字幕表 動画を再生する
- You are a huge name, probably the biggest name in comedy right now. - Thank you, man.
- あなたは今、おそらくお笑い界で一番の大物です。 - ありがとうございます
And you can have a private island to hang out on, but everybody has to start somewhere.
And when you started out, it was rough.
- It was tough going in the beginning. - For me, yeah. In the beginning.
- 最初のうちは大変でしたね。 - 私にとってはね最初の頃はね
heck yeah, it was tough. Uh...I mean...you know...
when talking about a comedian, man~ I used to do a...spots for food.
You know, doing a stand-up comedy.
So, when you go tough, you are talking about a guy who used to perform live shows in a bowling alley..
I remember one time, I was on the show.
Right? It is only fifteen people there.
But every time I want to go tell my punchline, somebody threw a strike.
- It's a live bowling alley. - They are bowling while you telling jokes?
- ボウリング場の生中継です。 - あなたが冗談を言っている間、彼らはボーリングをしているのか?
They are bowling, listen.
I am in the middle lane...is... People bowling down here, people bowlinig down here.
and I'm like "Men~listen~I don't know about you all". "Bang!".
"Men~listen~I don't know about you all." I never told one joke. I just kept starting over and over again.
"男の人~聞いて~みんなのことは知らない"私は一度も冗談を言ったことがない 何度も何度も繰り返してた
Now, you have to live for a while,. You could...didn't even really have a place, did you?
No, no, no, no. I...uh...I don't like to say "not a place to live." Yes, you know, you are right.
いや、いや、そうじゃない。私は...あのぅ... "住むところじゃない "って言い方は好きじゃないんですよ。そうですよね、あなたの言う通りです。
I didn't. But my mom, my mom kind of... My mom was like a support system.
You know, uh...when I need an apartment. And I went and got one one my own.
I couldn't afford the rent because I was trying to do comedy.
So my mom... She is very religious.
She said, "Look, Kevin. I am gonna put you on my back. I got you for a year.
You can go out do what you wanna do. I'mma support you.
After that, you don't find a way to feed yourself, then you got to go back to school.
You got to do something productive." I said, "Mom.
Give me a year doing this comedy."
So, my mom was very over-religious. She was always always telling me to pray, read my Bible.
私の母はとても信心深かったの母はいつも私に 祈るように言っていました 聖書を読むように
Um...I need rent money. It's come time for rent money.
I am like "Mom, you didn't give me rent this month."
私は "ママ、今月は家賃を払ってくれなかった "みたいな感じです。
She's like "Did you read the Bible?" I'm like "Mom, I don't have time to talk about the Bible stuff right now.
I need the money. This is for real.
They are gonna kick me out." She's like "Read your Bible, then talk to me." "Mom!
"追い出される""聖書を読んでから話しなさい "って "ママ!
OK, goodbye. I hang up with my mom.
I ain't gonna do this. Another month go by, I am getting eviction notice. "Mom, stop playing.
like you don't give me this money, I am gonna be homeless." "Did you read your Bible?"
このお金をくれないと ホームレスになるんだよ」"聖書は読んだか?"
"Mom! I don't want to read the Bible right now.
I am not going to have a place to read it in a minute if you don't give me the money."
She was like, "Look, I'm not going to do this with you Kevin.
Read your Bible, talk to me." It gets closed to the third month.
I'm like, "Oh my God, they are really threatened to kick me out." I finally opened my Bible.
私は、"あらあら、本当に追い出すと脅されているのね "と思って やっと聖書を開きました。
When I opened it up, my mom put all of the checks for the rest of the year in the Bible.
So I opened it, and all my rent checks fall out.
I am just sat there with the dumbest look at my face... call my mom...said "Mom, I see what you did.
You put it in the Bible." She said, "Did you read it?".
聖書に書いてあるでしょ"彼女は "読んだの?"と言っていました。
"No, but I got the checks."