字幕表 動画を再生する
So, a few years ago I heard an interesting rumor.
数年前に おもしろい噂を 耳にしました
Apparently, the head of a large pet food company
would go into the annual shareholder's meeting
with can of dog food.
And he would eat the can of dog food.
And this was his way of convincing them that if it was good enough for him,
自分が食べても良いくらいだから ペットにも良いはずと
it was good enough for their pets.
This strategy is now known as "dogfooding,"
今では この戦略は 「ドッグフーディング」と呼ばれ
and it's a common strategy in the business world.
ビジネスの世界では よく使われています
It doesn't mean everyone goes in and eats dog food,
みんながドッグフードを 食べるということではなく
but businesspeople will use their own products
ビジネスパーソンが 自社の商品を使ってみせて
to demonstrate that they feel --
that they're confident in them.
Now, this is a widespread practice,
さて これは 広く行われていることですが
but I think what's really interesting is when you find exceptions
とても おもしろいのが
to this rule,
when you find cases of businesses or people in businesses
会社や社員たちが 自社の商品を使わない場合があるんです
who don't use their own products.
実は ある業界では それが普通に行われていて
Turns out there's one industry where this happens in a common way,
in a pretty regular way,
電子機器の画面にかかわる テクノロジー業界です
and that is the screen-based tech industry.
2010年にスティーブ・ジョブズが iPadを世に送り出したとき
So, in 2010, Steve Jobs, when he was releasing the iPad,
iPadを「並外れた」デバイスだと表現し こう語っています
described the iPad as a device that was "extraordinary."
「最高のWebブラウジングを 提供します
"The best browsing experience you've ever had;
ノートパソコンやスマートフォンよりも 格段に良く
way better than a laptop, way better than a smartphone.
It's an incredible experience."
A couple of months later, he was approached by a journalist
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の 記者から取材を受け
from the New York Times,
and they had a long phone call.
At the end of the call,
記者が 簡単な質問をします
the journalist threw in a question that seemed like a sort of softball.
「お子さんたちは さぞiPadをお気に入りでしょう?」
He said to him, "Your kids must love the iPad."
There's an obvious answer to this,
記者は ジョブズに 唖然とさせられます
but what Jobs said really staggered the journalist.
He was very surprised,
彼はこう言ったのです 「子どもたちは使っていないんだ
because he said, "They haven't used it.
うちでは テクノロジーを使う時間を 制限しているからね」
We limit how much technology our kids use at home."
これはテクノロジーの業界では ごく普通のことです
This is a very common thing in the tech world.
事実 シリコン・バレーの すぐそばにある学校
In fact, there's a school quite near Silicon Valley
ウォルドルフ・スクール・オブ・ ザ・ペニンシュラでは
called the Waldorf School of the Peninsula,
中学2年まで コンピューターを使いません
and they don't introduce screens until the eighth grade.
What's really interesting about the school
is that 75 percent of the kids who go there
シリコン・バレーにある 優良ハイテク企業の幹部を親に持つことです
have parents who are high-level Silicon Valley tech execs.
この話を聞いて 私は 驚くと同時に興味を持ち
So when I heard about this, I thought it was interesting and surprising,
電子機器の画面が 私や家族、愛する人たち
and it pushed me to consider what screens were doing to me
ひいては世の人々に どんな影響を与えているのかを
and to my family and the people I loved,
and to people at large.
そういうわけで ここ5年の間 私は
So for the last five years,
as a professor of business and psychology,
画面が日々の生活に与える影響を 研究してきました
I've been studying the effect of screens on our lives.
まずは 画面に どれだけの時間を取られているか見て
And I want to start by just focusing on how much time they take from us,
その時間がどう使われているのか お話ししたいと思います
and then we can talk about what that time looks like.
ここでお見せしているのは 過去の3時点における
What I'm showing you here is the average 24-hour workday
at three different points in history:
2007 -- 10 years ago --
それから つい先週 集めたばかりのデータです
and then data that I collected, actually, only last week.
