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  • The atmosphere of heavenBill Johnson

  • Miracles in people's bodies has been happening for a long time, you know ever since Jesus

  • was up on the earth.

  • In recent years, at least in our circles, it is just increased in extraordinary numbers.

  • In the past when I travel and go to church all-conference I would take the first 20 minutes

  • and just share testimonies to stir up faith.

  • Most of the time it was to have a shock treatment for the people in the room to make them think

  • it was possible for them to have the miracle.

  • I've been in environments, where I felt that they would not need to believe God, if I could

  • just get them out of unbelief, out of partnership with that lying spirit.

  • If I could get them just out of unbelief we could get some miracle.

  • I've been so encouraged in what i have seen in recent years.

  • It's increasing so much.

  • There is almost never the time when I'm picked up from the airport and people don't tell

  • me about the miracles they've seen.

  • Now I get of the plane and they are there with stories.

  • Many of you have come up to me in the short time we've been meeting with stories of encounters

  • and incredible miracles of the Lord.

  • One of the most incredible miracles that I know of is the miracle that is happening in

  • culture.

  • Miracles that are happening in how people think.

  • I went to just ramble for a few minutes.

  • I want to talk from my heart, some of my personal dreams.

  • I want to affect how people see reality, that's what I want.

  • Out of my life, out of our church, I want to shift to take place with people learn to

  • see out of divine perspective.

  • To do that, there needs to be deep, thorough, repentance.

  • Repentance is changing your view of reality, changing your perspective on things.

  • I've such a desire of seeing the effects of believers actually changing people's view

  • of reality.

  • It's not the lofty dream anymore.

  • There was a time when I thought it was a lofty dream and I didn't know if it was possible.

  • I knew it was possible in paper, you know, because all things are possible with God.

  • But I didn't know if it would be possible in my lifetime.

  • But we see some things happening around the world, culturally, in places around the world,

  • where the culture is changing so dramatically.

  • I'm starting to think this might be actually possible.

  • It might actually be possible to have entire cities turn to the Lord.

  • On one hand I believe it's possible all my life, but I'm seeing it actually take place.

  • The Lord is changing the value system of people that don't even know he Lord yet.

  • Now the big target is always the conversion of souls.

  • I would never want to shift the focus the issue of heaven is a big deal.

  • The issue of hell is a big deal.

  • It's very real. It's extremely sobering.

  • And it always needs to stay in our minds.

  • Someone asked the question yesterday about what to do with people that ont know the Lord

  • that die.

  • As a pastor I have had to do a number of those funerals.

  • I stand at the end of the casket as the family walks by.

  • I pray this prayer in my heart every time.

  • I say: God I never want this to be okay.

  • I never want to be so callous that this doesn't hurt.

  • I want this pain to remain.

  • Because I have to have this marker for eternity.

  • So the salvation of souls is obviously a huge deal.

  • I would never want to pull attention away from that.

  • But I do think there's something important to be said about the conversion of culture,

  • and learning to shape first of all how the church thinks.

  • The church has the influence of salt, light, leven in the world.

  • And is in impact that we need to have on how people live, how they think.

  • It's not because we tell them the thoughts are wrong.

  • It's not because we tell them what to's because we as a straight a different way of

  • seeing.

  • We see from God's perspective.

  • I had an interesting experience with that students last year.

  • One of the first days of school, when I walked into the classroom that there was somebody

  • there that had prayed for $500.

  • And so mentioned that when I got into the class.

  • I said if anyone together prayed to the Lord for $500.

  • I asked if there was anyone there that prayed, that asked the Lord for $500.

  • And the women on the front row raised her hand.

  • I pulled out to $50 bill and said, here, this is not 500, but there is 500 in the 50.

  • Just as there is an oak tree in an acorn.

  • What wisdom does, what divine perspective does, is that it sees the potential of a moment.

  • We sieze small moments because we have a conviction of what God is wanting to build and take us

  • to.

  • Learning how to grab our moments is such a big deal, because so many people are waiting

  • for the one touch that changes everything, instead of the introduction to a process that

  • changes everything.

  • And often God will work through process as much as he will work through a sudden event.

  • In fact, if you look at the "suddenlies" of Scripture, they will always preceded by processes.

  • Are you alive?

  • Acts chapter 2: suddenly there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

  • That followed 10 days of 120 people being together in prayer.

  • They was a process of earth invading heaven, before heaven ever invaded earth.

  • And the Lord honors process.

  • He honors those who give themselves to the workings in dealings of the Lord.

  • Sometimes we unwisely bypass things because they are too subtle and they are too simple.

  • I want so much to be able to recognize the presence of the Lord when nothing is happening.

