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  • Hi.

  • My name is Michele LeRoux

  • and I did my graduate work at the University of Washington in Seattle.

  • And I'm going to tell you today about work I did in graduate school

  • studying how bacteria interact with one another

  • and how they survive out in the environment

  • and in our bodies.

  • So, I'm going to start out by telling you that

  • I really love yogurt.

  • It's one of my favorite foods,

  • I eat it almost every day,

  • I even make my own yogurt now,

  • but early on in graduate school

  • I was looking at one of those little yogurt containers

  • where it says, "Contains live and active cultures,"

  • and I wondered whether that was really true.

  • Would I really see bacteria in there?

  • So, I took a little bit of yogurt

  • and I put it on a slide

  • and I went and looked at it under the microscope.

  • And this is the picture I took.

  • Look at all those bacteria

  • -- there's long rods, there's short rods,

  • there's these little coccoid bacteria

  • that are forming these chains --

  • and actually different types of yogurt

  • had slightly different bacterial groups in them

  • that gave them different tastes,

  • so this was really my first exciting glimpse

  • into this invisible world of bacteria

  • that are all around us.

  • They live in these communities

  • and they make delicious things for us to eat.

  • So this got me really excited about the idea of

  • studying how bacteria live in these communities together.

  • So, of course, bacteria are not just in our yogurt;

  • they're out in the environment,

  • everywhere you look, basically,

  • associated with plants,

  • in the soil, in the water,

  • there's bacteria in the ocean.

  • Every teaspoon of sea water

  • has about five million bacteria in it,

  • so think about that the next time you

  • accidentally swallow a little ocean water.

  • That's a lot of bacteria that you've just taken into your body.

  • And then, as I mentioned before,

  • there's bacteria in our foods.

  • Cheese is another type of food

  • that we require bacteria to make for us,

  • and of course there's bacteria in our bodies,

  • in our guts there's billions of bacteria,

  • there's bacteria in our mouths and our skin,

  • and a lot of them perform

  • really important functions for us.

  • They help us digest our food

  • and they help our immune systems work properly as well.

  • But of course, bacteria can also cause

  • really, really devastating infections,

  • and that's actually usually what we've been studying them for

  • in the past.

  • So, the organism that I'm going to tell you about today

  • is this organism called Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  • And this is an organism that's

  • actually mostly found out in the environment.

  • It lives in the soil, it lives in the water,

  • and we come into contact with it all the time.

  • It lives all over the place.

  • So, mostly, it doesn't really cause us a lot of problems...

  • but occasionally Pseudomonas can get into

  • a particular human environment

  • and it can really wreak havoc.

  • So, this is a little bit like a termite.

  • You know, a termite,

  • mostly, it lives out in nature,

  • it can build some really cool mounds,

  • it will digest cellulose in wood

  • and it plays a really important role in the ecosystem,

  • but if a termite gets into someone's home,

  • into the wooden framework,

  • and starts chewing up that wood,

  • it can be really hard to get rid of

  • and it can bring the house down.

  • So, it's the same with Pseudomonas.

  • You know, mostly we don't worry about it,

  • but if Pseudomonas gets into the wrong human environment,

  • it can be really devastating.

  • So, what environments are those?

  • A lot of might have loved ones, family members,

  • that are in nursing homes

  • or are confined to wheelchairs,

  • and people like this are often

  • prone to getting bedsores or chronic wounds.

  • These are also common in people with type II diabetes.

  • And these are wounds that just cannot heal;

  • they just stay open wounds for,

  • sometimes, years.

  • And they can get infected with bacteria.

  • So, especially if Pseudomonas gets in there,

  • it can be really, really bad for these people.

  • It can get deep into the tissues

  • and it can be impossible to eradicate

  • and sometimes leads to amputations or even death.

  • And we don't quite understand

  • why it's so difficult to treat Pseudomonas infections

  • when they get into these chronic wound environments.

  • Another environment that Pseudomonas really thrives in

  • are the lungs of patients with the genetic disease

  • cystic fibrosis.

  • So, these people have

  • a mutation that causes them to have

  • really thick mucus in their lungs,

  • and this makes an ideal environment for this bacterium.

  • In fact, 80% or more of people with cystic fibrosis

  • will acquire Pseudomonas at some point in their lifetimes,

  • and once they do it's

  • impossible to eradicate it most of the time.