実は 大部分は それほど
And a lot of things haven't changed
all that much.
睡眠は1日あたり だいたい7時間半から8時間で
We sleep roughly seven-and-a-half to eight hours a day;
少し減ってきていると言う人もいますが あまり変わっていません
some people say that's declined slightly, but it hasn't changed much.
労働時間も1日 8時間半から9時間です
We work eight-and-a-half to nine hours a day.
それから いわゆる 生存に必要な時間
We engage in survival activities --
つまり 食事や入浴 子どもの世話などが
these are things like eating and bathing and looking after kids --
about three hours a day.
それを差し引いた この白い部分が
That leaves this white space.
That's our personal time.
私たちにとって とても貴重な時間です
That space is incredibly important to us.
いろんなことをして 自分らしくある時間です
That's the space where we do things that make us individuals.
この時間で 趣味をしたり 人との絆を深めたり
That's where hobbies happen, where we have close relationships,
人生について思いを巡らせたり 創造的な活動をしたり
where we really think about our lives, where we get creative,
一歩下がって 人生を見つめ直し
where we zoom back and try to work out
有意義に過ごせてきたか 考えたりもします
whether our lives have been meaningful.
仕事で自分らしくいられる場合も ありますが
We get some of that from work as well,
but when people look back on their lives
and wonder what their lives have been like
at the end of their lives,
語るのは 結局のところ
you look at the last things they say --
その白色の個人の時間に 起こったことでしょう
they are talking about those moments that happen in that white personal space.
だから その時間は 神聖で重要なのです
So it's sacred; it's important to us.
さて これから この時間が
Now, what I'm going to do is show you
どれだけ画面に奪われているか 時間を追って 見てみましょう
how much of that space is taken up by screens across time.
In 2007,
this much.
この年 アップル社が 初代iPhoneを発売しました
That was the year that Apple introduced the first iPhone.
Eight years later,
this much.
今は これくらいです
Now, this much.
自由時間のうち これだけを 画面の前で過ごしているわけです
That's how much time we spend of that free time in front of our screens.
こちらの黄色の 細長い部分が すてきなものが生まれる時間―
This yellow area, this thin sliver, is where the magic happens.
That's where your humanity lives.
今や こんなに小さくなっています
And right now, it's in a very small box.
では どうすれば良いのでしょう?
So what do we do about this?
Well, the first question is:
この赤い部分がどんなものか です
What does that red space look like?
もちろん この画面は いろんな意味で
Now, of course, screens are miraculous
in a lot of ways.
I live in New York,
家族の多くが オーストラリアにいるので
a lot of my family lives in Australia,
and I have a one-year-old son.
画面を介して 家族を紹介しています
The way I've been able to introduce them to him is with screens.
I couldn't have done that 15 or 20 years ago
in quite the same way.
画面には 良い点も たくさんあるのです
So there's a lot of good that comes from them.
1つできるのは こう自問することです
One thing you can do is ask yourself:
この時間に 何が起こっているか?
What goes on during that time?
そのアプリを使うことで 心や生活が豊かになっているか?
How enriching are the apps that we're using?
And some are enriching.
こうしたアプリの場合 使っている最中に
If you stop people while they're using them and say,
「今 どんな気分?」 と尋ねられた人は
"Tell us how you feel right now,"
「すごく良いよ」 と返事するでしょう
they say they feel pretty good about these apps --
リラックス、運動、天気、読書 教育や健康にかかわる―
those that focus on relaxation, exercise, weather, reading,
education and health.
こうしたアプリはそれぞれ 1日平均9分 使われています
They spend an average of nine minutes a day on each of these.
一方 こちらのアプリを使うと 幸せから遠のきます
These apps make them much less happy.
途中で止めて「どんな気分?」と聞くと およそ半数の人は
About half the people, when you interrupt them and say, "How do you feel?"
