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-I'm Aaron Judge, outfielder for the New York Yankees,
and I'm here in Bryant Park to see what Yankee fans think
about Aaron Judge.
[ Clears throat ]
Lifelong Yankee fan. Your name again was...?
-Mike. -Mike. Big Money Mike.
Favorite player so far this year -- who do you got?
-Probably Brett Gardner. -Brett Gardner?
-Yeah. -"Gardy."
-Ellsbury. I like Ellsbury.
-Ellsbury. -Ellsbury.
-Aaron Judge is tremendous to watch.
-Yeah, so far he's -- I think he has
about 13 home runs. -Yeah.
-What do you think he'll finish with?
-40? -Yeah.
He can't keep up this pace, I don't think.
I mean... -I think he can, though.
-If he goes to 60, great.
-Yeah. 60. Well, why not 70?
-I think Judge is gonna be a star.
-He's a pretty big dude. -Yeah.
-How much do you think he benches?
-Maybe 350, 400.
-400? -Yeah.
-You're right. You're right. -Yeah.
-Who's your favorite player right now?
Adam Judge. -By far. He's a beast.
-A beast. A beast, man. -Yeah, he's amazing.
-So you think he's the real deal, then?
He's only been up here for a month, month and a half.
-I mean, I hope so. I don't want to jinx it.
-Got a picture right there.
-Yeah, I think he's gonna be a superstar.
-People say, you know, I kind of look like him.
-A little bit. I can see it. -A little bit?
You can see it? -The freckles.
-The freckles, the gap.
-Put the Yankee hat on.
-Put the hat on?
What do you think? -You kind of look like him.
-You -- Oh, that's crazy.
-Thank you, dude. Good to meet you.
-I didn't even know.
This is great.
You look different with a uniform on.
-Oh, man.
What do you think about a guy like Aaron Judge?
What do you -- the real deal or what?
-He's -- Yeah, he's good.
He's had -- The month of April was his.
-He's on the cover of the next Sports Illustrated.
Isn't that pretty -- -Yeah, yeah, that dude --
-Pretty cool, huh?
-I had a feeling, man. I had a feeling.
Man, come on.
[ Both laughing ]
Judge, you're the man, bro.
I had a feeling. I knew it.
-Right on. It gives it away.
-You're the future, man. We love you here, man.
-What do you think so far of the year?
-I think some of the young players that they have now
have gotten people perhaps that
weren't as excited about them before really into it.
Like Aaron Judge.
-Love him. He's exciting. -Love him.
So if Aaron Judge were sitting here right now,
what kind of advice would you give him?
You know, young guy on a young team and in New York City.
What kind of advice would you give him?
-I probably would just say be yourself,
because it seems to be working so far.
-Just be myself.
You say you love him. -I really do.
-People say we look alike, but I --
-You know, honestly, I really do.
Well, maybe it's the glasses and the haircut on you.
But he's got the Yankee hat, so...
-I'm Aaron Judge, by the way.
-Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
The family is never gonna believe this, never.
I think I'm gonna cry.
-Little selfie.
[ Camera shutter clicks ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-It's hard to believe that now.
Aaron Judge, he's a stud. Thank you, Aaron.