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  • this video will show you three powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally

  • I'm going to share with you ways that you can apply in your own life today to

  • start to see yourself as somebody that is worthy of love and actually being

  • yourself welcome back to another video my name is Erin and I help people expand

  • their continent now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three

  • ways that you could apply in your life that can really allow you to love

  • yourself 100% now understand that when you love yourself 100% you then give the

  • opportunity for other people to love you as well now there may be some people

  • that love you no matter what that are unconditional with it but many times we

  • get a reflection of who we are being so if we don't appreciate who we are and

  • we're not focused on you know what we're grateful for for ourselves and many

  • times people will kind of be blind to it understand that when you go out into

  • public you are projecting your self-image out and the emotions you feel

  • about yourself are contagious to other people so to have magnetic energy and to

  • really have you know the ability for people to love you you must first love

  • yourself now normally it's kind of counterintuitive you would think that

  • until in order to love yourself it's more about taking on these new

  • perspectives of piling on you know these things that are good about yourself and

  • that can be powerful but the key is not so much on the piling on it's more about

  • the letting go you see the reason I say this is because love and unconditional

  • love is actually our natural state of being when we are born now I know that

  • sounds kind of weird because you know it seems so unnatural for us to love

  • ourselves but understand that that's based on conditioning we have been

  • conditioned to not love ourselves we've been conditioned to have all these rules

  • as to how we can love ourselves and why we should or why we should it we've had

  • all these magazine companies and all these advertisements that show the

  • perfect models of how we're supposed to be and if we're not you know we need

  • some type of pills we need some type of weight loss formula in order to look

  • exactly like them you see but that's just conditioning that's not really true

  • we think it's true we might think it's true we might buy into it and that's

  • where some of the pain might come from but love is our natural state of being I

  • believe that love is everyone's natural state of being that when we put labels

  • in our mind when we're focused on other perspectives we create barriers between

  • ourselves and that that causes a lot of the problems we have in the world but

  • get back to the core of who you are and the reason I say this is because when

  • you realize that your natural state of love it's less about trying and it's

  • more about just letting go letting go of perspectives that no longer serve

  • letting go of all the baggage that we may have been carrying around imagine

  • you've been walking around with other people's baggage other people's beliefs

  • of when we grew up we were picking up these packages we were walking around

  • with other people's beliefs and we're lugging them around on our back and it's

  • so tiresome to bring them everywhere we go but now what we're learning is that

  • we can let them go that they're not really even our beliefs they were just

  • things that we picked up that we thought what we identified with we thought oh

  • I'm supposed to pick this up I'm supposed to carry this around this is

  • what everyone else is doing everyone else is carrying luggage around looking

  • tiresome I'm supposed to do the same thing but what I'm encouraging you in

  • this video is that you can let that luggage go you can realize self-love is

  • your natural state of being and that as you start to understand this you can let

  • go of everything that doesn't serve now the first powerful way to really

  • love yourself is to forgive yourself now of course you can forgive other people

  • for everything they've done but let me tell and share with you the most

  • powerful way I found to forgive other people and to forgive even myself is

  • having the perspective that wherever I was in my life when I made a certain

  • decision that was where I was act and that was the decision I needed to make

  • in order to learn and come to where I'm at now so in a way you could be grateful

  • for where you are now even if you're like I don't love myself be grateful

  • that you're there because if you didn't feel this emotion you wouldn't have the

  • desire to move beyond it you wouldn't have the desire to bring this

  • unconsciousness into your awareness to then take action to move through it so

  • that's where a lot of power is now understand first off that people that do

  • things to you always do it from their own level of rationalization they have

  • justified what they're doing in their own head they've said this is something

  • that I need to do because of my current beliefs maybe they didn't say that

  • consciously or outloud but they set it at assert

  • level maybe someone stole from you maybe they took something from you and they

  • lied about it they did that from their own level of rationalization they in

  • their minds made it okay because of maybe some limiting belief or because

  • they didn't believe that they had the own abundance to do what they wanted to

  • do or because they believed that they had to bring you down to feel good about

  • themselves you see whatever it is it's from where they were at a lot of times

  • we take on the beliefs of our parents but understand our parents did the best

  • that they could and even if you know I had an extent mom that was very abusive

  • she learned that from her dad and she was just reacting that and putting that

  • on to me and my brother and unfortunately now she's put it on to my

  • half sisters who have to deal with it because they're actually related to her

  • you know but the idea is that that's based on her own level she's made it

  • okay you know her controlling this the way that she is it's okay for her to be

  • like that in her own mind and the moment I realized this was the moment I was

  • really able to forgive her because you know my dad divorced her when I was

  • about 15 years old so from 9 to 15 I was around her all the time you know me my

