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  • Philosophers, dramatists, theologians

    翻訳: Kayo Mizutani 校正: Natsuhiko Mizutani

  • have grappled with this question for centuries:

    哲学者や劇作家 神学者達は

  • what makes people go wrong?


  • Interestingly, I asked this question when I was a little kid.


  • When I was a kid growing up in the South Bronx, inner-city ghetto

    面白いことに この問題を 私は子供の頃に考えました

  • in New York, I was surrounded by evil,

    私の育った 南ブロンクスは ニューヨーク都心部のスラム街で

  • as all kids are who grew up in an inner city.


  • And I had friends who were really good kids,


  • who lived out the Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde scenario -- Robert Louis Stevenson.


  • That is, they took drugs, got in trouble, went to jail.

    ロバート ルイス スティーヴンソンの「ジギル博士とハイド氏」のような人生を歩みました

  • Some got killed, and some did it without drug assistance.

    つまり ドラックをやり トラブルに巻き込まれ 刑務所に入りました

  • So when I read Robert Louis Stevenson, that wasn't fiction.

    死んだ者もいます ドラック以外の理由で死んだ者もいます

  • The only question is, what was in the juice?

    だから 私がスティーヴンソンを読んだとき それはフィクションではなく

  • And more importantly, that line between good and evil --


  • which privileged people like to think is fixed and impermeable,

    そして もっと重要なのは 善悪の境界線です --

  • with them on the good side, and the others on the bad side --

    恵まれた人々は 自分は良い側で 線の向こうが悪人

  • I knew that line was movable, and it was permeable.

    境界線は不動で 水ももらさないと信じたがっています --

  • Good people could be seduced across that line,

    私はその境界線が可動で 浸透性があることを知っていました

  • and under good and some rare circumstances, bad kids could recover


  • with help, with reform, with rehabilitation.

    そして恵まれた まれな状況下で リハビリや矯正や支援によって

  • So I want to begin with this this wonderful illusion


  • by [Dutch] artist M.C. Escher.

    さて オランダ人アーティスト エッシャーの

  • If you look at it and focus on the white,


  • what you see is a world full of angels.

    これを見て 白に集中すれば

  • But let's look more deeply, and as we do,


  • what appears is the demons, the devils in the world.

    でも じっくりと見ていると次第に

  • And that tells us several things.

    デーモンが見えてきます 悪魔の世界です

  • One, the world is, was, will always be filled with good and evil,


  • because good and evil is the yin and yang of the human condition.

    一つは 世界は善と悪に満ちている

  • It tells me something else. If you remember,

    なぜなら善悪は 人の状態における陰陽だからです

  • God's favorite angel was Lucifer.

    それはこうも言えます 皆さんもご存知ですね

  • Apparently, Lucifer means "the light."


  • It also means "the morning star," in some scripture.


  • And apparently, he disobeyed God,

    聖書によっては 「夜明けの明星」とも意味します

  • and that's the ultimate disobedience to authority.

    どうも彼は 神に従わなかったようで

  • And when he did, Michael, the archangel, was sent

    それは 権限への究極の反抗を意味します

  • to kick him out of heaven along with the other fallen angels.

    ルシファーが反抗したとき 彼を他の堕天使と共に

  • And so Lucifer descends into hell, becomes Satan,

    天国から追放するため 大天使ミカエルが遣わされました

  • becomes the devil, and the force of evil in the universe begins.

    そしてルシファーは地獄に落ち サタンとなり

  • Paradoxically, it was God who created hell as a place to store evil.

    悪魔となって そこから宇宙の悪の力が始まります

  • He didn't do a good job of keeping it there though.

    云わば 悪を保管する場所として地獄を創ったのは神でした

  • So, this arc of the cosmic transformation


  • of God's favorite angel into the Devil,

    この 神様のお気に入りの天使が 悪魔へと

  • for me, sets the context for understanding human beings


  • who are transformed from good, ordinary people

    私に 普通の善人から悪の根源へ

  • into perpetrators of evil.


  • So the Lucifer effect, although it focuses on the negatives --


  • the negatives that people can become,

    ルシファー効果は 否定的な面に焦点を置きますが

  • not the negatives that people are --

    -- 人がなり得る否定的な一面のことで

  • leads me to a psychological definition. Evil is the exercise of power.

    人の存在の否定ではありません --

  • And that's the key: it's about power.


  • To intentionally harm people psychologically,


  • to hurt people physically, to destroy people mortally, or ideas,


  • and to commit crimes against humanity.

    身体的に傷つけ 人々やアイデアを致命的に破壊します

  • If you Google "evil," a word that should surely have withered by now,

    そして 人道に反する罪を犯します

  • you come up with 136 million hits in a third of a second.


