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  • Who knew that the economic crisis was playing out so

  • just markedly, with 'mall Santas'.

  • What is the solution to US economic problems

  • like this jobs crisis?

  • We often have guests on, who talk about sound money, or regulations

  • but how about an entire new, not just economic system

  • but social system, too?

  • It sounds obviously very radical but that is just what

  • Peter Joseph of The Zeitgeist Movement is arguing for

  • and he is going to explain how and why exactly, that would work.

  • Peter, it's so nice to have you on the show. I'll just get right to it.

  • We have guests on the show who advocate for different solutions

  • to the criticisms of the current economic system

  • from debt jubilees to better regulations, private industry

  • sounder money. You argue for just

  • getting rid of free market capitalism as we know it

  • and completely overhauling the social system.

  • Why do you think that's the solution?

  • As all well and good as those things are

  • and thank you, Lauren, for having me

  • the real crutch here is the structural and psychological flaws

  • that this system creates. The unemployment crisis, the debt crisis

  • the public health crisis, the poverty crisis

  • the energy crisis that's looming

  • and the immense social destabilization you're seeing

  • are actually systemic causes of

  • the fatal flaws of this system at the core logic.

  • I can expand on any one of those topics that you like.

  • If you take what you just covered in this broadcast:

  • the unemployment crisis. - Ok

  • - The unemployment crisis is really driven by technology.

  • That's very important for people to understand because

  • unfortunately many aren't talking about this.

  • We have an exponential increase in information technology

  • coupled with invention, material invention, manufacturing

  • and all the other sectors, the service sectors

  • design revolutions that are happening with artificial intelligence

  • eliminating the necessity for human occupations

  • and it's exponentially increasing, and increasing more rapidly

  • as this decline occurs because

  • it's more affordable for corporations to automate.

  • They don't have to pay insurance and vacations.

  • If you look closely, this is the systemic element.

  • Does that mean technology is bad? No, it means that

  • human evolution is moving in a certain path

  • that is literally making obsolete the current social system

  • in that attribute that I've just mentioned

  • but I'll pause there and let you continue. - Thank you

  • and we'll get more into this. To stick to what you brought up

  • which is jobs we were talking about, certainly

  • you can talk about the technological component of job loss

  • but let me get to another one, what about, just for example

  • the industry of construction in this country

  • which we saw kind of totally decimated

  • with the housing bubble, which popped

  • and this gets to the issue of debt, which I know is an issue

  • that you talk about. Can you talk about the role of debt

  • and the limitations of it in our monetary system?

  • - Well, sure. You kind of have this bubble equality with debt.

  • You notice many people talk about debt jubilee

  • and debt forgiveness now. I heard one economist say

  • that we should just forgive debt every 50 years

  • and that doesn't really address the fundamental problem, does it?

  • Basically we have our money produced out of debt.

  • Money's made out of debt, whether it comes from the central banks

  • or from the private banks. The private banks manipulate money

  • loan it at interest to people, and there's the interest component

  • which doesn't exist in the money supply.

  • You have an infinite amount of debt, increasing constantly

  • throughout the entire world

  • and that is why we are in the staggering state that we're in

  • suffocating us on so many different levels:

  • just look at medical debts, look at student loan debts

  • look at all of the deprivation that's being caused of that.

  • That's one side of it, which is

  • to my view, a completely sick social experiment.

  • It's a horrible thing to do to human society

  • even impose this fictional element on them, to impose them

  • which brings me to my other point, which is that

  • debt serves as a form of (for lack of better expression) slavery.

  • It's an imposition of scarcity, which forces people into positions

  • that they typically wouldn't take for their purposes of integrity or education

  • but they have to, usually at less expense to the corporations.

  • In a way, it's great for the corporate system on a certain level

  • to a certain threshold, to have many inhibited people that have no freedom

  • to be in debt. A running joke in my community is that

  • when you get out of college, most likely you have $80,000 worth of debt.

  • You're 'ripe' to be enslaved into a corporate system

  • that doesn't have to give in to your interests or take care of you.

  • - You argue debt is slavery; you have some other criticisms of it as well.

