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  • Is talking like this bad for my voice?

  • Or job prospects? or Life in general?

  • What is UP with Vocal Fry?

  • Vocal fry is the lowest of the four registers of the human voice.

  • Our voice is made by air passing through a set of soft flaps in our voicebox; or larynx.

  • As we breathe, air moves past these flaps and they can vibrate from 100 to 1000 times

  • a second.

  • Like a brass instrument's mouthpiece, vocal chords alone create a buzzing sound, but if

  • you put a resonator above it, like a horn, you can affect a sound! [[play]] As we learn

  • to control the vibration, we use the throat, mouth, and nasal cavity as our resonator.

  • Our vocal chords can make four registers: the lowest is fry, then modal, falsetto, and

  • whistle on the top.

  • Most people will speak and sing in the modal range, and if you listen, you can tell when

  • people switch registers especially as theyre singing.

  • As you speak, the chords are vibrating smoothly, but fry slams them shut, allowing only bubbles

  • of air to break through -- which is why it sounds like popping.

  • In 2012, the Journal of Voice released a study exploring how young women aged 18-25 were

  • speaking in the lowest register, for some reason!

  • Essentially, while talking would slip into the vocal fry register -- again, something

  • rarely done in recent generational memory.

  • Why?

  • NO IDEA.

  • Seriously, no one knows.

  • But it's definitely new.

  • In 1972, a study in the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders explored judgements

  • of voice quality in both men and women and found 5 to 10 percent of people had quote

  • "some type ofpathology that produced a deviant voice quality."

  • Speaking outside the modal range is considered a deviance, so from this result we know people

  • were definitely using it in the late-20th century.

  • In the 90s, men and women who were in their 40s used it during a study for the Acoustical

  • Society of America.

  • And today, in an disappointingly tiny study from Long Island University, found two-thirds

  • of women used the fry.

  • In the past both men and women have used deep voices to convey authority of gravitas, and

  • looking at the CEOs of 800 public companies, scientists found deeper voices made more money.

  • In fact, according to their study, as pitch of the voice decreased, the CEO’s salary

  • increased and deeper voices infer longer tenure too.

  • Plus, a 2013 PLOS ONE study found women associate sexual attractiveness with deeper, breathier

  • male voices but men, on the other hand, looked for higher pitched voices in their heteronormative

  • mates -- and their result?

  • It's all about body size.

  • Deeper voices meant larger bodies which then equated to more power.

  • Regardless, this affectation or tic, is gaining popularity, especially with women, though

  • I really want to stress the point that men do it too -- women are just getting crap for

  • it.

  • Researchers can only guess why it's gaining popularity in women, though there are hypotheses.

  • Perhaps, the use of the vocal fry is to mimic that "power" or "male attractiveness?"

  • Or, just as likely, it's something completely different!

  • We know we're doing it more, and we know that some people don't like that.

  • A 2014 PlosONE study found people over 40 think females using vocal fry sound like they

  • "lack authority" but those UNDER 40 don't care one bit.

  • So, know your audience, but speak like you want!

  • In the end, it's not physically harmful according to vocal coach Ken Taylor, and as long as

  • you're not using it constantly or yelling while doing vocal fry, you shouldn't see any

  • long-term issues.

  • Noam Chomsky's voice has vocal fry, and so does the former head of the New York Times

  • Jill Abramson it all the time, I don't see anyone giving him crap about it.

  • You do you girls and guys.

  • Do you speak with vocal fry?

  • If you weren't sure before, you'll probably hear it all the time now.

  • What do you think of it?

Is talking like this bad for my voice?


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ボーカルフライとは何か&体に悪いのか? (What Is Vocal Fry & Is It Bad For You?)

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    PC home に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日