  • It's not hard to recognize the presence when you praying for somebody and they fly back

  • 15 rows.

  • You know, a tumour drops on the ground and you can say, verily the Lord is here.

  • But I want to recognize the movements, not only of his presence, but of his mood.

  • Of his thoughts.

  • I want the subtle breezes of presence to affect me.

  • In order to be impacted by that, I cannot gauge what he is doing by what you are doing.

  • Jesus told the story of healing 10 lepers.

  • Only one returned to give thanks.

  • By the way many people evaluate a move of God, they would say that is not a genuine

  • move of God.

  • Because the fruit is not what it should've been.

  • There was only one person whose life was really impacted.

  • So that's not a real legitimate move of God? No!

  • They were healed of leprosy. That's how you know it was a move of God.

  • What they did with its does not define God.

  • God is not defined by our response or reaction.

  • He is happy to define himself.

  • Learning to pick up the mood and the heartbeat of God, the thing that he is thinking.

  • Most leaders in this room

  • I would assume, because you have taken time off from what you normally do on a Thursday

  • and you're here...

  • Probably most people in the room have a desire, not just to be used by God, but how to discern

  • his presence, how to pick up what is doing

  • What is he thinkingWhat does he want to do

  • It's gone from being a tool in his hand, to being a friend that he sends… A friend that

  • he empowers.

  • The child tries to use a wrench to turn a bolt.

  • And it's the hand of the Holy Spirit's that comes over, that enables us to accomplish

  • what we don't have the ability to accomplish.

  • So this is my life. I'm just trying desperately how to learn this.

  • You can't learn that in the trenches, in ministry.

  • And so many people try to recognize presence in ministry

  • I shouldn't say that you can't learn this, because that's not true.

  • You can't go as far as he would like you to goIf you only learn it in ministry.

  • Many of us actually started hearing the voice because he wanted to use us.

  • That we didn't realize: God also wanted to know us.

  • It's much easier to minister out of the overflow of the relationship

  • Than it is to minister out of the moment by moment directives, that he gives us, per situation.

  • There's a difference

  • Is a difference from being a servants, who would do whatever he says

  • To being a friend, that knows how he thinks.

  • It's not that we do things instead of being in connection with him

  • It's that we do things because we pick up heartbeat, we pick up value

  • We think different, we see different... we see people different

  • We see situations different.

  • Everything changes in this intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

  • Believe it or not, that's not the subject right now, but I can't get out of that hole.

  • I like so much to talk about this Holy Spirit that is in us, and rests upon us.

  • What I have in my heart for this afternoon

  • Is, I want to talk to you about something

  • Aren't you glad?

  • The girl with $50… Goes to the store that evening

  • And there was a family there that couldn't afford the groceries

  • So she pulled the $50 out, and bought their groceries.

  • The Bible says: when you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord.

  • And God has outrageous interest rates.

  • It's 30, 60, and 100 times.

  • I mean, he is the best banker in the universe...

  • And he is able to really work with your money and earn moneyAnd it's a very beautiful

  • thing.

  • She took care of this particular family with a $50.

  • When she got home, someone drove up with a check for $500 that she had prayed for that

  • morning.

  • It's a wonderful storyAnd it's a very quick answer.

  • I love quick answers

  • But I'm thankful they are not all that quick, because we can't be trusted

  • We would have a racket going on within a week...

  • If we could give $50 and get 500 within a week, it would be the ultimate slot machine

  • Guaranteed wins on every pull

  • We would all be millionaires within a month

  • I'm thankful for delayed answersBecause delayed answers build character and gain interest.

  • Any time the Lord delays the process, it's only because your answer is gaining interest.

  • It's getting bigger than you asked for.

  • A quick answer builds faith

  • A long answer builds faith and character.

  • Value those moments where he embraces process for you.

  • I want to turn in your Bible to Luke chapter 3

  • For some of you… I apologize… I've been over this so many times when you have been

  • around.

  • I don't seem to be able to shake this particular theme today

  • So I'm going to try fly through this.

  • Luke chapter 3

  • What happens when you build a culture?

  • Let me back up

  • The church is to learn a new cultureEvery one of our churches

  • Mine, yours, every place, house of faith where we go

  • This community of believersEvery one of us

  • We need to learn the culture of heaven.

  • The reality of that world is to learn how we impact and view people.

  • For example, in a culture of honour, we learn to celebrate who a person is, without stumbling

  • over who they are not.

  • There is a value for every personThere's a celebration for every individual

  • I think Randy said it first

  • It's much more fun to be celebrated, than tolerated.

  • And everybody has the rights to be in a group of people where you are celebrated

  • To be honoured for your position in God.

  • Every person in the world can be honoured for at least two out of three things that

  • bring honour.