  • We've seen the cause of it right now in so many of the issues

  • that we cover everyday on this show: in the Eurozone crisis

  • with public debt, that's obviously just one side of it.

  • My question then: Is this why you want to ditch the monetary system

  • and if so how do you reward work and sacrifice that people make?

  • - The removal of the monetary system I believe will occur

  • regardless of my intents. It's a natural evolution of human society.

  • All the mechanisms that have kept this system in place are phasing out

  • by default, and the social destabilization that's on the horizon

  • (I don't even have to do anything, I'm just trying to help)

  • is going to cause some type of change

  • and I hope, and the people that I work with, we hope

  • it will move into sane direction and not something equally as sinister

  • as what we've been seeing for the past 20 generations.

  • The issue of incentive is a common supporting argument

  • with respect to how people defend the free market system.

  • They say "If people don't have a direct material incentive to work

  • (a reward, carrot stick) then they won't have any initiative to do so."

  • The first thing I would say, is that scientifically a lot of research's been done

  • to show when it comes to creative interests

  • people are not motivated by money.

  • Money seems to be inhibiting people's creative effects.

  • It's only mechanical operations like working on a factory line

  • or waiting tables (things that can easily be automated

  • if we applied our technology) that people need that reward

  • because it's so mundane.

  • The true ability and best resource on the planet is the human mind

  • and to free that mind, to enable it to be creative.

  • That's the beauty of our technological evolution at this point.

  • On a second level, noting that scientific validity

  • that incentive is not always the case for people to be operational

  • we have other incentives in society that are not directly material

  • that are very rewarding that if people broaden their horizon

  • they would see. The incentive to be able to walk out of your home

  • and not be worried about someone robbing you

  • because they live in a deprived environment:

  • pointing a gun and taking your resources

  • putting all those locks on our doors.

  • Most of the crime we see in the world is related to money

  • one way or another and deprivation through the monetary system.

  • Another incentive is the removal of war, the removal of poverty.

  • Imagine having the satisfaction of knowing there aren't one billion people

  • starving on this planet? There is a deeply social element in us

  • that is coming to fruition. It has to for our survival.

  • I believe that our personal interest must become social interest

  • it has to. It really is already there, but we just don't know it yet.

  • We don't think about it that way.

  • Until that happens we have a lot of big things on the horizon.

  • One final point I'll say about incentive, how about this as a classic example?

  • We have all sorts of immense military revolutions happening right now.

  • They're going to make the atomic bomb look like a Roman catapult.

  • What's going to happen when we have these advanced technologies

  • and the immature society we do now based on this

  • farce social Darwinism, this tribal mentality

  • this sovereign war mentality: everyone fighting amongst themselves

  • the assumption that we can't get along.

  • What's going to happen when we have the advanced technologies

  • that can be pulled off the shelf, through molecular engineering

  • that can wipe out whole continents on a whim?

  • This is a very real thing and in the words of Albert Einstein:

  • "Our technology has exceeded our humanity."

  • It's very important that our values come in line

  • and that's explicit to our new socially-conscious revolution

  • that has to come from the basis of the economic system.

  • - Peter, there is so much more I want to get to because you have

  • so many interesting points of view that I want to get more into.

  • Since we last spoke, Occupy Wall Street has happened

  • where we see people protesting the economic system

  • on the streets of the US. I want to talk about more of these things.

  • We're going to go to a quick break but we will be back

  • with director and filmmaker Peter Joseph.

  • With Occupy Wall Street all over the nation

  • we have seen people come out onto the streets

  • to protest the economic system itself

  • and director and filmmaker Peter Joseph is one

  • who advocates for a total overhaul.

  • We're going to get more into what he thinks of this Movement

  • and what he thinks of changes to the economic system.

  • Peter, let's get back into this because as I said

  • Occupy Wall Street is on the streets, protesting the economic system.

  • It's also a leaderless movement.

  • I'm curious if you see

  • them as having their intentions in the right place?

  • - Intentions absolutely, but until answers are proposed

  • until people get together and think about the solution

  • not much is going to be accomplished unfortunately.

  • It's an awareness protest movement. It's really important what they're doing.

  • I think it's really another systemic outgrowth of destabilization.