「あまり良くないね」 と答えます
say they don't feel good about using them.
おもしろいことに こちらの
What's interesting about these --
dating, social networking, gaming,
娯楽、ニュース、 Webブラウジングといったアプリの
entertainment, news, web browsing --
1日の使用時間は それぞれ27分です
people spend 27 minutes a day on each of these.
私たちは 幸せになれないアプリに 3倍もの時間を費やしているんです
We're spending three times longer on the apps that don't make us happy.
That doesn't seem very wise.
不幸になるアプリに これほどの時間を費やす―
One of the reasons we spend so much time on these apps
that make us unhappy
やめどきが ないことです
is they rob us of stopping cues.
20世紀には やめるきっかけは どこにでもありました
Stopping cues were everywhere in the 20th century.
They were baked into everything we did.
やめるきっかけがあると 次に進む時間だとか 何か新しいこと
A stopping cue is basically a signal that it's time to move on,
違うことをする時間だ と気づくことができます
to do something new, to do something different.
例えば 新聞で言えば いつかは最後のページになって
And -- think about newspapers; eventually you get to the end,
新聞をたたんで 片づけますね
you fold the newspaper away, you put it aside.
同じことが雑誌や本にも言えて 章の終わりに来たら
The same with magazines, books -- you get to the end of a chapter,
続けて読もうか 考えますよね
prompts you to consider whether you want to continue.
テレビ番組を見ていても やがて番組は終わり
You watched a show on TV, eventually the show would end,
1週間後の次回まで おあずけとなります
and then you'd have a week until the next one came.
やめるきっかけは どこにでも ありました
There were stopping cues everywhere.
でも 今のメディアとの接し方では やめるきっかけが ありません
But the way we consume media today is such that there are no stopping cues.
The news feed just rolls on,
すべてが底なしです Twitter、Facebook、Instagram
and everything's bottomless: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
電子メールやショート・メッセージ ニュースなど
email, text messaging, the news.
そして ほかの情報源にあたるときも
And when you do check all sorts of other sources,
you can just keep going on and on and on.
どうすれば良いかを考えるヒントが 西ヨーロッパにあります
So, we can get a cue about what to do from Western Europe,
職場で たくさんの素晴らしいアイデアが 採用されています
where they seem to have a number of pretty good ideas in the workplace.
オランダの例を1つ挙げます こちらは ある設計事務所です
Here's one example. This is a Dutch design firm.
ここでは 机が天井から吊るされているんです
And what they've done is rigged the desks to the ceiling.
And at 6pm every day,
誰にメールをしていようが 何をしていようが
it doesn't matter who you're emailing or what you're doing,
the desks rise to the ceiling.
それで空いたスペースは 週に4日はヨガ・スタジオ
Four days a week, the space turns into a yoga studio,
週1日は ダンス・クラブになります
one day a week, into a dance club.
どちらに行くかは あなた次第というわけですが
It's really up to you which ones you stick around for.
やめどきを教えてくれる 良いルールです
But this is a great stopping rule,
because it means at the end of the day,
すべてが使えなくなり 仕事のしようがないんですから
everything stops, there's no way to work.
ドイツの自動車メーカーのダイムラーでは また違う秘策があります
At Daimler, the German car company, they've got another great strategy.
When you go on vacation,
「担当者が休暇中ですので 追ってお返事します」
instead of saying, "This person's on vacation,
they'll get back to you eventually,"
「担当者が休暇中ですので あなたのメールは消去いたしました
they say, "This person's on vacation, so we've deleted your email.
先ほどのメールを 担当者が見ることはありません」
This person will never see the email you just sent."
"You can email back in a couple of weeks,
or you can email someone else."
And so --
You can imagine what that's like.
休暇に入ると言ったら 本当に休暇なのです
You go on vacation, and you're actually on vacation.
The people who work at this company feel
仕事から離れて 本当に休めるのです
that they actually get a break from work.
