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- I haven't even fuckin' started.
Tyler, let's get fuckin' serious.
Inbox zero.
Seth, I'm gonna record every intro to GaryVee 365.
Let's fuckin' go.
Colin, 11 articles right now.
Let's go. I will answer every fuckin' question you ask.
(rap music)
(light R&B music)
My rant about the too many people in meetings...
I sent like 54 emails to the whole company
and it was great.
It was this huge communication thing about speed and
efficiencies was only realizing the sink was broken.
What was wrong was the well.
It's not that there's too many people in meetings.
It's that there's too many people.
I've got to really fix this.
And smartly.
I've got to fix the plane while I'm flying it.
The reason I don't tell people to leave good reviews on
Glassdoor and things of that nature is
I don't want to force anything.
- [Woman] Mhmmm.
- But if you believe what you're telling me here and especially
if you get to know me a little bit better,
I need offense on the floor because nega,
just like in society, negativity's on offense.
- [Woman] Yeah.
- Positivity's on defense. - [Woman] Yeah.
- We're in here.
Hey! - Hi. How are you?
- How are you? - [Jaymee] Good.
Thank you. - All good?
It is our belief that your social video production team,
in my opinion is two people.
Somebody who's a preditor who can shoot and edit,
a preditor who can shoot and edit and she and he,
he and he, she and she, can decide divide and conquer,
work together, but both, "I'm sick (coughs)" "Good."
Both do both. The end.
Two, my man can you play some music or something?
It's freaking me out.
Hey Emma. - [Emma] Hey!
- [Gary] How are you? - [Emma] Good.
- Really?
That's devastating. Show his hat.
- Thank you.
- Alexa, say Gary Vaynerchuk.
- [Alexa] I couldn't find a contact matching
Gary Vaynerchuk.
- I just wanted to see if it said Vaynerchuk instead of--
- [Man] It got it right. - Watch this.
Hey Siri.
(double dings) Call AJ Vaynerchuk.
(double bell dings)
- [Siri] Calling Edge Vaynercock.
(group laughter)
- Siri calls our last name Vaynercock.
(group laughter) Good job, Alexa.
Alexa, play "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John.
- [Alexa] "I'm Still Standing" isn't included in Prime but is
available with Amazon Music Unlimited.
Would you like to learn more? - Yes.
- [Alexa] Amazon Music Unlimited lets you play tens of millions
of songs on this device.
It's free for 30 days and then you'll be automatically charged
$3.99 a month. Cancel anytime.
Terms in the Alexa app-- - Yes.
- [Alexa] Should I start your free trial
and play "I'm Still Standing"? - Yes!
How dangerous is that?
- [Alexa] You now have Amazon Music Unlimited on this device.
"I'm Still Standing"--
- I wonder who's credit card this is on.
So in this DailyVee-- - [Patrick] Yep.
- even though we won't be pushing it for a couple of
weeks, the early people can get access if they have an Alexa and
all they have to say is, "Alexa, download Gary 365"?
- [Patrick] Add GaryVee 365 to my flash briefing.
- [Gary] Alexa, add GaryVee 365 to my flash briefing.
Oh, I can do a really cool thing.
Instagram, you guys are getting a scoop.
GaryVee 365, add it to your flash briefings.
Hit me up if you did.
Especially on Twitter, then I'll actually see it.
DMs are busy.
- [Parick] So dude, that'll be awesome to
get audio for each one.
Start figuring out what it looks for workflow and get a video
version of this where they're actually cutting--
- [Gary] Well, the video version we should use
the search engine
'cause it'll be so fuckin' easy. - [Patrick] Yeah.
- Like we should just keyword stuff,
find that exact moment and use #AskGaryVee.
- [Patrick] Yeah, cool.
- [Seth] The audio and video has to be the same file that plays.
Essentially you can hear the audio from the video.
- Yeah. We need to look at that. - Yeah.
- [Gary] Thank you guys.
(light R&B music)
Hey guys, I guess most of this episode will
probably be tonight's jam session but while I've got you
here huge arbitrage.
Holiday weeks are the best.
I've literally met with some of the most senior people that I'm
trying to do and doing business with today and
it's such an insight, right?
And by the way, I think people should.
People always get so mistaken by what I'm saying.
I love and think many people should take the rest of this
week off and maximize family time,
vacation time, reset time.
However, it's intriguing that there's such an opportunity to
meet and have the meetings I had today
in a three day week where
a lot of people took off.
So if you're gonna work during and around Labor Day,
Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving,
Christmas, New Years keep in mind some of the most difficult
people to get a hold of are most available
during this time of year.
So that's your little tidbit.
I want to give you more actionable advice.
When you dream up of having a meeting with ten people that are
impossible to get a hold of, right,
it's the holiday weeks ironically that are sneaky.
99 out of 100 times they are always away with their family.
She's away with her family.
He's away with his family.
But it's the 1 in 100 and I think the 1 in 100 is better
than the 1 in 1,000 that you get in all the other
44 normal weeks of the year.
