字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント It's too hot, I should cool it down. 熱い 冷まさなきゃ Whilst it cools down, その間に 豚足食べよっと I'm going to have Tsgoo Yook first. お米と似て 柔らかいから好き It's a sticky rice Tsgoo Yook. わたし餃子大好き So it's really soft and nice. 流行っているのかしら Mmm. 私は今 ソウルで最も古い I love dumplings. カンジャン市場にいます Seems like dumplings are the thing. 100年前から存在してる So I'm here at Kuan Jung food market in Seoul, 市場にはあらゆる 韓国料理が並んでる which is one of Seoul's oldest food markets. 最近は欧米で 見かけるものも多い It's like a hundred years old, おいしそう older than Korea itself. 大きなホタテ And here you can find ただ今回は 市場の取材が 目的じゃない all the Korean classic dishes. 噂の「マックバン」を調査する The kind that 直訳すると「料理ポルノ」だけど basically having a surge in the west. 食事の様子を セルフィーで撮ってー Yum. ネットで公開するのが 流行してるらしい Look at those huge scallops. 2011年以降 韓国ではー But that's not why I'm here. 食事の様子をストリーミングで 公開するのが流行している I'm here to look at a completely new, マックバンから 有名になる人もいる unusual trend called muk-bang. 彼らは ブロードキャスト・ジョッキー It roughly translates as food porn, 通称BJと呼ばれる but not in the way you'd hope. 中には 他に仕事もせず これで生計を立てる者も It's more kind of like a food selfie where 彼女は パク・スヨン users are logging on. 韓国で最も有名なBJで これで生計を立てている Eating lots of food to camera, and 通称ディーバだ then thousands of other people are logging on 一時は ファンからの寄付だけでー to watch them. 月に90万円稼いだという Mmm. Mmm. 彼女に取材を試みたが すでに引退していた Since 2011, a peculiar trend of live 高まるファンからの期待に 耐えきれなかったのだろう streaming while eating large quantities of food ココちゃん おいしそうでしょ has become more and more popular in South Korea. 彼は BJソフ The people who participate in 大人気の男性BJ muk-bang have become minor celebrities in 今から彼に会いに行きます 料理を作ってくれるって their own right. 動機やこの現象について 話を聞いてみたい To the point that they're referred to as すごい 本格的なスタジオね broadcast jockies or ここで撮影してるの? the more popular term, don't laugh, BJ's. 手順が複雑そう These so called BJ's have learned that 初期の頃は 普通のパソコンと ウェブカメラを使ってた there is such a thing as a free lunch. マイク付きのカメラだから 操作は難しくない This is Park Soo Yeon, 動画と音を うまく同期出来ればね one of the country's most popular BJ's for 段々と欲が出てきて whom mokbang was a full-time job. パソコンのスペックを上げたら 編集速度も上がった Better known as The Diva. 料理中 視聴者からの メッセージが見えるようー At one point, she was making up to $9,000 テレビに繋いでる a month through her fans donations. 自己紹介したら 始めましょう We tried to speak to her, but it turns out she's どうも ソフです retired amid speculation that the pressures of 何?読めない the muk-bang lifestyle had become too much. 彼女はシャーレット モデルをしてる It looks good BJソフのファンの方 こんにちは Coco right? 今回はお世話になります So this is BJ Sof, 視聴者がこんなに One of Korea's most prolific male. 「シャーレットのパン(?)です」 BJ's. And we're on our way to 「番組へようこそ」 meet him and he's gonna cook for me. ありがとう みんなやさしい 家族みたい I'm gonna be able to ask him about everything he たしかに 家族みたい does, why he does it and ファンは韓国人が多いの? get behind this strange phenomenon. 韓国人だけだよ 外国人には分からないだろうね Wow. デリバリーで大量注文する BJが多い中ー Oh, wow. BJソフは違う Look. It's like a full studio. プロの料理人だから 調理する姿も見せる So, this is where the magic happens. いつかは 自分の店を 持ちたいらしい So, how does it work? どんな職場でも ストレスは溜まる This looks. Slightly complicated. BJとしての活動は制約がない いつ何をしてもいい In the beginning I broadcasted using 全部自分で決められる a standard computer and this web cam. 全くストレスを感じない This web cam has a built in microphone so コショウを入れます it wasn't complicated. マックバンではみんな 一人で食事をしてるけどー I just needed to get the video and sound right. 誰かと食事をするのは 韓国の文化で重要じゃないの? As I did more broadcasts I 昔は 家族で一緒に 食事をしていたけどー became more gear greedy. 今は 一人暮らしの人も多いし 規範も薄れた As I did more broadcasts I became more gear greedy 寂しさを抱えてる人は多い and tried to upgrade everything one by one. 