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-I´ve heard that you guys have known each other
for now 20 years. Is that true?
-Yes. -Yes.
-My kids -- well, they´re now 36, 33, 32, 29,
but when they were little, they said,
"Dad, we´ve never asked for you to call anybody up
that´s famous to bring, but we have one request,"
and they wanted to meet Adam Sandler,
and I said, "Who is Adam Sandler?"
[ Laughter ] -Of course.
-Oh, my goodness. "Oh, Dad."
-And they saw that movie you were in.
-"Billy Madison." Yes, yes. -"Billy Madison."
-This was back in "Billy Madison" days.
[ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you.
Yes, they liked the "Billy Madison."
He didn´t watch it, but that´s okay,
but the kids, they called me --
I got a call out of nowhere,
and you know I was very young and excited,
and someone said, "Dustin called.
He wanted to meet you."
And I said, "oh, my" -- you know.
I´m very nervous ´cause I grew up loving Dustin
and "Marathon Man,"
and just every movie Dustin´s in was such a --
"Kramer vs. Kramer" was such a huge part of all our lives,
and anyway, so I was supposed to be at Dustin´s house at dinner.
-For dinner. -You got invited for dinner.
-Yeah -- I´m sorry.
He invited me over to meet his kids.
So I was supposed to go to Dustin´s house at 5:00.
I was living in a little hotel,
and I left my hotel at 12:00 so I could get there,
make sure I wasn´t late, and I --
[ Laughter ] -Five hours early.
-Five hours. I was like, "What the hell."
And I was in my little red Yugo, and I drove there.
And I didn´t know Los Angeles that well.
But anyways, I got to the house that early,
and then I sat in my car.
-And we´re waiting for you,
10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes.
An hour. -I was late
´cause I was terrified to go meet Dustin Hoffman.
So I just sat in my car -- [ Laughter ]
-Sitting in your Yugo?
-Yeah, but I was very scared because he is Dustin,
but then when I came in there,
he was the warmest man like he is,
and the best with his kids, and we had dinner,
and I´ll never forget, we -- you guys --
you and the kids were playing an acting exercise.
-You were doing improvs at the table,
and Dusty was making each one of his great kids
give a place, right? -Yeah.
-And everyone was -- everyone in the family was awesome,
was very talented and saying funny jokes
or very smooth lines, and blah, blah, blah.
And all I remember was praying, "Please don´t get to me."
[ Laughter ]
"I don´t want to fail in front of the whole family."
-That´s a lot of pressure. -Yeah.
-Lot of pressure to meet somebody.
-Did we? -You got to me,
and, I don´t know, I think I choked on some food.
I got out of it. I don´t remember.
-Did you -- did you -- I heard stories that you used to
play basketball together or something.
Is that -- -Do you remember that at all?
-No. You played with my son.
-I play with Jake. -With Jake.
-But when you first -- that day,
you loved me so much when we had dinner,
you thought I was such a nice guy,
that you invited me to play basketball,
and it was you and Tom Cruise
against me and your son, Jake,
and you guys kept thinking I was like Wilt Chamberlain
´cause I was so tall.
[ Laughter ]
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You don´t remember that?
-No, I don´t, but I know that
I´m the tallest one in my family and always have been.
-But then you went to the Golden Globes.
´Cause I heard -- -Yes.
He doesn´t know that either.
I don´t think you remember that either, but I was at your house.
Dustin -- [ Laughter ]
Dustin was getting a lifetime achievement award,
and I happened to be at the house,
and then for no reason you looked at me and you go,
"You want to come?"
And I was like, "Do I want to come" --
I didn´t even know what the Golden Globes was.
I was like, "Yeah, yeah, I´ll come."
"You got to wear something nice," or something.
I said, yeah, sure.
And you got the biggest award of the night,
and I was at your table,
and everyone who was up on stage was like Redford,
and I remember Christopher Walken,
they were all looking at me like why is this [bleep] here?
[ Laughter ]
-But now you´re in a film together,
and you´re great in the film,
and I want to talk about all that stuff.
But I mean, I just think it´s cool,
and I think you have a great chemistry, and I could just --
I mean, meeting you right now,
I´ve never met you before, but I´m intimidated.
-Yeah. -You are?
-Yeah. -We have very similar noses.
[ Laughter ] -I love that.
Oh, yeah. Not bad. We do. Yeah.
No -- Please, that´s a compliment.
God. I love it.
I remember the first time I met you,
you were very, very nice to me.
-That´s right. I remember, yeah.
-You told me that you were doing a stand-up,
and he was like 13 or something. -You were young.
You were like 15 or 16 when you came to see me.
-Yeah. Yes.
-Every time for like a year or so,
whenever I get off stage,
the first guy I´d see is little Jimmy Fallon going,
"Good set, Sandman," or something like that.
[ Laughter ] -I never said that.
I never said that. -Something like that.
-That is so not true.
Good set, Sandman. -Sandman.
"How do you do it?
How do you do it, Sandman? Teach me.
Teach me, Sandman." [ Laughter ]
-Now I´m getting embarrassed. Yeah, but I would show up.
I remember I would show up to everything, everything,
´cause I knew, like, if you were going to be at the Improv
or something, I would just show up --
-Oh, yeah.
-And I just idolized you. I still do.
-You were the nicest -- 100% the same kid --
the same way you are now, you were back then.
You were the nicest kid, always, and just --
besides being a funny bastard, he´s such a fan of everybody,
and, like, that´s why we´re all so happy
you are Jimmy Fallon today, buddy.
You´re doing good things.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-I remember -- I remember you introduced me to Chris Farley,
and you and Farley, and I was like,
"Oh, my gosh, Chris Farley."
And I thought he was going to be, like,
jumping through a thing, and he was like -- he´s so calm.
-Oh, yeah. -And he had glasses on,
and he goes, "Hey, nice to meet you, Jimmy.
It´s a pleasure. Oh, you´re a fan?
What sketch do you like? That one?"
I go, "Yeah." And I was telling him what sketches I love
and just staring at him, and then he went right over
from me to you, and you both started going --
Like, and started fighting,
and, like, turned it on in like two seconds,
and it was the greatest. -Oh, God, yeah.
He was so sweet, and he did not like --
by the way, one memory of Farley,
when I told him I went to Dustin Hoffman´s house,
he was like, "What?" [ Laughter ]
He was so angry that
your kids picked the wrong guy, he thought.