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  • Hey! How's it going bros?

  • My name-a-Jiyaah-Pewdiepie.

  • Good meme.

  • I've had some f--

  • so many fucking tech difficulties today.

  • I is-is-s like the twentieth time I tried to fucking do this video.

  • I'm really fucking excited to play the new Rick and Morty game.

  • I don't know why I bother doing an intro cause...

  • .. most likely...

  • .. it's just not gonna fucking work.

  • It-it...

  • .. is it working?

  • Okay.

  • I think it's working.

  • You see what I'm talking about?

  • The green screen's gonna look shit.

  • I'm sure the audio's gonna be shit but...

  • Alright, let's...

  • .. give it a go.

  • (morning sound effects)

  • Oh!

  • (water dripped on the right)

  • Morty: Holy crap Rick!

  • Pewds: Yes!

  • Morty: Yi-yi-yu-you made a Morty Clone, Rick! (water drips on the right)

  • Morty: Yi-yi-yu-you made a Morty Clone, Rick!

  • Pewds: Oh my god! I'm taller than (laughs softly) you. Rick: Yeah, I know. I had to rearrange the-

  • Rick: -entire garage to do it.

  • Rick: Morty. Pewds: (chuckles)

  • Pewds: This is so awesome.

  • (water dripped behind)

  • Rick: Morty clone!

  • Pewds: Woah! Rick: Pay attention-

  • Pewds:Where did I go? Rick: -to me.

  • Rick: I need you to take this laundry...

  • Rick: .. and put it...

  • Rick: .. in the washing machine. Pewds: Is this bleach?!

  • Rick: There's instructions on the dry erase board.

  • Rick: That i put up in the garage here, the dry erase board area.

  • Rick: You see I wrote instructions on what you're supposed to do- Pewds: *Pukes* AWWW! SHIT I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!

  • Pewds: My bad, let's have some more. I sound like Morty as well,

  • Rick and Morty: [Inaudible] Pewds: *puking on morty* ahaha!

  • Morty: Crazy-

  • Okay we need to put the laundry, got it.

  • Pewds: *sniffs* Ew! Morty: Wow Rick, he's a regular old Morty clone!

  • Rick: Ahh, ok good.

  • WELCOME WELCUM Rick: So now that it's done the laundry, I don't need it anymore. I mean it's pretty much just a

  • Rick: useless pile of floating heads and hands. Pewds: NO, NO!! *pew* AHH! What the fuck!?

  • *Brring* *Brring*

  • Oh my god, this is so cool.. Phone: Looks like you're dead, welcome to purgatory. The devil's not available so...

  • you get me the devil's secretary, Pewds: What the

  • fuck? Phone: We weren't actually expecting you to

  • be dead so soon so, if you don't want to

  • be dead you can just press that button right on the front of the phone.

  • Pewds: I can be not.. o- I'm back!! Rick: Hey uhh, over here

  • Morty clone listen, uhh, had to bring you back

  • for some really important stuff that I

  • can't get into right now because me and

  • Morty have to go. Some stuff's gotten out of hand.

  • Pewds: What the fuck is happening? This is so cool. Morty: Yeah I mean, we gotta hurry Rick, come on!

  • Rick: All right listen, I made a teleport

  • system for you. all you have to do is, you

  • know. Look in the direction you want to

  • go in the room, and then click the

  • trackpad button under your thumb just...

  • just push the button down and you can

  • teleport to any part of the room. Pewds: Oh

  • shit... Whoa! Rick: All right now, one last thing Morty clone.

  • there's a watch over there on the shelves.

  • I'm gonna need you to grab the watch and put

  • it on your wrist. You'll be able to

  • call me using the watch, this is very

  • important. All right Morty clone? Pewds: What did

  • he say? This is so cool, it feels like uhh,

  • Job Simulator. I think it's the same

  • developers.. Gun: initiating Noiverse saf-

  • Initiating Noiverse safety. *pew pew pew*

  • *pew pew pew* Pewds: Oh Shit!

  • Why am I doing this??? 'Cause i think this is the...

  • What does this do?

  • Ah shit shit!

  • some alcohol.

  • how drunk can you get in this game?

  • Yes! yes! Eww this fucking thing oh

  • oh this is the gayest thing I've ever

  • done oh my yes yes yes

  • oh wow shut up

  • now why not what's the worst thing that

  • can happen hey

  • I'm King Morty

  • that's

  • right mothafuckaaas

  • a fuckin sledgehammer? whoa I don't think I was

  • supposed to do that...

  • Why is it so fun to just fuck around?

  • Oh yeah, the watch! ok.

  • Rick: Oh, good! You found the watch. you're not as dumb as I thought.

  • dumb is like nah this is so cool I'll be

  • Ok use that to call me back once you get the lay of the land.

  • Felix: What am I supposed to do? yes! what is

  • this? Mr. Meseeks! *Mr Meeseeks glitches*

  • Rick: I've modified the Meeseeks so you can't leave the garage.

