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lesson 7 long a
lesson 7 long a in lessons five and six
in lessons five and six
in lessons five and six you learn some ways to make long
you learn some ways to make long
you learn some ways to make long vowel sounds in lesson 7 through
vowel sounds in lesson 7 through
vowel sounds in lesson 7 through 11
11 you will see different ways to
you will see different ways to
you will see different ways to make long vowel sounds with two
make long vowel sounds with two
make long vowel sounds with two vowels together
vowels together
vowels together remember that these are not
remember that these are not
remember that these are not complete lists different letter
complete lists different letter
complete lists different letter combinations will make these
combinations will make these
combinations will make these long vowel sounds and sometimes
long vowel sounds and sometimes
long vowel sounds and sometimes these combinations will make
these combinations will make
these combinations will make different sounds
different sounds
different sounds just remember that in a group of
just remember that in a group of
just remember that in a group of vowels
vowels the first one speaks and the
the first one speaks and the
the first one speaks and the others are silent
others are silent
others are silent you will learn rule exceptions
you will learn rule exceptions
you will learn rule exceptions new rules and different ways to
new rules and different ways to
new rules and different ways to spell sounds as your English
spell sounds as your English
spell sounds as your English improved a + I + a + y can make
improved a + I + a + y can make
improved a + I + a + y can make the long a sound her a rain
the long a sound her a rain
the long a sound her a rain check
check a and chaine turn a and training
dip a day turn a tray
a day turn a tray
a day turn a tray usually if the long a sound is
usually if the long a sound is
usually if the long a sound is at the middle of a word
at the middle of a word
at the middle of a word then it is spelled with ay I if
then it is spelled with ay I if
then it is spelled with ay I if it is at the end of the word
it is at the end of the word
it is at the end of the word then it is spelled with ay
then it is spelled with ay
then it is spelled with ay why the long a sound can also be
why the long a sound can also be
why the long a sound can also be made with be a and b IG h
made with be a and b IG h
made with be a and b IG h here are two common examples
here are two common examples
here are two common examples just a steak
just a steak
just a steak a eight
a eight
a eight great job learning the letter
great job learning the letter
great job learning the letter combinations of long vowel
combinations of long vowel
combinations of long vowel sounds
sounds takes time but if you master
takes time but if you master
takes time but if you master these simple rules you'll be
these simple rules you'll be
these simple rules you'll be well on your way to becoming a
well on your way to becoming a
well on your way to becoming a great reader and speaker in less
great reader and speaker in less
great reader and speaker in less than eight
than eight
than eight we'll look at the long e sound