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  • Hello! Hello, everyone, I am white

  • Today we want to continue live

  • when the generation ★ ★ ★ ★ into the _set_ on a set I must tell you that Sorry is

  • on a set we do not have to do heat Generators

  • Yes, that is, that heat generator ah

  • that a generator in fact. . .

  • Its magma will disappear

  • Yes, it's magma will disappear, so

  • Anyway, it's magma will disappear, so I must

  • occasionally to add magma

  • But I Think of a good strategy

  • So, do not worry

  • is like this with

  • this iron floor door

  • to cover up, but it

  • this iron floor door

  • not the most important repair method

  • Mainly let us know which one cell

  • it is not a grid of magma disappeared

  • is that it may have to add, but

  • there is a grid of magma to add

  • that from where to add it, we have to

  • is underground, that is, from the following to help it add

  • In fact, this process of power generation in the magma it will disappear

  • So we avoid the disappearance of magma

  • We must all the time to add this thing

  • Then someone Asked: Ah not every time

  • has been constantly back to the magma

  • This is not the day the magma will dig it?

  • Yes, you put it right

  • But there is a module called Magma inside

  • As long as the electricity can be converted out of the magma

  • So basically. . Fortunately

  • Do not worry too much, this is not a problem

  • I first to put some

  • To do the iron floor door to do

  • Too waste it! And unconsciously

  • Our iron is not a bit

  • Somewhat not enough

  • Feel that it is not enough

  • Good, I first paved this way

  • Paved like this

  • This way, then we see which one

  • magma does not put it to add

  • Yes, that added where it is, because we can not directly in the side of the button!

  • In fact, because some of the release button is not open

  • If you put here button to open the three corners

  • However, if the comparison on the middle here like this

  • Here because the charge , To release the power so not to put

  • so it will become some places can not put, so it

  • my smart little head

  • think of a great countermeasure is

  • it below to put Magma

  • is directly below it

  • On that side of my side may have to extend a later

  • two cells around, right?

  • This should be safer. . . Right?

  • Regardless of the first dig down

  • good hot! Super-dangerous

  • God. .

  • I think I still go to the

  • iron ore that they dug well

  • or else I always feel that this matter when doing super-dangerous

  • good horror Oh!

  • Hey! Like this

  • , cover is not finished but also flow out

  • This is too much trouble, good! Finally

  • flow into a large

  • and then slowly pounced on the full floor, of course, after full it

  • button on the following

  • This can be done directly. No

  • Then we put a button on it, here

  • Then press, it will open and then turn off

  • Then, we can take the magma barrel so

  • right-click it to add up

  • magma will not fall, very safe

  • that the current Fortunately, all magma is still so

  • I first jump to dig my iron ore

  • My God, will actually run out of not believe Le, too exaggerated

  • just just. To dig and dig a diamond

  • a good start

  • Come on diamonds, so my purpose this set is not diamonds friends

  • In fact, this should be thinking

  • Sometimes ah, we desire diamonds Time

  • Why not give you diamonds

  • But usually another point of view, we are eager for something else this time

  • Is probably what you need is not a diamond when something else

  • it will give you the unexpected

  • you do not need things

  • I have this full of good

  • good that I continue Dig down

  • This is not the top of the iron do not know there is no

  • Well, we are back! Then

  • that is what it is

  • Iron dug a few 60 do not know enough

  • let him try it anyway

  • should be enough I think

  • good, come again is the time to stimulate

  • I have to side Dug here to block it

  • This should be a little closer to my hammer

  • Why is there empty

  • Why is there empty, which is which

  • It seems that the wrong stone

  • Strange here is one, how not the same

  • ? No machine? Here in the past

  • There is a layer of the original side of this

  • Well! That one more out of this layer does not seem to grid on this grid is who's ah?

  • This should be the way to show this pattern

  • Ah, this grid should be no things fishes ah?

  • Who is this strange in the end?

  • Who is this one? Should say how there will be empty

  • this cell in the end who is, so strange Oh

  • Then I do not care

  • I do not care to use the side of the magma

  • There is also one, There is a where ah?

  • I see Oh

  • this one? This is a cell bar, how

  • This is a grid of machines on the air

  • To the side of the oh

  • There are two grid here

  • sauce son ?

  • How it seems that the loss of a little more or less I Regardless of the one to fill it

  • strange, that the grid of how the machine was gone

  • or inadvertently was stolen what

  • Then I did not notice this

  • Perhaps Oh, strange Oh, or before I said Simply do not put

  • like this we can quickly add our magma

  • and then we have to do

  • magma manufacturing bucket, we must also create a magma manufacturing bucket

  • so have a way to our magma

  • all

  • should be said that our magma with electricity into magma and then we can put

  • our magma it

  • has been put up, so we can complete a geothermal power

  • that in the future can also be made into electricity

  • is solar power

  • I think the solar power will be more provincial

  • because it does not have to move after all

  • so there are many iron

  • do a good bucket

  • take equipment, Oh, I was attacked

  • I am now being attacked are banned sound of the

  • I am now being attacked the screen will shake about

  • Will not that? ?? Of the sound

  • Since wearing this equipment after my life

  • already fly

  • is not it!

  • Well, first loaded with a barrel of magma

  • Why dogs to get angry ah? Strange

  • good insurance, just the bow is not the bow did not see me

  • , there is it started to launch attacks

  • fishing up a bucket

  • here will certainly be after I finished to fishing

  • first run again do not manage them

  • so good stimulation Oh, you do not know

  • it will not hit you, and then has been running to run

  • I found these coconuts ah

  • The face of the coconut, the Peas a grain of a

  • like a face the same

  • A face dull look at those who, how ?

  • Well, we have the last barrel of magma

  • It should be said to make up a magma up

  • Then

  • did not get

  • Well, go up, go in! Finally ah

  • points next to you, point the floor seems to not fall

  • points next to only use

  • So that we will temporarily complete our

  • magma circulation system

  • so that we can safely keep the magma to get it to get up Hello

  • that again is . . .

  • That is the case, we this set is

  • do this, although a bit

  • time-consuming but is a new small building

  • We are here to take a picture

  • OK complete! That is the case, thank you to see

  • We see the next Hello!

  • Bye ( ノ · ω · `)

Hello! Hello, everyone, I am white


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

マインクラフト ([Minecraft])

  • 90 4
    Yo-Yo幽幽 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日