一人で映画を観たり 食事をするのが嫌な人もいる I have a very powerful computer now too so 思わない I can edit fast. 楽しいね I have to connect the television so 何人くらい見てるのかな I can read the messages from the viewers while 今だと700人くらい doing the cooking. それだけ? I'll now introduce myself and we can begin. - しょっぱくない? - おいしいわ Hello my name is Sof. 何で笑ってるの? もっと食べたい Hello my name is Sof. 本当においしい What's happening? 「ソフは優しい シャーレットは綺麗」 I can't read it. 嬉しい 私もファンがほしいわ She is a model and her name is Charlet. うらやましい Hi BJ Sof's fans. ソフの人気は 料理だけじゃない Thank you so much for having me here, and マックバンの流行を取り入れー I can't believe how many of you there are. 自分をブランディングする センスもある Charlotte, I'm your pan. 彼のチャットルームには 数百人ものファンがいる Welcome to the show. ファンはどんな人なのか? 人気の理由が知りたい Oh, thanks. 私はハ・ヒギョン 韓国在住の26歳 They're so nice. It's like a big family. Afreeca TV で ソフの番組を知った Yes, it does feel like a family. 最初はただの料理番組と 思ってたけどー Are all of your fans Korean or in Korea? 食べているところが かわいくてー Yes, that's right. 気づかない内に 彼を真似るようになった We only have Korean viewers as おかげで今は 料理をするのが楽しい foreign viewers won't understand it. マックバンの世界に 足を踏み入れてみたけどー The conventional muk-bang BJ's ここに来る前は 理解出来ないと思ってた usually order in large amounts of take-out food やってる人も観てる人も 寂しい人たちだと思い込んでたの to consume for their audiences. けど すごく楽しくて すっかり引き込まれた BJ Sof on でも それは一面でしかない the other hand takes a different approach. 結論に至る前に もう少し調べてみないと As he's a trained chef he prepares the food as ソウル郊外へ来ました part of his broadcasts and 女性BJワン・ジューに会います dreams of one day opening his own restaurant. もの凄く忙しいみたいだけど なんとか取材に応じてくれた Restaurant. 女性の視点から見た マックバンを知りたい Work in general can be very stressful no どうも シャーロットです よろしくお願いします matter the environment. 素敵 But with BJing I have a total freedom in what I 大きい猫ね do and when I do it. 今日はチキン食べる お気に入りのナエナエチキン Most of all, I have total creative control without 朝でもチキンはおいしい any restrictions so I don't get stressed. BJワン・ジューです Now some pepper. 放送開始は2010年 初めの頃はー Muk-bang is all built around people eating on 日常生活がテーマだったけど their own. お腹が空いちゃって 食べてるところを放送したらー How, how important is eating together as すごく反響があった a family in Korean culture? もっと見たいと要望を受け マックバンを始めたの In the past, eating dinner together after 骨つき肉も 最後まで食べるからね work was an important aspect of Korean culture. 才能かどうか分からないけど 食べるのは大好き In the past, eating dinner together after 放送中のファンからの寄付が BJの収入になる work was an important aspect of Korean culture. ネット上で 「星の風船」をくれることも At present, as more and 1つ 10セントほどの 価値がある more people are living alone that tradition is 大した金額ではないが 寄付者が数千人にもなればー fading and people are feeling lonely. 結構な額になる There are many people who find it hard to 風船をくれた方と おすすめしてくれた方にー watch a movie or eat alone. 感謝の気持ちを伝えたい I'm hungry. BJになる前とは 人生が変わった Smells really good. 最近は外出先でファンから 声をかけられるしー Yay. プレゼントをもらうこともある Yeah? 視聴者は男性と女性 どちらが多いの? This is so fun. 女性の放送は 男性ファンが多い? How many people are gonna watch me do this? 女の子の放送だけ見るって人と 関係ないって人もいる Right now there's 700. けれど比較的 女の子だけ 観る人の方が多いみたい Only 700? 私のファンは若いから いたずらされることもある It's not too salty? けれど 良いファンも多い 私は幸せよ It's good. BJワン・ジューの放送を 間近で見学してー Why are you laughing? 大量のチキンを食べている姿を 見ていてもー I'm having more. ファンの気持ちが 全く分からない I love it! 食べている姿を見て ファンは本当に楽しいの? Huh. It's delicious! フェティシズムがあるのかしら Sof is so gentle and Charlotte is so ファンに直接 聞くしかない beauty, aw, that's so nice. 僕はガングーチェン 21歳の大学生です That's so nice. BJ ハンナのファンクラブを 運営してます I want fans. 