was a good man so he cancelled the debt
At the end of the story jesus asked simon
Tell me which man out of the two would be the most greatful
simon replied Obviously the one who borrwed the more money
Jesus then asked the simon when I entered the house
You did not give me the kiss of friendship
neither did you wash my feet nor you annoyed me with oil
This simple woman on the other hand showed me so much of love
Jesus then turned to the woman and told her
That all of his sins have been forgiven
Jesus is such that he never advises man and he know what time of a thinking
Ofcourse he is a son of god, He knew everything
So holy what is the question for today
What was the name of the town were simon lived
The name of the town was Meir, well close, it was main
Todays story is about The Garden Of Gethsemane
Jesus has held supper for all of his followers
and this supper jesus had personally washed the feet all his followers
after the supper jesus left with the followers
to go to quiet and peacefull garden on the mountain of Alex
He wanted to spend his time with his heavenly father
So he went inside the garden with peter, james and john
Leaving the others to wait outside from them,
as he entered, he told his three followers to keep a watch
As he prayed inside, he was very upset and stressed
He knew that something very bad was waiting for him
He knew that already been decrad by his own followers
Who loved very much to take away his pain
after he stepped outside after prayers
John, peter and james were all fallen asleep
He woked them up and said to them
Could you three not stay away just for a little while
All three of them were very ashamed of themelves
They apolojized to jesus, but they kept following asleep again and again
Jesus said the third time wakeup james, john and peter
My time has come, I be shall be defret soon
My betriar on his way,
Oh don't be sad, did you like the story
Yes that I did holy, good now listen to my question
Where was the The Garden Of Gethsemane located
On the mountain, mountain of lees, seems non of them paid close attention
It was Mount of Alives, Your like three followers of jesus
You don't listen to me, sorry holy we will next time
I am sure you will, what you want to do this lovely day
Listen to a story of bible
You tell us one, that sounds perfect
I will tell you one, but you have listen to us carefully
yes we will holy, All right todays story is about
Judas the feast of paris over was coming close
Jesus and his followers travelled to jerusulim
and stucked at village of bethany
They stayed in the house of there friends
Martha and merry and brother nazreth
Jesus before has given nazreth back his life
That evening they Sat down to have dinner
served by martha, during the meal mary came with
expensive perfume oil, she kept the oil in front of jesus
and poured the oil on his feet
She then wiped the oil from her hair
The air was filled with the smell of the oil,
judus the follower who looks after the fund of money
said what a waste, oil should have been sold
and money should have given to the poor
Jesus did not saved it, because he cared for the poor
Because he himself often stoll money from the fund
Jesus said Leave her alone, when she was my maid
She was preparing me for my parents, there will always be poor people
But I will not always be with you, judos was angry
That jesus scolleded him and left the house
he wanted to betray jesus, so he went to the priest
They were happy and promise to give judos a money, to get jesus arrested
and he was loking for a chance to betray jesus
Oh god what was going to happen now holy
don't be scared freckles and nothing going to happen
Now my question kids what did the mary pour on jesus feet
Oil, oh wait perfumed oil, That's right
So today's story is a sad one, it's a story about how jesus was betrayed
Jesus had twelve deciples, one of this deciples was called judos
Judos has betrayed jesus to the high priest
One day after jesus had finished prayers
He and his deciples went into the garden
Now judos who betrayed him knew the place
because jesus had often met them his deciples
So judos came to the garden guding some soldiers
and some officials, from the chief preist and parathies
They were carrying storches, laterns and weapons
Judos went upto the crowd and told them
The man he greets with the kiss will be jesus
Judos walked upto the jesus and greeted him with kiss
Immediately the crowd knowed who jesus was
Inspite of judos betrayed him jesus spoke to him
with lot of passions, in a calm voice he said
judos do what you have come to do
Jesus then looked at the crowd and told them
That he was not a bad person who should be arrested
with swords and clubs, that they should not harm his deciples
He also told his deciples not to fight back
The crowd did not have to do anything, jesus went with them as he laid the way
wow, yes now who will answer todays question
may I Please offcourse, so tell how did the crowd know who jesus was
The crowd know who jesus was by judos greeted a man with kiss
Today I will tell the story of peter breaking his promise
To his beloved jesus
Oh god peter breaks his promise to jesus, why, How
Wait wait have patience
Long Ago Judos flauted agianst jesus and got him arrested
for steeling from temples treasuries
Judos came with harmed men to arrest jesus
from the garden in a place called Gethsemane
Jesus for their with there three of his favorite deciples
John, peter and james, horrified too see jesus getting arrested
Peter took out his sword and cut of the ear of one of the armed men
Seeing this jesus told him peter you must not do that
Those who live by a sword often die by it
Jesus was taken to the high priest as a prisoner