  • A few years ago -- I am sure all of you were shocked, as I was,


  • with the revelation of American soldiers

    数年前 -- 論議を呼んでいた戦争のさなか 見知らぬ場所で

  • abusing prisoners in a strange place


  • in a controversial war, Abu Ghraib in Iraq.


  • And these were men and women

    それは イラクのアブグレイブでした

  • who were putting prisoners through unbelievable humiliation.

    これが 囚人達に

  • I was shocked, but I wasn't surprised,

    信じ難いような屈辱を経験させていた 男女

  • because I had seen those same visual parallels

    私はショックを受けましたが 驚きませんでした

  • when I was the prison superintendent of the Stanford Prison Study.

    それは スタンフォード刑務所実験の本部長だった時

  • Immediately the Bush administration military said ... what?


  • What all administrations say when there's a scandal.

    すぐに ブッシュ政権は言いました

  • "Don't blame us. It's not the system. It's the few bad apples,

    スキャンダルがあると 皆同じ事を言います

  • the few rogue soldiers."

    我々は悪くない システムのせいではなく 腐ったリンゴが

  • My hypothesis is, American soldiers are good, usually.


  • Maybe it was the barrel that was bad.

    私の仮説は アメリカ人兵士は通常は善人だというものです

  • But how am I going to -- how am I going to deal with that hypothesis?

    多分 腐っていたのは樽のほうでしょう

  • I became an expert witness

    でも どうやってその仮説を証明できるでしょう?

  • for one of the guards, Sergeant Chip Frederick,

    私は 警備員の一人

  • and in that position, I had access to the dozen investigative reports.

    チップ フレデリック軍曹の鑑定人になり

  • I had access to him. I could study him,


  • have him come to my home, get to know him,

    私は彼と面会し 観察し

  • do psychological analysis to see, was he a good apple or bad apple.


  • And thirdly, I had access to all of the 1,000 pictures


  • that these soldiers took.

    3番目に 兵士達が撮影した

  • These pictures are of a violent or sexual nature.


  • All of them come from the cameras of American soldiers.


  • Because everybody has a digital camera or cell phone camera,


  • they took pictures of everything. More than 1,000.

    皆 デジカメやカメラ付携帯電話を持っており

  • And what I've done is I organized them into various categories.


  • But these are by United States military police, army reservists.

    私はそれを いろんなカテゴリーに分けました

  • They are not soldiers prepared for this mission at all.


  • And it all happened in a single place, Tier 1-A, on the night shift.


  • Why? Tier 1-A was the center for military intelligence.


  • It was the interrogation hold. The CIA was there.

    なぜでしょう?1Aは 軍事情報の中心地でした

  • Interrogators from Titan Corporation, all there,

    尋問が行われる場所で CIAもそこに居ました

  • and they're getting no information about the insurgency.

    Titan Corporation からの取調官も居ました 皆です

  • So they're going to put pressure on these soldiers,


  • military police, to cross the line,


  • give them permission to break the will of the enemy,


  • to prepare them for interrogation, to soften them up,


  • to take the gloves off. Those are the euphemisms,

    尋問に備えさせるんだ 弱らせろ

  • and this is how it was interpreted.

    自己制御をはずさせるんだ 遠回しの表現で言い

  • Let's go down to that dungeon.

    それが 解釈された結果がこれです

  • (Camera shutter)


  • (Thuds)

    2003年 アブグレイブ刑務所 憲兵隊の写真 ... 裸や暴力的なイメージが含まれます

  • (Camera shutter)


  • (Thuds)


  • (Breathing)


  • (Bells)


  • So, pretty horrific.


  • That's one of the visual illustrations of evil.


  • And it should not have escaped you that


  • the reason I paired the prisoner with his arms out


  • with Leonardo da Vinci's ode to humanity

    私が レオナルド ダ ヴィンチの人体図と

  • is that that prisoner was mentally ill.


  • That prisoner covered himself with shit every day,


  • and they used to have to roll him in dirt so he wouldn't stink.


  • But the guards ended up calling him "Shit Boy."


  • What was he doing in that prison


  • rather than in some mental institution?


  • In any event, here's former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.


  • He comes down and says, "I want to know, who is responsible?

    いずれにしても 元国防長官ラムズフェルドは

  • Who are the bad apples?" Well, that's a bad question.


  • You have to reframe it and ask, "What is responsible?"


  • Because "what" could be the who of people,

    本当は こう聞くべきです「何が原因か?」

  • but it could also be the what of the situation,

    なぜならば 「何」は人を指すかもしれませんが

  • and obviously that's wrongheaded.


