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Welcome to The Zeitgeist Movement Official Blog
The Movement's online newsletter
and your tool for contributing
as well as staying connected and informed.
To get the most out of this interface
you'll want to register on the site.
Click 'Login / Create account'
and you can either create a brand new account
just for the TZM Official Blog
or you can simply log in using one of your existing social media accounts.
As a registered user
you will be able to submit chapter reports,
editorials, project updates, creative writing and more.
For detailed information on what kind of content to submit
and how it contributes to the newsletter
click on the 'How-To' tab
and review the submission guidelines.
For instructions on how to submit content,
check out the quick video tutorial
or read the instructions below it for additional help.
You will also be able to view and comment
on published content from other users
covering a wide range of topics from arts and entertainment
to economics, politics, science, technology and much more.
To learn about how your participation affects your karma
whether through submissions or commenting,
read the comment moderation FAQ, under 'How to'.
For a complete list of available submission types and categories,
check out the navigation menu on the right.
You can click any of these terms to jump
straight to a list of all of its published content.
If you are looking to catch up on a specific project
or meeting that you missed,
the project updates and meeting minutes
have an additional drop down to filter the results by team.
To do a standard keyword search,
you can use the search bar at the top
which will also look for terms within the body.
From here you can edit your search
or refine it using the advanced search feature.
For a full list of available content, sorted by tags and other criteria,
visit the site map,
which you can use to target specific content.
For example, if you live in California
and want to catch up on relevant news in your area.
Click on your location from the site map.
The results will show related submissions
published in chronological order
and now you have a dinamic version of what would essentially be
your Zeitgeist Movement California newsletter,
including chapter updates and other local news.
In addition to the sitemap,
the dashboard is another way to sort your published content
by more than one criteria.
Using the drop down's filters
but mainly the dashboard serves as your tool
for managing and tracking your own submissions.
From here you can access your saved drafts
and track the status of items that you submitted
as they go through the approval and publishing process.
To manage your user profile and other information,
click on account.
From the account view, you can see your profile
history of blog activity and your karma.
Click on edit to change your account information
such as your email address, password or photo
and click on user profile to edit your biography and websites.
Your profile will be displayed next to your published submissions
and it's a great way for your readers
to get to know a little something about you.
It's time to get involved,
and what better way to get involved
than to check The Zeitgeist Movement Official Blog Calendar
containing global events, project milestones
and local events categorized by region.
Remember, any time you want to get back to the front page,
simply click on 'The Zeitgeist Movement Official Blog' at the top.
That should just about cover the basics
but if you have other questions,
you can find more information on the 'How to' section.
To learn more about The Zeitgeist Movement
click on the 'About us' tab,
and you can also visit our other official websites
using the convenient toolbar located along the top.
Thank you for watching and we hope you enjoy the site.