  • First: everybody is made in God's image

  • Second: everybody has gifts that have been given to them by God

  • Third: the presence of the Holy Spirit's…

  • That of course is reserved for those who are walking with Christ.

  • But every person deserves on a for at least two things:

  • They are made in the image of God

  • And they carry gifts that are from the Lord.

  • How is it that an architect can decide a beautiful building?

  • It's not because he is demon possessed.

  • Why can a musician, who is in our ocultist, write beautiful music?

  • Design a beautiful building

  • Write a beautiful piece of music

  • Because they are made in the image of God

  • They actually reflect the nature of the one who designed them

  • To give honour in that level, is to bring them back to the sense of identity.

  • What do they do with it?

  • If they walk away with arrogance and a puffed head, that's their issue.

  • It's not your responsibility to make sure people stay humble.

  • There is no gift in the body of Christ to do that.

  • I know I just took away about a third of your jobs.

  • But when we learn the cultureThe value of heaven

  • The culture of heaven is actually surrounded of valuesFirst and foremostthe presence

  • of the Lord.

  • Israel, in the wilderness, encamped around the presence of the Lord.

  • All the tribes were encamped around the presence of the Lord.

  • And something happened a while back… I don't know when

  • Perhaps the church historian can help me with it.

  • But something happened a while back

  • Where in our gatherings, people came and encamped around a sermonInstead of around presence.

  • And as important as the teaching of the Word is

  • As important as the value that we have in ScriptureAnd the absolute authority of

  • the Word of God...

  • As high a value that is supposed to have in our culture….

  • The presence of the Lord is what is supposed to be valued and celebrated most.

  • And I believe what is happening in your lives and my life

  • He is teaching usSo that we learn to truly encamp around presence of the Lord.

  • And when that said of the culture starts to be getting demonstrated

  • For exampleSo many people try to create unity

  • Jesus, in John 17 said, "I gave them my glory, so that they might be one".

  • In Ephesians 4, he said "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace".

  • In no way, a we ever assigned to create unity.… It's the most natural thing in the world when

  • the presence of the Lord is there.

  • But unity outside of the presence is toughBecause we try to make ourselves fits with

  • people that are different from us.

  • But learning to maintain a sense of presenceAnd anointingThat perspective of heart.

  • That values first and foremost the presence and the glory

  • The privilege to carry his presence into society.

  • You can put two people in a room in that atmosphere. They can be opposites.

  • They will come at hugging. It's just the way the glory is.

  • The glory makes us tender towards one another.

  • When that culture permeates culture within the churchThen suddenly that culture begins

  • to impact society.

  • And it's not because your neighbours say that they have great value for the glory of God

  • But they start thinking differentAnd functioning from a different place.

  • I've shared the story several times recently

  • If you can picture this

  • That every act of obedienceActually releases presence.

  • Every time he stopped to share your faith with somebody, the Holy Spirit becomes manifest

  • in the atmosphere because of that act of obedience.

  • If you pray for somebody to be healed

  • Anytime you pray for somebodyThere is a release of the anointing into the atmosphere.

  • Whether they walked away whole or not does not matter in the situation.

  • The important thing to realize is presenceAtmosphere of heaven is released in every

  • act of obedience.

  • When you see a miracle there is an extraordinary release of glory into the atmosphere.

  • When Jesus turned water into wine.

  • at the end of the story, it says in verse 11 of John chapter 2...

  • It says: "and these signs Jesus did, manifesting his glory"

  • That the miracle actually released atmosphere of heavenManifested presence of Jesus

  • into the atmosphere.

  • We know it has effect on how people think

  • In the Old Testament you see these prophets that are hanging out together

  • And Saul is looking for David, - in order to kill him.

  • He runs into these prophetsHe comes into this atmosphere

  • And this man that is filled with bitterness and hatred and jealousy

  • He stepped into this atmosphere of the propheticAnd suddenly he is thinking differently

  • And starts prophesying

  • In factIt's a weird story, because it says he took of all his clothes.

  • I don't suggest you do that

  • I would suggest you don't do that

  • But he took of all his clothesAnd what that tells meIs that he didn't plan to

  • go anywhere.

  • He's pretty much stuck to that group of guys he is hanging out with that are prophesying.

  • And I don't know all the different implications.

  • All I know is that he walked into that environment and he found himself with a different mindset.…

  • And he starts declaring the word of the Lord.

  • How can that happen to someone who's filled with hatred and jealousy and the spirit of

  • murder.

  • He steps into an atmosphere created by godly people that were obeying the Lord by making

  • prophetic decrees.

  • If we see that in the Old Testament, how much more can we see this in new testament practice

  • of church life.

