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  • JAMES GRIME: They wanted to find out the number of moves

  • it would take to solve the most difficult combination.

  • And this number would be called God's number.

  • If you have perfect knowledge of how to do the Rubik's cube,

  • you would be able to solve the most difficult position in its

  • perfect, most efficient algorithm.

  • MATT PARKER: Obviously if you get a solved cube and you

  • twist one bit, you've just got to twist it back.

  • So it could be one, or it could be two twists, or it

  • could be five or so on.

  • But what's the most you're going to need?

  • It turns out, for a long time we didn't know.

  • JAMES GRIME: So they knew that the number of combinations for

  • the Rubik's cube was this huge number.

  • It was 43 quintillion.

  • And if you turn a piece 17 times, if you do 17 moves, the

  • number of combinations you can reach is less than this

  • massive number, 43 quintillion.

  • So if you want to be able to solve all combinations, it's

  • definitely more than 17 because there's so many you

  • can't even reach.

  • And they managed to work out that there was less than 30.

  • And over the years, they started to whittle this down,

  • closer and closer.

  • TONY JIANG: As you can tell, I'm not really fast, but I'm

  • not too slow, either.

  • MATT PARKER: It was 2010 was the first time we actually

  • knew for sure no matter how much you scramble up a Rubik's

  • cube, you can solve it in 20 or fewer twists.

  • It's often called God's number.

  • It's called God's number because you have to be some

  • kind of omniscient being to work out those 20 moves.

  • It's so difficult to calculate what those moves are.

  • KATIE STECKLES: I couldn't look at a cube and say, oh I

  • need to do these 12 moves or whatever.

  • But there are people who can.

  • So they do Rubik's cube solving competitions.

  • And they have, obviously, speed challenges to see who

  • can solve it the fastest.

  • But one of the other things that they do is a efficient

  • solve competition.

  • And the competition there is look at a Rubik's cube and

  • then just write down a list of moves that will solve it.

  • The world record for that is 23 moves.

  • And obviously that was for a particular

  • scramble of the cube.

  • And it may have been that the actual, most efficient way to

  • solve that was fewer than 20.

  • But a human can look at it and actually write down a list of

  • 23, which I think is probably more impressive than people

  • who can solve it really quickly.

  • MATT PARKER: You might think, well how do we know?

  • How do we know that?

  • Did we just check all 43.25 billion billion different ways

  • of solving it?

  • And we effectively did that.

  • JAMES GRIME: A move, by the way, is a quarter turn, or

  • quarter turn the other way, or half turn.

  • That counts.

  • So anything that you move counts as a move.

  • All right, so a quarter turn, a quarter turn, or a half

  • turn, those all counts as one.

  • MATT PARKER: So guys got the Rubik's cube and they try to

  • look at all the possible combinations.

  • And they realized that actually you don't have to

  • check all of them, because some of them are the same.

  • And so they used arguments from symmetry, saying, in

  • fact, being mixed up this way is actually the same as being

  • mixed up that way.

  • It's the same way to solve it and so on and so on.

  • And so they managed to whittle down the number of ones they

  • have to check.

  • And this is one of those wonderful things where you do

  • a proof by exhaustion.

  • JAMES GRIME: They found a very difficult position.

  • It was called the superflip.

  • Now the superflip is essentially completely solved

  • except each edge position was flipped over.

  • Now that would be a very difficult position to solve.

  • They realized that you could solve that position, the

  • superflip, in 20 moves.

  • And they proved that you couldn't do it in anything

  • less than 20 moves.

  • So you couldn't do it in 19 or 18, nothing less.

  • So 20 moves.

  • So they thought, great.

  • Maybe 20 is God's number.

  • MATT PARKER: And to do a proof by exhaustion, you have to do

  • two things.

  • You've got to first of all reduce the number of cases you

  • need to check as much as you can.

  • Secondly, you've got to get very clever

  • ways of checking them.

  • And so they got better and better computer programs and

  • also more and more powerful computers.

  • So they just crossed.

  • So they had reduced the number of cases far enough.

  • They had a fast enough computer with a smart enough

  • program to check that many.

  • And they could run it.

  • I've been to the place where they actually did the

  • computation.

  • It was at the Google headquarters in San Francisco,

  • just outside San Francisco.

  • And Google, because it's run by benevolent nerds, let

  • people use their mind bogglingly powerful computer.

  • The amount of computer power that Google has is phenomenal.

  • They don't use it all of it all the time.

  • And so if you come up with an interesting enough reason,

  • they will let you come and play around on their

  • incredible computer processing power.

  • You've got prove that your code's not going to

  • run amok, et cetera.

  • And that's what these guys did.

  • They had their code that checked the

  • reduced number of cases.

  • They ran it on the Google servers.

  • And they did.

  • They exhaustively checked.

  • And we know now, for a fact--

  • JAMES GRIME: --that God's number is 20.

  • Every Rubik's puzzle can be solved in 20 or fewer moves.

  • MATT PARKER: I'm actually involved at the moment in a

  • attempt to set the world record for the most people

  • solving a Rubik's cube simultaneously.

  • So we're going to try and get 2000 school students into the

  • O2 venue in London.

  • And we're going to try and break the simultaneous solving

  • world record.

  • And it's for a charity.

  • So the DePaul charity has organized this.

  • Rubik's is sponsoring it.

  • And any school in the UK can enter.

  • It's on the 21st of November.

  • So if you go to the DePaul website--

  • Or I imagine, this is the internet.

  • We can probably hyperlink this information beneath the video.

  • Schools can get involved.

  • I'm involved.

  • It's the charity I do charity work for.

  • It's to stop young people from becoming homeless, which I

  • think is fair enough.

  • I'm hosting the event.

  • So I'll be there on the 21st wandering around talking about

  • math and how wonderful it is.

  • And I'm developing resources.

  • So I've developed videos and worksheets for teachers to use

  • to teach students how to solve the Rubik's cube.

JAMES GRIME: They wanted to find out the number of moves


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

神の数とルービックキューブ - Numberphile (God's Number and Rubik's Cube - Numberphile)

  • 67 5
    Gabriel に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日