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  • (ominous music)

  • (screaming)

  • (grunting)

  • - Keisha, go on without me.

  • - No, I can't leave you like that!

  • - I'll only slow you down!

  • - Okay, but I hope you make it!

  • - Keisha wait, before you go,

  • please tell Greg Matthews that I love him.

  • - Okay girl, I got you.

  • - Keisha wait, wait!

  • What's the name of that one Katy Perry song that goes,

  • Baby you're a firework

  • - Firework, girl, I gotta go!

  • - Keisha wait!

  • Please!

  • - What, Kimber?

  • - Do you like my bangs?

  • - Oh.

  • Well you know they are kinda cute,

  • but they're a little like, crooked right here,

  • they're just oh my god!

  • (grunting)

  • (slashing of metal)

  • - [Narrator] Every Horror Film Ever.

  • - And she drifted into the night,

  • and was never heard from, ever again.

  • - Scary.

  • - That story's so not true.

  • - But you all believed it.

  • Alright, well I'm gonna go in the forest

  • and take some selfies by myself.

  • Be right back!

  • - So, um.

  • - [Selfie Girl] Ahhhh!

  • Someone's stabbing me in the back

  • super hard!

  • - Was that Sarah?

  • - I'm gonna go check on her by myself.

  • - Do you want me to come with you?

  • - Whoa, Deb.

  • I need my space, okay?

  • I'll be right back.

  • Geez.

  • (screaming)

  • There is definitely someone stabbing

  • people over here.

  • I highly recommend nobody come over here.

  • - [Narrator] Every Horror Film Ever.

  • (Gasping)

  • - Oh my god, Carrie, are you moving it?

  • - No way, are you?

  • - No!

  • - Oh my god, this is so scary!

  • (carnival music)

  • - Lucy, are you moving it?

  • - No, are you?

  • - No.

  • - This is so scary!

  • - [Narrator] I see you.

  • - We have to go into the forest and help them.

  • - Do you really think that's a good idea?

  • - I can't just sit here and do nothing!

  • - Okay, well, just please don't go alone.

  • - Jared, you come with me.

  • - We'll be right back.

  • - Oh, we should probably split up.

  • - Smart.

  • - [Both] I'll be right back.

  • (screaming)

  • - [Jared] Nobody enter the forest!

  • (screaming)

  • - [Other Guy] The only way to survive

  • is to stick together.

  • - [Narrator] I think people died in this house.

  • - Oh my god, I'm the only one left.

  • Good thing I'm a virgin.

  • (giggling)

  • Wait.

  • You guys are alive?

  • You guys aren't virgins.

  • You guys have sex like, all the time.

  • (screaming)

  • - It's cool dude, we only do butt stuff.

  • - Oh my god, I am so sorry.

  • That's so my bad.

  • You know, you just get it mixed up sometimes, you know,

  • yeah, but uh, anyways, you butt (bleep)ers be safe, okay?

  • - [Narrator] Every Horror Film Ever.

  • - Weldon, we have to get out of here.

  • - We need to get out of here ASAP.

  • But I'm gonna go check on that commotion

  • in the forest real quick.

  • I'll be right back.

  • - No.

  • (dragging across dirt)

  • (screaming)

  • - [Weldon] I just impaled myself on a knife.

  • (screaming)

  • (grunting)

  • (ominous chase music)

  • - Oh my god, we are so gonna die.

  • - Yeah, but I'm gonna die first.

  • It's always the black guy.

  • The oppressed always get the short end of the stick.

  • - Okay wait, hold on.

  • If we're talking about oppressed,

  • I'm clearly gonna die first.

  • - What?

  • Haven't you heard of the Holocaust?

  • This guy is clearly anti-Semitic.

  • - Okay, I get that, but my people were

  • forced to build a railroad.

  • - Mine too!

  • - Yes, ours was above ground.

  • - Yeah, exactly, and mine was below,

  • which means I'm gonna get killed first.

  • - I should be the one who dies first.

  • - Oh, don't tempt me!

  • - Okay, I'll kill you both before you die first.

  • - I am so gonna live.

  • (screaming)

  • - Oh, wow.

  • Look at that.

  • I guess times are a changin'!

(ominous music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

これまでのすべてのホラー映画 (EVERY HORROR MOVIE EVER)

  • 25 3
    Jessica Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日