  • So how do psychologists go about understanding


  • such transformations of human character,


  • if you believe that they were good soldiers


  • before they went down to that dungeon?

    もし これらの兵士達が 迷宮に落ちる前は

  • There are three ways. The main way is -- it's called dispositional.


  • We look at what's inside of the person, the bad apples.

    3つの方法があります 主流は属性帰属です

  • This is the foundation of all of social science,

    人の すなわち腐ったリンゴの内面を見る方法です

  • the foundation of religion, the foundation of war.

    これはすべての 社会科学の基盤であり

  • Social psychologists like me come along and say, "Yeah,

    宗教の基盤 そして戦争の基盤です

  • people are the actors on the stage,

    私のような社会心理学者が登場すると こんなことを言います

  • but you'll have to be aware of what that situation is.

    「もちろん 人は舞台役者です

  • Who are the cast of characters? What's the costume?

    むしろ 状況を把握しなければいけません」

  • Is there a stage director?"


  • And so we're interested in, what are the external factors


  • around the individual -- the bad barrel?

    私達は 外部要素にこそ関心があります

  • And social scientists stop there, and they miss the big point

    個人を取り巻くもの 腐った樽?

  • that I discovered when I became an expert witness for Abu Ghraib.

    社会科学者はそこで止めてしまい 大事な観点を見逃しました

  • The power is in the system.


  • The system creates the situation that corrupts the individuals,


  • and the system is the legal, political, economic, cultural background.


  • And this is where the power is of the bad-barrel makers.

    そのシステムとは 法や政治 経済や文化的背景です

  • So if you want to change a person, you've got to change the situation.

    権力は システムの中で腐った樽を作ってしまいます

  • If you want to change the situation,

    もし 人を変えたければ 状況を変えることです

  • you've got to know where the power is, in the system.


  • So the Lucifer effect involves understanding


  • human character transformations with these three factors.


  • And it's a dynamic interplay.


  • What do the people bring into the situation?

    それは ダイナミックな相互作用です

  • What does the situation bring out of them?


  • And what is the system that creates and maintains that situation?


  • So my book, "The Lucifer Effect," recently published, is about,

    その状況を創り上げ 保持しているシステムとは?

  • how do you understand how good people turn evil?

    出版されたばかりの 私の著書「ルシファー効果」は

  • And it has a lot of detail

    善人が悪人に変貌するところを どう理解するか論じています

  • about what I'm going to talk about today.

    そして 今日私がお話しすることについて

  • So Dr. Z's "Lucifer Effect," although it focuses on evil,


  • really is a celebration of the human mind's


  • infinite capacity to make any of us kind or cruel,


  • caring or indifferent, creative or destructive,

    誰もが 親切にも冷酷にも 親身にも無関心にも

  • and it makes some of us villains.


  • And the good news story that I'm going to hopefully come to


  • at the end is that it makes some of us heroes.


  • This is a wonderful cartoon in the New Yorker,


  • which really summarizes my whole talk:


  • "I'm neither a good cop nor a bad cop, Jerome.


  • Like yourself, I'm a complex amalgam

    「俺は善い警官でも悪い警官でもないんだ ジェローム

  • of positive and negative personality traits

    あんたと一緒で 正と負の性格が

  • that emerge or not, depending on the circumstances."


  • (Laughter)

    状況にしたがって どっちかが出てくるってわけさ」

  • There's a study some of you think you know about,


  • but very few people have ever read the story. You watched the movie.


  • This is Stanley Milgram, little Jewish kid from the Bronx,

    物語を読んだ人は少ないでしょうが 映画をご覧になったでしょう

  • and he asked the question, "Could the Holocaust happen here, now?"

    これは スタンレー ミルグラム ブロンクスでユダヤ人の子供として育ちました

  • People say, "No, that's Nazi Germany,

    彼は問いました「今 ここで ホロコーストは起こりうるか?」

  • that's Hitler, you know, that's 1939."

    人々は言います「いいや それは ドイツのナチだよ

  • He said, "Yeah, but suppose Hitler asked you,

    それはヒットラーだ 1939年の事だ」

  • 'Would you electrocute a stranger?' 'No way, not me, I'm a good person.' "

    彼は聞きます 「だけど もしヒットラーが命令したら

  • He said, "Why don't we put you in a situation

    知らない人を感電死させられる?」 「できないよ 私は善人だ」

  • and give you a chance to see what you would do?"


  • And so what he did was he tested 1,000 ordinary people.


  • 500 New Haven, Connecticut, 500 Bridgeport.

    そして 彼は 1000人の普通の人に実験を行いました

  • And the ad said, "Psychologists want to understand memory.

