字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント So, Mark, what do you know? It's been a while. - Glad to be back. - [LAUGH] - Um. - Just twenty-four hours. Right, right. Um, we know that Apple is going to be announcing a new version of its Apple TV Set-Top Box in September alongside the new iPhones and LTE Apple Watch. It's gonna stream 4K video and video with better color. And this is largely expected, right? Largely expected because we broke the news on it in February. We said that Apple is testing this Box. It's called... codename J105, and now we're breaking the news here that it's being announced in September. So, we know now that Apple's planning to spend a billion dollars on original content. We've talked for a long time about whether they had something more ambitious going on in the TV realm. Is this their TV strategy? I think it is. The ambitious device was this new Apple TV with the App Store in 2015, and now they're just building upon it. Just churning in the 4K content, working with studios and apps to improve the content. There is gonna be some new live TV functionality that they're adding, but there's no over the top bundle or anything like that happening. That's... No TV set. That's right. No TV set, no screen.
A2 初級 米 ここでは、Appleの4Kテレビのセットトップボックスについて知られていることだ (Here's What's Known About Apple's 4K TV Set-Top Box) 58 2 Crystal Wu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語