  • And it will go on to lead to the

  • decline of their lung function and ultimately their deaths.

  • So we really, really need to understand better

  • how Pseudomonas is causing these problems

  • and how we can treat these infections with Pseudomonas.

  • So, what I decided to do was

  • to kind of step back from thinking about Pseudomonas

  • interacting with humans, directly,

  • and think more about,

  • what does Pseudomonas need to survive?

  • What is motivating a lot of its behavior?

  • How has it evolved over the years?

  • So what I decided to do was

  • think about putting myself in the shoes of this bacterium...

  • well, of course, not exactly in its shoes,

  • because it's a bacterium, it's a single-cell organism,

  • it doesn't wear shoes...

  • but thinking about what it needs to survive.

  • So, Pseudomonas needs, just like us,

  • food to eat.

  • It needs a place to live, it needs a home.

  • And it will fight to the death

  • to be able to make sure

  • that it maintains these resources.

  • And, actually, usually what it's fighting

  • are other bacteria that it's competing with

  • for its food and its home.

  • So this is where it's really helpful to think about

  • how long bacteria have been around

  • and what's really been driving their evolution.

  • So, the Earth first evolved

  • around four and a half, give or take, billion years ago,

  • and not too long after that, in evolutionary terms,

  • there's evidence of the first bacterial fossils.

  • Sometime later,

  • we have evidence of the first bacterial ecosystem

  • -- so, these are where groups of bacteria live together

  • and interact with one another,

  • so this is where bacterial interactions

  • would have first started evolving.

  • Now, eukaryotes didn't show up on the scene

  • until much, much later,

  • and of course humans have really only been around

  • for the blink of an eye in terms of evolutionary time.

  • So, this green bar

  • represents the amount of time that bacteria

  • have been interacting with other bacteria.

  • That green bar, that you can barely almost see over there,

  • that I'm showing you down here,

  • is how long that bacteria have had

  • to interact with humans.

  • So, it's a much, much smaller amount of time,

  • and yet that's what we usually end up studying in the lab.

  • So I thought, well,

  • there's probably a lot to be learned about bacterial behavior

  • if we focus a little bit more on

  • bacterial interactions with one another,

  • and that might even inform

  • how we think about their interactions with humans.

  • So, what I decided to do was

  • to start by focusing on one particular bacterial weapon

  • that it uses to compete with other organisms,

  • and that is this secretion system

  • called the type six secretion system.

  • You can think of it as a syringe

  • that injects toxins from one cell into another,

  • and this pathway was actually

  • not discovered too long ago,

  • and the lab that I did my graduate work in, the Mougous lab,

  • were one of the first to show that

  • this pathway actually

  • injects toxins from bacteria into other bacteria.

  • So this is kind of what this might look like.

  • If you have this green cell,

  • let's say this is the Pseudomonas cell,

  • it has these little red dots that are representing toxins,

  • it will literally inject them into the cell next to it,

  • which will cause...

  • these toxins will cause this other cell to die.

  • And if we zoom in on this a little bit,

  • you can see this syringe, here,

  • I'm depicting as kind of a tube,

  • but it's actually a molecular machine

  • made up of a bunch of different proteins

  • that are able to push proteins

  • -- toxins --

  • from one cell into another cell.

  • And these toxins have all kinds of different functions,

  • we're still discovering new ones all the time,

  • but, for example,

  • they might degrade the cell wall of the recipient bacterium,

  • which would cause it to burst,

  • the might attack the membrane of the cell,

  • and some of them even go after molecules

  • that are required for survival,

  • such as RNA or DNA or energy molecules.

  • And all of these things will cause the cell to die.

  • So, the next thing I want to do is show you

  • what type six looks like in action.

  • But before I can do that,

  • I have to explain to you what to look for.

  • So, how do we watch cells dying in the lab?

  • Well, what I like to do is

  • I have cells that are expressing

  • a colored protein, such as green fluorescent protein

  • -- they're making a lot of it,

  • so they appear green when you look at them --

  • but if that cell were to get

  • a rupture in its membrane or its cell wall,

  • what would happen is that the green protein

  • will flood out of the cell,

  • and then after just a second or two

  • that cell will appear dark.

  • So you're literally just going to see a green cell disappear.

  • But really what's happening is that cell is bursting open

  • and spewing out its guts into the surrounding area.

