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The gospel of the descent of the kingdom has already started expanding.
Say what you want, but I know I worked hard to build this church!
And no one will take it from me!
"What's going on?" We're going to post your photo online!
The church will know. You won't steal believers again!
To cage and control the believers, these pastors and religious leaders
are doing everything they can to stop us investigating the true way.
When Jesus came down to earth, He exposed the hypocritical Pharisees
and all of the evil forces that worked through them.
Now Almighty God has come.
He has exposed the evil forces in religious circles,
the antichrists in the last days.
The CCP is the most God-hating, truth-hating regime that has ever been seen.
That's why it has such hatred for the truth that is expressed by Almighty God
and the Church of Almighty God.
It does everything to stop people from accepting Almighty God.
Overcomers are produced in a special environment
made by the CCP's persecution of God's chosen people.
Without this environment made by such oppression,
true overcomers can't be created.
Thanks be to God. God can use the CCP's persecution to make overcomers.
We're so blessed to have this rare opportunity in this dark time.
We heard you testify to the start of God's judgment in the last days,
but we've seen nothing about God bringing destruction to the non-believers.
How could it be the same judgment before the great white throne?
The incarnate Almighty God expresses the truth to perform His judgment work
and begins cleansing and saving mankind.
This means that His judgment from the great white throne has already begun.
Hold on! The Lord will return and take us directly to the kingdom of heaven.
If He will, how could He judge us?
If we still have to face judgment when the Lord returns,
doesn't that mean we'll be condemned?
Have you any real experiences or testimonies that might convince us?
The change I have achieved as of today
is the result of experiencing the judgment of God's holy word.
Yes, true overcomers are born from experiencing Almighty God's judgment,
through various trials and tribulations.
That's how believers should believe and how humans should behave.
Believers of Almighty God are the best soldiers for Christ!