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Hello. I'm Sammy, and I like to practice American English.
This is part one of the connected speech series.
Today, we'll discuss elision.
What is elision?
It means omitting one or more sounds in a word or phrase to make it easier to pronounce.
This is used in casual informal speech.
Elision can help your American English sound smoother and more natural.
American English has a few patterns of elision in casual speech
but today we will practice T and D
What do you notice about the pronunciation of the underlined words in this sentence?
Formal speech: The handsome movie star acts in a film about friendship between a father and son.
Now in casual speech.
The "hansome" movie star "acks" in a film about "frienship" between a "father an son."
Whenever T or D comes between two consonants at the end of a syllable
it gets elided, which means that it doesn't get pronounced.
For example, instead of scripts we say "scrips."
And instead of friendship we say "frienship."
Let's practice pronouncing the following words using T and D elision.
T and D elision can even happen between two words.
For example, you pronounce "las chance"
instead of "last chance" because the T does not get pronounced.
Other examples are "father an son" "han bag" "mos popular" "lef turn" "firs three" "nex day"
Let's practice!
Read the following sentences and use T and D elision
for the underlined sounds.
I started a "frienship" with the "hansome" artist. He "pains" "lanscapes."
For the "pas three" years he's worked hard "an" become successful.
Now, his "mos" famous painting is printed on "poscards."
Next time, we'll have part two of the connected speech series
about informal contractions.
This is American English. Thanks for watching.