  • And so just keep that in mind:

  • when you see a cell go dark, really it's exploding in a...

  • actually a pretty violent way.

  • So, let me show you what I'm talking about.

  • So, here we have Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  • and it's labeled in a red color,

  • and we have a competitor organism

  • that's labeled green.

  • So, you're going to be looking for these green cells

  • to just disappear.

  • So, to make it a little bit easier to identify those,

  • I had the software that I use to analyze this data

  • outline them in a white outline

  • so you can find them more easily with your eye.

  • So, just one note about this competitor organism:

  • this is an organism that's called

  • Burkholderia thailandensis.

  • This is another bacterium that lives in the soil

  • that would potentially interact with Pseudomonas

  • in the environment.

  • You don't have to remember the name

  • -- from now on, I'm just going to refer to it as the competitor --

  • but one thing you should know about it is

  • it also has a type six secretion system,

  • and that will become relevant later on in my talk.

  • So, these systems are actually found in a lot of different bacteria,

  • about 30% of bacteria that we've looked at so far

  • have these secretion systems,

  • so this is a common weapon that bacteria

  • employ to fight one another with.

  • Alright, so let's see what this system can do.

  • I'm going to show you this movie

  • of these two populations growing together.

  • And hopefully what you can see is that

  • these green cells, the ones that are outlined in white,

  • are just disappearing from view,

  • and they're just popping as the cells die.

  • So, how do we know that this is because of the type six system?

  • Well, what I did next is I took the same competitor cells,

  • but then I grew them with a Pseudomonas strain

  • that did not have this type six secretion system anymore

  • -- I inactivated it by deleting one of the key proteins.

  • And now what you can see is

  • the Pseudomonas cells are growing with this competitor,

  • and I'm playing both movies at the same time

  • so you can appreciate the difference.

  • So, now you see that

  • there's actually not a lot of these green cells

  • that are popping anymore,

  • because the Pseudomonas has lost its weapon.

  • And so, especially by the end of the movie,

  • you can really appreciate how many more green cells

  • there are in this movie,

  • where the Pseudomonas doesn't have its weapon,

  • compared to the one where it does.

  • So, this is what Pseudomonas can do:

  • it can basically wipe out most of these competitor cells.

  • But the question that I really had going into this was,

  • what is this system itself doing?

  • When does it get turned on?

  • When does Pseudomonas know that

  • it's time to mount this weapon

  • and fight against a competitor?

  • So let me show you one of the ways

  • that we can look at that,

  • and that's by labeling one component of the system itself

  • with a green fluorescent protein.

  • So, now we're not labeling the whole cell,

  • but you can see these little dots forming in these cells,

  • and each time you see one of those dots,

  • that's actually the system coming together

  • and we think it corresponds to

  • when it fires these toxins out of the cell.

  • So, what I've shown you here are just Pseudomonas growing by themselves,

  • so they don't really have anyone to attack,

  • and I've activated the system artificially

  • so we have something to look at,

  • to study in the lab,

  • because when you just look at the cells normally,

  • there's not much going on.

  • This kind of makes sense.

  • These cells don't want to be

  • making all of this protein

  • and firing it all out of the cell for no reason.

  • That uses up a lot of their resources

  • and, remember, I told you,

  • you know, bacteria are trying to survive,

  • they don't have that many resources.

  • So how do they know

  • when is a good time to turn this system on

  • so that they can fight

  • and actually have it mean something to them?

  • So, what I decided to do

  • was take kind of a similar approach.

  • I labeled one of the proteins of the type six apparatus,

  • and then what I did is

  • I mixed Pseudomonas with this competitor

  • and looked to see what happened to the system.

  • So, the first movie, here,

  • that you can see over there,

  • is Pseudomonas just growing by itself.

  • The movie on the other side is Pseudomonas

  • that's growing with this competitor.

  • Now, in this case, I've labeled the competitor with red

  • -- I'm going to switch colors back and forth a little bit,

  • we had to do that for some technical reasons,

  • but I'll always make sure to tell you which population is which.

  • And so I'm going to play these two movies simultaneously

  • so you can appreciate the differences

  • and look to see what happens with the green protein.

  • So, you see some dots forming

  • and then you see the cells get green.

  • And, hopefully, what you can appreciate

  • is that the cells growing with the competitor

  • are a lot greener than the cells that didn't have...

