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  • There is something about the nature of faith that is illustrated by the rain in 1 Kings

  • chapter 18.

  • And so, we see it when Elijah says to Ahab, “There is the sound of the heavy rain.

  • There is the sound of the heavy rain.”

  • That often when it comes to the realm of faith, we hear things that we cannot see yet.

  • There are a few stages that youre going to have to go through if youre going to

  • come of out the drought.

  • Now when i saythe drought”, I mean the dry season that you have been experiencing

  • inside of yourself.

  • So i want to speak to you today about coming out of the drought, but I want to do it a

  • little differently.

  • What I want to do, is I want to talk about the enemies that will keep you in a dry place.

  • I believe our faith must survive the invisibility stage.

  • It’s kind of tough because you know what you heard, and you know what you sense sometimes,

  • but what you see is a direct contradiction of what you sense.

  • This is the second stage that your faith must survive.

  • It’s insignificance.

  • Celebrate the small start.

  • I want you to look at everything that seems stupid that youre doing right now, and

  • I want you to say, “This is significant.”

  • The devil won’t like it when say that, because the way that he gets you to leave your assignment

  • is to convince you that it doesn’t matter what youre working on.

  • It’s so small.

  • Because if the enemy can’t kill you in the invisibility stage, or the insignificance

  • stage, the only thing left for him to do to keep you from receiving what God is pouring

  • out in your life, is intimidation.

  • Don’t you know the devil found out a long time ago that he can’t curse what God has

  • blessed?

  • But since he couldn’t kill you, he tries to contain you, so he intimidates you.

  • Some of us are better at surviving in famine than we are at living in blessing.

  • So the message God gave me for somebody today, you know who you are, is that you are running

  • from the rain.

  • You are running from the blessing of God.

  • You are running from something that is already defeated.

  • You are running from shame that the cross of Jesus Christ has already taken away.

  • You are running from situations that God has already worked out.

  • Head back in the right direction, and run toward the rain!

  • It’s raining now.

  • The drought is over.

  • Come out of the drought, it’s raining now!

  • Why would you run from the rain?

  • Why would you run from the blessing of God?

  • See, when you run from the resistance, you run from the rain.

  • When you run from the problem, you run from the promise.

  • When you run from the problem, you run from the harvest.

There is something about the nature of faith that is illustrated by the rain in 1 Kings


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A2 初級

あなたは何から逃げているのですか?| スティーブン・ファーティック牧師 (What Are You Running From? | Pastor Steven Furtick)

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    Ping Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日