  • brother was always doing work outside weren't allowed to have friends we

  • weren't allowed to do anything really we're always in trouble for something

  • and she was a very angry person all of a sudden 15 comes around we're

  • allowed to have friends you know we're allowed to watch TV we weren't allowed

  • to watch TV in those years we were allowed to do things that we were

  • deprived of for so many years and we were all excited about it

  • but it took me a couple years to forgive her but what really made the game

  • changer for me was I realized that someone that abuses someone else has

  • been abused and they wouldn't even really admit that they're abusing

  • because they're just right that's more about their ego being right you see what

  • I mean so in that same perspective that is a perspective I had that really

  • allowed me to forgive her then also to forgive myself I didn't forgive myself

  • by realizing and asking the question why did this happen you know I had to trust

  • the process and that's what really made a big difference for me but when you

  • have the understanding and the awareness that people always make decisions based

  • on their own level of rationalization it makes it so much easier for you to let

  • go of any baggage you have towards someone else and realize that if you

  • have baggage towards someone else it's still within your own energy it's still

  • something you are carrying around it's the luggage on your back even though you

  • think it's about someone else so let go of it heal it with someone else heal it

  • with yourself and understand you did the that you could for where you were but

  • now you are grateful because now you can actually decide to go in the direction

  • that you prefer so forgiveness for most people is the most powerful thing you

  • can do because when you forgive you emotionally heal yourself and you allow

  • yourself to let go of those patterns so that then you can be the way that you

  • prefer now the second way is also very powerful and it's something I'm

  • currently learning about myself now it's having an understanding that we work in

  • the sense that our mind has certain rules as to when we can feel certain

  • emotions it's almost like we give ourselves permission to love ourselves

  • when certain things have happened you know for me I have a strong ambition to

  • be successful to be able to give back to people you know the more successful I

  • become the more resources I have to give up to other people to help other people

  • raise along the journey as well that's my perspective right and I realize that

  • sometimes I have these rules as to when I can love myself how much work do I

  • have to put in I have these rules of when I think other people will only love

  • me if I do certain things you know I probably you know I have people my

  • family that probably wanted me to go to college and I went to college for two or

  • three years but they probably wanted me to get and become like a lawyer you know

  • I went I did forensics debate high school I was very good at speaking I

  • enjoyed it I wanted to be a lawyer but then I kind of realized that I didn't

  • want to do that I realized that a lot of this you know a lot of lawyers that I

  • either knew or you've read about we're really unhappy people not all of them

  • but you know some of them were and I just realized that it's probably not the

  • thing I'm most passionate about I could have easily gone to school I could have

  • done really well I did well in school when I was in high school and in college

  • but I realized it's just not for me and I had you know people my family my uncle

  • was an entrepreneur who had no college education is very successful and I just

  • kind of you know I knew that I always wanted to be an entrepreneur right but

  • people my family wanted me to go to school because that was like the thing

  • to do right and I used to have these rules that I had to fit within the

  • categories in their own mind of my family members in order for them to love

  • me and also in order for me to love myself so it's like a self perpetual

  • thing but this is what I've learned recently is now that I'm you know

  • growing and I'm starting to become successful the idea is what I'm

  • focused on now is more so loving myself for the sake of loving myself I switched

  • the rules in my mind this person will love me if this person will love me if

  • two people who love me because I am being myself I love myself because I'm

  • being myself I don't love myself because I'm doing X Y Z in life I love myself

  • for being me that's the main rule that I think is so powerful that's what I

  • encourage you to do is to look at the rules you have as to how you can love

  • yourself and how other people can love you and make it simply you can love

  • yourself for being you that's all and you need is you to be

  • yourself that will allow you to realize and start to see that you don't need to