Peter was outside when the woman saw him and asked
Aren't you one of the deciples of the man they took inside
Peter replied No, and moved nearest to the guards standing near the gate
one of the guard seeing him said I am sure I saw you with prophet
You were with him were'nt you, peter said no again
The third time another guard said that he had seen peter with jesus
Peter became very angry and replied furiously
No I was not with him
I don't what are you talking about,
As soon as peter completed his sentence, a cock croud loudly
Peter then remembered jesus's prediction
He had said that peter would deny him three times
Before a cock croud, peter had promised to him
that he would never do that
The fact that he has broken his promise to the lord
Made him very sad and unhappy
He ran out and wept
How the peter do that, I hope you have been listening very carefully
Jumbo if you answer this question correctly, I will sing along with you
Ok here is a question How many times did
Peter denied knowing jesus
I know, I know three times very good gumbo
I have already thought of story which I going to tell you
Today, So shall we start yes yes,
freckles are very goodly dressed up for you
And I am wearinga new hat, all of you are looking very nice
So today's story is about how jesus was arrested
and then put to death
Judos one of the jesus deciples, had betrayed him
until Jesus was arrested and all the priests have been decided
That jesus should be put to death
Pilot the Roman governor was to take a final decission
He know that jesus was innocient and those time
The custom was that the governor can release any prisonor
at the pacely festival
The prisoner would be chosen by the people
I would wish jesus to be released
But the priest has already told the people not to take jesus
Name, sadly did as they were told, jesus was made
to wear a purple gown and crown of twisted frawns
He was then locked, the people in the crowd made fun of him and said
Hey you the king of the jews, but not in a nice way
Pilot was very antious, he did not want innocient man to put to death
So he decided to try and change the crowds decision
he went outside and once small addressed the crowd
I have found no case against you, I cannot put him to death
But the crowd did not care, they wanted jesus to die
Seeing helpless, pilot tried once again
If you want him dead, then do it youself
The crowd shouted back, claiming that ceaser was the only king
and jesus was challenging the king
By claiming that he was the king of jews
Pilot had no other option but to give him, so he handed jesus to the crowd
oh that was so sad holy, I am realy upset, I know freckles
But that there was reason for his sufferings
Don't be sad, Now who will answer todays question
Can I please ofcourse, tell me who was the
only man from the people to be claimed their king
That is ceasar gumbo, but anyway atleast you tried
Don't you want to hear today's story
Chubby was busy eating so wanted to poke him on to the book
So we got late my goodness, I ate too much now I can't move anymore
Holy please start with today's story
I can't wait any longer, ok well todays story is about
How Jesus was declared innocent, Long time ago
Galoli was ruled by a Roman ruler called pantious Pilot
Before jesus was put up on the cross the priest and leaders
Bought him to the palace of the ruler
The priest and the leaders was accusing jesus of making false claims
of being the king of the people, jesus stood calmly
In front of the pilot without speaking a word
Here in the accucisions the priest had against him
contious asked jesus realy thought of being the king of jews
It is the people who called me the king
He came here only to do one thing
Which was to bring the truth
hearning this pilot turns to the priests and leaders of jerusilm and said
Jesus was innocent, priests were angry
on pilote decision, they all insisted jesus upstes people
where ever he goes from galoli to jerusilim
Pilot told the priests that they should take jesus to herad
Herad was then incharge of jesus and jesus was galolinian
Herad sents him back to pilot
Pilot wife also dreamt about jesus is innosence
Pilot declares him innocent once again
contious declared jesus innocent three times
he finaly washes his hands of the matter
yes jesus was proved innocent
Now they will not make him suffer anymore
Well that a story for another day
Now answer my question, what did pilot tell the priest about jesus
He declared that jesus was innocent, now the freckles has answered your question
can I sing a song, you are a very nice book worm,
you never listen to my stories carfully
I have already though about a story I am going to tell you today
But you have to remember that you should answer one question at the end
Yes we do alright, on the day of the pastover festival
The common custom was that the governor
would release any prisoner chosen by the people
At that time jesus was held prisoner, judo had betrayed jesus for his
Own greed, pilot the then roman governor was extremely fond of jesus
and was hoping that people will ask for jesus to be released
But the preist had already told the people what to say
They wanted to get rid of jesus soon as possible
On the day of the festival the governor adressed the crowd gathered outside
On this day I am willing to release any prisoner you want
Who will it be, The people replied we want the barbaras to be released
barbaras was another prisoner who had stolen many things
and also commited many other crimes
People chosen him over jesus as preists told them to do that
Pilot knew how priests were jealous of jesus
he don't want to put jesus to death at all