- [Tyler] Yeah, stuff has been canceled.
- Yeah! - [Tyler] There's an opening.
- This is the time to get somebody because you know,
if you're working, like I am,
these three days you want to do things.
You don't just want to sit around.
And you're right.
People get, you know, other people wanted to do it today
maybe they decided to extend their,
maybe they got drunk on the Fourth of July and they're like,
"I'm not going into work actually any more."
You know?
That's an interesting insight.
I bet you that's one of those classics,
I didn't think about that kind of thing.
I guarantee four people watching DailyVee will get a meeting in
the next year around a holiday week because of that tidbit.
This is really why I do the vlog.
This little thing right now.
- [Justin] I didn't think of that.
- Well, I don't think you're thinking about it, Justin.
What do you mean, "I didn't think of that"?
- [Tyler] (laughs) Even I didn't.
- Even you, the genius in the world.
Yes, DRock?
What do you feel sad that you're not in this vlog?
You want to be in it today? Show DRock.
- I didn't want to interrupt--
- [Gary] You want to show everybody your awesome tan?
- I did get an awesome tan.
- [Gary] You look great. What's up?
- [DRock] Want to write an article for Colin--
- Yes, I will definitely see Colin today.
- [DRock] Colin!
- Well hold on. When did he get your job?
Did Tyler approve?
- [Tyler] I'm not showing. - [Gary] Get outta here.
Tyler's the boss around here.
I'm gonna say yes to everything.
- [Tyler] Can we do it tonight? - Well, what's next?
When's she here?
- [Tyler] She's on her way upstairs right now.
- Okay, go ahead. - Yeah. Colin!
- You did August last summer, right?
Where we did the video about August.
- Oh, did I? Yeah, you're right.
Similar theme. - [Tyler] Yeah.
- [Gary] Colin!
- [Tyler] You know him and Eliot moved in together?
- [Gary] Colin and Eliot moved in together?
- [Tyler and Gary] Colin!
- [Gary] Colin!
Don't get cozy, I only have one thing to say.
Never trust DRock.
Cool, close the door.
(light R&B music)
Not really Snapchat. - [Noor] So why not?
- [Gary] Because they can drop a feature tomorrow that changes--
- [Noor] Which they did today. - Correct.
All of a sudden, you can actually do what Instagram
Stories does and if you have audience there plus everybody
under 25 or more specifically
21 still favors it and if I go
right now to the app store which I didn't do this morning which
is unusual but if I go right now and I'm just gonna look at the
top of the charts, here they are.
Snapchat is number 4.
It's not like it's number 54. - [Noor] Yeah.
- [Gary] It's not dying.
Like this thought of deleting a platform that hundred of
millions of people use that could start different features
in the same way that Instagram didn't have those features and
everybody was going to Snapchat. - [Noor] Yeah.
- Why couldn't Snapchat create something tomorrow
that changes the outcome?
It makes zero sense in a world where your job and your life is
predicated on you arbitraging attention and awareness to the
things you do to close a channel that isn't charging you because
it seems similar to another channel would be the same thing
as saying you're not gonna air it on
CNBC and Fox Business
because they're both CNBC or Fox Business
or MSNBC or CNN.
If MSNBC and CNN both wanted you to do a five minute spot and
talk about the same exact thing, intuitively I feel like you
would do them both.
The only thing that matters is attention.
That's what you're trading on.
The only thing that matters is other people's attention because
without it it doesn't matter what you're creating.
Right? - [Noor] Yeah.
- That's why you don't delete Snapchat.
That's why you get good at things.
That's why Alexa, play my daily briefs.
- [Alexa] Here's your flash briefing.
From GaryVee 365.
- [Gary on Echo View] Am I watching the pattens of
14-year-old teenagers-- - That exists, Alexa stop.
That exists because I know that's the
next landscape of attention.
And so I already know that voice is the next social media
and that's why I have a top 100 podcast.
And that's why I have an Alexa Flash already.
Awesome. - [Noor] Thank you.
Thank you so much. - [Gary] You're welcome so much.
- [Adam] Thank you so much for your time, Gary.
Really appreciate it. - [Gary] Continued success guys.
How you been? - [Isa] Good, man.
How about you? - [Gary] Real well.
- Yeah?
- [Gary] Life is good. - Yeah, man.
- [Gary] It's good to see you again.
You enjoyed it last time? - Mhmmm, oh I loved it.
- [Gary] Did the guys love it? - Everybody love it.
- [Gary] Was everybody like, "He's cool"?
- Yeah. You gave a different perspective
that we don't get everyday. - [Gary] Yeah.
- Such a short time, you know? - [Gary] Yeah.
- It really resonated with them. - [Gary] Good.
They felt the authenticity? - [Isa] Yeah, definitely.
You know you really care.
You feel it. You're sitting like this.
(Gary laughs) They know like, alright something's serious.
Can't make this stuff up. - Yeah, cool.
Let's work with Tyler and get together this summer before it's
over with you and your crew. - Okay, mhmmm.