  • What happens is

  • We as people live with a consciousness of the dilemmas and the problems and the challenges

  • of the day.

  • For most Christians they are at the forefront of the mind, because we think they are our

  • responsibility.

  • If I become, anxious, fearful, worried… I don't have to say a word

  • I walk into a room and everybody in the room stopped picking up stuff coming from me.

  • Is that right?

  • No? Yes!

  • What ever I have going on in here, sets the atmosphere around me.

  • Why? That's the way we are. We are conductors.

  • We release atmosphere

  • Let's say that I'm all fearful, I'm anxious, I'm worried, I've got all the stuff going

  • on inside

  • I walk into a room.

  • There is other people that start getting concerned for me if they are believers.

  • If they're not believers they just want to stay away from me.

  • Or, if they are complainers, or criticizers

  • they will want to come over and join me.

  • If you critical people that constantly come to you, you might want to check your inventory.

  • Unintentionally, I impacted the atmosphere of the room.

  • What happens if we live intentionally?

  • We live with the consciousness of the person. We live with consciousness of an assignment.

  • We lived with a sense of purpose and promise.

  • We keep in front of our minds, in front of our eyes, keep in our language the report

  • of the Lord

  • The miracles that is doneHis faithfulness... His promises.

  • And we live feeding our hearts on that kind of a process.

  • What happens?

  • When you walk into a room, you also affect atmosphere.

  • But this time you begin to release heaven on earth.

  • But this time you become an intentional tool of the Lord, where you change the atmosphere

  • Because you, according to Scripture of the gate of heaven.

  • Did you know that you call the gates of heaven? Did you know that?

  • In Genesis 26 or 28… Somewhere in there. It's in Genesis.

  • He said this is none other than the house of God, the gate of heaven.

  • where is the house of God? It's us.

  • What is a gate? It's a transition place between two realities.

  • You go through a gate from your front yard to a sidewalk.

  • From a gate in your backyard to a driveway.

  • A gate always takes you from one reality to another.

  • They are transition places. And the church is been assigned by God to be a transition

  • place.

  • where the reality of one world passes through that gate, to impact and of the world.

  • Why not let it be intentionalBy what we dwell onBy what we thinkBy what we

  • speak.

  • In our city, at one of our drive-in coffee places

  • Somebody drove up and ordered a coffee

  • When they went up to pay for it the girl at the counter said "the car that just drove

  • up paid for your coffee"

  • And they said "how nice. I will pay for the coffee of the person behind me".

  • And that person drove up and went to pay for a coffee. The girl behind the counter said

  • that the person who just drove off paid for your coffee.

  • And they said "well, that was kind of them. I'll tell you what, I will pay for the coffee

  • of the person behind me".

  • That person drove up, went to pay for their coffee.

  • The girl says "the car that just drove off just paid for your coffee"

  • They said "well that was awful kind of them. I'll pay for the coffee for the car behind

  • me."

  • This went on as an unbroken chain for six hours.

  • Why? Because the first act of obedience released presence that the rest drove into.

  • You see, an act of obedience in generosity and praying for the sickWhatever we do.

  • We contribute to the atmosphere that impacts the culture over a city.

  • Why don't you go to Luke 19.

  • Verse 11: "now as they heard these things, he spoke another parable because he was near

  • Jerusalem and because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately."

  • Now stop just four minute

  • Jesus gave them a parable to address the fact, that they thought the kingdom would come immediately.

  • Now first the recognize what they thinking about, when they think kingdom... They don't

  • think healing and deliverance.

  • They think, the reign of Christ on earth, they vying to see who sits on the right and

  • who gets to sit on the left.

  • The thinking earthly kingdom.

  • They are thinking God restores Israel to a place of military, political and financial,

  • cultural strength, that they had when David and Solomon where kings.

  • They are looking for that vindication over Roman oppression where Israel is exonerated

  • and put back upfront culturally.

  • They are looking at Jesus as the Messiah reigning with a rod of iron in their lifetime.

  • And so they are thinking that this is going to come about instantly, immediately.

  • And to give them a parable to answer that issue of the heart.

  • Verse 12:

  • Therefore He said: “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself

  • a kingdom and to return. So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas,

  • and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’ But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation

  • after him, saying, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’

  • And so it was that when he returned, having received the kingdom, he then commanded these

  • servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know how

  • much every man had gained by trading. Then came the first, saying, ‘Master, your mina

  • has earned ten minas.’ And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; because you were

  • faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.’

  • Here's the deal...

  • The disciples are picking up from Jesus a focus on the transformation of cities.

  • They've seen the impact of his life, his ministry, the provisions, the miracles.

  • They've seen impact on cultures and cities.