  • they should mimic every action you do. except for teleporting of course.

  • I'm going to call them "Youseeks".

  • Wait I can activate a bunch of them?


  • MORE!

  • Youseek yells "I GOT IT!"

  • Wait, he can get it? *Youseeks yells "THANK YOU!"* (felix laughs)

  • Rick: You gotta watch out with those youseeks. they won't appear in the same place as you.

  • we can't have your matter intersecting with their matter in the same time and space. It's a time cop situation.

  • Alright clone morty, I'm gonna be receiving a part in the driveway.

  • R: Now since you can't leave the garage you're gonna have to use some help, so F: *makes a youseek explode and screams*

  • it's the green and blue box on the shelf, that should help you out.

  • Even an idiot could figure this one out.


  • Giant Testicle: Delivery for Rick.

  • Ok so I can't go there but I can get the meeseeks to get it for me.

  • Oh that's cool! Shit, am I gonna throw it to myself? this is so fucking weird.

  • Catch!

  • *Clone Morty yelps in pain*

  • Ahh! what did I just touch??

  • *explosion in game* OHMYGOD I THINK I DID SOMETHING BAD

  • Rick: If you're gonna mess with it, at least use it correctly.

  • Whoa it's- oh shit it's sticky! Oh! Oh no!

  • I broke it! :(

  • Rick: Oh great. they don't make them like they used to.

  • probably a good idea

  • not to order these off of Lords list.

  • I'm going to need you to order me another one of

  • these things, clone Morty.

  • head over to my workbench and I'll activate my

  • computer remotely using my remote, uh, device.

  • Rick: you know what they say: Hammers don't hurt people. People hurt people. hahahahaa.

  • what is it? let me off this is his mouse

  • pad ah ok we need to order what the fuck

  • is this porn now I don't want to get a

  • goddamn spam everywhere goddamn porn all

  • I can't be good consult the

  • troubleshooting guide.

  • repair my porn infested computer.

