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[Singing] "Got to buy some dinner tonight." Hi. James from EngVid. So what are we doing?
Singing] "Got to buy some dinner tonight." Hi.EngVidのJamesです。で、私たちは何をしているの?
We're going to talk about shopping today. As you can see, I have to go shopping because
our budget -- we usually have a big magazine, and I'm down to this poor little piece of
私たちの予算 - 私たちは通常、大きな雑誌を持っていますが、私はこの貧しい小さな作品にダウンしています。
paper. But my dinner is on, so why don't we go to the board.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, something we have to do wherever you go. You
do it in your own country. We do it here. What I'm going to teach you is the vocabulary
for basic shopping. So there -- we have two other videos on engVid that talk about shopping
and specific things. You can go and watch those as well. I recommend you do. But for
now, just so you can go into a store anywhere that they speak English and get what you want,
when you need it, the way you want it, we're going to do this lesson right now.
So the first thing you want to do is -- well, you want to know if it's on sale. "Sale" means
だから、あなたが最初にしたいことは - まあ、あなたはそれがセールになっているかどうかを知りたいです。
"cheaper price". So that's what we mean, "is it on sale?" The first thing you can ask,
"cheaper price"。だからそれは私たちが何を意味するのか、"is it on sale? "あなたが尋ねることができる最初のこと。
like, "Do you have anything on sale?" For instance: Club Savings. All these foods are
のように、"Do you have anything on sale?クラブ貯蓄。これらの食品はすべて
on sale. Regular price 20, now 17. I'm saving money. So "sale" really means -- s-a for "save".
発売中。通常価格20、今なら17。I'm saving money.だから"sale"本当に意味 -- s-a for "save"。
You're saving money because you're going to pay less than the actual, original price.
Which leads me to the next word: "price" and "cost". For some of you guys you're like,
"We know these things." But it's actually using it properly or effectively. You can
"We know these things." But it's actually using it properly or effectively.あなたは以下のことができます。
say, "How much does it cost?" which is different than "price". They're similar -- not same.
say, "How much does it cost? " which is different than " price".彼らは似ている - 同じではありません。
"Cost" means "what do I have to give you". "Price" is what -- what the actual money is.
"Cost" means "What do I have to give you". "Price" is what -- what actual money is.
So you can say, "How much does this cost me?" Maybe two hours. And I'm using it differently
だから、あなたは言うことができます, "How much does this cost me?そして、私はそれを別の方法で使用しています
than price. So similar -- not same. So what is the "price"; what is the "cost". And they
価格よりもだから似ている - 同じではありません。だから何が"price";何が"cost"です。そして、彼らは
will tell you how much money you have to give them, okay? Cool.
That comes with the word "pay". When you have a price or cost and you give them money, you
must "pay". I work in an English school, and people have to "pay". That means, "Give the
must "pay"。私は英語学校で働いていますが、人々は"pay"をしなければなりません。つまり、"Give
money." But you can give not just money, but different things in different forms. So one
of the things we can do is, we can use our credit cards. Everybody -- not everyone. A
lot of people have it if you're over 18 -- piece of plastic that you give, and they say, "This
多くの人がそれを持っている場合、あなたは're over 18 - あなたが与えることをプラスチックの部分、彼らは言う、"This
is worth this much money, and you can use your card to pay with it." Okay? Visa, American
Express, MasterCard -- these are credit cards. Debit. In North America, we're in love with
our debit cards. It's a card that you get from your bank that has direct access to your
account. So not like a credit card where the bank is lending you some money or letting
you take some money for now, and you pay it back. That's the "credit card". Debit is right
とりあえずお金を取って、それを返す。それが"credit card"です。デビットが正しい
in your account, so if you have $500, they literally -- oh, sorry, "literally" means
あなたの口座に$500を持っている場合、彼らは文字通り - ああ、申し訳ありませんが、"文字通り"意味
"really", "in reality", or "actually" -- take the money out of your account. So you can
"real"、"in reality"、または"real" - あなたの口座からお金を取り出します。だから、あなたは以下のことができます。
use either debit or credit to pay. And my favourite, favourite of everyone's
-- I don't have any: cash. Cash. Money. The old fashion way of doing things, right? Give
-- 現金は持っていない現金だ金だ昔ながらのやり方だろ?渡して
them the money -- transaction done. "Transaction" is when you do business. You "transact" because
彼らにお金を - トランザクションが行われました。あなたは"transaction"なぜならば
one thing goes to another. You get product; they get money. It's a "transaction", okay?