  • And while he was never the full dramatic transformation or repentance that is potential in the gospel,

  • the seeds was still planted, and they observed this.

  • So they are starting to pick up this heart for cities, for nations.

  • They wanting the kingdom to be restored, not to just destroy everyone.

  • There are picking up this idea of serving in ministry.

  • So Jesus gives them the story. He says there's a landowner. He is 10 servants and he lines

  • them up.

  • He gives them a mina each. let's say a mina is $1000

  • And he gives each servant $1000 and he says I'm going the way, I don't know when I'm coming

  • back.

  • But when I do, I will call you together and I want you to bring the profits of this money

  • I have given you to invest.

  • When he comes back, calls the first seventh to him.

  • The seven says "your mina has earned 10 minas". And he gives them the 11 minas.

  • And the Master said " well done you good and faithful servant. You have authority over

  • 11 cities."

  • Now here is the fascinating thing

  • Jesus is showing them two worlds: process and suddenly

  • The process is the investment of what ever it is that God has put in your hands.

  • In this case it's money. In your case it may be a position in a business.

  • It may have to do with certain skills. It may have to do with the favour you have in

  • public places. Political type things.

  • It doesn't matter what it is

  • God has given you something to invest for his honour and for his glory.

  • It's his personal gifting and grace that is put on your life and on my life

  • That servant comes in he says I've made 10 minas from one mina.

  • One of the two or three unusual promotions in the Bible

  • You go from a servant investing $1000, to a governor over 10 citiesin one moment.

  • The lesson is really simple: you want your city? What's in your hands?

  • Jesus brought the attention to the process of what we've been given.

  • And faithfulness in process causes the sudden event when you go from a servant with 10 or

  • $11,000 to a mayor over 10 cities.

  • And we have these dreams and desires

  • And we often look for just that one thing that will give us the amazing breakthrough,

  • instead of valuing the process that God is launched into.

  • There are relational processes. There is the process of learning how to hear his voice.

  • I've had a number of encounters with the Lord. But the two most defining encounters with

  • the Lord

  • One was in 1979, in May 1979… Thursday afternoon I believe.

  • And the other was in 1995, in October. Quite a few years apart.

  • But the first one was so subtle, I could've missed it.

  • It was literally a revelation from a verse of Scripture.

  • But I took notice.

  • It says of Moses. He saw a burning bush.

  • When he stepped aside, the Lord spoke.

  • And when you stop to consider the unusual thing that God is doing, your attract his

  • voice.

  • Many times people see burning bushes in their lifeAnd they will say that's amazing,

  • that's God, and they keep on going.

  • But when you turn aside, and you go out of your journey, out of your plans and you lay

  • them aside and you turn aside

  • You attract the voice of the Lord. And so many ask the question, how to hear God's voice

  • better. He speaks very clearly, but you just have to be on the right channel.

  • you have to be standing in the place where the speakers are. You have to be in the place

  • that attracts his voice.

  • And he will bring a about unusual circumstances in our livesNot for us to just say that's

  • weird and keep on going

  • But it's when we step aside.…

  • In May 1979 a verse of Scripture opened up to me and impacted me, and I pondered it and

  • thought about it.

  • I thought about it. I started walking around the back of the church just reading this verse.

  • In the Lord just began to open this thing up to me and it was impacting me so strongly.

  • But it was all in the area of "inspired thought"

  • So many of you when you get prayed for, you fall and shake and rattle and roll...

  • and there's a bunch of others that you just stand there, but you can sense God's presence

  • You may be in a season where he works primarily through inspired thought for you.

  • And if you discount that's, you can miss what he's doing.

  • He doesn't just work through one way. He works through so many different ways.

  • And when I was finally relaxing enough in my own skin where I could value the fact that

  • sometimes I don't feel a whole lot

  • That he will work within me wth inspired thought

  • So I would read the Scripture, and my heart would start leaping inside

  • I've learned a few years early about the voice of the Lord in Scripture

  • And my heart started to leap, and I realized: I just found a gold mine

  • And so I pondered it throughout that weekThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

  • I read the scriptureAll I did was read the verse

  • The church erupted in praise

  • It was Isaiah 60... If you want to know

  • "Arise, shine, for your light is come…" That's whole entire passage

  • It doesn't say "arise, reflect, for your light is come"

  • It says "arise, shine".

  • Because once you get touched by the light of God, you actually become light.

  • I don't mean you become God. But you become light.

  • In the same way you take a drink from GodYou become a river.

  • He changes the nature of who you areIn your capacityto give from heavenTowards

  • Earth.

  • You actually become that Gateway through which He flows to impact the world around you.

  • It might be good if we cultivated a faith that believed in our own conversion.

