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  • COMM: Shadot Hossain has an incredibly rare

  • medical condition causing tumours to grow all over his body.

  • The condition started when he was just 13. Local doctors initially tried to get him treatment

  • for the disorder, but nothing helped, and as he grew older, the symptoms got progressively worse.

  • COMM: Shadot used to work as a day labourer,

  • but he is no longer able to due to the pain caused from the tumours.

  • COMM: He currently lives with his wife and son in northern Bangladesh.

  • The family are desperate to seek new treatment, but can’t afford the medical costs. And

  • because of where they live, the local doctors are unable to provide proper treatment for him

  • due to the lack of resources.

  • COMM: Doctors believe that Shadot could be

  • suffering from a genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis,

  • a condition which would have lain dormant from birth.

  • COMM: But help may be on the horizon for Shadot

  • as a local social worker recently found out about him and stepped in to try and find support.

  • COMM: Mohammad posted about his suffering

  • online and has since received offer of help from a surgeon in Dhaka. Money is currently

  • being raised to pay for the costs and in a few weeks time, Shadot would travel to Dhaka,

  • where he will receive a full diagnosis and potential treatment for his condition.

COMM: Shadot Hossain has an incredibly rare


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B1 中級

全身 (Entire Body )

  • 32 0
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日