字幕表 動画を再生する
Good day. Deadpool is probably one of the better comic characters used in a video game
adaptation. Why? Because he's actually different from the base video game character hero norm.
He's actually completely bloody insane, but the hilarious kind of insane, not the kind
that makes you feel like a bastard for playing the game. Now, Deadpool is basically a character
that is kind of like Wolverine, just completely crazy. Even though one could that say Wolverine
himself is kind of crazy, but oh well. Essentially, he has a super healing factor that combined
with cancer and thus made him really, really ugly. so basically, he's got voices in his
head, he's ugly, and he can regenerate all damage. Hmmm. What makes him different from
the norm again?
Now the game itself ranges from mundane to completely awesome. Now, the cutscenes for
the game are really quite good. They showcase just how great a character Deadpool is and
can do a variety of things in the game that actually are quite hilarious, like slapping
the crap out of Wolverine. And the game just goes with this, cause it knows you don't want
to stop, so you just keep slapping and slapping until finally the game lampshades itself.
Now the base gameplay for Deadpool is completely industry standard, third person hack 'n slash,
BUT here is the main difference between this game and a lot of the other hack 'n slash
games out there: It, like Space Marine, allows you to switch between ranged and melee combat.
Now this game can be played entirely like a third person shooter and you just duel wield
machine guns and pistols and shoot all the enemies you see. Or you can just go the hack
'n slash route if you want to be boring and just slice everyone up. Both are viable methods,
although there are times where you will have to mix it up a bit and use a little bit of
hacking and slashing and a little bit of shooting. For me, I like to just shoot everything. why?
Cause it's a lot easier than using the bloody combos and things of that nature. I am not
really a fan of hack 'n slash games. Never could really get into it, but I do like going
around and shooting various mooks here and there.
Graphically, the game looks really quite good. It looks current gen, blah blah blah blah
blah, every game these days has pretty much good graphics, except for the ones that don't,
and those we don't like to discuss around these parts.
Now in addition to all the other basic third person hack 'n slash elements, the game also
has... upgrades! And you can get them by collecting Deadpool points. And the game thankfully lampshades
this, as well, by saying it makes no sense that you could increase your abilities by
collecting little spinning tokens. You could of course get new moves, new weapons, all
the same stuff we've seen before.
Now what we're looking at here is the PC version of Deadpool and the controls are absolutely
perfect. Now you might think a third person hack 'n slash game might require a controller,
but when optimized appropriately, you don't actually need said controller to play the
game smoothly and accurately. The keyboard is mapped fairly well and everything is easy
to reach. Although the 'Counter' key is B, and it can be sometimes difficult to actually
get to it in time to pull off a counter.
In the end, Deadpool is a great game. Highmoon Studios did a great job bringing Deadpool
to the video game realm. It's got good gameplay, if a bit basic, it's got an excellent story
that is absolutely hilarious... overall, the game just has a sense of fun that's not really
seen in many games today. And so, this is Jon, signing off.