  • That's just a suggestion

  • So I pondered this ScriptureAnd that Sunday night I went to where my dad was pastoring

  • in Redding.

  • And one of my favourite people on the planet is Iverna Tompkins. She was speaking that

  • night.

  • When she was through… I got there late because of the drive.

  • And I thoughtThis passageThis fits here too.

  • And I read it... And the entire place erupted in praise

  • and it's strange because there was no explanationThere was nothing

  • Does that make sense to you?… When there's a word in due season. When it is read. Everybody's

  • heart just lept.

  • And everybody's heart just lets… I just read the Scripture

  • Isaiah 60…

  • First few verses.. People just praise God. I thought this is amazing.

  • My dad just grabbed the microphone and said "we just had a leaders retreat here recently

  • and several of us brought the Scripture saying this is the word of the Lord for this season".

  • And Iverna got of the front row and she took the microphone and she said "I was just with

  • charismatic leaders From around the country and many of them brought this chapter saying,

  • this is the word of the Lord for this season."

  • With this was just a small little verse of inspired thought that was as subtle as can

  • be.

  • But how many of you can see, it was like a snowball that is gaining size and impact.

  • Now I can look back and say it's has affected every day of my life since May 1979...By that

  • one encounter

  • but when it happened... It would've been as easy to miss... As it was to catch.

  • Is anybody getting the picture here?

  • The Lord has given you the tools

  • When you pray, you say God I really want the anointing to........

  • Fill in the blanks

  • Raise the dead... People get healed of cancer.... Whatever it might be.

  • As soon as you pray the prayer, the prayer gets answered.

  • Usually in the big prayers gets answered with seeds.

  • You pray for the oak tree, He gives you an acorn.

  • Because of being in a culture where everything is so instant.... Instant gratification, instant

  • affirmation

  • If that doesn't work, we get impatient and go somewhere else

  • The Lord is wanting us to value the way his world works.

  • You've asked for city... Guess what he did... He put minas in your hand.

  • And is actually looking for the one who will invest the minas in "process".

  • ... Bring him the glory, the return for what was done.

  • And in return... Have influence.

  • Not that you live literally become mayor a over city,

  • But the influence of your life actually impacts how entire city feels and thinks and values.

  • Everybody in this room has minas.

  • We've all asked the Lord for extraordinary things.

  • We've all prayed for things that are way beyond our reach for where we are atAnd that's

  • a healthy sign.

  • That's what we supposed to do.

  • We're supposed to look at the ideals of Jesus's life and the standard that he lived

  • And say "God, I want that. I want the fact that he ruined every funeral he attended,

  • including his own."

  • I want that. I want that value in my life. I want to mess up some funerals.

  • I want that. I'm not there. But I want that.

  • And what happens? You get a seed that is put into your hand.

  • You get to steward something. It may be a revelation.

  • It may be a miracle.

  • It may be a testimony. How do you share testimonie?

  • This is real simple, I realize. But, how do you share a testimony?

  • You keep it accurate.

  • Somebody comes to me before a meeting and says "Bill a prayed for somebody that was

  • so nervous. I prayed for them. And they got healed. It was an amazing miracle."

  • After half an hour and a half of worship I say "hey come up here and tell us the story.

  • It's amazing how often the story changes."

  • "I heard the voice of the Lord saying that this person was going to be healed"

  • And it just changed... And I'm thinking where is the humble person I talked to before the

  • meeting?

  • They started adding all this stuff that was not in the original story.

  • If you go to pray for somebody, and you didn't think they were going to get healed, and if

  • they did get healed.... Then please include that in your testimony.

  • Please let me know that sometimes it's just raw obedience that brings a breakthrough.

  • I don't have to feel anything special. I just obey God and it will happen.

  • I need to know that. I need to know that part of the story.

  • Keep a true. Keep it authentic. Because if it's true and authentic, it will carry life.

  • If it's an exaggeration it went bring life.

  • It will bring emotional excitement, but it won't bring life.

  • If you see someone across the room and you know.... You know... That they supposed to

  • be healed...

  • And you walk over to them with that gift of faithAnd they get healed...

  • And you give the testimony

  • ... Don't dumb it down to appear more humble.

  • Tell me the truth. Tell me that you knew... You knew... That you knew.

  • I want to know what happened because I want to know it's possible to have no doubt, no

  • question in your mind that you knew that person would get healed.

  • Tell me the story correctly. Why? Because it's your mina!

  • It's your mina. It's what he put you in your hand.

  • It's what is given to see.... If you touch every person you touch with cancer gets healed...

  • If you can't handle this one storyAnd anointing to heal every case of cancer...

  • Will kill you.

  • Am I in the wrong group? Or what?

  • Is it just because he ate lunch and I'm putting you to sleep?

