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  • So a question comes up, what are things Christians should not say to atheists?

  • First one, “where do you get your morality from?”

  • Don't assume that because we're atheists, we don't have morals.

  • We all have morals, we all have ethics, ours don't derive from a holy book,

  • and I would hope that your Bible isn't the only reason you're not out there killing everybody in sight.

  • Do you not believe in anything? Your life must be so empty!”

  • It's like, no! I don't believe in God,

  • I believe in plenty of other things, and there's a lot of other things that give my life meaning.

  • Whether it's friends, family, teaching the kids I work with on a regular basis...

  • Talking about atheism and writing about it, which means a lot to me, and I hope it means a lot to the people

  • watching this, or reading the website too, but

  • all the atheists I know have plenty in their life that gives them meaning.

  • Why are you mad at God?”

  • Because apparently if I don't believe in God, I must have this deep hatred,

  • and I wake up every morning and I curse the sky.

  • Atheists don't hate God. Atheists don't believe in God.

  • We also don't hate unicorns.

  • You can't prove God doesn't exist!”

  • That's always a fun one. Like,

  • Yeah, well, when you can prove to me that flying unicorns don't exist, we'll play the game.“

  • I always wanna know why Christians have no problem disbelieving in, you know,

  • Hindu gods, other religions' gods,

  • and they just dismiss it! They never think about it, it's not like they're sitting around thinking,

  • Maybe Zeus does exist!”

  • No! They're just like, of course Zeus doesn't exist, it's silly for anybody to think that,

  • or have thought about that in the past!

  • And then when I do the same thing, like yeah, well I dismiss your god the same way,

  • they're like, “but you can't prove that!“

  • Look, you go through the other millions of gods, and you disprove them,

  • then I'll get around to yours, alright? We'll call that a deal.

  • Next one. “What if you're wrong?“

  • What if I'm wrong? Nothing's gonna happen if I'm wrong!

  • If I'm wrong, then basically what you're assuming is that God is gonna punish me for asking honest questions,

  • and trying to, you know, search this stuff for myself,

  • and ending up at the conclusion that He didn't like.

  • Why would God be mad at me for actually doing some research instead of just sitting around

  • and going to church a couple times a week, and acting like I really care?

  • Believe me, every atheist I know thinks about this stuff.

  • We talk about this stuff, we are genuinely interested in this question,

  • so, it's not like we don't think about it or talk about it.

  • And what if we're wrong? Nothing's gonna happwhat if YOU'RE wrong?

  • What if you've been praying to the wrong god this whole time? I think Homer Simpson said something like,

  • What if you're praying to the wrong god, and you're making the real one madder and madder every time you do it?”

  • You just have to have faith!”

  • God's given me this mind to use, but you're asking me to close it when it comes to religion.

  • Like, no. I don't have to have faith. I have to understand what I'm thinking.

  • You ought to be able to think critically. That's not a bad thing.

  • And usually, they say you just have to have faith when I've stumped them.

  • Ha! When atheism's given them something that they can't answer, their response is...

  • Well, I can't explain why God did that! You just have to have faith!”

  • ...Which is a cop-out way of saying, “there's no answer for that! I just believe it 'cause I want to, and it makes me feel good.”

  • Which is the dumbest reason to believe in anything, so just don't say that...

  • Oh, this is a fun one. “Just open your heart to God!”

  • No. There's nothing wrong with my heart, it's not like I'm actively shielding myself from God,

  • I'm not wearing an aluminum tinfoil hat or something on my head.

  • So my heart's fine. I'm open to the possibility, go ahead and explain your proof to me.

  • Go ahead! Leave that comment down below and explain why we should believe in your god,

  • and believe me, if you offer us something worthwhile, that'll be great! I don't think you're going to.

  • You were never really religious to begin with.”

  • That's interesting, because a lot of atheists I know come from religious families, especially Christian ones.

  • And they're atheists, and people always say, “well you must not have really been a Christian to begin with.”

  • It's like, well what do you want from us? Like, do you want us to speak in tongues? Because I know atheists who can put themselves in that mode and do that,

  • what was it that was wrong with them, these atheists? 'Cause I guarantee you those atheists who used to be Christians,

  • they believed in all the Bible stuff, they believed in the Resurrection, theyacceptedChrist in their lives,

  • and then later in life they realized it was all BS, and they dropped it.

  • They were Christians! And now they're not. So, this idea that if you're an atheist now but you were religious before,

  • you weren't really religious to begin with, that's such a lie. Don't act like you know me. You don't.

  • I was religious to begin with, a lot of Christians I know, ex-Christians, were Christians.

  • And now they're not, 'cause they know better. So, don't say that.

  • What happened in your childhood? Like, do you have a good relationship with your father,

  • did something horrible happen in your childhood? Is that why you're an atheist?”

  • 'Cause they assume we all went through some traumatic event that led us to hate God, I guess. And that's why we're atheists.

  • It's like, no! My childhood was fine. And there's nothing wrong with the way I grew up,

  • and nope! It really just was, I thought about my religious beliefs, and I realized,

  • there was no evidence to back it up, and the more I thought about it, the more convinced I became with that.

  • Nothing bad happened in my childhood.

  • Have you read the Bible?”

  • I guarantee you that if you know an atheist, an outspoken atheist,

  • they know more about the Bible than most random Christians that you know.

