字幕表 動画を再生する
Are you ready, kids?
準備わ いい か ね? アイアイキャプテン
Aye, aye, Captain!
聞こえないぞ? アイアイキャプテン
I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, Captain!
*add in effects*
Ano hi boku no kokoro wa あの日僕の心は
SpongeBob SquarePants
Oto mo naku kuzure satta 音もなく崩れ去った
On that day, my heart
Kowarete saken demo 壊れて叫んでも
crumbled away.
Keshisarenai kioku to 消し去れない記憶と
With memories I can't erase
Kurayami ga Hitomi no naka he to nagarekomu 暗闇が 瞳の中へと流れ込む
even if I broke down and screamed!
Mou iro sae mie nai もう色さえ見えない
The darkness flows into my eyes
Ashita eto shizumu 明日へと沈む
I sink into the tomorrow where
Wakari aeru hi wo 分かり合える日を
I can't see colors anymore.
Tomedo naku sagashita 止めどなく探した
I searched carelessly for the day
Ushinau tame dake ni 失うためだけに
when we can understand each other.
Ima wo ikite ku 今を生きてく
I live in the present
Mou damedato Hitori もう駄目だと 一人
just to lose it.
Kodoku wo daite mo 孤独を抱いても
Even if I'm alone, already defeated
If you turn on the lights… イフ・ユー・ターン・オンザ・ライツ
and I embrace loneliness.
Hikari e Terashite ku 光へ 照らしてく
*If you turn on the lights, if you turn on the lights.*
「Negai tsudzukeru omoi 「願い続ける想い
I will shine towards them.
Itsuka irodzuku yo」to いつか色づくよ」と
"The feelings you kept praying for,
Oshiete kureta kokoro ni 教えてくれた心に
will bear fruit someday."
Iki tsudzukeru hito 生き続ける人
The one who told me that
Nani mo kamo Hitsuzen no naka de umareru Colors 何もかも 必然の中で生まれる Colors
lives on in my heart.
Mou ichido kono te de もう一度この手で
Anything and everything is eventually born from colors.
Asu wo egakeru kara 明日を描けるから
And will once again be touched by
Hikari no yubisaki de 光の指先で
be touched by...
this hand of light!
Meow! [WTF is that?]
I was just looking for the sports channel, Gary.
[Goddamn weeaboo.]