    500人はニューヘーヴンとコネティカット 500人はブリッジポート

  • We want to improve people's memory,


  • because memory is the key to success." OK?


  • "We're going to give you five bucks -- four dollars for your time."

    なぜなら 記憶は成功への鍵を握ります」いいですか?

  • And it said, "We don't want college students.

    「私達はあなたに5ドル -- 4ドルをあなたの時間に支払います」

  • We want men between 20 and 50."


  • In the later studies, they ran women.


  • Ordinary people: barbers, clerks, white-collar people.

    -- 後半には女性対象にも実験しました --

  • So, you go down, and one of you is going to be a learner,


  • and one of you is going to be a teacher.

    そこに行くと 一人は生徒役で

  • The learner's a genial, middle-aged guy.


  • He gets tied up to the shock apparatus in another room.

    学習者は 温厚な 中年の人です

  • The learner could be middle-aged, could be as young as 20.

    彼は もう一つの部屋でショック装置に縛られます

  • And one of you is told by the authority, the guy in the lab coat,

    学習者は中年だったり また二十歳くらいの青年だったりしました

  • "Your job as teacher is to give this guy material to learn.

    そして 白衣を着た権威者が教師役に指示します

  • Gets it right, reward him.

    「教師としてのあなたの仕事は この人に学ぶ材料を与えること

  • Gets it wrong, you press a button on the shock box.


  • The first button is 15 volts. He doesn't even feel it."

    間違えれば 感電箱のボタンを押す

  • That's the key. All evil starts with 15 volts.

    最初のボタンは15ボルトで 彼は何も感じないだろう」

  • And then the next step is another 15 volts.

    これが重要です 全ての悪は15ボルトから始まります

  • The problem is, at the end of the line, it's 450 volts.

    そして次の段階では あと15ボルト追加します

  • And as you go along, the guy is screaming,

    そうやっていくと 450 ボルトまで行きます そこが問題なのです

  • "I've got a heart condition! I'm out of here!"

    実験が進むにしたがって 男性は叫び声をあげます

  • You're a good person. You complain.

    「心臓がおかしい ここから出してくれ!」

  • "Sir, who's going to be responsible if something happens to him?"

    善良な教師役は 当局に文句をいいます

  • The experimenter says, "Don't worry, I will be responsible.

    「彼に何かあったら 誰が責任を取るんですか?」

  • Continue, teacher."

    研究者は言います「心配するな 私が責任を取る

  • And the question is, who would go all the way to 450 volts?

    続けてくれ 先生」

  • You should notice here, when it gets up to 375,

    問題は 誰が450ボルトまで上げるか?

  • it says, "Danger. Severe Shock."


  • When it gets up to here, there's "XXX" -- the pornography of power.

    「危険 激しいショック」と書かれています

  • (Laughter)


  • So Milgram asks 40 psychiatrists,


  • "What percent of American citizens would go to the end?"


  • They said only one percent. Because that's sadistic behavior,


  • and we know, psychiatry knows, only one percent of Americans are sadistic.

    彼らは1パーセントと答えました これは虐待行為であり

  • OK. Here's the data. They could not be more wrong.


  • Two thirds go all the way to 450 volts. This was just one study.

    ここにデータがあります 彼らは全く間違ってました

  • Milgram did more than 16 studies. And look at this.

    3分の2が450ボルトまで行ったのです 一回目の実験で

  • In study 16, where you see somebody like you go all the way,

    ミルグラムは16回以上の実験を実施しましたが これを見てください

  • 90 percent go all the way. In study five, if you see people rebel, 90 percent rebel.

    16回目の実験では 90パーセントが あなた方のような人たちも最後まで行きます

  • What about women? Study 13 -- no different than men.

    5回目の実験では ご覧の様に 90パーセントが抵抗しました

  • So Milgram is quantifying evil as the willingness of people

    女性はどうでしょう? 実験13 男性と変わりません

  • to blindly obey authority, to go all the way to 450 volts.


  • And it's like a dial on human nature.


  • A dial in a sense that you can make almost everybody totally obedient,


  • down to the majority, down to none.

    目盛盤とは言ってみれば ほとんど誰もが服従する状態から

  • So what are the external parallels? For all research is artificial.


  • What's the validity in the real world?

    実験と世の中とはどこでつながるのか すべての研究は人工的です

  • 912 American citizens committed suicide or were murdered


  • by family and friends in Guyana jungle in 1978,

    1978年に 912人のアメリカ国民が ガイアナジャングルで

  • because they were blindly obedient to this guy, their pastor --


  • not their priest -- their pastor, Reverend Jim Jones.

