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  • - And to help me sort things out in addition is Peter Joseph

  • founder of the Zeitgeist Movement

  • Peter, I know that you have put a major critique of the mainstream media

  • and its coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

  • Lay this out for me. What's your biggest beef

  • with what we've been seeing in the Occupy Wall Street movement

  • and how it's been covered?

  • - Needless to say the mainstream media is doing

  • what it always does best and that's maintaining the status quo.

  • It's not a far-fetched understanding to see that the values

  • that are perpetuated by this system that are associated with wealth generation

  • and the corporations that run this country are going to do the best they can

  • to make sure the public is not aware of the growing crisis

  • that this economic system is creating across the board.

  • I want to commend RT once again for what I've just seen:

  • It's really wonderful the service that you are providing.

  • Mainstream media? I've dismissed it long ago.

  • - We appreciate it. We have been out covering this since the first day

  • before a lot of people even heard of this, but I will say

  • that I keep my eyes on what's on the cable networks

  • and they have started to be out there a little more in terms of covering

  • and showing that this is actually going on.

  • I do also have to say that I've seen more stories about

  • the gap between rich and poor, income and inequality...

  • You've given up on the mainstream media, but do you think

  • that after some time, that having this discussion will change things

  • will lead to a better country?

  • - Or a better world. I do think the pressures that are emerging

  • are not going to stop. What's been generated with Occupy Wall Street (OWS)

  • what underscores that generation: angst, anger.

  • That 'insurrection' isn't going to stop

  • because of the mechanisms of this system

  • (which I'm happy to talk about as we continue) and the mainstream media

  • will be forced to recognize some attributes of it.

  • But it's always going to be a colored in a particular way

  • because that's basically what they have to do.

  • That's where their talking points come from.

  • But I don't dismiss the mainstream media. I say that in rhetoric.

  • Obviously I'm paying attention too or I wouldn't make the commentary that I do

  • but I think the public needs to begin to understand

  • that having the concentration of corporate power

  • ownership of these major, mainstream institutions

  • is always going to produce biased media and it's a natural consequence.

  • It's not that the people are unethical who run the mainstream.

  • It's just the value that's associated and what they promote.

  • Just like RT and other great more independent avenues

  • have values that are much more open, they're much broader

  • more informed, and therefore you represent actually

  • what many people want to see, what the voice of the people may actually be

  • as opposed to the filtering that goes through the mainstream.

  • The entire Occupy Movement began as a blackout

  • and then the outrageous criticisms calling them communists and socialists

  • and a bunch of drug addicts or people without jobs and no incentive.

  • All that stuff went through that phase. Now we have hit a phase

  • where the mainstream is going to pay some type of attention

  • but I want to alert everybody that it's going to be colored

  • so everyone needs to go to outlets that are not mainstream.

  • They need to start to frequent blog. They need to frequent

  • all of the independent media that has arisen

  • from common people that are reporting.

  • Fortunately, we live in a world with everyone having cameras now

  • so it's very easy to go to videoblogs

  • and actually see and digest information yourself.

  • - Or even go to some of these places, some of these parks where people are.

  • It seems like more and more they're happening all around the country.

  • Peter, I want to talk really quickly about the Zeitgeist Movement.

  • It encourages also a change in the system.

  • When it comes to some of the things that these protesters on OWS

  • are frustrated with: a government with officials that are very much chosen

  • by the amount of money they can raise, banks being bailed out

  • veterans returning home and not being able to find a job

  • I guess I want to get your take, pick your brain a little bit.

  • What are your solutions to some of these problems?

  • Just to correct the language quickly, it's not 'my' solutions.

  • It's solutions that have come about through a very simple technical analysis

  • of what defines society: what creates good public health

  • good mental health, what we have learned about social management

  • when it comes to our scientific benchmark.

  • Just to point out before I answer that question, our entire social system

  • is based on an archaic view a traditional notion

  • that was established long ago.

  • It's really an extension to feudalism is what the political system is today.

  • The economic system is a socially Darwinistic notion

  • that there isn't enough to go around, so we have all these mechanisms

  • built in for scarcity and we now have one billion people starving

  • on this planet, 3 billion people living on less than $2 a day.

  • You look at the consequences of this system and then you step back

  • and you think about what a true economic system might be

  • and a train of thought will be established.

  • A true economic system is not a system

  • based on exchange, money and labor for income.

  • That's a contrivance that we've concocted through traditional unfoldings

  • as we've learned through time

  • what our place in the world actually is, what we are.

  • A true economy, which is what's now emerging in the public mind

  • is the management of the Earth.

  • A true economy is management of this household that we have

  • and proper management is a technical orientation.

  • Meeting the needs of human population is a technical orientation.

  • Just as we build an airplane with a very specific design

  • (you can't have too much deviation

  • or you might injure the efficiency or efficacy of that airplane)

  • we have to construct society technically.

  • I can go on a long tangent about what a technical approach

  • to the social management may be, but let me just say this:

  • If we do not actually begin to manage the Earth's resources

  • if we do not actually begin to take care of society as it is

  • we are going to see numerous forms of destabilization occur

  • systemically breaking down the social order

  • causing much more chaos than we are beginning to see now.

  • - Peter, you are speaking in very broad terms.

  • A total restructuring of society sounds like a great idea

  • but what about realistically in terms of

  • some of these very specific problems plaguing society right now?

  • Obviously everyone, especially down there in this movement believes

  • that an entire restructuring needs to happen

  • but do you think that there are some things that can happen now?

  • - Yes, I do think that there are things that can happen now but

  • the things that will happen now will only be patches

  • until the larger order restructuring occurs.

  • Most of the people in the protest community:

  • OWS or even in the mainstream activist community

  • never stop to think about the structure of this system

  • the structure and the psychology and values

  • that come from that structure and what's reinforced.

  • That's where the Zeitgeist Movement really comes into play.

  • I can list all sorts of things that could alleviate different tensions

  • as far as the debt crisis. First

  • you're going to have to have debt forgiveness across the board

  • if you expect to stop the cancer of debt growth. That's it.

  • The entire system is based on debt being created

  • money being created out of debt, interest charged upon it

  • so you have boom, your black hole:

  • instant, exponentially increasing, unstoppable, debt growth, period.

  • That's it. It's structural to the system.

  • How many people are talking about that? Not that many.

  • - I think a lot of these protesters are talking about

  • this system needs to change. Most people are just still very unsure

  • how that happens... Unfortunately we're out of time.

  • Peter Joseph, founder of the Zeitgeist Movement.

- And to help me sort things out in addition is Peter Joseph


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RTニュース(2011-10-27)。メディアとウォール街を占拠するピーター・ジョセフ (RT News (2011-10-27): Peter Joseph on Media & Occupy Wall Street)

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    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日