  • that were just growing by themselves.

  • And so what does this mean?

  • What this means is that

  • the Pseudomonas cells, in the presence of a competitor,

  • are actually making more type six protein,

  • and not only that, they're actually assembling it

  • more frequently into those foci,

  • those dots that you see,

  • which means that they're firing it more frequently.

  • So, this makes kind of...

  • it makes a lot of sense, actually, when you think about it.

  • Pseudomonas somehow realizes that it's near a competitor

  • and it makes more of this weapon to fight it with.

  • The next thing, the next experiment I did,

  • the result was a little bit more puzzling.

  • So, the first two movies I'm showing you here

  • are the same ones I just showed you,

  • Pseudomonas by itself,

  • Pseudomonas with a competitor,

  • but this last movie is Pseudomonas

  • growing with the same competitor,

  • but now, remember that I told you that competitor

  • also has a type six secretion system?...

  • I've deleted the type six secretion system

  • from the competitor.

  • So now let's look to see what happens.

  • So, the first two movies you see the same thing,

  • you see the cells with the competitor

  • get really bright,

  • but what you see here is the cells

  • growing with the competitor that doesn't have

  • its own type six system...

  • they don't turn on.

  • They look just like Pseudomonas growing by itself.

  • And we can see this in a graph form as well,

  • so we quantified this data.

  • And we're looking here at the levels of type six protein over time,

  • and you can see that when Pseudomonas grows by itself,

  • you know, you see a little bit of an increase,

  • but when it grows with a competitor

  • that increase is much more,

  • it's making much more of those type six proteins.

  • Now, when the competitor doesn't have

  • its own type six secretion system,

  • Pseudomonas doesn't turn its on either.

  • So, this was really puzzling.

  • How is this working?

  • How does Pseudomonas know the competitor is there,

  • first of all,

  • then how does it know that it has

  • this pathway as well?

  • So, this is a little bit of a silly example,

  • but let's just imagine for a second that

  • Pseudomonas is kind of like a...

  • these Pseudomonas cells are kind of like a fleet of spaceships.

  • So, they're out in space,

  • they're trying to figure out

  • which other space ships are attacking them,

  • which ones are just kind of flying around and not bothering them.

  • So, let's say...

  • so, what I've just told you is that

  • if detects another spaceship that also has this weapon,

  • it's going to activate its weapon

  • and fire at it.

  • So, you can kind of think...

  • if you think about, you know, a cell,

  • how is it detecting that this other thing is there?

  • These are single-celled organisms,

  • they don't have eyes or ears

  • or the senses that we have,

  • that we can see what's going on around us.

  • So, we wondered, well,

  • maybe it's somehow sensing this

  • syringe puncturing it on the outside of its cell

  • or maybe there's some other way it has of

  • sensing some things going on around

  • only when these cells have a type six secretion system.

  • So, to distinguish between those two possibilities,

  • what I next decided to do

  • was to look to see if Pseudomonas

  • needs to be touching this other organism.

  • So, the syringe can only attack Pseudomonas

  • if the cells are directly contacting each other.

  • So, this is data from that same movie I showed you before,

  • where we looked at the type six secretion system turning on,

  • but now we're just looking at one of the fields

  • at the very end of the movie,

  • and instead of looking at in green,

  • I've colored it so that you can appreciate

  • the differences in expression a little bit better.

  • So, if it's red,

  • that means that there's more of the type six protein,

  • and the bluer it is,

  • the less there is of it.

  • And what I've also done is

  • I've highlighted which cells are contacting the competitor

  • and which are not contacting the competitor.

  • So, you can't see the competitor the way I'm displaying it here,

  • you'll just have to take my word for it,

  • but the cells up at the top marked with the "C",

  • those are cells that are directly touching

  • this competitor organism,

  • whereas the "NC" cells are not touching,

  • they're just only touching other Pseudomonas cells.

  • And what you can see is that

  • there's really not a huge difference,

  • they're all able to turn on their type six secretion system,

  • and in this particular image

  • it looks like maybe the ones not touching it

  • are even turning it on a little higher,

  • but let me show you what this looks like in a graph form.

  • So, here we're again looking at type six levels

  • on the y axis

  • and we're looking at time...

  • over time, how they turn on.

  • So, when the competitor

  • doesn't have a type six secretion system,

  • you don't see that much going on.