    なぜなら 彼らは この男 彼らの牧師に盲目的に従ったからです

  • He persuaded them to commit mass suicide.

    聖職者ではありません 牧師のジム・ジョーンズ師です

  • And so, he's the modern Lucifer effect,

    彼は 集団自殺を行うよう彼らを説得しました

  • a man of God who becomes the Angel of Death.


  • Milgram's study is all about individual authority to control people.

    聖人が 死の天使になります

  • Most of the time, we are in institutions,

    ミルグラムの実験では 個人の権威が人をコントロールすることがわかります

  • so the Stanford Prison Study is a study of the power of institutions


  • to influence individual behavior.

    スタンフォード刑務所実験は 個人の行動に影響を及ぼす

  • Interestingly, Stanley Milgram and I were in the same high school class


  • in James Monroe in the Bronx, 1954.

    面白いことに スタンリー・ミルグラムと私は 1954年 ブロンクスの

  • So this study, which I did


  • with my graduate students, especially Craig Haney --

    私の この実験は

  • we also began work with an ad.

    大学院生たちと行いました 中でもクレイグ・ヘイニー

  • We didn't have money, so we had a cheap, little ad,

    私達も 広告を出すことから初めました

  • but we wanted college students for a study of prison life.

    お金があまりなかったので 小さな 安い広告を出しました

  • 75 people volunteered, took personality tests.


  • We did interviews. Picked two dozen:

    75人の志願があり 性格検査をして

  • the most normal, the most healthy.

    インタビューを行い 一番正常で

  • Randomly assigned them to be prisoner and guard.

    健康な 24人を採用しました

  • So on day one, we knew we had good apples.


  • I'm going to put them in a bad situation.

    そして 実験一日目 私達は良いリンゴ達と実験を始めたのです

  • And secondly, we know there's no difference


  • between the boys who are going to be guards

    2番目に 私達は

  • and the boys who are going to be prisoners.


  • The kids who were going to be prisoners,


  • we said, "Wait at home in the dormitories. The study will begin Sunday."


  • We didn't tell them

    私達は彼らに言いました 「自宅や寄宿舎で待ってください 実験は日曜日に始めます」

  • that the city police were going to come and do realistic arrests.


  • (Video) Student: A police car pulls up in front, and a cop comes to the front door,


  • and knocks, and says he's looking for me.

    パトカーが前に止まって 警官が玄関を叩き

  • So they, right there, you know, they took me out the door,


  • they put my hands against the car.

    そして そこで 彼らは僕を玄関の外に連れて行き

  • It was a real cop car, it was a real policeman,


  • and there were real neighbors in the street,

    それは本物のパトカーで 本物の警官でした

  • who didn't know that this was an experiment.

    そして これが実験などと知らない

  • And there was cameras all around and neighbors all around.


  • They put me in the car, then they drove me around Palo Alto.

    カメラが至るところにあって 隣人が至る所にいました

  • They took me to the police station,

    彼らは僕を車におしこみ パロ・アルトの辺りを通って行きました

  • the basement of the police station. Then they put me in a cell.


  • I was the first one to be picked up, so they put me in a cell,

    地下に連れて行かれ 独房に入れられました

  • which was just like a room with a door with bars on it.


  • You could tell it wasn't a real jail.

    それはまるで ドアに格子が付いた部屋のようでした

  • They locked me in there, in this degrading little outfit.


  • They were taking this experiment too seriously.

    彼らは僕をそこに閉じ込めました 下劣な小さな部屋に

  • Philip Zimbardo: Here are the prisoners who are going to be dehumanized.


  • They're going to become numbers.


  • Here are the guards with the symbols of power and anonymity.

    彼らは 番号となる

  • Guards get prisoners


  • to clean the toilet bowls out with their bare hands,


  • to do other humiliating tasks.


  • They strip them naked. They sexually taunt them.


  • They begin to do degrading activities,

    彼らをはいで裸にし 性的に彼らを屈辱します

  • like having them simulate sodomy.

    彼らは 同性愛を強要するなど

  • You saw simulating fellatio in soldiers in Abu Ghraib.


  • My guards did it in five days. The stress reaction was so extreme


  • that normal kids we picked because they were healthy

    私の警備員は5日でそうなりました ストレス反応は とても極端でした

  • had breakdowns within 36 hours.


  • The study ended after six days, because it was out of control.


  • Five kids had emotional breakdowns.

    実験は6日後目で終了しました 制御できなくなったからです

  • Does it make a difference if warriors go to battle

    5人の子供は 精神的に衰弱しきっていました

  • changing their appearance or not?

    戦士が戦場に向かう際 彼らの外見を変化させるのと

  • Does it make a difference if they're anonymous,


  • in how they treat their victims?

