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Auntie Wang, the home the Lord has prepared for us, it sounds so beautiful,
but when will the Lord come to take us there?
Very soon the Lord will come and take us home in heaven.
As long as you follow Him, read the Bible, pray more,
have meetings more often, work for the Lord someday,
you'll definitely receive the Lord's promise and His rewards.
If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven and gain rewards,
we must be sober and ready, hold onto the Lord's name,
keep working for the Lord.
If we do,
we can ensure our place in the heavenly kingdom and receive our blessings.
God is holy, and so is His kingdom.
For us who work hard but continue to sin,
how can we be allowed to enter His kingdom?
The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins. In His eyes, we have no more sin.
So as long as we work for the Lord, and hold onto His name,
then of course we'll enter the kingdom of heaven.
The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins. That's true.
But He never said this forgiveness
meant being purified and allowed directly into the kingdom of heaven.
No one can deny this fact.
Almighty God tells us,
So if the Lord has returned,
I truly wonder why we are still here and not in heaven.
In fact, when God comes in the last days to take the saints,
He first brings people before His throne
to accept His work of judgment and purification,
and then make them overcomers.
This is how the saints will be raptured into the kingdom of heaven.
Those overcomers here who are perfected by God
are those who practice His word and follow His way on earth.
They are the people of God's kingdom.
We've believed in Lord Jesus for years,
labored for Him and suffered a lot.
If we don't accept the work of Almighty God in the last days,
can we be raptured into God's kingdom or not?
Almighty God's words are so clear.
God's work of judgment in the last days
is the most crucial and fundamental work in God's salvation of mankind.
One's accepting and experiencing the judgment and chastisement by God's word
is the only way to his salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven.
Thank Almighty God for awakening me from the dream.
So I hear God's voice and am raptured before God's throne.
I can accept His judgment and purification face to face.
This is God's special mercy and grace for me.