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Trump: I cant' believe this. I'm a politician!
Liz: Un-f*cking-believable
"You can see the excitement!"
Trump: Look at those hands. Are they small hands?
Liz: People want to move, people want to move to Canada.
They're not acting like politicians, they're acting like middle school kids.
If Donald Trump is President, it's going to be a really big disaster and I'll probably
have to leave the country. Liz: Where would you go?
I'm going to Canada Liz: You're going to move to Canada?
Hello Kitty: I love Canada Liz: 28% of Americans say they'll move to Canada
if Donald Trump is elected president, 15% if Hillary is elected president
I agree, I would move too We brought the immigration forms for permanent
residency in Canada.
I have application forms for permanent residency in Canada. Would you fill them out?
[commotion, laughing]
Liz: And they were like, hell yeah. It would be a great reality show, like I would watch
that show, it would be very well written honestly if it was a reality show, but it's real life.
[funky music]
I was shocked that people actually filled them out.
Joe: But what do we do now, what do we do with them?
Liz: Right. Yeah we didn't think about that. There is one person we could ask.
Joe: You can't just text the Prime Minister. [Laughs]
Trudeau: Perfect day. So glad to be here. Justin Trudeau. Prime minister of Canada.
Hearthrob phenom who rode a wave of flowers and sunshine to victory last fall. He’s
such a phenomenon that he inspired this
Man: Could you run for President here?
Trudeau: No no no, you know what, you know what.
Man: We will literally beg you.
Trudeau: Get up guys.
Trudeau: I don't know if you noticed but I actually have a job and it's a pretty good
Liz: Once I got him away from the thronging bros, I asked him about the impending 86.8
million Americans.
That's like so many millions of Americans?
Trudeau: If you remember George W Bush's election, George W Bush's reelection especially, there
was a lot of people saying, "Oh, no. If he gets elected again I'm moving to Canada."
Then other people were saying the same thing around Obama and Obama's reelection. Every
election cycle that's the easy go-to threat for people in the States to say when something
happens they don't want it to happen. The candidate I want doesn't get elected, I'm
moving to Canada. If you actually look at what happens after elections, the immigration
numbers don't necessarily spike.
Liz: So we actually talked to New Yorkers. Do you mind if I share their messages with
Hey Prime Minister Trudeau. Please help us
Please help us If you can grant me refugee status from Donald
Trump I'm totally going to move to your country Let all Americans come to Canada so we can
be safe, happy and free. You had a quote that your cabinet is diverse
because it's 2016, that's the kind of thing we need, we need to move forward and be more
inclusive. Move that border we don't want no border between
us anymore, we don't want that, we want one country, one nation, one president.
If things go rogue, you know, in that bad direction,
Save us Save us from Trump
Please save us Thank you
Trudeau: This actually gives me tremendous confidence.
Liz: Really?
Yeah. Because people are realizing that this election does matter, and they have strong
opinions, and people who might not have thought about voting are now going to make sure that
their voices get heard, and they're going to make sure that the government that gets
elected in the United States reflects their values and their priorities and that's what
democracy is supposed to be all about.
We had difficult, discussions in our election campaign. We've had challenges around all
sorts of things, and I think the sense is that we're a place that has been able to work
through it and work it out a little bit better than some other places because Canada is one
of countries that figured out a fair while ago that differences and diversity are actually
a source of strength, not a source of weaknesses, and when you draw people together with a whole
bunch of different perspectives but a similar desire to succeed and create a good future
for themselves and their neighbors, there's a lot of good things that happen.
Not many countries beat Canada in terms of immigration. 1 in 5 Canadians weren't born
there and I out of 10 refugees resettled across the world is resettled in Canada.
And yet all of this diversity is not causing the chaos that many people feared. And that
diversity now shows up in its leadership. One of the first things that Justin Trudeau
did as Prime Minister was design a diverse cabinet of an equal amount of men and women.
What would the world look like if every cabinet or every office was 50/50.