- And I'll break it down for you guys.
- Alright, that sounds perfect.
- Good my man. - Good.
- Yeah my man. - I appreciate it.
- Continued success, man. Get healthy.
- Alright, thank you and and I will.
- [Gary] And I'll see you soon.
Ty! He's got a crew I got to meet with.
I know summer's tight.
Either somewhere in the end of the summer if I'm coming in
for one day, I'm thinking about, or right as we get
back after Labor Day.
Right, like let's build up our Instagram so
people are swiping up.
I mean I'm getting insane.
My Instagram URL link and my
Instagram Stories swipe ups are driving more of the things that
I want to happen.
Than like email and like fucking Facebook
which were like my drivers.
It changes real fuckin' fast.
Alexa, play "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John.
I mean the world can change really quick.
- [Alexa] "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John.
- [Man 2] Oh, that's cool.
- [Gary] By the way, this Alexa thing has added enormous amounts
of quality to my ability to have meetings.
I was literally just like I'm just gonna do this for fun.
- [Woman 2] Let me see. Oh my God.
- I posted this.
I took this photo from my backyard.
- [Man 3] What was the point of that?
- Just to confuse the fuck out of everybody.
It worked. - [Woman 2] What was your copy?
- I'm gonna destroy today.
Destroy is a slang term for
leaving all my efforts on the field today.
Field is a slang term for my work.
Alexa, who's Rick Ross?
- [Alexa] Rick Ross, TV/southern Christian soft rock artist.
- [Ryan] What are we doing?
- Ooh.
- [Ryan] 9:30 and we're asking Alexa who Rick Ross is.
- We've probably had the single most productive meeting in the
history of our business relationship
and you're complaining.
I haven't even fuckin' started.
Tyler, let's get fuckin' serious.
Inbox zero.
Seth, I'm gonna record every intro to GaryVee 365.
Let's fuckin' go.
Colin, 11 articles right now.
Let's go. I will answer every fuckin' question you ask.
Alexa, who's Ryan Harwood?
(group laughter)
Kobe Bryant and I are gonna be best friends.
It's the most foregone conclusion.
I'm, I just want everybody to know this.
This is firm.
Just remember I said it.
Kobe Bryant and I will be best friends
within the next five years.
Best friends!
Not just business acquaintances, homies.
Alexa, who's Kobe Bryant?
- [Alexa] Kobe Bean Bryant is a
retired professional basketball player and businessman.
- [Man 3] Businessman, wow. - Businessman.
You hear that last thing?
You hear that? - [Andy] Businessman?
- Yeah. You know who's a better businessman?
Me! I've got the competitive edge now.
- [Man 4] Selling candy to kids in school.
- [Gary] Things are good?
How's it been going? - It's going well.
Just learning a lot.
Plugging away on the YouTube channel.
Doing community insights in the morning.
Comments through the day, whatnot.
But watching your content I see how far ahead you are and I say,
"I've got to get started."
- [Gary] Yeah, I respect that. - [Alex] Right.
- [Gary] But I think, you know,
it's macro patience, micro speed.
- [Alex] It's hard to think like that though.
- [Gary] It's very hard but that's why
good things happen to me. Right?
Everything that's good is hard. - [Alex] That's true.
- [Gary] You know what I mean?
You're not winning 'cause,
you're winning 'cause you did something
nobody else is willing to do.
Good day. Good day, 10 P.M.
Holiday week, look at the team.
Anybody want to get destroyed real quick?
Oh no, Gary.
Oh, good job, Gary.
He doesn't suck. He's pretty good actually.
Just I'm the greatest of all time.
Ooh, Jus you know how lucky you were there?
Saw what I did there, Iris?
Justin's learning some of my moves.
- [Iris] Ooh!
- Justin, where you goin'?
7 to 1 was close.
Jus, where you goin'? 7 to 1 was good.
That was a good try by you.
7 to 1's not bad, bro.
He's got to walk that one off.
No, that was devastating for him.
He walked into a buzzsaw.
You walked right into a buzzsaw.
He walked into a buzzsaw.
(laughs) It is, right?
You know what it is?
You know what hurts him the most?
Is he's been trying and prepping and practicing.
I've been working and hustling and doing my thing.
I just nonchalantly walk in here and dismantle him 7 to 1.
Colin, you know what's sad?
It was over before it started.
It was 3, nothing before Justin even got settled in.
DRock? Is DRock any good?
- [Game] Game over.
- [Kendall] I can build you up.
- [Gary] DRock, get back here. 6 to 1.
You only had four shots on goal.
- 7 to 1, right?
- [Gary] You had two less shots on goal that I had goals.
Tyler, (sighs).
I feel amazing.
You know it's really interesting, right?
When you're just better than
other humans beings at everything.
Just feels really good.
Proud of myself.
Nobody who watches my vlog can beat me in bubble hockey.
- [Iris] Nobody. - Nobody.
(Iris laughs)
See ya.
(light R&B music)