    彼らの匿名性が 犠牲者の扱い方に

  • We know in some cultures, they go to war,


  • they don't change their appearance.

    中には 戦争に行くとき

  • In other cultures, they paint themselves like "Lord of the Flies."


  • In some, they wear masks.

    他の文化では 彼ら自身を「ハエの王(悪魔)」のように化粧します

  • In many, soldiers are anonymous in uniform.

    また マスクをかぶる文化もあります

  • So this anthropologist, John Watson, found

    兵士達の多くは 制服という匿名性を身につけます

  • 23 cultures that had two bits of data.

    それで この人類学者 ジョン・ワトソンが

  • Do they change their appearance? 15.


  • Do they kill, torture, mutilate? 13.

    彼らは容姿を変えるか? 15

  • If they don't change their appearance,

    彼らは、殺し、拷問、切断するか? 13

  • only one of eight kills, tortures or mutilates.


  • The key is in the red zone.

    8のうち殺したり 拷問したり 切断するのは たった1のみです

  • If they change their appearance,


  • 12 of 13 -- that's 90 percent -- kill, torture, mutilate.


  • And that's the power of anonymity.

    13のうち12 -- 90パーセント -- が殺し 拷問し 切断する

  • So what are the seven social processes

    それが 匿名の力です

  • that grease the slippery slope of evil?


  • Mindlessly taking the first small step.


  • Dehumanization of others. De-individuation of Self.


  • Diffusion of personal responsibility. Blind obedience to authority.

    他人の人間性を剥ぎ取り 自身の没個性化を図る

  • Uncritical conformity to group norms.

    個人の責任を曖昧にし 権限へ盲目的に服従する

  • Passive tolerance to evil through inaction or indifference.


  • And it happens when you're in a new or unfamiliar situation.


  • Your habitual response patterns don't work.

    そして それは 初めてや 良く知らない状況で起こるのです

  • Your personality and morality are disengaged.


  • "Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer;


  • nothing more difficult than understanding him," Dostoyevksy tells us.

    「悪人を非難することほど 簡単なことはなく

  • Understanding is not excusing. Psychology is not excuse-iology.

    彼を理解することほど 難しいことはない」と ドフトエフスキーは言います

  • So social and psychological research reveals

    理解することは言い訳をすることではありません 心理学は弁明論ではありません

  • how ordinary, good people can be transformed without the drugs.

    社会学や心理学の研究は 普通の善良な人が

  • You don't need it. You just need the social-psychological processes.

    薬物によらずに どのように変容させられるかを明らかにします

  • Real world parallels? Compare this with this.

    薬なんて必要ではないのです 社会的 心理的なプロセスで充分なのです

  • James Schlesinger -- and I'm going to have to end with this -- says,


  • "Psychologists have attempted to understand how and why


  • individuals and groups who usually act humanely

    「心理学者は 通常 人道的に振舞う個人やグループが

  • can sometimes act otherwise in certain circumstances."

    時々特定の状況で 人道的でない振る舞いを行う理由を

  • That's the Lucifer effect.


  • And he goes on to say, "The landmark Stanford study

    それが ルシファー効果です

  • provides a cautionary tale for all military operations."


  • If you give people power without oversight,


  • it's a prescription for abuse. They knew that, and let that happen.

    もしあなたが監督なしで 誰かに権威を与えれば

  • So another report, an investigative report by General Fay,

    それは虐待への処方です 彼らはそれを知っていて 起こるがままにしました

  • says the system is guilty. And in this report,

    他の報告書 フェイ陸軍少将による調査報告で

  • he says it was the environment that created Abu Ghraib,

    彼は言います 悪いのはシステムだ

  • by leadership failures that contributed


  • to the occurrence of such abuse,


  • and the fact that it remained undiscovered


  • by higher authorities for a long period of time.

    そして 長い間 上層部から

  • Those abuses went on for three months. Who was watching the store?


  • The answer is nobody, and, I think, nobody on purpose.

    それらの虐待は 3ヵ月に続きました 誰が監視していたのでしょう?

  • He gave the guards permission to do those things,


  • and they knew nobody was ever going to come down to that dungeon.

    彼は 警備員にそれらの行為の許可を与えました

  • So you need a paradigm shift in all of these areas.

    そして 彼らは 決して誰も その地下牢に降りないと知っていました

  • The shift is away from the medical model


  • that focuses only on the individual.

    変化は 個人のみに焦点を置いた

  • The shift is toward a public health model


  • that recognizes situational and systemic vectors of disease.


  • Bullying is a disease. Prejudice is a disease. Violence is a disease.