  • If you gave them a quiz, the atheist would do better. I think some survey has done that particular thing.

  • They asked different people, “what do you know about various religions?”, and the atheists scored highest.

  • Because we think about this stuff all the time. So we generally know more, and we know where all the holes are in these religions too.

  • So yes, I've read large parts of the Bible, other people I know have read the Bible in full, and a lot of other holy books too.

  • Here's a question for Christians, though! One, have you read your own Bible? Two, have you read, you know, religious holy books from other religions?

  • 'Cause apparently you think those can be dismissed. So how come I can't dismiss yours even if I wanted to?

  • Three, you know, what atheist books have you read? 'Cause if you wanna have that discussion,

  • you might as well see what some atheists are saying.

  • Oh, I love this one! “I'll pray for you.”

  • ...Thanks? I mean, I appreciate that your heart's in the right place, but it's not gonna do anything.

  • You know, if I'm going through a rough time, don't tell me you'll pray for me.

  • If you really wanna make a difference, tell me how you're actually gonna help me, like,

  • for example, if I'm really sick and you wanted to bring me soup or something, that's a really sweet thing for you to do.

  • Don't pray for me to get better, but like hey, if you wanna drop some food off, that would be awesome.

  • If you wanna send me a pizza right now, I would totally appreciate it.

  • That would make much more of a difference than anything God could do.

  • So don't tell atheists you're gonna pray for them, especially when they just lost a loved one,

  • you're in their thoughts, you could tell the atheist they're in your thoughts. That's nice. That's it.

  • God's not gonna make anything better, so, you know, and I've heard the rhetoric,

  • Oh, you'll pray for me? Great. I'll think for you.”

  • That's kind of dickish though, so don't say that very often. Another one,

  • do you worship the Devil?” A lady said this to me, like, a couple weeks ago!

  • I don't believe in the Devil, I don't believe in God, I don't believe in miracles, I don't believe in a lot of supernatural things.

  • But Satan is as silly as God is. So, look, I'm sure there are some Satanists out there, I don't know who they are 'cause I've never met one,

  • but, it's not the atheists. The atheists think Satan is as silly as God is. So, we don't worship Satan.

  • Areyou're not really an atheist. You must really be an agnostic.”

  • And they say that because if I say I'm not 100% sure God doesn't exist, I'm pretty clearly on that side of the spectrum.

  • But yeah, I'm reasonably certain God doesn't exist. “Oh! Well if you're not 100% definitive, you must be an agnostic.”

  • Which kind of bastardizes that whole wordagnostic”, which, I don't know, I know some people had issue when we made a video on this but,

  • you know, to me an agnostic is someone who doesn't feel there's enough information one way or the other, so they're not gonna take a position on it.

  • I said in the video that that was a cop-out, because I think even if you don't have all the information, you can lean toward the idea that God doesn't exist.

  • No one's, you know, drawing a hard middle line on whether the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists.

  • But this idea that if we're not 100% sure God doesn't exist, we're an agnostic, like no. You don't know me,

  • don't label me by your weird warped definitions. I'll decide the label for myself.

  • Isn't atheism a religion?” Like, no. Atheism is a religion likeoffis a TV channel, andbaldis a hair color.

  • Like, it just doesn't make any sense. It's a rejection of religion. It's not religion.

  • To me, religion means believing in this higher power. And somehow, when people ask this question, they're changing it to say,

  • “I guess people who all believe in the same thing”, which makes, you know, going to a Cubs game, I guess,

  • everyone at Wrigley Field is now religious, 'cause we all believe in the Cubs.

  • It's silly. Atheism is not a religion, so don't say that it is, 'cause we'll just laugh at you.

  • The last one I wrote down, “why are you so angry?”

  • because atheists get this all the time, like, here's why we're angry.

  • It's not 'cause we hate God. It's not 'cause, you know, we have some beef with the higher power,

  • it's because religious people do a lot of crazy things in the name of God. And I'm not even talking about like terrorism,

  • or like those extremes. I'm just saying, you know, whether they are passing laws in America,

  • whether they're passing laws that restrict LBGT rights and women's rights,

  • whether they make bad science curriculum decisions, or passing revisionist history curriculums,

  • they do things that make me really upset 'cause I value the truth, and I value people's rights.

  • And it's very clear that the Christians in power often don't. That's why I'm angry.

  • Look, if you're religious, talk to an atheist, please talk to atheists, 'cause that's a good conversation to have.

  • But you should try to get rid of the stereotypes from your mind before you have that conversation.

  • Or if you ask these questions, I hope you're asking them in good faith, and not because you're reading some apologetics book

  • that tells you what atheists think. Don't...don't buy those. Just ask atheists what we think and we'll be happy to tell you,

  • but honestly, if you've made your way through this video, that says a lot about you, and that's a good thing.

  • If you're an atheist and you can think of other things that I missed on this list, please leave them in the comments, so we can maybe do a follow-up to this.

  • And I hope if you're religious you can learn something from this and don't say those things to atheists.

  • It's offensive, it's disrespectful in a lot of cases, and it shows that you assume a lot of things about us before you've actually had a conversation with us.

So a question comes up, what are things Christians should not say to atheists?


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無神論者に絶対に言ってはいけない15のこと (15 things to NEVER say to an atheist)

  • 16 1
    kismet に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日