放送中のチャットでー I'm jealous. ハンナを傷つける 書き込みがないか監視します As the day wore on, it became apparent that not マックバンを見始めて 生活は変わった? only was Sof a skilled cook, but 寂しい時に見るとー also a savvy entrepreneur, 誰かと一緒に食事してる 気分になる taking advantage of the muk-bang fad to promote 普通のシェフをみるのと テレビで見るのとは違うの? his personal brand 僕の世代はテレビの代わりに スマホを観ます His chat room lit up with hundreds of fans. ネット放送の方が 見る機会が多いです Question is, why are they watching, and BJハンナの可愛い食事姿を見て 食欲も増します who are they? この日 チェンは他のファンと共に ハンナと初対面するらしい My name is Ha Hee Gyung, I'm 26 years and 今からファンの方たちに 会いに行きます I live in Korea. 隣にいるのはシャーレット I got into Mukbang by chance when I 会うのに緊張しない? was watching Afreeca TV. 正直 会うのは今回が初めてでー I got into Mukbang by chance when I 少し変な感じがする was watching Afreeca TV. チャットでしか話してないから At first I 対面するのは緊張する just thought Sof was making the meals but 中にはマニアックなファンも いるって聞いたけどー I soon realized that he ate them afterwards too. 外で問題にならない? But I soon realized that he ate them afterwards 公の場では大丈夫 too. When I saw him eating I けれど 私の住所や出没する場所を 特定するファンもいる thought he was charming and それが理由で 引っ越したこともある without me even knowing I started to copy him. もうすぐレストランに到着します Now I really enjoy cooking as well. 恥ずかしい So that's the end of my first foray into 自然にしなきゃ こんばんは the weird, new world of Mukbang. 私の洋服が大きすぎる And I have to admit, before I came out here, これは ドーサン に あなたなのね I was a bit apprehensive about what I これは確かソランに think about Mukbang. 映像と印象が違うかな I had a bit of a preconception that it もうその質問? was something that was made for lonely people, 嘘つけない by lonely people, and かわいいって言ってよ that I wouldn't really be able to relate to it. 放送って感じがしないけど サム これ食べなさい But I found quite the opposite today, ありがとう! I actually got a bit sucked in. 皆でやろう 大好き I had so much fun. 新鮮だったけど かなり気まずかった Cheers. 初デートを邪魔した気分 But at the same time I've only been here a day 食事中 彼らが携帯から 目を離さなかったのが印象的 I've really only really seen one side of it so BJハンナが目の前にいるのに 番組を観ているの方がいいのかしら I need to do a little bit more digging before I 日曜日の早朝に ソウルの一角にあるー make up my mind. BJビリヨンが通うジムへ 来ました So I've come out here to the outskirts of マックバンを続けるには 運動も欠かせないそう Seoul because I'm gonna meet a female BJ. どうも シャーレットです 初めまして BJ Wang Joo. この仕事の一番好きな ところは何ですか? Apparently, she's super busy she has no time in 何が一番楽しいですか? her schedule but 視聴者に 僕の才能を 見てもらえることかな we've managed to convince her to squeeze us in. 嫌いな部分は? So I'm pretty. 体重が増えるところ 何もしなければ ブタになる Intrigued to hear about 360風船! Mukbang from a female perspective. BJ をしてなかったら 何をしていた? Hi! Hi, nice to meet you. 多分コンビ二で 働いていたと思う I'm Charlotte. Hi. 本当に? Thank you for having me. これを始める前は 自分に 才能があると気づかなかった This is nice. BJ のおかげで 自分の才能に目覚めた Good. Thank you. ファンのおかげで 自分も愛される人間だと知った Oh, look at the little cat. 今は多くの人に感謝してる Hello. 以前は目標もなかったけど 今は夢に向かって頑張ってる Hey buddy, oh big cat. こちらが Afreeca TV Hey big cat. マックバンの生まれた場所です Today we have chicken. 昔のBJ は このプラットホームに 動画をアップして放送してた Nae-Nae Chicken I like. ここなら マックバンの歴史を 知ることが出来るかも Chicken tastes good even in the mornings. - こんにちは - こんにちは Chicken tastes good even in the mornings. BJ になれるのは どんな人ですか? Hello, I am BJ Wang Joo.I have been broadcasting BJ になるのに 資格は必要ありません since 2010 but in the beginning, 情熱と才能があれば 誰にでも出来ます it was mostly about my daily life. Afreeca TVのBJ たちは かなりの努力をしています It was mostly about my daily life. 番組を面白くするため 日々に研究を重ねています One day I got hungry so I broadcast what I ate and マックバンをニッチな流行と 捉えていい? viewers seemed to like it. 統計によればー They suggested that I carry on ボンプリカという有名BJの番組は 再生回数が3億回以上ー with the concept so I got into Mukbang. ファンクラブ登録者は67万人 They like how I eat chicken. 視聴者の規模は それほど拡大しています Mostly, the way I finish off everything on 最近は BJ も増加し 競争が熾烈になったためー the bones. 