でも もちろん これだけでは
But of course, that doesn't tell us much
日々 家でどう過ごせば良いか 分かりませんね
about what we should do at home in our own lives,
いくつかご提案をしたい と思います
so I want to make some suggestions.
「夕方5時から6時は携帯電話を使わない」 と言うのは簡単ですが
It's easy to say, between 5 and 6pm, I'm going to not use my phone.
問題は 日によって 「5時から6時」の過ごし方が違うことです
The problem is, 5 and 6pm looks different on different days.
実は もっと良い方法があります
I think a far better strategy is to say,
毎日 必ずすることがありますね
I do certain things every day,
毎日 繰り返される時間があります
there are certain occasions that happen every day,
例えば 夕食です
like eating dinner.
Sometimes I'll be alone,
sometimes with other people,
sometimes in a restaurant,
sometimes at home,
私のルールは 「食事のときは携帯電話を使わない」ことです
but the rule that I've adopted is: I will never use my phone at the table.
It's far away,
as far away as possible.
誘惑に負けやすいのが 人間ですから
Because we're really bad at resisting temptation.
夕食が始まる度に 私が携帯電話を遠くにやることが
But when you have a stopping cue that, every time dinner begins,
あなたの やめどきにもなり
my phone goes far away,
みんな 一緒になって 誘惑を乗り越えられます
you avoid temptation all together.
At first, it hurts.
I had massive FOMO.
I struggled.
でも 結局は慣れるんです
But what happens is, you get used to it.
ドラッグ断ちと同じで 禁断症状を克服すれば
You overcome the withdrawal the same way you would from a drug,
そこには もっと彩り鮮やかで 豊かで おもしろい―
and what happens is, life becomes more colorful, richer,
more interesting --
you have better conversations.
その場を共にしている人たちと 深くつながることができます
You really connect with the people who are there with you.
I think it's a fantastic strategy,
みんな これが有効だと知っています これをすると―
and we know it works, because when people do this --
and I've tracked a lot of people who have tried this --
it expands.
みんな とても気に入って
They feel so good about it,
毎朝 起きてすぐの1時間も 同じことをするようになり
they start doing it for the first hour of the day in the morning.
週末には携帯電話を 機内モードにするようになります
They start putting their phones on airplane mode on the weekend.
そうすれば電話機能をオフにしつつも カメラとして使えますから
That way, your phone remains a camera, but it's no longer a phone.
It's a really powerful idea,
こうすると みんな 日々の生活がもっと快適になるんです
and we know people feel much better about their lives when they do this.
So what's the take home here?
画面は素晴らしいものだ とお話ししましたが
Screens are miraculous; I've already said that,
and I feel that it's true.
でも 私たちは 長い道路を全速力で 走り抜けるように 画面を使っています
But the way we use them is a lot like driving down a really fast, long road,
まるで車のアクセルを めいっぱい踏み込んで
and you're in a car where the accelerator is mashed to the floor,
ブレーキ・ペダルには 足をかけにくいほどです
it's kind of hard to reach the brake pedal.
You've got a choice.
美しい海景色を 滑らかに走り去りながら
You can either glide by, past, say, the beautiful ocean scenes
窓から写真を撮って終わりにするか― 簡単なことですね
and take snaps out the window -- that's the easy thing to do --
あるいは 道を外れて 車を路肩に移動させ
or you can go out of your way to move the car to the side of the road,
to push that brake pedal,
to get out,
take off your shoes and socks,
take a couple of steps onto the sand,
足の裏で砂の感触を 確かめながら
feel what the sand feels like under your feet,
walk to the ocean,
and let the ocean lap at your ankles.
この方が より豊かで 意義深い人生を歩めるでしょう
Your life will be richer and more meaningful
その経験のなかで 息をしているのですから
because you breathe in that experience,
それに 携帯電話は 車に置いてきていますから
and because you've left your phone in the car.
Thank you.