  • And since the Inquisition, we've been dealing with problems

    いじめは病気です 偏見は病気です 暴力は病気です

  • at the individual level. And you know what? It doesn't work.

    そして宗教裁判からずっと 私達は個人のレベルで問題に対処してきました

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn says, "The line between good and evil

    ご存知ですね? うまくいきませんでした

  • cuts through the heart of every human being."

    アレクサンドル・ソルジェニーツィンが 善悪の境界線は

  • That means that line is not out there.

    あらゆる人間の心の中にある といいます

  • That's a decision that you have to make. That's a personal thing.

    つまり 境界線は外にはないのです

  • So I want to end very quickly on a positive note.

    それは あなたが決めなくてはならないこと 個人的なものです

  • Heroism as the antidote to evil,

    最後に手短に 前向きなお話をして終わりたいと思います

  • by promoting the heroic imagination,


  • especially in our kids, in our educational system.


  • We want kids to think, I'm the hero in waiting,


  • waiting for the right situation to come along,

    私達は子供達に こう思って欲しいのです

  • and I will act heroically.

    僕は待機中のヒーローで いざそういう状況が来たら

  • My whole life is now going to focus away from evil --


  • that I've been in since I was a kid -- to understanding heroes.

    私の人生の焦点は 子供の頃から付き合ってきた悪から離れて

  • Banality of heroism


  • is, it's ordinary people who do heroic deeds.


  • It's the counterpoint to Hannah Arendt's "Banality of Evil."


  • Our traditional societal heroes are wrong,


  • because they are the exceptions.


  • They organize their whole life around this.


  • That's why we know their names.


  • And our kids' heroes are also wrong models for them,


  • because they have supernatural talents.

    そして 子供達のヒーローは 彼らの人生の手本でもあります

  • We want our kids to realize most heroes are everyday people,

    なぜなら 彼らには超自然的才能があるからです

  • and the heroic act is unusual. This is Joe Darby.

    私達は 子供達にヒーローとは殆どが普通の人で 英雄的行為は

  • He was the one that stopped those abuses you saw,

    非日常的だと理解して欲しいのです これは、ジョー・ダービーです

  • because when he saw those images,

    彼が あなたが見た虐待を止めた男です

  • he turned them over to a senior investigating officer.


  • He was a low-level private, and that stopped it. Was he a hero? No.


  • They had to put him in hiding, because people wanted to kill him,

    彼は下等兵で それが止めました 彼は英雄ですか? いいえ

  • and then his mother and his wife.

    彼は隠れなければなりませんでした なぜなら人々は彼や

  • For three years, they were in hiding.

    彼の母親 妻に危害を加える恐れがありました

  • This is the woman who stopped the Stanford Prison Study.

    3年間 彼らは隠れていました

  • When I said it got out of control, I was the prison superintendent.

    これは スタンフォード刑務所実験を止めた女性です

  • I didn't know it was out of control. I was totally indifferent.

    実験が制御できなくなったと言いましたが 私は実験の最高責任者でした

  • She came down, saw that madhouse and said,

    私は それが制御不能に陥っていることを知らず 全く無関心でした

  • "You know what, it's terrible what you're doing to those boys.

    彼女はその混乱した場所を見て 言いました

  • They're not prisoners, they're not guards,

    「あなたが あの男子生徒のしているのはひどいことだわ

  • they're boys, and you are responsible."

    彼らは囚人じゃなければ 警備員でもなく

  • And I ended the study the next day.

    少年なのよ そしてあなたは責任者なのよ」

  • The good news is I married her the next year.

    そして 私は翌日に実験を取りやめました

  • (Laughter)

    幸運なことに 私は彼女と翌年結婚しました

  • (Applause)


  • I just came to my senses, obviously.


  • So situations have the power to do, through --

    明らかに 私はまともな感覚を取り戻したようです

  • but the point is, this is the same situation


  • that can inflame the hostile imagination in some of us,

    大事なことは 同じ状況というものが

  • that makes us perpetrators of evil,


  • can inspire the heroic imagination in others. It's the same situation.


  • And you're on one side or the other.

    別の人には英雄的な想像力を刺激します 同じ状況がそうするのです

  • Most people are guilty of the evil of inaction,


  • because your mother said, "Don't get involved. Mind your own business."


  • And you have to say, "Mama, humanity is my business."

    母親は言うでしょう 「係わり合いにならないで 自分のことだけやってなさい」

  • So the psychology of heroism is -- we're going to end in a moment --

    あなたは「お母さん 人間性は私の問題です」と言うべきです

  • how do we encourage children in new hero courses,

    英雄の心理学とは -- すぐ終わります --

  • that I'm working with Matt Langdon -- he has a hero workshop --

    子供達にどうやって 新しい英雄コースを奨励するか

  • to develop this heroic imagination, this self-labeling,

    私はマット・ラングドン-- 彼は英雄ワークショップを催しています -- と一緒に

  • "I am a hero in waiting," and teach them skills.