目立つのも容易ではない They really like that. マックバンは 料理番組とブログの間にある They love the way I clean off every single bone. ビリーヨンは 私が出演した BJソフの番組を見てー I don't know if you can call it a talent, ライバル意識を持ったのかー I just enjoy eating very much. 郊外にあるスタジオへ 招待してくれた The main source of income for オーマイゴッド BJs comes from donations from the fans sent #041 寒い during each broadcast. 買い物をして来た These come in the form of virtual gifts known as - これが僕の家 - テントなのね star balloons, with each one worth $0.10. BJ の間で競争意識はないけど This might not sound like a lot of money, but 番組を面白くするために みんなが努力してるのは分かる when thousands of viewers are tuning in. それに刺激されて 自分も頑張ろうと思う That a lot of bang for your buck. 他の BJ と 勝負してるわけじゃない I want to thank the fans for けれど他のBJから 学べるものは学びたい the balloons they have given me today and それが自分のためにもなる the viewers who recommended me. 軍事的なものと番組が どう関連してるの? My life is different compared 僕は軍隊で調理担当だった t the period before I was a BJ. 初めは私服でやっていたけどー I guess some people now 軍服を着てって言われて もう3年続けてる recognize me when I'm out. 君の衣装も用意してる I also get gifts sent by my fans, 痩せてたときに僕が着てた 軍服を貸してあげる maybe that's also different. 始めましょう I also get gifts sent by my fans, こんにちは maybe that's also different. ファンと友達は違う Do they watch male and female? ファンは僕のことを 良く知らない Or do male fans only wanna watch females? だから 友達よりも 色んなことを聞いてくれる They are saying yes and some are saying they 正直 友達は僕の番組を 好きじゃないみたい don't care if it's female or male. - 豚肉大好き - 好きよ 豚肉 It's a mixed response but ニンニク ネギ それから秘密の材料とー I'm seeing more yes on here. キムチも入れるのね Because my fans are pretty young, もう美味しそう some of them can be mischievous. 今 視聴者は900人くらい Because my fans are pretty young, 家族を持つまで マックバンをやるつもり some of them can be mischievous. 新しいコンテンツや料理を どんどん作っていきたい But I have plenty of good fans around me so 子供が出来たら 子供向け番組も作れる I am happy. - 何? - 風船が100を超えた So having just watched BJ Wang Joo's またね impromptu broadcast. 凄く刺激的だった And sitting there watching her like, 楽しかったけど 食べ終えなきゃいけないー make her way through that プレッシャーがすごい huge volume of chicken right in front of me. カメラが止まって 食べ過ぎたって気づいた I'm still no closer to understanding what's テクノロジーや 芸能人が人気な国でー going on in the fans heads. マックバンが流行る理由は 分かる気がする I can't help but 覗き見たい欲望も満たせる be suspicious of the fan's real motives. 参加型の料理番組はー Can it really be to do with eating? 今までテレビの番組とは違う I don't know, I can't help but けれど視聴者層を 説明するのは難しい think there's a fetish element so. 女の子もいれば 男の子もいる I suppose the only thing left to do is to ダイエットの為に見る人も 寂しさを紛らわせる人もいる try to get inside the heads of the fans. もちろん 面白いと 思ってる人もいる My name is Gang Gun Chin. 有名なシェフの料理より BJの番組が見た I'm 21 years old and a university student. けれど 一時的な満足が欲しい 若者のためにー I'm currently the manager of BJ Hanna's fan club. マックバンBJの活動は 続くだろう The role of a manager is to look after the chat feature during the show. The role of a manager is to look after the chat feature during the show and to monitor the language for any profanities directed at BJ Hanna. And how's your life changed since you started watching Mukbang? Whenever I'm a bit lonely it feels like I'm eating with someone else. Why watch BJ when you can just watch a normal TV chef on TV? Our generation doesn't watch TV as much, they use smartphones instead. That's why internet broadcasts are being watched more. Seeing BJ Hanna eat in her cute way makes me want to eat with her. Seeing BJ Hanna eat in her cute way makes me want to eat with her. Gang Gun Chin told us he was going to meet BJ Hanna that evening for the first time, along with three more of her biggest fans. Okay, we're live. Right now we are on our way to meet the