  • great how do I do that? great way to go Colin warned you broke

  • my computer you really have a delicate

  • touch we need a new fuse it's probably

  • down here be careful cologne morning

  • there's a monster down there not really

  • dangerous international hahaha i guess

  • the fuse from this thing okay

  • look at that the cons first portal don't

  • be afraid just walk through it this is

  • so fucking cool whoa bring significant

  • from up here what about your you're

  • pretty insignificant in you shut up but

  • this is so cool Jesus Christ I don't

  • know what to say I'm speechless this

  • game is so close no battery charge

  • batter needs to charge fuck everything

  • is just fucking broken

  • uh my microbrews machine clone morning

  • what the car to happen what is happening

  • what do I do oh my god wait i shrank I

  • put it there okay

  • what is happening sure sure sure what

  • that spot i'm charging it I got it yeah

  • yeah okay we got the battery now let's

  • go through the fucking Florida no wait

  • you don't need the part oh yeah we do

  • need the farm fuck how do i get the

  • portal again right here portal wall

  • got it portal battery open few i'll save

  • that one for later stains appears not a

  • problem and then last but least we need

  • a new ram a new ram everyone hey you

  • gotta ran down there he wants food give

  • me a metal apple and a carrot hammer

  • what the actual fuck are you smoking ok

  • I think I saw him there's a hammer good

  • one break good one where is the carrots

  • do we have carrots everyone nope that's

  • not it maybe in the fridge hell yeah ok

  • I would eat it better alright wants a

  • metal Apple as well not a problem sir

  • not a problem now let's just find some

  • scrap metal castle this game is so

  • fucking dumb I love it screwed right I

  • mean whatever it comes with me this is

  • my black hole cool here you go buddy yay

  • oh fuck ok all right we got the van done

  • yeah boy Oh gonna do nice job cold

  • morning try ordering that device now it

  • will teleport it over by the laundry

  • machine once you order it oh yeah that's

  • can also be a good place to order things

  • you need Oh amazon guys norfolk on Rick

  • part wanted by it

  • chart shows to Jerry Smith oh shit it

  • there yeah Oh what thank God you got the

  • part okay took you long enough oh the

  • part you're holding is of critical

  • importance you're going to use it to

  • retrieve an extremely powerful item it's

  • not going to be easy it's going to be

  • one of the hardest things I've ever done

  • and be very confusing it's going to be

  • very difficult it's going to be really

  • challenging this shit is about to get

  • kicked up like 100 notches and when

  • you're ready for the part of your life

  • give me a call back on the florists

  • comment that I made by today okay we got

  • to gear up mr. horse I want that

  • painting so bad it's fucking amazing

  • alright sounds like we're gonna have to

  • gear up properly I'm gonna have to make

  • the most deadliest weapon of all time

  • cucumber hammer I'm ready well that's

  • all the time you needed to prepare for

  • your impending them for you in the

  • portal just correct a new location with

  • the arrows on the portal ball ever and

  • then show once you collected it pull the

  • lever and a portal will open up

  • automatically for you you're gonna want

  • to grab the device you but on the

  • internet you can want to bring that with

  • you okay ready okay here we go oh where

  • the fuck am I oh this one is very

  • challenging part of the team attach the

  • device to the bottom of the plunger

  • bottom of the one over and I'm so cool

  • why am I doing this Gary if the toilet

  • doesn't flush stop crying great the fuck

  • is it like maximum better I really do it

  • you know your Christmas shit hahaha oh

  • my god they brush my teeth

  • I don't know why I tried this obviously

  • it's not interesting okay snail day now

  • what way to go look it up for you Nick

  • goes in the bank you know I mean at the

  • plunger weird up under you can we go

  • there we go what's the fuck is Rick game

  • like toilets broken right you can work

  • again open the toilet tank make sure

  • there's liquid in the time okay well

  • there's the wine is how rich people and

  • have the bathroom the fuck is it what is

  • this good job Lori I told Lori you know

  • to use the bathtub to deposit that thing

  • but sit on the toilet then we have to

  • grab it now we have it rabbit and head

  • back to the portal are you fucking

  • kidding me this is what I came for

  • I'm collecting shit that's what a fuck

  • where do you come on Morty you're

  • finally back from your little bathroom

  • adventure listen I mean operating the

  • car for a very important outing whoa get

  • into right now anyways I'm going to need

  • you to plug the seed into that seed

  • shaped hole in the engine area okay oh

  • there haha mega seed artificial

  • intelligence microprocessor fucking

  • we're good we're gonna need some help

  • upgrading this car since you can't talk

  • go ahead and call me on your watch thing

  • you know the thing on your wrist about

  • oh okay all right you're ready to go huh

  • all right I'm gonna need your help to

  • upgrade the rest of the car hey Rick

  • how's the clone suppose to know how to

  • fix the car you know I mean it's just a

  • dumb clone one of the instructions are

  • simple Yeah right Rick I think you

  • couldn't figure it out shut up Morty all

  • right we got this fucking thing whatever

  • it does contains engine to repair manual

  • otherwise what do I do with it

  • Oh

  • what that fuck is it so weird oops why

  • do I feel like I'm not fucking bitch I

  • don't think this calls gonna be able to

  • figure it out I mean this is a really

  • complicated one it's very simple that

  • videos read the instructions they'd

  • figure it out yeah you know but I don't

  • know man I don't I mean we could be here

  • for a while you know what it is easy

  • even you could figure it out Rick I'll

  • figure something out I figured up you're

  • an asshole right Morty just quit quit

  • quit bitching it out for fuck sake

  • that's the way everywhere that's an

  • upgrade huh what do you call that

  • fuckery incorrect combination please try

  • a little harder that's an upgrade ha ha

  • ha ha what the fuck all right I can do

  • this if it's this one it doesn't fucking

  • work unless there's no red ok which one

  • it's not it's a this one then there has

  • to be two red which it can't be because

  • it can have one link with no duplicate

  • more than one so it can't be this one

  • if it's this one same thing

  • my missing some

  • I think I'm missing one way I think I

  • got it oh my god yeah interconnect why

  • did I take me so fucking long oh my god

  • I'm a fucking idiot what now what now

  • not more please got another fucking

  • battery well I guess it's time to do

  • this again

  • but there's more of them now like a

  • weird Simon Says game it's kind of fun

  • box fuck the distress in the ass fuck

  • fuck shut up you're kidding me no I was

  • so calm

  • really fucking gun okay you got your new

  • battery fully charged to microbrews yes

  • all connected I hoped I came from a

  • conflict-free micro no Dark Matter tank

  • where the fuck did I get that hey you

  • ducked it a morning catch hahaha is that

  • a Pepsi it's a black fish I love

  • laughing where'd you go I am the car I

  • made a mixtape to what your mixtape

  • stuff mine is better okay that's why my

  • teeth has no music on it great catch a

  • are more personal for you I think I just

  • blew it up I gotta throw it haha stupid

  • clone Morty okay

  • we're gonna have to get a mr. music

  • throw it over there oh we're gonna have

  • to give it to myself oh oh this is so

  • cool oh my god are you serious come on

  • mr. meeseeks little further now oh I'm

  • starting really close to the life that's

  • it no fuck you're useless I almost just

  • fucking died okay it's not funny almost

  • there almost there

  • yes yes is it go it in I can't tell is

  • it go yes all right morning summer it

  • looks like the car is ready to go so

  • let's get rolling the gets hit to do

  • Michael Murray he just rolled today so

  • kudos to you it would just take some

  • time to relax but you can it's a

  • dangerous thing yeah damn it see my

  • fucking head Jesus Christ all right

  • really cool game I really enjoy it but

  • fucking in smash that like button and

  • I'll see you bros in the next video

  • thank you so much for watching *BROFIST*

Hey! How's it going bros?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ずっと触ってみたかったんだ!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! (I ALWAYS WANTED TO TOUCH THIS! ! ! ! !!!!!! ! !!!!! ! ! !)

  • 63 4
    David Chou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日