  • When it has a type six system,

  • now you see Pseudomonas is turning on,

  • this is exactly what I showed you before,

  • but the cells I'm showing you right here on this graph

  • are the cells that were directly touching the competitor.

  • Now let's graph the cells that aren't touching competitor.

  • You can see that they look pretty much the same.

  • So it doesn't seem to matter

  • if it's contacting this other organism or not.

  • So, this was a little puzzling.

  • How... how does it detect this at a distance if it's not...

  • the membrane isn't getting punctured,

  • it's not somehow feeling this other organism there, directly?

  • This was one of those moments

  • where I had to really kind of step back from all of this

  • and think hard about,

  • what is going on with Pseudomonas?

  • What is it experiencing in these interactions

  • where this competitor has a type six secretion system?

  • Up to this point in my PhD, actually,

  • I had really only been thinking about

  • Pseudomonas attacking other cells.

  • I hadn't really stopped to think about,

  • well, what if the other cells are maybe also

  • attacking Pseudomonas?

  • It wasn't happening so much that it was really striking,

  • because I would have noticed all my cells dying

  • if that was the case,

  • but I decided to take a look and see

  • if there was a difference in cell death of Pseudomonas

  • when the competitor had or did not have

  • its type six secretion system.

  • So, that's what this experiment is showing,

  • and so you can see here that

  • that's exactly what I saw.

  • There's more Pseudomonas cells dying

  • when the competitor has its type six secretion system

  • compared with when it doesn't

  • -- then, we basically don't see any cells dying.

  • So that's kind of interesting...

  • so, this competitor is also killing Pseudomonas.

  • So, the next clue is solving this puzzle

  • actually came in looking at the timing of all of these events unfolded.

  • So, here we're looking at three parameters.

  • The first one I'm showing you is

  • the cell death of Pseudomonas,

  • so, the same thing I just showed you

  • but now you can see how it happens over time,

  • and what you can see is that

  • the Pseudomonas cells start dying

  • almost immediately after you put them in contact

  • with the Burkholderia cell.

  • You start to see, even at 15 minutes,

  • there's already been some cell death.

  • The next parameter I looked at was

  • the increase in type six secretion system levels,

  • so that's just, you know,

  • plotted on top of the other one,

  • so you can see that type six levels start to go up,

  • but only after some of the Pseudomonas

  • have already started dying.

  • There's a little bit of a delay there.

  • Now, the last parameter we looked at

  • was the death of the competitor organism,

  • and that's shown here in these white squares.

  • So, here, this also kind of makes sense,

  • because you only start to see competitor dying

  • after some of the Pseudomonas cells

  • have turned on their type six secretion systems.

  • And so, you know,

  • this all kind of fit together

  • and it led me to wonder if,

  • maybe, somehow,

  • Pseudomonas could tell when its siblings were getting killed,

  • and somehow that was sending a message

  • that maybe it's time to start

  • mobilizing this defensive weapon and fight back.

  • So, before I show you the outcome of that experiment,

  • I'm going to step back a little bit

  • and tell you a little bit more about

  • what we know about how this system gets turned on.

  • So, I told you we don't know what signal turns it on

  • or when it gets turned on,

  • but we do actually know, already,

  • a little bit about the proteins that are involved in the turning on.

  • So, bacteria, of course, as I said before,

  • don't have ears and eyes,

  • but they do have these proteins on the outside of their cells

  • that can detect changes in their environment,

  • such as specific molecules

  • -- it's almost like smelling, a little bit.

  • And so that's this little cup that's pictured here.

  • So, a protein like this has to

  • interact with a molecule outside of the cell

  • and then what it does is it sends a signal into the cell,

  • and in this case this particular one

  • will then turn on the type six secretion system.

  • However, we didn't know what the signal was

  • for this particular sensor,

  • we didn't know what molecule it detected

  • out in the environment.

  • So I started wondering,

  • what if there was something in a dead cell

  • that was released that this sensor could then detect

  • and send a signal into the surviving cells

  • and tell them to turn on their type six secretion systems.

  • So, this was something I could test directly.

  • Just to remind you, you know,

  • when a cell dies,

  • it spews out all of its stuff that's normally inside of the cell

  • that can't get to the outside of the cell

  • because of the cell membrane,

  • but when it dies all of that gets outside,

  • it's kind of like its guts are getting spewed out.

