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  • What is The Venus Project?

  • The Venus Project offers a new socio-economic system that isn't:

  • capitalism, communism,

  • socialism nor fascism.

  • It's nothing like anything that has ever been tried before.

  • It's not a dictatorship;

  • nor is it democratic.

  • Yet it will achieve what all democracies have always tried to and never did.

  • Freedom from violence, abuse,

  • coercion and restrictions that are unnecessary,

  • and only serve a small minority at the expense of the rest.

  • It is a system that works for all of us and the environment we depend on.

  • It seems that society today is unable to provide

  • many people with a high standard of living,

  • although it has been technically possible to do so for quite a while.

  • There are many technical solutions that have been around for many years

  • for housing, transportation,

  • creating clean, renewable energy,

  • growing nutritious food and providing clean water.

  • But very little has been done to put them into practice

  • due to the insufficiencies of the social structure we live in today.

  • The Venus Project offers a system that would invite those technologies in,

  • shorten the work day and raise the standard of living

  • higher than what most people realize possible.

  • We invite you to learn about the project at

What is The Venus Project?


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ヴィーナスプロジェクトとは? (What is The Venus Project?)

  • 18 1
    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日