一つのものは別のものに移るあなたは製品を手に入れ、彼らはお金を手に入れます。It's a "transaction", okay?
Taxes. Every country has them. In some countries, like England -- where they speak the Queen's
English -- taxes are included. So if it says $15, it's $15. But folks, I live in Canada.
英語 -- 税金が含まれています。15ドルと書いてあれば15ドルです。でも皆さん、私はカナダに住んでいます。
And what you see is not what you get. $15 becomes $16.50. $100 becomes $115. $1,000
見たものが得られるわけではありません。15ドルが16.50ドルに100ドルが115ドルになります 1000ドル
is -- $1,150. That's right. Our taxes are not included. So when you come to America
or Canada, be careful because you might actually have to pay taxes. You see this, "Incl.":
"taxes included". It will be taxes -- it's good. It means price -- what you pay. Most
税金が含まれている"。それは税金になります - それは良いです。それは価格を意味する - あなたが支払うもの。殆どの
of the times, you won't see anything, and it means "add more money". "Taxes" are what
回の、あなた won't see anything, and it means "add more money". "Taxes" are what
the government gets -- okay. Understand this. It's what the government gets for you buying
something because they want their money, too. Anyway.
So this is the first thing. You come in, and if you can see, Mr. E is 50% off. He's on
ということで、まずはこれです。お店に入って見ていただければ Eさんが50%OFFになっています彼は
sale. Because I hate the damn worm, I'm trying to get rid of him. So you want him? He's yours.
Anyone of you come to EngVid, leave a comment, "I'll buy the worm." We'll send it to you.
EngVidに来た人は誰でも、コメントを残して、"I'I'll buy the worm." We'll send it to you.
Anyway. I told you. So that's it. That's the first thing. When you go in, you want to check
if it's on sale, what's the price or the cost, how can you pay, and if there are taxes included,
or can you get away with taxes, right? You might say, "Hey, look, if I pay cash, can
とか、税金で逃げられますよね?あなたは言うかもしれません、 "Hey, look, if I pay cash, can
I pay -- can you do something with the taxes?" Shh! I didn't tell you. More than English,
私は払っています - あなたは税金で何かをすることができますか?I didn't tell you.英語よりも。
people. I teach you more than English. Next, before you actually pay for it -- right?
の人たちに教えています。英語以上のことを教えています。次は実際にお金を払う前に -- ですよね?
We found what the price costs. We're going to look at the product or the thing we want,
okay? That's why we have a box with a bow. It's what I want -- maybe a camera, maybe
a watch, a new shirt: That's what's in the box. So here's what we want to look at -- things
about it. For instance: What style? Because when you buy something, maybe you want it
this style. Or you want a polo shirt, you know, something with a nice collar around
このスタイル。ポロシャツを着たいと思っているなら 襟の周りに素敵なものを
it. So you can say, "style" or "kind" or "type", right? "What type of shirt do you like?" or
と言っています。だから、あなたは、"style"または"kind"または"type"、右と言うことができますか? "What type of shirt do you like?
"What kind of jeans do you like?" "I like blue jeans." "I like black jeans." "I like
"What kind of jeans do you like? " "I like blue jeans." "I like black jeans." "I like
ballet pants." What "type" or what "kind" or what "style". These three words can be
ballet pants." What " type" or what " kind" or what " style"。これらの3つの単語は、次のことができます。
used together, right? "He likes hip hop style." "He likes classic kind of music", or "type".
used together, right? "He likes hip hop style." " He likes classic kind of music" or " type".