  • How much time do I have? Alright I have eight minutes.

  • Alright. Then I'll see if I can annoy you, just to awaken you.

  • Think about this.

  • You pray for your city to be saved. Watch what happens...

  • Before you were walking with the Lord, probably for most people, you lived entirely in the

  • natural world.

  • The thinking was primarily natural. Cause and effect.

  • You do things right you get good things to happen. You do things wrong you get bad things

  • to happen.

  • You come into the Lord, and suddenly you get introduced to the supernatural world.

  • And now as Christians, we live with the concept of two worlds. A natural world and a supernatural

  • world.

  • But God and he is one. He doesn't have supernatural and natural. He only has natural.

  • So we come into this world with the supernatural and natural, and we learn to invite God in

  • to do the impossible.

  • But the hardest challenge.... Is not going from natural only.... To include supernatural.

  • But it's when he promotes you into supernaturally effecting your natural work.

  • It's one thing to see a tumor fall off and hit the ground. We probably going to give

  • him credit for that.

  • But when he blesses the label of your hands... And you make 10 times more than the person

  • working next to you that is doing the same job...

  • The tendency is to take credit, because I work so hard.

  • I've so many years preparation for this moment.

  • The Bible says "the horse is prepared for the day of battle, at the victory belongs

  • to the Lord".

  • The big challenge is... Not giving him glory for the supernatural invasions. They are rather

  • obvious.

  • If you don't make it there, you'll never make it here.

  • You see, it's one thing to give him credit for the manna on the ground. You can't produce

  • it.

  • It's another thing to get into the promised land, plant crops, have a big harvest, and

  • think that it was actually your labour.

  • Is this making sense to you?

  • These are the minas.

  • These are the things that he puts in our lives, that of the seeds to the breakthroughs we've

  • asked for.

  • Every person in this roomWe have minas.

  • If you know you are under a test... Those of easy tests.

  • Because those are all open book tests.

  • If you're in a trial, it's an open book test.

  • The hard test, is when you don't know you are being tested.

  • It's where the profits is to the King "hit the ground three times with the arrows.

  • Oh bummer. Too bad you didn't hit the ground five or six times.

  • Then you would've annihilated the enemy.

  • But now you are just going to have three temporary victories".

  • How many of you know that the King wanted to take the test again.

  • Now that you know what I want, I can hit the ground 20 times.

  • That's not the point.

  • He actually had to act out of who he was.... Without knowing it was being examined.

  • You asked for cities... The minas on your hand.

  • See... Passionless leaders cost everyone who follow.

  • This King who hit the ground three times... Israel lost a battle because of it.

  • Leaders without passion always cost those who follow.

  • Anyone in this room has any role of leadership... We have a responsibility not to stay hyped...

  • not an emotional frenzy... But to stay passionate before the Lord.

  • And the great thing about this kingdom...

  • Is in the natural world you get hungry and not eating...

  • But in this world (the kingdom) you get hungry by eating...

  • It's only world where you can be full.... And stay hungry.

  • Alright, I'm kind of all over the page here...

  • When the Lord wanted to restore passion to the church at Ephesus, he said "do the deeds

  • you did at first".

  • He pointed them back to activities they used to be involved in.

  • "Well I don't want to be involved in anything if I don't already have it in my heart."

  • Forget that. Just do what he said.

  • "Well, I don't want to be hypocritical"

  • No, you're hypocritical if you only do what you feel like doing

  • . Because you are a believer. You are not a

  • feeler.

  • You seeIn the world, actions always follow feelings.

  • But in the kingdomFeelings follow actions.

  • How do you want to feel?

  • Do it!

  • You're missing the passion of your first love. Do what you used to do.

  • Do the deeds. Get back into.

  • What does passion look like?

  • All these ingredients of the minas that brings this kind of a reward... where he says: "because

  • you have been faithful in very little, you have authority over 10 cities".

  • And I believe it's possible for anybody in this room to actually have a persona...

  • A realm... A measure of impact.. of anointing... and a presence about you... That you actually

  • have a domino effect... That changes how a city sees and how city thinks.

  • I believe it's possible for anybody in this room to carry that sense of presence in that

  • sense of purpose... With the way you think.... The way you speak....

  • Somebody asked me earlier... They said they were given keys to their city... what should

  • they do?

  • My answer in all of these situations... Is serve.

  • Find places to serve. Just be a servant. Any time we start strategizing on how to run things...

  • We mess it up.

  • We do best with a towel over our arm.

  • We just do best when we find people to empower... Find people to honour... Find people to serve...

  • Those are the minas that God is put in our hands.

  • These are the things that we are capable of doing.... That if invested correctly... Actually

  • cause... In the unseen world.... A domino effect... That changes the atmosphere and

  • the culture of a city.