managers. The person by my side is Charlet. Your name is Charlotte? Charlotte. Charlotte. Do you ever feel a bit strange about meeting them? To be honest I'm meeting them for the first time. So yes a little bit. Little bit. Yeah. Yeah? I'm so,- Nervous? Yeah, nervous. Yeah, a little bit. Oh. Why? Because I've only interacted with them while chatting online. Mm hm, This is the first time meeting them in person. Do you have, I, I mean you said you have problems with fans getting obsessive. Has that ever been a problem when you're out in public? It's not so much a problem in public places, but occasionally I'll get fans who try to find out where I live and go looking for me. But occasionally I'll get fans who try to find out where I live and go looking for me. I've had to move house for that reason before. We're about to arrive at the restaurant. I'm embarrassed. Let's greet each other naturally. Hello. Let's greet each other naturally. Hello. My clothes are too big. This is for Doo San. So you're Doo San. I think this one is for Seu Rang. Yeah I'm worried I look different than I do on the camera. You're asking that question already? And you can't even lie. Tell me I'm pretty. Quickly. I feel like I haven't been broadcasting. Here, have this Sam. Thank you! Thank you! Let's all do this. I love you. Well, that was a novel experience. Super awkward. I obviously just felt like I was the third wheel on a first date with those guys, but that, what about the fact that they couldn't draw their eyes away from their phones. The whole time they were locked in to the broadcast like that was their comfort zone, you know, they still had to have BJ Hannah in that format. They couldn't just enjoy the real thing, even though she was right there in front of them. So it's like stupid o'clock on a Sunday morning and I've come down to some God-forsaken part of Seoul to witness BJ Biryong do his daily workout, to help him stave off the Effective Mukbang. Hi, hello, hello, hello. Charlotte nice to meet you. Bye. Oh What's your favorite thing about your job? What do you enjoy the most? My favorite part of the job is that I can show my talents to my viewers. What's your least favorite part of your job? Gaining weight, this job tends to turn a person into a pig. Three hundred and thirty three Balloon Stars! So what do you think you'd be doing if you weren't a mukbang BJ? If I wasn't a BJ I'd probably be working in a convenience store. Really? I didn't know that I had any talents or any abilities before I got this job. BJing has awakened the talents that were asleep inside me and I've come to discover myself. Through my fans I've discovered that I am a person that can be loved. For that I have so many people that I'm thankful for. I had no goals before. Now I feel I'm on the right path to achieving my dreams. So, this is AfreecaTV, which is the home of mukbang. It's the platform all the BJs use to upload and broadcast their mukbangs. This is, kind of, I suppose where it all began, so these guys can tell us some of the history about it, from a broadcasting point-of-view. Hi! Hi. Who can be a BJ? Can anybody just become a BJ? You don't need to have any qualifications to become a BJ on Afreeca TV. Anyone who has a passion or talent for broadcasting can do it. The BJs at Afreeca TV work very hard to provide entertaining content to our viewers and they are constantly researching to discover how to improve. Mukbangs seems to be quite niche, quite, you know, a