字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey gu ys, so today I want to share with you guys one of my most favourite ways of travelling around Japan
どうもー。今日はみなさんに私のお気に入りの 日本旅行の方法をご紹介したいと思います。
and if it's not the cheapest, it definitely is one of the cheapest ways to get around Japan
たぶんこれが一番安く日本を回れる 方法じゃないかな?と思います
and the ticket is called the seishun 18 kippu in Japanese
その切符は、日本語で「青春18きっぷ」と 呼ばれています。
and in English it goes along the lines of youthful 18 ticket
英語で言うなら「Youthful 18 Ticket」 になるのかな?
I'm not quite sure why they added the "youthful" and the "18" in there because
別に何歳でも買うことが出来るのに、なんで 「青春」とか「18」なのかはよく分かりませんが
no matter how old you are, anyone can buy the ticket
この切符を使えば JRの普通電車と快速電車が乗り放題になります。
If you get this ticket, it gives you unlimited rides on the local and rapid trains on the JR line
11,850円で買えるので、 1日あたり2,370円ということになりますね。
For the ticket it’s around 11,850 yen so it comes to around 2,370 yen a day
so that's really cheap, imagine going from Tokyo to Osaka
or like Tokyo to Hokkaido, that's amazing!
and the ticket looks like this
普通電車か快速電車に5日、 もしくは5回乗り放題になります。
so you can get unlimited rides on the local and rapid trains for 5 days or 5 times
however, it doesn’t have to be consecutive days
and also you can share this with your friends and family and use the ticket
just remember you have to use it up before it expires
the ticket is seasonal so it only goes on sale 3 times a year
So the youthful 18 ticket is very similar to the JR pass
JRパスを買えるのはパスポートに 観光ビザを持っている外国人だけです。
however only foreigners with the tourist visa on their passports can purchase the JR pass
なので、この動画が観光ビザ以外で日本に 来ている人たちのためになればいいな、と思っています。
so I thought I would share this video with those of you who aren't on your tourist visa in Japan
I think this ticket is great for budget travellers
and it's great if you want to see more of the local Japan
ちょっと電車に乗ってのびのびと旅行を楽しみたい人に とても便利だと思います
or if you just want to have a spontaneous trip, just jump on a train and see where it takes you
個人的な話ですけど、 ちょっと前にこの切符を使って
I actually personally used this ticket a few times before
once I went from Tokyo all the way to Hiroshima
It took me around 16 hours
JRパスでもっと速い電車に乗るのと比べたら すごく時間はかかってしまいました。
so that's a lot of time compared to the JR pass where you would just use the bullet train
However, time equals money right?
So you sacrifice time on this ticket
However, it's only 2,000 yen
It only cost me 2,000 yen to get from Tokyo all the way to Hiroshima
それに、これのいいところは途中の駅で 降りることが出来るところですよ。
so that was really cool because I could stop along many train stations
like local train stations that you would never stop at
日本の地方を見て回るのにすごく良くて 一人で行ってきました。
and I also went there by myself so it was a great way to see the local areas of Japan
and just get on and off a lot of the trains
The local trains do take a lot more time to get to the destination
他の交通機関では見られないような景色を 楽しむこともできるんですよ。
however, you can see views that no other transportation method can offer
どこで買う? どうやって買う?
you can buy the tickets at any JR ticket offices or travel service centres
みどりの窓口や旅行サービスセンターなら どこでも買うことが出来ます。
they are mostly located nearby the train ticket gates so it’s very easy to find
改札のすぐそばにあることがほとんどなので とても見つけやすいです。
You can’t put the ticket through the automatic gates
so Instead, you have to pass through the manned gates and show the ticket to the station staff
代わりに、有人の改札口を通って 駅員さんに切符を見せてください。
you can also buy it on the ticket machines however they don't have an English one yet
この切符は券売機で買うこともできるんですが、 まだ英語表記がついていません。
but if you follow what I pressed on the Japanese one, it should be quite straight forward
でも、私が押すようにやってみたら うまくいくと思いますよ。
Press for how many tickets you would like, one is for 5 days
チケットを何枚にするかのボタンを押してください。 1枚で5日使えますからね。
and then just confirm and pay the money
here are some of my very old photos when I used this ticket to travel around Japan
これは私がこの切符を使って 家族や友だちと一緒に
visiting some friends and family
So I hope you guys found this video helpful