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  • I have talked about Universal Basic Income before, a universal payment given to all citizens

  • of a society irrespective of their individual income levels or assets.

  • It has become increasingly apparent that modern technology will slowly erode the number of

  • jobs that are needed for our future society to function.

  • Take Uber for example.

  • They have already started trials in Pittsburgh using automated car technology, that is, cars

  • that don’t need drivers.

  • Uber have a profit motive not to have drivers.

  • Imagine how cheap a taxi would be if you didn’t have to pay a person to drive.

  • I predict that in the near future, say 5 to 10 years, there will be a tipping point where

  • paying for your own vehicle (registration, insurance, petrol, servicing) will be more

  • expensive than opting for an Uber service or similar.

  • For some people, it may even be cheaper now.

  • Think about it.

  • If more and more people start using services such as Uber exclusively, then those people

  • will not be paying registration, insurance etc.

  • Registration and insurance prices would probably rise for those who still own vehicles, causing

  • more people to opt out of car ownership.

  • A death spiral would ensue.

  • What happens to all those taxi drivers?

  • Well, theyll either have to retrain, or be left without a job.

  • Fewer and fewer jobs will be available, so a growing number of people will be left jobless.

  • Certainly, we will need some form of universal basic income that will prevent people from

  • taking extreme measures to provide for their families (for example, committing crime).

  • As a society, we will need to forget the notion that it is bad not to work, or at least redefine

  • what work means.

  • If we allow people to stay at home and write a novel or program an app while receiving

  • a basic income, that benefits society.

  • Theyre not out using drugs and stealing mobile phones.

  • If we force people to work a crappy, laborious, menial job (one that could easily be automated),

  • just so they can pay the rent, then that doesn’t really benefit anyoneexcept maybe the

  • rich landowner.

  • Let’s do away with our current idea of the 40 hour work-week.

  • It simply will not be possible for everyone in society to be working that much.

  • We should instead focus on using automation to provide for every citizen in society at

  • a minimal cost.

  • We should be designing machines that can print endless amounts of food, and organ transplants

  • that are virtually free.

  • During the transition period, a universal basic income will be needed, if only to stop

  • society descending into chaos.

  • Below is the link to Robert Reich on Universal Basic Income.

I have talked about Universal Basic Income before, a universal payment given to all citizens


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ユニバーサル・ベーシック・インカム、ウーバー、ロバート・ライヒ (Universal Basic Income, Uber and Robert Reich)

  • 60 10
    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日