  • And we call this process lysis,

  • so this is a cell lysing.

  • So, I could take a bunch of Pseudomonas cells

  • and I could lyse them,

  • I could, you know, grind them up

  • and take all of their guts

  • and then I could add that to happy, living Pseudomonas cells

  • and see if this sensor protein could detect this.

  • So that's what I did in this next experiment.

  • So, here, we're looking at

  • the activation of this sensor protein,

  • and you can see that when you just have cells

  • and you don't add anything to them,

  • it doesn't get turned on.

  • Now, when I took this Pseudomonas guts, this lysate,

  • and added it to these cells,

  • you can see they get turned on really quickly.

  • Immediately, you start to see this sensor get activated.

  • And importantly, when we took the guts

  • of the competitor organism,

  • the one that it's killing normally,

  • you don't see any difference.

  • So this makes sense

  • -- it doesn't really care if it's killing the competitor,

  • that's the goal, right?

  • But if it's getting killed,

  • if some of its siblings are getting killed,

  • that's when it knows,

  • okay, now it's time to make type six

  • so we can fight back.

  • So, this was really exciting,

  • I mean, we finally figured out a signal,

  • an environmental cue that's turning on this system

  • and is triggering the activation

  • of the type six secretion system.

  • And we could basically think of these cell guts

  • as a type of danger signal.

  • You know, when something terrible is happening

  • in the rest of the colony,

  • the Pseudomonas cells say, okay, this is dangerous,

  • it's time to do something about it.

  • So, let's put this together

  • and look at it how it would look in a population of cells,

  • well, I'm just showing you four cells, for simplicity,

  • but the green cells represent the Pseudomonas.

  • So, a few of them get killed by this competitor organism,

  • they spew out their guts,

  • there's some danger signal in there

  • that activates the rest of their population

  • that's then able to defend itself by turning on

  • its type six secretion system.

  • So, there's one more exciting twist to this story

  • that I want to share with you.

  • So, I told you that this sensor protein,

  • we know it turns on the type six secretion system,

  • but the other thing that it does

  • is actually turns on a bunch of other proteins in the cell.

  • It turns on about 300 other proteins

  • and actually, a lot of them,

  • we have no idea what they do,

  • and we never really knew why this group of proteins

  • was all getting turned on together

  • by this particular sensor.

  • But now we know that the sensor

  • is responding to a danger signal,

  • so we thought, well,

  • it would make sense for the cell to want to turn on other things

  • that are helping it protect itself.

  • So, what would happen if we

  • inactivated this sensor

  • and Pseudomonas no longer had the ability to sense danger?

  • Would there be other ramifications of this?

  • So, that's what I did.

  • So, I'm going to show you three movies, now.

  • So, in this case

  • we're looking at Pseudomonas cells dying,

  • so these are the red cells,

  • and they're going to be outlined in white as they die,

  • so remember that's just when they disappear from view.

  • So, the first movie on that side of the screen,

  • you can see are just normal Pseudomonas cells

  • growing with its competitor.

  • In the middle, we have Pseudomonas cells

  • where I've inactivated their type six secretion system,

  • so they've lost that ability to fight

  • with the type six system.

  • And over here are cells where

  • I've taken away their ability to sense danger,

  • so they no longer have this...

  • the sensor doesn't work anymore.

  • So, let's see what happens.

  • So, you can see the normal cells are doing fine,

  • they're growing, the cells in the middle,

  • they're not doing quite so well,

  • but over here, when they don't have the ability to sense danger,

  • they are just getting decimated by this other organism.

  • Pretty much every Pseudomonas cell

  • that touches this competitor

  • is getting wiped out and, remember,

  • before it was the one that was winning.

  • So now it's just lost its ability to defend itself and to fight back,

  • in a much more dramatic way

  • than just when it's lost type six.

  • So what this tells us is that this pathway

  • is more general.

  • It's mobilizing a bunch of different things in the cell,

  • beyond the type six secretion system,

  • that are helping Pseudomonas defend itself.

  • So, let's just think back to the spaceships for a second.