  • give yourself permission only when you do X Y Z and all of these things all you

  • have to do is be yourself get to the core of what that is understand the more

  • you do it the more you'll feel it just start to really have that understanding

  • and you will start to resonate with it more so the first two are all about

  • letting go now the last one is about focus now the reason I say this is

  • because how many people are focused on the things that they've done wrong in

  • the past they're focused on what could go wrong in the future but what I'm

  • saying is focused more in the present moment and knowing that you could feel

  • grateful for what you already have you see when you're grateful for what you

  • already have or who you already are that leaks into the past that leaks into the

  • future in a powerful way because with focus comes momentum and if you're

  • currently focused on things that you haven't done well in the past or even

  • you haven't done well right now what happens is that leaks because then the

  • thoughts that resonate with you are times in the past when things didn't go

  • right and when you think about the future

  • your hypothesize you're like theorizing or thinking and all of these things that

  • could go wrong based on what you focused on in the present moment so right here

  • in the present moment what are you grateful for about yourself you might be

  • grateful for the little things may be grateful that you got up today and you

  • did something that you said you were gonna do you checked it off the list

  • you may be grateful that you were being yourself in the moment you're expressing

  • yourself more every day you may be grateful for amazing

  • connections you have with your family members

  • whatever it is focus on that gratitude and the more you focus on it the more

  • you feel it and the more that will leak into the so-called past and future but

  • really you're just gonna get more reflection of who you are being in the

  • present moment so if you feel negative emotion right now from focusing on

  • negative aspects of yourself first off be grateful that you are aware of what

  • you're thinking of be grateful that you are aware of that because that's when

  • you can change you can't change when you're in the subconscious mind or

  • you're in those repetitive thought patterns so now that you know this start

  • to shift your perspective start to put I choose in front of everything that

  • you're thinking about yourself you know if you're like I'm not worthy say I

  • choose that I'm not worthy I think you see because when you say I choose you

  • didn't realize you don't have to choose that but if you have a belief that says

  • this is the way things are that's set in stone that's from the point of limited

  • perception but if you said say I choose whatever that is then you're like oh do

  • I want to continue to choose to believe this is this something I prefer to

  • believe and then you can change it to what you actually want this is so

  • powerful for taking back to your power understanding as you do that everything

  • changes and then you can actually be who you prefer to be so remember this whole

  • process is about loving yourself in a very powerful way now I've created a

  • very powerful subconscious mind mp3 meditation that you can listen to before

  • you go to bed and the way you can use it is you can focus on the perspectives of

  • having that self-love of feeling that gratitude and that meditation is

  • specifically intended to give you ways of using what's called NLP

  • neuro-linguistic programming in order to bring more of your self-image of who you

  • prefer to be and really amplify those emotions so you can listen to this right

  • before you go to bed you can start to feel more loved within yourself for who

  • you are and using it in that way will allow you to reprogram your subconscious

  • mind so that you get the reflection that you want so I'll leave that in the

  • description it's absolutely free you can download it listen to it every day and

  • it's something that can help as well but remember that most of this process isn't

  • about taking all new perspectives it's about letting go let go the rules you

  • have as to how you can love yourself let go have forgiveness let go the

  • perspectives that say this person did this to me or I shouldn't have done XYZ

  • as you start to do that everything will change and then you can focus on the

  • gratitude for who you are as you do that you'll find that you have more

  • perspectives you start to think in the past and a powerful way think of the

  • future and a powerful way but mainly you just become present to the moment which

  • is where all the magic happens so what's that being said I hope you guys enjoyed

  • this video feel free to like this video if you like to subscribe if you have it

  • already also keep that little notification gear so that you're able to

  • see the daily vids that I do and other than that as always I'll see you guys on

  • the next bit please much love namaste

this video will show you three powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally


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即座に自分を愛する3つのパワフルな方法(100%自己愛 (3 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself INSTANTLY (100% Self Love))

  • 47 10
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日