    「私は待機中の英雄」という英雄的な想像力や 自己暗示を

  • To be a hero, you have to learn to be a deviant,

    与える方法を開発し 教えています

  • because you're always going against the conformity of the group.

    ヒーローになるには はみ出し者になることを学ぶ必要があります

  • Heroes are ordinary people whose social actions are extraordinary. Who act.

    なぜなら あなたはいつもグループの服従に逆らうことになるからです

  • The key to heroism is two things.

    英雄とは 驚くべき社会活動ができる一般人です 行動力があります

  • A: you've got to act when other people are passive.

    英雄の鍵は 2つあります

  • B: you have to act socio-centrically, not egocentrically.

    A: 他の人が受身なとき あなたは行動しなければなりません

  • And I want to end with the story that some of you know,

    B: あなたは 自分中心でなく 社会中心的に行動しなければなりません

  • about Wesley Autrey, New York subway hero.

    最後に あなたがた何人かはご存知の物語で終わりにします

  • Fifty-year-old African-American construction worker.

    ニューヨーク地下鉄の英雄 ウェスリー・オートリー についてです

  • He's standing on a subway in New York.


  • A white guy falls on the tracks.

    彼は ニューヨークの地下鉄で電車を待っていたとき

  • The subway train is coming. There's 75 people there.


  • You know what? They freeze.

    地下鉄は近づいてきます 75人の人がいました

  • He's got a reason not to get involved.


  • He's black, the guy's white, and he's got two little kids.

    彼には 係わらない理由がありました

  • Instead, he gives his kids to a stranger,

    彼は黒人で 落ちた人は白人 それに彼は2人の小さい子供と一緒でした

  • jumps on the tracks, puts the guy between the tracks,

    でも彼は 知らない人に子供を預け

  • lies on him, the subway goes over him.

    線路に飛び降り 白人男性を線路の間に入れ

  • Wesley and the guy -- 20 and a half inches height.

    彼の上に横になり 地下鉄は彼の上を通過しました

  • The train clearance is 21 inches.

    ウェスリーと白人男性 : 高さ20インチ半(52cm)です

  • A half an inch would have taken his head off.

    電車の隙間は 21インチ(53.3cm)です

  • And he said, "I did what anyone could do,"

    あと半インチ(1.3cm)で 彼の頭は飛ぶところでした

  • no big deal to jump on the tracks.

    彼は言いました「私は 誰でも出来ることをしたんだ」

  • And the moral imperative is "I did what everyone should do."


  • And so one day, you will be in a new situation.

    そして 道徳的な義務としては「私は 誰もが なすべきことをしたまでのこと」です

  • Take path one, you're going to be a perpetrator of evil.

    ある日 あなたは新しい状況下にいます

  • Evil, meaning you're going to be Arthur Andersen.

    進路1を取れば あなたは悪の犯人になります

  • You're going to cheat, or you're going to allow bullying.

    悪という意味は あなたはアーサー・アンダーセンになります

  • Path two, you become guilty of the evil of passive inaction.

    不正行為をするか それとも弱いものイジメを見過ごすか

  • Path three, you become a hero.

    進路2: 受動的な不作為の罪で有罪となります

  • The point is, are we ready to take the path

    進路3: あなたは英雄になります

  • to celebrating ordinary heroes,

    要点は 普通の人であるヒーローが

  • waiting for the right situation to come along


  • to put heroic imagination into action?


  • Because it may only happen once in your life,


  • and when you pass it by, you'll always know,

    なぜなら それは人生一度しか起こらないかもしれません

  • I could have been a hero and I let it pass me by.

    もしそれを見過ごせば あなたはいつも思うでしょう

  • So the point is thinking it and then doing it.

    ヒーローになれたはずなのに 私はそれを見過ごした

  • So I want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    要点は まず考えていて それからそれを行うこと

  • Let's oppose the power of evil systems at home and abroad,

    みなさんにお礼申し上げます ありがとう ありがとう

  • and let's focus on the positive.


  • Advocate for respect of personal dignity, for justice and peace,


  • which sadly our administration has not been doing.

    個人の尊厳に敬意を払い 正義と平和を提唱しましょう

  • Thanks so much.

    悲しいことに 私達の政府は そうではありませんが

  • (Applause)


Philosophers, dramatists, theologians

翻訳: Kayo Mizutani 校正: Natsuhiko Mizutani


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