His wife also dreamt about jesus being innocent
and pleaded let go of jesus
Finally pilot asked the crowd again,
do you want me release whom you call king of jews
The crowd said that they wanted to put jesus to death
and saved the barabaras the crowd was getting very impatient
Pilot was afraid that riots will starve, so gave into their demand
Before he went back to his palace, he called for a water filled with water
Pilot washed his hand and said I have nothing to do with jesus death
The brabarus shall be released
Oh no what will happen to jesus now
Only good time, so who did the people want to release
The prisoner and not jesus, it's barabus chubby, very good
I am so smart
but you never tell us sad story, I know but today's story is about jesus death
I know how much children love him
Jesus can't die holy, tell us a story
well children, jesus was a racsist, preist wanted him to die
So they want the people to go against him
The roman governor pilot knew jesus was innocent
But he could do anything to save jesus
So jesus was taken to the place called skull hill
Also called golgatha outside jerusilm
He would be crucified and put to death
Two other thieves was also put to death
Along with jesus, jesus was put on a cross by the guards
and Then the death applied on the ground
Many of the follwers and deciples gathered to see him for the last time
Among the people were jesus's mother Mary
and one of his closest deciple john
Before he died jesus prayed to the lord
Father please forgive them, For the deed they are doing
Then he looked at john and said, John mary will be your mother
He looked at mary and said john will now be your son
The Priests were getting very impatient,
the guards made sure two thieves were dead
By the time they reached jesus he was already dead
they pearsed him to check he was dead or not
John took mary to his house and took care of her
from that moment onwards
Now who will answer my question today
Jesus can't die he was the son of god
Hang in there freckles keep the faith
Now answer my question, what was the name of the place were jesus was crucified
Skull hill, but it was also called golgatha was'nt it holy
yes both of you are correct, well there is hope in this one
I hope you won't feel sad, after listening to this story
So Jesus was put to death on a cross, at the place called golgatha
Which was outside jerusilm, after jesus died on a cross
One was his secret followers joseph
asked for permission from pilot the roman governor
to burry jesus's body, joseph was a rich man
and have Come from anamathia, so joseph and his friend nickidineus
Took jesus's body to burried, nicodenous was other secret deciple of jesus
Like his friend joseph
They rapped jesus in a clean cloth and took him to the newly built tomb
which was not very for away from the golgatha
Nicodenous has got special mixture of milk and olive
spread a special mixture all over the body of the jesus
and rapped him according to jewish custom
after everything was done, joseph and nicedoneous closed the tomb
with a huge bolder, many people were waiting outside
Mary merdolum was one of them,
jeweis leader knew'd that jesus made a promise
That he would rise from the death, after three days
So they all went to pilot and requested him to seal the tomb
and guarded with soldiers, all day and all night
to make sure non of jesus's deciples try to steal his body
Pilot agreed, the priest sealed the tomb and made against the watch full eyes
of the guards,I Knew jesus couln't die, if he promise
that he would raise from death, I am sure he will
we will wait and see freckles, now my question
what was the name of the woman who was standing at front of the tomb
Jesus is been burried, it was mary macdony, Correct
Let's start with today's story, Chubby listen to the story carefully
It was a very sad time in jerusilm, Since jesus has been crucified
Darkness has fallen on the whole town
The people were very sad because they had lost there god
It was the third since jesus's death
That the son was finaly raising, it was Sunday morning
Mary from bethany and mary martilin two woman
Who loved jesus very much came to the tomb
were jesus was kept, suddenly there was earth quake
and an angel appeeared before them, rolling away the large tomb
Covering the mouth of the tomb, he sat by the open tomb
While the inside of the tomb was flashing like lightning
Guards of the tomb were afraid and very scared
He fell down with fear, Angel new that
the woman has come to see jesus
So he said you will not find him in the tomb
Jesus has left the death behind, just as he said he would
The angel showed the woman the place in tomb where jesus had laid
The Angel then sent a message to jesus's deciples
Through the woman that jesus would be found in galali
where they should go and meet him
Happy of this miracle
Woman run back to tell this miracle
But how did jesus come out of the tomb
He is the son of the god, he could do anything
yes, so the question for today is what happened
what happened when the angel rolled away the stone
from jesus's tomb
An earth quake, very good chubby
Your realy paying attention today
Good start for today's story, jumbo listen to the story carefuly
So after jesus is put to death on the cross,
His body was burried in tomb
Not very forway from golgatha
jesus had promised his followers and deciples
he would raise from death after three days
So the priests and the leaders wanted to be teamed properly
and guarded my men so there is no chance
for deciples stealing his body
Mary macolin and one of his friends
were waiting to go and see jesus's body
They cold only go after the sadath, so early next morning
The two woman went to the tomb, when they reached to the tomb