  • I've been expecting this type of thing to happen for a long time.

  • Occupy Wall Street and the Global Occupy Movement

  • (which is really the most important attribute of it

  • because this isn't just about Wall Street

  • this isn't just about the US).

  • It is really about the total global financial system

  • and the inherent flaws of the market system

  • even though many people in The Movement don't even discuss those issues.

  • They're just expressing their angst and rightly so.

  • What I would like to state though, is that

  • the 1% are not something to be demonized per se.

  • The 1% are simply the best game players in this game strategy

  • that's been generated. The 99% have let the 1% come to their place

  • as easily as anything because the 99% have been supporting

  • all the mechanisms that enabled the 1%.

  • This system is based on a structural classism.

  • It's always in favor of the wealthy and

  • I don't mean that just from lobbying and government intervention.

  • The very basis of the structure from the banking, the loan

  • and interest system, really support that.

  • If The Occupy Movement really wants to get down to brass tacks

  • they're really going to have start addressing these root issues

  • that I talk about, that my Movement talks about

  • and many others talk about, and then think about

  • what the solution is. I really believe in the Buckminster Fuller notion

  • that it's not about fighting some system anymore.

  • It's about building a new design that makes the other one obsolete

  • and getting the public to understand it, and then the game is basically over.

  • - It's a kind of evolution that you talk about but I'm just really curious

  • how you do that, and how long you see that needing to take

  • because I don't know if you saw the Black Friday videos

  • of people attacking each other for $2 waffle-makers?

  • I'm going to play a tiny montage for our audience.

  • I'm sure you can imagine from the noise what's going on in them.

  • (Crowd noise)

  • (Security guard) Everybody get back!

  • (Siren hoots)

  • - Peter, it sounds like riots, it looks a little like riots

  • unfortunately it's people clamoring for video games.

  • I wouldn't want to get caught up in between them and their video games.

  • How do you get between them and their video games

  • and how long is that going to take?

  • - Good question. I'd like to point out that before World War II

  • consumption in America was half of what it is now per person.

  • The ravenous consumption mentality

  • has really been imposed on culture by advertising

  • and it's very important that people see that.

  • When you see that aberrant behavior of such

  • it's really a cultural anomaly. We need that in the market system

  • to enable consumption to be as rampant as possible

  • to keep this infinite growth paradigm going unfortunately.

  • How do you change that issue, is that your question? - Yes

  • - How do you get people to see the light?

  • - Absolutely! To put down those video games.

  • - Yes, as though those are life-supporting elements anyway. - Exactly.

  • - Nevertheless, there is a massive educational paradigm

  • that I can't talk about enough.

  • The social breakdown of society is going to open minds.

  • This is the bio-social pressure that has basically

  • caused every major shift in human society.

  • The problems that are on the horizon are going to slowly

  • get everyone to step back and say "What do we do now?"

  • That's where I think the importance of

  • you and everyone who's aware of this

  • have to get together and show people what a solution can be

  • get them on board, and get a mass movement

  • to enable it to come forward.

  • That sounds very simplistic and it's an over-generalization

  • but it's not going to happen through government policy.

  • Governments are far too interlocked today into corporate institutions.

  • Governments are corporations! All the US government is

  • is a parent corporation of all the subsidies

  • known as the 'Industry Central'.

  • That's really all the US government does. It's funded, supported

  • and regulated by corporations. It always was by the way.

  • This isn't some anomaly that occurred.

  • It's just the nature of the game. We shouldn't expect anything less.

  • I think it's a mass Grassroots Movement.

  • - Sounds like there's going to be a lot of movement needed

  • in order to get to where you're saying we need to be.

  • I certainly credit you for trying and for coming on our show

  • and talking all about this.

  • That's Peter Joseph, filmmaker and director.

  • He's with The Zeitgeist Movement. Thanks so much, Peter.

Who knew that the economic crisis was playing out so


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ペーター・ジョセフ|ロシア・トゥデイ 12-2 -11]お金の借金、&RBE [ ツァイトガイスト運動] (Peter Joseph | Russia Today 12-2 -11] Money Debt, & RBE [ The Zeitgeist Movement ])

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    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日