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  • Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia.

  • In a healthy heart, the sinoatrial nodeor SA nodeinitiates all electrical impulses in the atria.

  • In atrial fibrillation, electrical impulses are initiated randomly from many other sites called " ectopic sites " in and around the atria, commonly near the roots of pulmonary veins.

  • These unsynchronized chaotic electrical signals cause the atria to quiveror fibrillaterather than contract.

  • Although the atrial rate during atrial fibrillation can be extremely high, most of the electrical impulses do not pass through the atrioventricular, the AV node, to the ventricles.

  • This is due to refractory properties of the cells of the AV node.

  • Those that do come through are irregular.

  • Ventricular rate, or heart rate, is therefore irregular and can range from slowless than 60⏤to rapidmore than 100⏤beats per minute.

  • On an ECG, atrial fibrillation is characterized by absence of P-waves and irregular narrow QRS complexes.

  • Reminder: P-wave represents electrical activity of the SA node that is now obscured by activities of multiple ectopic sites.

  • The baseline may appear undulating or totally flat depending on the number of ectopic sites in the atria.

  • In general, larger number of ectopic sites results in flatter baseline.

  • As the atria do not function properly, the heart puts out less blood, and heart failure may occur.

  • The most common complication of atrial fibrillation, however, is the formation of blood clots in the atria.

  • As the atria do not empty completely into the ventricles, the blood may stagnate inside the atria and blood clots may form.

  • These clots may then pass into the bloodstream, get stuck in small arteries, and block them.

  • When a blood clot blocks an artery in the brain, a stroke may result.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia.


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C1 上級

心房細動の解剖学、心電図と脳卒中、アニメーション。 (Atrial Fibrillation Anatomy, ECG and Stroke, Animation.)

  • 404 19
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日