They saw that the heavy stone bolder guarding
the mouth of the tomb have already been removed
They thought perhaps some else has come to see jesus
but when they stepped inside, they were shocked
jesus's body had disappeared
The tomb was empty, suddenly two angels appeared
Mary and her friend were terified to see what was happening
The angels told them not be afraid
They told the woman the son of god has already prisoned
Hearing this Mary and her friend and met john and peter
They said you must come the lord has listened
John and peter did not believe them at first
They went to the tomb, when they reached
They saw that the body was not there
and the lenen they have wraped jesus in
was folded neatly and kept on the side
Hey, jesus has raisen from death, I am so happy, Jesus is so cool
yes freckles he is, now will you pkease answer my question
Absalutely ask me, I will answer all of your questions today
well who did mary and her friend macdino go to
after they saw that there tomb was empty
They went to peter and john, yes very good freckles
All right holy, I have already thought about a
story that I am going to tell you today
It is about how jesus and his deciples after they raisen from death
Hey, Another story about jesus, OK
So one day two of jesus's deciples, were on their way from jerusylem
To village called Emmaus, jesus had already raisen from the death
As the men walked they were talking about the terrible things that had happened
In a last few days, suddenly jesus himself came up
and started walking next to them
But some how two men did not recognise him
What are you discussing that makes you see so sad
Jesus asked them haven't you heard
They replied jesus of nazerath, the one who belive the promise misip
has been put to death, jesus shook his head
Why don't you believe, the prohet everything told you would happen
din't they say the will sufferer and then glow
Beginning with story of moses and other prophets
jesus explained to them all the passages in the scripture
When they reached, the two deciples invited jesus to have supper with them
When thet sat down to eat, jesus took the
bread blessed it and give it back to them
Suddenly during that time the deciples recognised him
Jesus however disappeared by then
Immediately the two men returned to the jerusylem
To tell the other deciples, the wonderfull news
How could they not recognise jesus
Bread, I want bread chubby you can go and eat only if you answer my question
What is the question, the question is where were the two men going
Yes I know, they were going to a Emmaus, cool it was amaze
I will tell you another nice story from the bible
Which I just raid, hey we cannot wait
Followers of jesus once met In a room,
where they had eaten there last supper with him
the door was locked because they were
scared that the jews leader can find them
Someway jesus was with them, jesus said peace be with you
Why are you scared I am jesus the followers couln't speak
because they were so happy, to see him
jesus told them that He will send them out to the world to do his work
Just as god has sent him
He told them to hide until he send the holy spirit to them
One of the follower thomas was not at the room at that time
When the others told them about the jesus
He didn't belive them, he said I will not belive
unless I see him and touch him few days later
Jesus once again came to the room, where followers was staying
the door was locked, this time too, but this time thomas was with them
jesus said to thomas those who cannot see me yet believe in me
After thomas had touched jesus and seen his hands
where the nails could have been for the cause
Thomas bowed down and ciried My lord
jesus said because you could see me, Happy and bless those who can't see
Yet believe in me
oh I got holy, I couln't follow the god jesus
I can't see him but believe in him
Chubby that is nice, Now I will ask a question
which follower had that jesus had some to see them
I think I know it was Jordan Thomas, wow freckles you are so smart
of course your smart freckles, Thank you holy
Hi Kids I was eagerly waiting for you
why is that holy, because I want to tell you wonderfull story
oh yes yes, we do
Gumbo sharing is good, Anyway today's story is about the Ascension
After his resurection, jesus came to his followers for the last time
On the mount of Alives, he said Go and tell the world That I will always with you
Then jesus was lifted up, cloud carried him up away to heaven
His followers came back to jerusulim, feeling very sad
They never saw jesus again. They were all together in a room
When a strong wind filled the room with a holy spirit
and suddenly the followers started talking in languages from all around the world
Deciples from different countries heard them
and were surprised as they know understand, this man galoli trying to say
They were terribly touched by peters words
they told them, God brought back jesus from the dead
and all of us have seen that, he is the prince lord and saviour
they asked what was peter, he was change of hearts
and all of the sins would be forgiven
and you will get the holy spirit
That day three thousand people were bathtised
and they all gave there hearts and life to jesus
it was celebrated as birthday of new church
New people are god
By the way holy what you mean by bathetised
Well that the spirit of sprikling of holy water someones head for purification
and reborn as christian, I Hope that answered your question
Now my time, So How many people were batheside after the assention
No gumbo three thousand, right holy I thought three hundread
chubby that is correct, gumbo don't be scared of numbers
Now go and get that hard dog