The next: "size". I'm not a big guy. I know I appear bigger on TV, but in reality, I'm
次は: "size"。私は大きな男ではありません。私は私がテレビで大きく表示されることを知っているが、実際には、私は'm
tiny, much like the worm. Anyway. Size. But you can get big. You can get small. You can
ちっちゃくて 虫に似てるとにかく大きさだ。でも、大きくなれる。小さくもできるあなたは
get medium size. So in North America, you'll see this: "S", "M", and "L". That's "small",
はミディアムサイズを取得します。だから、北米では、あなたは'll see this: "S"、"M"、そして"L"。That's "small"。
"medium", "large" -- they're the basic sizes. Then there is "extra large" and "extra small",
"medium"、"large" -- they're the basic sizes.それから、"extra large"と"extra small"があります。
but basically, you'll find those three everywhere. And finally, colour. You'll notice I have
"colour" and "color". Why? Because in the United States -- and I know we have a lot
と"color"。なぜですか?なぜなら、米国では - と私は私たちがたくさん持っていることを知っている
of people there. Hi, people in the United States. "Color" is spelled without a "u",
そこにいる人たちのこんにちは、アメリカの人たち。 "Color"は"u"なしで綴られています。
but in Canada and Britain, they spell it with a "u": "colour". So what colour? Maybe you
しかし、カナダやイギリスでは、彼らはそれを"u": "color"で綴ります。で、何色?多分、あなたは
want -- I'm kind of monochromatic, which means "only one colour". I've got black watch, black
私は単色のようなもので、これは"only one color"を意味します。私は黒の時計を持っています。
shirt, black necklace, black pen, okay. Maybe you want red or black -- different colours,
okay? So these are the things you can change. Other
things -- because these are parts you can change on the product -- features: not exactly
もの -- これらは製品上で変更できる部品であるため -- 特徴:正確ではありません。
the same. A "feature" is what something has. Cars have features. A car might have automatic
が同じであることを示しています。a "feature"は何かが持っているものです。車には機能があります。車にはオートマチックのものがあるかもしれません。
steering, or it might be manual or -- it's automatic and manual. Sorry. There you go.
It might be manual or automatic. These are features. It's not these things here. What
they do is what it has in the car -- four doors, two doors. It has four-wheel drive.
Benefits. After someone told you the features about something, if you're buying a camera,
it goes -- it has automatic shutter, it's got sound reduction, what have you. You might
go, "So what? What does that do for me?" And then go, "Okay, here is the benefit." This
go, "So what?What does that do for me? " And then go, "Okay, here is the benefit."This
is what -- because "bene" means "good". "This is why it's good for you." "Automatic noise
は何なのか -- なぜなら "bene" means "good". "This is why it's good for you." " Automatic noise
reduction" means you can get rid of all the outside noise. "Oh, very good. Very interesting,
reduction"は、すべての外部のノイズを取り除くことができることを意味します。 "ああ、非常に良いです。非常に興味深いです。
yes?" Okay, and that's why we do that. So you can say to somebody, "What are the
yes? " Okay, and that's why we do that.だから、あなたは誰かに言うことができます、"What are the
features on this product? What are the benefits to me? Does it come in this size, this style,
or this type of thing? And what size is it?" See? You get information so you can get exactly
またはこのタイプのもの?そして、それはどのようなサイズですか? "参照してください?あなたは情報を得るので、正確に
what you want. And if you're very smart -- remember we talked
about "sale"? We can talk about "discount". You can say, "If I buy five of these, can
について"sale"?私たちは、"discount"について話すことができます。あなたが言うことができます、"If I buy five of these, can
I get a discount?" It's not the same as "sale". This is different. It's because I'm doing
I get a discount? " It's not same as "sale".これは違います。それは私がやっているからです。
something, I want to get another benefit. I'm giving you more money: Give me more money.
I'm going to save you money, son. I told you. Okay.
And if there is something wrong -- maybe there is a little scratch. A "scratch" is a little
そして、何か問題があるとしたら--もしかしたら小さな傷があるかもしれません。A "scratch"は、ちょっとした
cut on the product. You can go, "I want a discount. Look, it's not perfect. It's not
をカットします。あなたは行くことができます、 "I want a discount.見て、それは完璧ではありません。それは
100 percent -- change the price for me." See? If you don't get a sale, go for the discount.
100パーセント - 私のために価格を変更します。あなたはセールを取得しない場合は、割引のために行く。
We have talked about the -- Mr. E on sale. We have talked about the product, how to change
it to make it ours -- modify it for ourselves. We're individuals, after all. Now, finally,
私たちのものにするために それを自分たちのものにするために修正するんだ結局のところ、私たちは個人です。さて、最後に
please come again. If you've ever watched The Simpsons -- Apu, I love you, man. I really
また来てくださいシンプソンズを見たことがあるなら... アプー 愛してるよ本当に
do. "Come again" is his favourite thing. You're leaving. Don't leave without these things.
do. "Come again"は彼のお気に入りです。You're leaving.Don't leave without these things.
That's why it's basic shopping, but this is like, guerilla shopping: You want to get everything
you need. What do I mean by that? Well, first things first, if you buy something expensive
-- like, this marker, it doesn't matter. But if I buy a new laptop, I want a warranty.
