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And I'm gonna be a boss woman, and then I'm gonna go home, and put on my pjs, and be his tender little kitten on the couch.
(職場では) 私は女上司で、家に帰ったら、パジャマを着て、ソファに座って彼の可愛らしい子猫ちゃんになるんです。
Like, I get to do those things.
There are two totally different ways that I have to carry myself, I have to operate.
That it's the woman that's in my head, and how I see myself.
And then, there's how this person sees me.
Probably some of the early things I would notice was what I was complimented for.
The world sort of valued, and applauded, you know, my pretty dress, or my smile, or I'm so polite.
It wasn't until, like, you know you get these righteous women in your life who are just like, "Hair and makeup is for you, "it's not for anyone else."
自分の人生に対して真っすぐな女の人たちが出てきてからですよ。 「ヘアスタイルもメイクも自分のためにするもの。他の誰のためでもないんだよ」 みたいな人たち。
My first day, somebody walked in and this guy looked at me, he was like "Oh, I'm sorry. I need the bartender."
(仕事の) 最初の日、(店内に) 1人の男の人が入ってきて私を見て言ったんです。 「あぁ、悪いけど、バーテンダーを頼む。」
And I was, like, yeah that's me.
And he went, "No, no, no, I need the real bartender."
You know, that felt like a very sort of clear example of an experience I've had my entire life.
Which has been a sense of feeling that my intelligence is something that must be proved.
Or my capability in whatever way.
You don't want to be viewed as the complainer, and so you accept, and maybe either are complicit with sweeping a lot of things under the rug because you just want to do your work.
I started to realize: You know what? I have a voice, and yes I can be opinionated, and yes I'm sensitive, and I'm all of these things, but I need to start speaking up.
気付き始めたんです。 「ちょっと、 私は意見を言うことができるんだよ。そりゃ、意固地になることもあるし、傷つきやすいかもしれない。そういう人間だけど、声に出して伝えなくちゃいけない!」 って。
Finding my strength, is finding my womanhood.
You know, you hear about the feminine divine, but I think it's real.
The most powerful experience of owning my womanhood was giving birth.
All of these women who are walking around who are just total rock stars that have gone through this crazy experience of growing a person, and then going through this unbelievably excruciating process of labor, and just survive it.
そこらじゅうにいる (子供を持つ) 女性たちはみんな、最高にかっこいいんです。(お腹の中で ) 人を育てるという、ものすごく大変な体験をして、 信じられないほどつらい出産体験をして、生き抜いているんです。
Motherhood, it's really great, and it's really hard.
I have to look at myself, and think about the behavior that I'm modeling, and how empowered is it, really?
Especially with television and film, people's minds and mentalitys getting them to see more women doing more things.
Our strength is different.
私たち (女性) の強さは (一般的な強さとは) 違うんです。
I find that it's fluid, it's flexible, it's adaptable.
It's fierce, but it's also gentle.
What we can change now is how we're shaping and shifting our perspectives and our perceptions in this very moment.
I think about the little girls today who get to see movies like Ghostbusters with the women, and just that they have these models now of what it's like to just be a woman doing life.
今の女の子は、そういう(自分を持った)女性たちが出ている (2016年版の) 『ゴーストバスターズ』みたいな映画を観ることができると思います。そして、今ならそういった、女性として生きていく上でのお手本がたくさんあると思うんです。