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  • Uh-oh! Pedophilia! Pedophilia alert!

  • I'm already creeped out by the whole thing.

  • (laughing)

  • This is weird.

  • The music doesn't shock me nor does the video, not really.

  • She is great.

  • Pretty twisted, man.

  • My worst nightmare: getting lost in downtown LA at night alone.

  • duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.

  • I think black-ops gone wild.

  • Well, I hear a beat.

  • Little bizarre.

  • Weird what they consider music.

  • The guy with the mustache is funny.

  • I kinda like it.

  • That's strange. That's just really strange music.

  • Now it's going softer.

  • "Oh my god!" is right.

  • Is this what young people listen to?

  • It's so violent.

  • I'm thinking it's probably a lot better if you're really stoned.

  • It's the old formula: verse, chorus, verse, chorus. It's the same format.

  • It's like a monster or something.

  • Obviously, I'm not going to download this to my MP3 player because I don't have one.

  • Not exactly Sinatra, or Dean Martin, or Sammy Davis.

  • That was cool. That was good. I like seeing new stuff so that was really neat.

  • What is that? Is it called something?

  • [Fine Bros.] "What did you just listen to?"

  • A bunch of crap.

  • I'm not sure.

  • It's really beyond my comprehension.

  • I can't say it's music as I think of music.

  • Something that someone a lot younger than me calls "music."

  • It's techno/dance music with someone screaming every once in a while.

  • I've never heard songs like that before.

  • [Fine Bros.] "How did it make you feel?"

  • It made me feel like the future is now.

  • Well, I feel like I just landed on Mars.

  • Like my stomach was churning.

  • Overwhelms my little, old senses.

  • And I'm not sure what the "Oh my God!" thing was. I don't know if she was getting hurt,

  • or it was fun, or it was an orgasm, I'm not really sure.

  • [Fine Bros.] "What words would you use to describe the music?"

  • I would call it "electronic nonsense."

  • Psychotic.

  • Dark.

  • Unidentifiable.

  • Wiffet!

  • Very, very clever.

  • Definitely something your parents are not gonna say, "Golly, play me more."

  • [Fine Bros.] "Did the sounds remind you of anything?"

  • Heavy metal gone awry.

  • It was kinda like a jackass in a bottle.

  • Electric static.

  • Like screeching cars.

  • Like a monster or something singing.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Can you make some of these sounds?"

  • (Dubstep noises)

  • "OH MY GOD!"

  • [Fine Bros.] "Did you like the music?"

  • No.

  • Some of it I liked.

  • It made you pump, pump your heart faster faster. So probably young people

  • will like it more because old people could die maybe.

  • That's fine for the new generation, but you show it to somebody in my age group or older and

  • I can guarantee you they will turn it off in a heartbeat.

  • I would rather have my kid or grand-kid listening to this than Justin Bieber or Britney Spears.

  • [Fine Bros.] "What do you think this genre of music will be called?"

  • Moving noise.

  • Pump.

  • Metalli-purge.

  • Psycho 1.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Psycho 1?"

  • Or two or three or whatever.

  • [Fine Bros.] "It's called Dubstep."

  • Dubstep. I can see step, but what's dub?

  • I've heard of Dubstep.

  • Where they got that, beats me.

  • [Fine Bros.] "What types of people listen to this music?"

  • People looking for a new edge.

  • Really an off swing of the mainstream.

  • I don't exactly know what emo is, but emo might apply to this type of music.

  • The artistic group, the creative group, the kinda what they used to call "outcasts", loners.

  • The kids that wear earrings, and tattoos, and hair dyed different colors.

  • I can't identify with them, they scare me because I associate them with violent acts.

  • [Fine Bros.] "If I played the music, what type of dance moves do you think you would rock out to this?"

  • I'm gonna be a grumpy, old lady and go, "No."

  • My kids are going to kill me.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Dubstep, more recently, has become a very popular music genre. All over the world even.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Does that surprise you?"

  • I wouldn't think that it would be.

  • That amazes me.

  • No, not at all.

  • No, it's something new.

  • No, nothing surprises me anymore. I think kids will buy anything that's new or different

  • just to be the first one on the block to be able to say, "Gee, I heard that."

  • I think every generation has to do something so rebellious as to alienate their parents.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Do you know the artist who made the songs we played here?"

  • No.

  • I have no idea who the artist is.

  • I haven't the foggiest.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Well, his name is Skrillex."

  • Skrillex?

  • Why can't they have normal names?

  • Did his Mom or Dad make that up while they were high?

  • [Fine Bros.] "I'm gonna show you a picture here of Skrillex."

  • Nice haircut.

  • It's very cool. It fits him.

  • I'm gonna do everything my Mom said not to do and I'm gonna be successful at it.

  • At first, it looked like a girl. If I were younger, to be honest with you, I wouldn't date him.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Would you let your son or grand-kid have a Skrillex haircut?"

  • Never.

  • I say enjoy it while you have it then when it's gone trim it up a little bit.

  • Otherwise you look like an assh*le like Donald Trump.

  • I would say, "You know what? It's your life. If that's what you want to do, I'm all for it."

  • But deep down inside, I would like to....

  • Oh, absolutely. I'm from the 60's. I would be very disappointed if my kid didn't want to look like this, or my grand-kid.

  • [Fine Bros.] "Finally, now that you've heard dubstep music are you going to keep listening to the genre?"

  • NFW

  • I'm sorry, dubstep but no.

  • Yeah, I'd listen to that.

  • Absolutely, I'm going to seek it out.

  • I'm intrigued so I'd listen to more of it and find out more about it.

  • Absolutely! I'm gonna go out today and go, of course there's no more record shops, but

  • maybe Wal-Mart or some place and see if they have dubstep. Is it dubstep?

  • And go home and give it a whirl and see what happens.

  • This is just the next step. There will be more beyond it, that will be probably wilder and wackier.

  • And thus concludes another episode of "Elder's React."

  • Thank you so much for watching, everybody.

  • If you liked the video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up!

  • We'll be back very, very soon so make sure you subscribe.

  • I enjoyed dubstep so much. Thank you for recommending it for the show.

  • Hasta la vista, me amigos

Uh-oh! Pedophilia! Pedophilia alert!


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    Caurora に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日