First of all citizens around the world would be more comfortable that their issues might
be noticed and taken seriously. The question when you have a broadly diverse cabinet is
not, I mean because there's always in a group of thirty people no matter how you put it
together, there's going to be groups Quite frankly we need a new set of solutions. We
know that Einstein was right, the problems we have created for ourselves can't be solved
at the same level of thinking that created those problems, well we need to try a different
approach that's much more heterogeneous in our decision making.
But it's not like it's rainbows and butterflies either, in the 90s the country was so divided
it almost separated. And many Canadians aren't on board with this multiculturalism.
There's even a poll showing that a third of Canadians actually agree with Trump's Muslim
ban. How do you govern for all Canadians including those?
For me I try to bring it down to the actual people and the individuals. There's two ways
to do it. The first one is that, on individuals, and you ask if they really, when they think
about that, they're really thinking about the shop keeper down the street who they see
every day and goes, "No. No. No. No. That guy is great, but, you know, it's just in
general." You realize that it's a nebulous fear that has latched onto an idea, perhaps
enhanced by politics, perhaps enhanced by media, but it's not actually tangible. A great
example of that was the issue of Quebec's Charte des Valeurs.
This was a highly controversial but popular bill recently proposed in Quebec. It would
have banned state employes from wearing religious symbols while working.
When people actually realized what that would mean was, for example, a young woman would
have to choose between her job and her faith, people said, "Well, no. No. No. That's not
what we wanted at all, and that's not what we need at all."
I think a lot of what we need to do is really unpack the consequences of things, and the
idea of rights and freedoms and being a free society, I mean a society that tells a woman
what she has to wear on her head in the case of a veil or a niqab is not a free society,
but then how is a society that tells a woman what she can't wear on her head or on her
face? How is that a free society? It's not an easy question, it's not an easy answer,
but it's a conversation that should be had in a responsible, respectful way, and what
I've found is whenever I've had genuine conversations with people there's a reasonableness and a
openness that shines through with most people. You will always find exceptions.
The challenge is politics doesn't work in thoughtful, reasonable conversations anymore.
It happens in soundbites, in shouted slogans, in bumper stickers, in ten second video clips,
and how we take those tools that we have to use and tie them to reasonable conversations
is the big challenge that politics is defined by now.
So even though we love to dream about running away to Canada, these problems seem pretty
familiar. And Canada has its own issues.
We're doing okay but there's a lot of work to do.
What's the work left to do, what's left to fix?
A big one, Canada has for generations if not centuries broken its relationship and its
partnership with indigenous peoples. We ignored the fact that thousands upon thousands of
indigenous women and girls went missing and murdered over the past few decades, and we
need to reengage with that responsibly. We need to look at the fact that a kid who grows
up in an indigenous community doesn't have the same access to education or positive outcomes
that any kids born anywhere else in the country have. There's a lot of work to do on that.
There's more work to do even on feminism. A lot of people are talking about how it's
2016 and we're doing well, and there are good things that we've done, but we're still way
down on the list of countries in terms of pay equity. Canada is worse than a lot of
other countries including ones we wouldn't suspect we would be worse than on are women
paid as much as men. There's a lot of work still to do.
Thank you guys, I've got a really good job right now.
When has running away from our problems really solved anything? Maybe instead of running
away to Canada, we can learn something from it.
What did you drop? [Giggles]
Do you known feminist Ryan Gosling, the meme?
Yes. I'd seen a little bit of that.
There's a study that shows that when men were exposed to the meme they were more likely
to identify with feminist beliefs. Would you be willing for us to use a photo of you and
put the feminist meme?
Trudeau: Absolutely. Absolutely.
I have applications to apply for permanent residence in Canada.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't do it.
What if it was 3 degrees warmer?
I just know this girl from Canada and I hate her so much and so she ruined the country
for me. I'm not even kidding. If you can kick this one person from the country and grant
me refugee status from Donald Trump, I'm totally going to move to your country.
Where do I put my email?
Like your height, color of your eyes, it's like a tinder application.
Does he get it?
How do I put like dating two people? Is that an option?
Yeah. Just put like polyamorous or whatever you want to call that.
Dating two men.