-- このマーカーのように それは重要ではないでも新しいノートパソコンを買うなら保証が欲しい。
A "warranty" is basically the company saying, "If anything is wrong when you leave the store,
A " warranty"は、基本的には何かが間違っている場合は、あなたが店を離れるときに、"と言っている会社です。
we will fix it. We will make it okay. No problem." Some people go, "I don't care." And then they
私たちはそれを修正します。私たちはそれを大丈夫にします。No problem." Some people go, "I don't care." And then they
go home, they open it up. It doesn't work. And the company goes, "No warranty? Your problem;
家に帰ると開けてしまうそれは動作しません。そして会社は、"No warranty?あなたの問題です。
not ours." So you should say -- if it's an expensive thing, like a camera, or a new cell
not ours." だから、あなたは言うべきである - それはカメラ、または新しい携帯電話のような高価なものだとします。
phone, or, you know, iPod, "What's the warranty?" Because they will tell you, "For one year"
電話、または、あなたが知っている、iPod、"What's the warranty? "彼らはあなたに言うだろうから、"For one year".
-- or even a car. They'll say, "One year, six months: We will protect you. We promise
-- あるいは車でも。彼らは言うでしょう、一年六ヶ月。私たちはあなたを保護します。約束します。
to make sure everything is okay, no problem for you." So you go, "Does this have a warranty?"
Next: "Warranty" is for the product, but every store has what we call a "return policy".
Next: "Warranty"は製品のためのものですが、すべての店は、私たちが"return policy"と呼んでいるものを持っています。
Some stores will say, "Hey, the product has a warranty, but we won't give you your money
back. You have to talk to the person who made the product." Yeah. Right. You're like, "But
を戻します。あなたは、製品を作った人に話をしなければなりません。そうなんですよね。You're like, "but
I'm protected." For the product. By the company. But the store that sells it might just say,
I'm protected."製品のために。会社によって。しかし、それを販売している店は、単に言うかもしれません。
"Our return policy is 'no money back'. No money. Our money, not yours." So you want
私たちのリターンポリシーは 'no money back' です。ノーマネー。私たちのお金ではなく、あなたのお金です。
to check, "Do I get my money back if there is a problem?" or "Do I have to get a receipt?"
を確認し、"Do I get my money back if there is problem? " or "Do I have to get a receipt?
Not a receipt, a -- they have this little piece of paper. They go, "credit note". Which
領収書ではなく、 - 彼らはこの小さな紙を持っています。彼らは、"クレジットノート"に行きます。これは
means, "No money for you, but you can buy anything in the store." It's up to you. Maybe
means, "No money for you, but you can buy anything in store." It's up to you.多分
it's okay, if you know you're going to use it again. If not, don't go for credit note.
But if you want to get a good return policy and a warranty, the one thing you must leave
with, you must never, ever forget, and this is the most important part of the lesson:
Keep your receipt. No receipt? No return policy, no warranty, and all these other things are
no good. So I'm going to wrap this up because now you
should be going, "time to go shopping", okay? If you're in my country, do so... or in any
should be going, "time to go shopping", okay?If you're in my country, do so... or in any
country that speaks English, okay? So very quickly, ask for a sale -- if there is a sale
on the product. Check out the price or the cost. You can ask. They'll tell you. And I
said "quickly", so listen and focus. "How can I pay?" "Cash, debit, or credit?" It's
と言った"迅速"ので、聞いて集中しています。 "How can I pay?
the modern world. You never know. "Are the taxes included or not included?" "Do I have
現代の世界。あなたは決して知りません。 "税金が含まれているか含まれていないか?
to pay extra money for this?" "Is it 15 or 20?" "My package -- can I make it small, big,
このために余分なお金を支払うために? " "それは15または20ですか? " "私のパッケージ - 私はそれを小さく、大きくすることができます。
large?" "What are the benefits?" "What are the features?" And finally, "Give me my damn
large? " " "What are the benefits? " "What are the features?
receipt." So I've got to go. Mr. E, see you later. Once
again, I want you to come to -- where? Favourite website" www.engvid.com, "Eng" as in "English,
再び、私はあなたに来て欲しい - どこで?Favourite website" www.engvid.com, "Eng" as in "English.
"vid" as in "video". Where you'll see me and Mr. E -- sorry. Come again, please. Come again.
"vid"のように"video"。Where you'll see me and Mr.E -- sorry.また来てください。また来てください。