small trend. Would you agree with that? I can give you some statistics. At the moment, a famous Mukbank BJ called Bomprika has a view count of 300 million and has a fan club of 670 thousand people. That gives you an idea of how many people are watching his broadcasts. Due to the vast amount of BJs these days, there seems to be a clear sense of competition between them in order to really stand out from the crowd. This has meant the mukbang broadcasts sit somewhere between vlogging and terrestrial food television. Biryong had spotted me on BJ Sof's broadcast, and got back in touch with us to invite me to his DIY studio in a tent on the outskirts of Seoul. There was a sense of him wanting to out do BJ Sof. Oh, my God. Oh, It's cold, cold, cold. Wow, so we've got groceries. My home, my home, go, go. This is you, this is the tent. Oh, my God. There's no psychological warfare between Mukbang BJs but I recognize the effort the others are making to improve their shows and that makes me want to put in as much effort as I can for my own show. I never feel the need to catch someone up and win. But I often think that I can always learn from others and this inspires me to keep up with my work too. So can you correctly explain to me what is the deal with the military theme? I was a chef when I was doing my military service. In the very beginning, I was cooking in my normal clothes, but because I was an army chef before, people told me to wear the uniform, and it's been almost three years I've been wearing them. I've already prepared them here. The wardrobe. When I heard Charlet was coming I prepared these uniforms I used to wear when I was slimmer. Oh. Let's give it to them. Okay. Yeah! Hello. Hello. The difference between my fans and friends is that my fans don't really know me. So naturally they ask many more questions about me than my real friends. I can say that my friends don't really watch my Mukbang. pork, I love you. Pork, I love you. I love you. Yes, I love you, pork. So in here is pork, garlic, onion, something secret, I think we've got some kimchi that's about to go in there. This is already looking and smelling great. There are about 900 people watching the show now. I will keep doing Mukbang until I have a family. I want to create new content and cook new dishes before that happens, and when I have a child and he has grown a little, I could make a Junior Mukbang show with him. What? One hundred and nine! Hundred and nine balloons? Yeah! Mm. Hi. I feel completely overwhelmed. It was fun, but I felt a pressure to finish my food, and now the camera's off, I realize that I've, the pressure has compromised my waist band. In a country that's very much technology and celebrity obsessed, it's not hard to see why mukbang exists. It plays to our voyeuristic instincts and its interactivity breaks the mold of how we traditionally engage with food television. There's no simple answer when describing your typical Mukbang viewer. Girls watch it. Guys watch it. Some watch it to try to help themselves with their diets. Others because they're lonely. And for some, it's just a way to get off. Will BJs replace our celebrity chef's? I doubt it. But for generation geared towards instant gratification, the mukbang BJs will be dining out in their fans for the foreseeable.
A2 初級 日本語 米 ファン 番組 料理 韓国 食事 ハンナ 韓国のフードポルノのスーパースターたち。ムクバン (The Food Porn Superstars of South Korea: Mukbang) 194 8 liushili666 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語