  • So, what I've basically told you is that

  • if Pseudomonas, if one of its spaceships in its fleet

  • gets destroyed by a competitor and it blows apart,

  • the other spaceships can detect that debris flying through the air,

  • and they know that it's time to

  • not only get type six going,

  • but also to put up their defenses,

  • and we don't know what those other things are yet,

  • that's ongoing work,

  • but potentially they're changing the outsides of the cells,

  • their membranes,

  • making them more resistant to things like toxins or antibiotics.

  • And so this is a really exciting new area,

  • there's a lot of new pathways that we can probably discover here.

  • So, how does...

  • what does this look like on the cellular level?

  • This is similar to what I showed you before.

  • Pseudomonas, if it gets killed by a competitor

  • -- and I'll just point out,

  • this killing doesn't have to be from type six

  • from a competitor,

  • we showed that any kind of killing where the cells explode,

  • where they lyse,

  • will activate this pathway --

  • they will then turn on the type six system,

  • as well as a bunch of other factors that are also unknown,

  • and then they're able to defend themselves.

  • So, this opens up a lot of new, fun, exciting research possibilities.

  • There's all these new things that we now

  • have an idea of maybe what they're doing,

  • but we don't know how they work at all.

  • So, let's come back to what I started with,

  • with yogurt.

  • So, this was my first glimpse into this

  • invisible world of these alien creatures

  • that are living all around us,

  • so, now, hopefully I've convinced you that

  • these bacteria, even though they're kind of primitive,

  • we might call them,

  • and they're single-cellular,

  • they actually exhibit some really sophisticated behaviors,

  • almost like an immune system,

  • where they can detect danger and then they know to fight back,

  • which is something that cells in our body do.

  • They also have this interesting ability to work together.

  • It's not just each cell for itself;

  • when they detect that something bad has happened in the colony,

  • they're all ready to mobilize and get it together

  • so that they can survive as a whole.

  • So this is an interesting way that

  • these single-celled organisms

  • can almost behave a little bit like a multi-cellular group.

  • But now, finally, of course,

  • what does this mean for disease.

  • So, I started by telling you that

  • Pseudomonas causes really, really devastating infections

  • for both patients with cystic fibrosis

  • as well as people who have chronic wounds.

  • And what can we learn from what I've just told you,

  • these interactions with other bacteria,

  • why does that matter for humans?

  • Well, actually, a lot of these infections

  • are what you call poly-microbial,

  • which means that there's a lot of different bacteria

  • that make up these infections.

  • It's not always just Pseudomonas by itself,

  • and it's actually usually not.

  • So maybe Pseudomonas is really good at

  • fighting with other bacteria in our bodies

  • and that gives it a little bit of an edge.

  • That's something that would be really exciting to explore.

  • Another thing is that now we know that

  • when Pseudomonas is exposed to this danger signal

  • when some of the cells die,

  • it goes into this other program of fighting back.

  • So maybe our immune cells

  • are killing a few of the Pseudomonas cells

  • or some of the other bacteria in our bodies,

  • and then that activates the cells

  • to go into this danger mode,

  • and maybe that protects them against antibiotics,

  • for example.

  • So, most antibiotics actually are

  • derived from other bacteria

  • -- we've just kind of stolen their molecules and used them to fight bacteria ourselves --

  • so it would make sense for Pseudomonas

  • to fight back against some of these other antibiotics.

  • So, I mean, a lot of these things are kind of years in the future,

  • you know, it's going to take a lot of work to figure out

  • if these things are actually happening,

  • but I think by thinking a little bit more about it

  • from the perspective of the bacterium

  • and from its interactions with other bacteria,

  • we've learned a really important component of its behavior,

  • and this can help us think more carefully

  • about how we attack these organisms

  • when they get into our bodies.

  • So, I just want to acknowledge

  • a bunch of other people that were really involved in this project.

  • I did not do all this work by myself.

  • First and foremost is my graduate advisor,

  • Joseph Mougous,

  • whose lab I worked in when I did all of this work.

  • And then I've listed some of the lab members

  • that were directly involved in this project.

  • And I also need to acknowledge

  • our long-time collaborator, Paul Wiggins,

  • who was very involved with helping us

  • get the microscopy set up

  • as well as analyzing a lot of that data.

  • Thank you very much for listening.



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Michele LeRoux博士(MIT)。緑膿菌は彼らのT6SSを使って腸内反応で生き延びる (Dr. Michele LeRoux (MIT): Pseudomonas aeruginosa survives with a gut reaction using their T6SS)

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    Jolingo123 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日