  • And this is what a culture is....

  • A number of years ago I went to Holland... The Netherlands...

  • It was a very cold time of the year and we had an afternoon off.

  • So they took us to these greenhouses. These greenhouses were about as long as this room.

  • And it was just row, after row, after row.... Of these incredible, beautiful tulips.

  • All in bloom.

  • This tulips outside... Would not have had a chance outside.

  • But in this greenhouse they grow beautifully. Because in a greenhouse is controlled atmosphere,

  • controlled temperature, controlled light, controlled moisture.

  • Why? What is a greenhouse really?

  • It's a controlled atmosphere so that the seeds you want to grow... Grow easily.

  • What is the kingdom's cultures effects on a city?

  • It's so changes the atmosphere and mindset of the city, that the things you and I value

  • most...

  • Those seeds grow easily in that atmosphere.

  • And that is the assignment that the Lord is given to us.

  • It's not just notches on the Bible.

  • It's learning how heaven lives.... Bringing that to a practical expression in our relationships,

  • our celebration and value of people, the servant role of giving honour and serving where we

  • can.

  • Suddenly people start shifting how they view a reality.

  • You start creating an atmosphere that is based on the presence.... Whether people know it

  • or not.

  • Paul walks into this atmosphere and starts prophesying.

  • I don't know if he knew what was happening. He came from a different point of view.

  • The people drive up to the coffee shop window.

  • I don't know that they sat there and thought, "I feel the anointing to give".

  • You know. I doubt that that happened.

  • But they came into that mindset... And were impacted...

  • Because everybody has that desire their heart.

  • Because everybody has in their heart a desire for Jesus..

  • "He is the desire of the nations".

  • Everybody has that

  • So when you create the right atmosphere, what they were born for, comes to the surface.

  • What they were born to do, becomes highlighted and comes to the surface.

  • These things that were in the heart of people.... They've longed to do... But they were so imprisoned

  • to their own bondage... And their own junk.

  • They start seeing glimmers of hope... Of what God has for their lives.

  • When you impact culture in the way people think and the way people see.

  • You prayed for cities. You prayed for your city. A prayed for mine.

  • I keep having visions of my city... With the glory resting.... Literally... What I see

  • every time is I see this cloud...

  • Just settle on my city... That I know is the presence of the Lord.

  • It's not just to supernatural event in the sense that it's a revival meeting....

  • But it's an atmosphere that permeates the way we live and do life.

  • I have that heart for my city and I realize... That a prayed for it years ago.... And I finally

  • realized that he put the mina in my hand...

  • It's an acorn... And I've asked for an oak tree.

  • And to steward what he's given me correctly.... Well impact a city.

  • Because it's mockery to think.... That you can do something in obedience to God... That

  • he will not honour.

  • The Bible says it's mockery to think you can sow and not reap.

  • And I believe we are positioned right now...

  • I believe we are at the beginning stages of a reformation.

  • I will say that every day for the rest of my life if I need to.

  • I believe we are in the beginning stages, because things are changing so dramatically

  • The hunger of people.

  • I realize there is bad news all over, but...

  • When you going to a jewelry store, and you want to see a diamond ring....

  • You know, you don't just hold it up against the light...

  • He puts it against black velvet.

  • There is a light that will shine on that diamond against black velvet.

  • It's the backdrop of world circumstances that causes the beauty of what he is doing in you

  • to really shine forth.

  • And the Lord is not at all ashamed... To show what he is doing in you.

  • The brilliance of taking this broken person... And making them an example of a father.

  • This broken person and making them example of what a real son or real daughter is like.

  • A real mother... A real powerful servant schoolteacher etc.

  • The Lord is doing that with us.

  • Look at your hands.

  • Just look at your hands. There's minas in your hands.

  • Things that he is given you to do. They may seem so simple and so mundane.

  • You may seem like you in the longest process in the world.

  • Faithfulness is the most desired trait in heaven, I believe.

  • I believe it's the most desired trait.

  • And so father we just say... These minas... We want to take care of properly... And not

  • bury them or hide them..

  • Not preserve them... But to invest them... To shape the course of world history.

  • And I ask that you cause every person in this room....

  • To grow in esteem of the process you have put us into.

  • And we say Lord... Give us our cities... Give us our nation... Give us our city.... Give

  • us our nation.

  • Put your hand on the person next to you and say "God, give them your best shot".

  • Thank you Lord. Give them their city.

The atmosphere of heavenBill Johnson


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天国の大気 - ビル・ジョンソン(最も多い字幕版/CC (The Atmosphere of Heaven - Bill Johnson (most subtitled / CC))

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    Ping Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日