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  • With just a few days to go till Christmas we're very busy here in the kitchen. I've

  • mostly been making the Christmas Puddings and the Christmas mince pies.

  • So far I've put in the flour and the breadcrumbs, the suet and the apples. Now I need to put

  • in the dried fruit. And then we'll add the sugar. You mustn't forget the spice and a

  • pinch of salt in there as well and some candied peel. Some brandy. We need to put three eggs

  • in. Now when it comes to making your Christmas pudding you can either put it in a cloth,

  • what I am going to do is mould it like we do with most of our cakes in the kitchen,

  • so I shall line this mould here put it in and then boil it for about three - three and

  • a half hours.

  • Mmmm, this needs a bit more spice so I am going to add that and in the meantime as it's

  • only a few days before Christmas, I need to get on!

With just a few days to go till Christmas we're very busy here in the kitchen. I've


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B1 中級

伝統的なクリスマスプリンの作り方 (How to Make a Traditional Christmas Pudding)

  • 102 11
    甜舌頭 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日